Sunday, January 17, 2016

Letters: Hillary's strength - Don't condemn Hillary for staying married

Hillary's strength

When a husband cheats on his wife, she has several recourses: She can file for divorce, retaliate by doing the same, or forgive him and stay in the marriage — all difficult choices.
Why then should Hillary Clinton, who is more than anyone else the injured party in her husband's dalliances, be condemned for deciding to remain in the marriage? Many of us who have walked in her shoes have survived not only the pain of a spouse's infidelity but also the criticism and humiliation of others for whatever course of action we chose.
Those who are holier-than-thou (and perhaps not even so holy themselves) seem to find it so easy to condemn others for their choices, but no matter what a woman's decision may be or her reasons for making it, it doesn't make her any less strong or any less able to be her own person, or even any less able to speak up for women's rights.
Regardless of whether or not you like Hillary Clinton or her platform, her choice to remain in her marriage and her strength to endure and succeed should certainly not be considered a strike against her.
Nancy Caroline Tait Altamonte Springs

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