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Thursday, March 20, 2014
Sanction tit-for-tat: Moscow strikes back against US officials

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has published a reciprocal sanctions list of US citizens, consisting of 10 names, including: House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, Senator J. McCain; and advisers to President Obama D. Pfeiffer and C. Atkinson.These officials, along with another five named by the Foreign Ministry, are banned from entering the country. The move comes in response to US sanctions imposed against Russian officials after the March-16 referendum in Crimea, which Washington considered “illegitimate.” “In response to sanctions imposed by the US Administration on 17 March against a number of Russian officials and deputies of the Federal Assembly as a “punishment” for support of the referendum in Crimea, the Russian foreign Ministry announces the introduction of reciprocal sanctions against a similar number of US officials and lawmakers,” reads the statement published on the Foreign Ministry’s website. The Ministry reiterates that Russia has “repeatedly” stressed using sanctions is a “double-edged thing” and it will have a “boomerang” effect against the US itself. “Treating our country in such way, as Washington could have already ascertained, is inappropriate and counterproductive,” the statement said.
Obama expands sanctions on Russians over Crimea annexation
President Barack Obama imposes further sanctions against prominent Russians and clears the way for possible sanctions on key sectors of the Russian economy in response to Moscow's seizure of the Crimea region from Ukraine.
Bilawal Bhutto declares Racial Discrimination Intolerable in Pakistan
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Patron-In-Chief, Pakistan Peoples Party has said any kind of racial discrimination in Pakistan won’t be tolerated as we are pursuing the struggle for a Pakistan where all are equal as per vision of the founding fathers of the country and Pakistan Peoples Party. In his message on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination being observed on Friday, March 21 under the aegis of the United Nations, PPP Patron-in-Chief responded to the call of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and pledged that PPP will continue to strongly condemn messages and ideas based on racism, racial superiority or hatred as well as those that incite racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. It may be recalled that The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action adopted at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance on 8 September 2001, underlined the key role that political leaders and political parties can and ought to play in combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari pointed out that PPP had itself been a target of racial discrimination sometimes in its history but it always stood for unity and harmony. “It is the continuity of democracy, which can ensure elimination of all forms of discrimination including the racial bias,” he said adding PPP and its leadership is following the foot-steps of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto to make Pakistan free from every kind of social evils, including racial discrimination.http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/
Protesters blast Bahraini King visit to Pakistan

Video :Michelle Obama arrives in China on hotly anticipated trip
U.S. first lady Michelle Obama arrives in Beijing on her week-long maiden visit to China, along with her mother and two daughters
Iran-Pakistan: ''In the pipeline''

'Not much hope' for Afghan women's rights
Waslat Hasrat-Nazimi
Women’s rights in Afghanistan are under threat, especially as foreign troops prepare to leave. Expert Humaira Rasuli demands the improvement of the situation be a precondition for future aid to Kabul.NATO troops are set to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of this year. One of the main reasons given for the US-led invasion in 2001 was the protection of Afghan women's rights. How have these rights developed so far? Since the fall of the Taliban regime, Afghan women's rights have expanded significantly. Under the constitution, gender equality is protected and women are free to seek education and work. Today we have women serving in different positions in the government, ranging from ministers to police officers. There are also many women running their own businesses and millions of girls are back in school. Moreover, rape has been criminalized for the first time under the Elimination of Violence against Women Decree (EVAW). There are a lot of achievements that we are proud of, but unfortunately these gains are not sustainable and they are still contested every day. What are the main issues faced by Afghan women today? There is no clear idea of what will happen to women's rights after 2014, as it is still unclear who will form the next government and whether the national security forces will be able to protect the country. Everyday women become more and more scared and concerned because not only are the troops withdrawing, but also the funds are diminishing, leading to a lack of jobs. The situation is very complicated and we are not only concerned over a possible return of the Taliban and the growth of conservatism in society. We are also worried about the lack of rule of law, good governance and economic opportunities in the country. We are not that hopeful of continuing our achievements. How do you feel about these developments? Nobody can predict what will happen. It depends on the new government and on the responsibility of the international community. Germany is expected to reduce its troops, but it will also expand its civil development support, which is something we welcome. Our achievements have only been possible with the support from international community. We now want it to intervene and pressurize the Afghan government to ensure Kabul's commitment to international law and conventions. If the international community sets conditions and continues to explicitly defend the equal rights of women, it will be like a dream coming true for Afghan civil society. Germany's new development strategy for Afghanistan contains conditions for financial help. However, no separate condition was set for women's rights. The issue is only mentioned as a factor of good governance, but is this enough? We were expecting gender equality and women's rights to be cross-cutting issues in the strategy and a separate thematic area. It is a part of good governance and therefore highlights democratization and the improvement of women's rights. However, we expected more. Another concern is that most of the international donors are planning to spend 80 percent of their funds through the Afghan government. This is worrisome, because the Afghan national priority program is not covering all of the issues the civil society is working on, especially women's rights. 2014 is set to be a crucial year for the Afghan people, as the presidential elections are set to be held on April 5. What do you expect from the new government? It will not be an easy year, but we are optimistic. Many think that the presidential elections will be a fundamental step towards the future, but we have so far not seen any specific strategies by the candidates. There is not much trust, that a new president will bring change. We as a civil society organization do not focus on who will run the government, but our priority is human rights, which have to be respected in the legal framework and also in the society. Regarding the withdrawal of the troops, we hope that the Bilateral Security Agreement with the United States will be signed soon, because it gives us reassurance that the international community will extend their support.
Pakistan's Shia Genocide: Shia notable shot martyred by Yazidi terrorists in Khairpur
https://www.shiitenews.comA Shia notable embraced martyrdom due to firing of Yazidi nasbi takfiri terrorists of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba in Khairpur. Shiite News Correspondent reported here that notorious Yazidi takfiri terrorists of ASWJ, renamed version of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba, opened fire upon Mir Manzoor Talpur at Asgharia Chowk Panj Hatti area of Khairpur. He embraced martyrdom on the spot. It is relevant to add here that scores of Shia supporters and members of Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen were injured in Yazidi terrorist attack on same spot when they were writing slogans for Labbaik Ya Rasoolullah (PBUH) Conference. Khairpur was a princely state of Shia Muslims and Shia dynasty of “Mirs” ruled this state. Now, it is part of Pakistan under an agreement by Mirs and Khairpur’s official name is Khairpur Mirs. Shia parties and leaders have condemned the targeted murder of Mir Maznoor Talpur and demanded stern action to eliminate the terrorists.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Talked About Attack On Hindu Temple.
http://www.christiansinpakistan.com/Chairman of Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has assured the minorities of Pakistan that nobody will be allowed to spoil them and the PPP will guard every citizen of the country. The PPP head, in a statement issued from Bilawal House said that his party had been struggling for an equal Pakistan where any kind of mistreatment and prejudice would have no space.”
CHRE Expressed Concerns Over The Attacks And Panic Against Hindu Community In Sindh
Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE), a human rights NGO working for religious tolerance and social harmony in Pakistan has condemned the attack on the temple and properties of the Hindu Community on in Larkana, Sindh.In a statement issued by Mr. Samson Salamat, CHRE’s Director expressed deep apprehension s over the attacks and shared unity with the Hindu Community. He also participated in the ceremony of Holi in Lahore to unit with the Hindu Community Pakistan. On the occasion he said that there have been attacks on the religious minorities’ very oftenlly across the Pakistan, but the government has not make any efforts for safeguard of the religious minorities of the country. If the government has taken some strict action against the extreme incidents and extremists responsible of these attacks on the minorities in the past, the Larkana incident would have never happened. Mr. Samson Salamat demanded that the latest happening against the Hindu Community should be treated as a wake-up call by the Federal and the provincial governments. He emphasized that an unbiased investigation should be conducted to reveal that why this situation was created brought to justice - See more at: http://www.christiansinpakistan.com/chre-expressed-concerns-over-the-attacks-and-panic-against-hindu-community-in-sindh/#sthash.gPoEESa6.dpuf
US report criticises Pakistan’s abuse of blasphemy laws

Pakistan :$ 1.5 billion Saudi gift: No strings attached?
Pakistani cooperation with the Gulf and other Arab countries has always been a matter of more give than take. As the most powerful and efficient army in the Muslim world, Pakistan usually gives military or diplomatic support to Arab causes. In return it gets cheaper fuel, investment, trade opportunities, or sometimes handouts. There have been some shameful incidents during this relationship, e.g. when in 1970, then Brigadier Ziaul Haq, while posted in Jordan at the head of an armoured brigade, crushed Palestinian refugees in Jordan to preserve King Hussein’s rule. In more recent days Pakistani troops participated in suppressing uprisings in Saudi Arabia, notably the occupation of the Ka’aba in Mecca by armed insurgents in 1994. Pakistani mercenaries were used by Bahrain to quash pro-democracy protests as recently as 2010. Their brutality was noted and criticised by pro-democracy activists. Then too, Saudi Arabia has financed the very militants Pakistan is currently fighting, and has pledged to spread its Wahabi ideology throughout the region. Given this past, there is necessarily wariness when we discuss deepening ties with the Arab countries, and what the price may be of handouts like the recent $ 1.5 billion deposit into the Pakistan Development Fund by Saudi Arabia. The opposition does not believe the government’s claim that the money was a gift, and insists there must be a strategic motive, like support and weapons for Saudi-funded rebels in Syria. Pakistan’s recent shift in policy on Syria, calling for a transitional democratic council to take power, has worried the opposition that Pakistan will again be drawn into internal Arab conflicts of a sectarian hue that will rebound bleakly on this country.
The visit by the King of Bahrain, the first such official visit in 40 years, is conspicuous by its timing in this regard, coming as it does on the heels of the joint Pak-Saudi communiqué on Syria. The visit finalised a number of bilateral cooperation and trade deals and promises were made of increasing investment in several key sectors such as infrastructure, oil refining, mining and banking. Pakistan and the Gulf States have a natural trade relationship. Pakistan’s agricultural resources and proximity make it the ideal partner to export food and other products to the region, while Pakistan needs oil and investment. Large numbers of Pakistani workers in the Gulf send home billions of dollars in remittances, a significant contribution to our foreign exchange reserves. However, trade and investment is where the relationship should begin and end. Our Arab and Muslim neighbourhood is heading full steam into a wider sectarian conflict, and Pakistan should stay away from that fray. Instead, our foreign policy must be independent of pressure from Arab ‘friends’ and focus solely on what is of benefit to us.
Pakistan: Government should take opposition in confidence on foreign policy: Khurshid Shah
http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/Opposition leader Khurshid Shah said today that they would demand the government during upcoming meeting of National Assembly to take opposition into confidence on government-Taliban peace talks and foreign policy. While talking to journalists outside the parliament house, Khurshid Shah said that Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) has finalized its strategy for the next meeting of National Assembly and would ask the government to clarify their stance on foreign policy especially Syria, adding they will not object if the government calls for in camera briefings while clarifying their stance. Opposition leader said that questions have risen with the co-existence of bomb blasts amid ongoing peace talks between the government and Taliban. “Pakistan People’s Party has clear stance that peace must be prevailed in the country whether it be through dialogue or any other means.” Khurshid Shah said, “We welcome dollars but the masses must also be benefited with the aid as well.” He added that Chaudhry Nisar should clarify his statement regarding F-8 district court incident.
Pakistan's Film Actor Muhammad Ali’s 8th death anniversary
The 8th death anniversary of renowned film actor Muhammad Ali was observed on Wednesday.
Mohammad Ali was born in Rampur British India on November 10, 1938. His family migrated to Hyderabad and then to Multan soon after the partition.
Muhammad Ali joined Radio Pakistan Hyderabad station as a broadcaster in 1956. After a while he moved to Bahawalpur station and finally to Radio Pakistan Karachi.
His film career started with Chiragh Jalta Raha as villain in 1962. His first film as hero was Shararat in 1963.
Mohammad Ali starred in 277 films including 248 Urdu 17 Punjabi and eight Pashto films. He had a guest appearance in 28 films and also featured in a documentary.
He also appeared in PTV dramas toward the end of his career.
He was awarded Pride of Performance in 1984 in recognition of his life long services to the entertainment industry of Pakistan. He is the only actor who was awarded a Tamgha e Imtiaz.
Muhammad Ali was also awarded Noshad Award of India.
He died of heart attack on March 19 2006 in Lahore.
Explosion and gun battle rocks Jalalabad city in eastern Afghanistan
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