M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Video appears to show Syrian rebel forces threatening to pursue own chemical weapons
Smiling, Obama and Putin Mask Their Disputes

CNN vote count: Obama long way from congressional approval on Syria

Audit faults U.S. health spending in Afghanistan

Pakistani Insurgents Attack Kabul Mosque
http://www.tolonews.com/In the early hours of Thursday morning, two Pakistani nationals, said to be members of the terrorist group Lashkar Jangawi, open fired on worshipers in a Shiite mosque in western Kabul. Three people were injured in the attack, but a nearby National Directorate of Security (NDS) patrol was able to arrive on the scene quickly and neutralize both attackers before anyone else was hurt. In a statement released later on Thursday, the NDS stated that the attack on the Imam Hassan Mujtaba mosque was an attempt by Pakistani intelligence officials to incite sectarian conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims in Afghanistan. "Pakistani fundamentalist groups are trying to start a religious conflict in Afghanistan, but they will never succeed," said Amrullah Saleh, former NDS Director. Nevertheless, no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. The mosque that was targeted was in the Dasht-e-Barche area of Kabul. Local residents and those who were worshipping in the mosque praised the way the NDS soldiers handled themselves and called for similar precision from security forces in the future. "The security forces prevented a catastrophe from happening," said Haqjo, a local resident. The attackers were reportedly disguised in Afghan National Police (ANP) uniforms. Following news of the attack, Dastagir Hedayat, along with other Afghan Islamic scholars, condemned the targeting of mosques, saying such acts were deplorable and a clear violation of Islamic values. In the past, the Taliban has targeted mosques, though know sectarian motivations have ever been attributed to such attacks. This incident comes just after President Hamid Karzai traveled to Islamabad to meet with newly elected Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The trip, which was intended to facilitate dialogue around bilateral relations between the two neighbors and the Taliban peace process, was considered a modest success. However, with incidents like the one on Thursday, and continued allegations from Afghan officials of Pakistan supporting insurgent and terrorist activities, it would seem a great deal still remains to be resolved between the two nations.
Pakistan warns against attack on Syria

Challenges of News Media in Balochistan
The Baloch HalBy Aurangzaib Khan There aren’t any obvious parallels in the cases of FATA journalist Hayatullah’s murder and the Balochistan authorities’ action against ARY TV. On the surface, both case s are poles apart. And not just because they relate to regions that are as far removed from the national gaze as the distances that separate them. Except, in both cases journalists revealed versions of stories related to the thorny issues of drones in FATA and insurgency in Balochistan that contradicted the government’s. The mainstream media is often blamed – and not without a reason – for blinking on remote borderlands hit worst by militancy and insurgency, more so Balochistan. But unsung are the local journalists who dare break a story – they are our windows on the restive border areas that journalists from outside have virtually no access to. Local journalists walk the fine line, caught in the crosshairs of conflicting interests that the state and anti-state elements seek to propagate or protect through brutal tactics aimed at information control. Hayatullah was among the first of casualties caused by drones, in a manner of speaking. He died taking the lid off of a tacit deal between the Musharraf’s military government and the Americans to use drones against al Qaeda and Taliban targets in FATA. His pictures of Hellfire missiles hitting Abu Hamza Rafia’s house in North Waziristan, published in Ausaf and the European Pressphoto Agency, gave the lie to Musharraf government’s claim that the al Qaeda militant died in a blast of explosives stored in the house. With the drone deal out of the bag, Hayatullah was kidnapped and killed by unknown people that the judicial commission constituted for inquiry into the murder failed to identify. The commission’s brief was to probe the alleged involvement of security agencies in Hayatullah’s murder. According to Committee for Protection of Journalists, Hayatullah “passed his will to his tribe and explicitly stated, ‘If I am kidnapped or get killed, the government agencies will be responsible.’” We don’t know if the security agencies killed Hayatulllah. However, from the military officials’ refusal to cooperate with the commission to “get statements recorded despite directives of ministry of defense”, and the “cruel misinformation campaign during his six-month disappearance” that the government engaged in, there is one conclusion we can safely arrive at: The state certainly didn’t do much to protect him or bring his killers to justice. Even after his death – followed by the death of his wife killed in a bomb attack probably because she knew too much – the PPP government kept the commission’s report under wraps for five years. Now consider the case of ARY in Balochistan. ARY received a graphic video of the destruction of Ziarat Residency from the Baloch Liberation Army, one of the more vicious banned groups alongside Lasker-e – Jhangvi that can’t take no from journalists when it comes to their demand for media coverage of anti-state, sectarian activities. The cost of refusal, these groups have shown time and again, are high for the media and the journalistic community. ARY aired the BLA footage that contradicted the government version, not with words but visuals. Whether it was done out of journalistic responsibility or in the face of threat, it doesn’t matter because on both counts – for journalism or self- protection – the decision can be justified. Revealing lies and obfuscation that governments – military or democratic – engage in has consequences ala Snowden and Sergeant Manning. For ARY it came in the form of Supreme Court censure and police action. For Hayatullah, it was death delivered with a bullet to the head. In Balochistan, where authorities have failed to protect journalists from state agencies and the anti-state banned groups including insurgents and sectarian elements, the case against ARY points to a third front against media – a legal threat. The shadow of court and police action under the Anti-terrorism Act looms large over journalists and journalism in a province we see or hear little about in the mainstream media. In October 2011, while reporting on an incidence of sectarian massacre in Mastung in which 26 members of the Shia sect were killed, newspapers in Quetta carried statements from Lashkar –e –Jhangvi, the sectarian group that claimed responsibility. In the statement, the group has called Shias “Kafir” or infidels. The Balochistan High Court Chief Justice Qazi Faez Issa took suo moto notice of the sectarian killings and during the hearing of the case, issued an order that “the press and the media are directed not to print or publish any propaganda of an organization that has been banned.” Media representatives summoned to the high court said they received threats from proscribed organizations that they would be targeted if the media didn’t comply with demands to publish their statements. It was out of fear that they carried such stories. The court order however said that it could not be a justification for violation of law and constitution of Pakistan – Section II of the Anti-terrorism Act that says “the printing, publishing and disseminating any material that instigates hatred or gives projection to any proscribed organization” will face the consequences provided in the law. Journalists guilty of committing contempt of the high court order would be sent to prison for 6 months whereas a court case registered under Anti-Terrorism Act could lead to 3 years in prison. The local newspapers have continued carrying statements from the banned organizations saying “6 months in prison are better than death at the hands of militant organizations.” After the High Court order, journalists met several times, only to decide that if they followed the court order, they could not possibly work. On the occasion they said no to underground groups, the response was, “if we can attack the DIGFC house and the Police Chief, we can attack your office which is far less secure”. To comply with the court’s decision, the local journalists formed an editorial board to edit stories for “sensitive” content and a uniform message before distributing them to media outlets. As expected, it hasn’t worked as newspapers tend to follow their own policies. The judiciary justified the order saying it is mindful of the freedom of press guaranteed under Article 19 but “the said Fundamental Right itself restricts such freedom if it results in incitement to an offence ” and that “it is not expected that media which is stated to be the fourth pillar of the State would undermine or weaken the integrity and the cohesion of the State and the people residing within it.” The court sources insisted that at a time when the media was concerned about safety, the court order ensured exactly. The see the order as a legal “protection” rather than hindrance – a reason that the journalists could offer to resist pressure and threats from militant organizations. However statements from judiciary that journalists “should close offices if they can’t stand up to threats” betrays ignorance and insensitivity towards media and the way it works. The ARY case was something waiting to happen. Since the Balochistan High Court order in 2011, the Quetta police has charged journalists and registered cases against media that continue to publish statements from banned groups. On any given day in any newspaper, there are a number of these that the insecure, threatened local media working in a volatile, unsafe Balochistan can’t say no. That said, there are concerns about practices within media that exposes it to threats and leads to restrictions on press freedom. While the media is quick to renounce moves threatening its independence, fact is, there is little soul searching or effort on part of media groups and owners to address the abysmal professional and ethical standards. “Journalism overall has deteriorated”, says a veteran journalist based in Quetta. “The standards have gone down due to absence of independent, professional editors. Partisan editors and media networks force journalists to do stories in keeping with their interest instead of the public’s.” Media professionals in the province recognize the fact that journalists – due to pressures, inducements or political loyalties – often side with militants, insurgents or the military. Certain journalists, especially those in the districts, identify with the cause and stance of combatants and fail to disassociate themselves from them professionally. A big threat to journalists stems from the fact that they become party to the conflict by siding or sympathizing with one group or another. In meetings with the government, judiciary and the military, questions about media focus on “bad” news, banned organizations and sensational reporting come up repeatedly. According to a court source, “it is the competition for breaking news that is the killer because the newspapers and tv networks compete through sensationalism. The militants dictate the headlines, even the pages the story should go on. This fear of the militants has also affected the standards of journalism because it is forced to promote violence and hatred.” However, when the chief justice is irked by the graphic display of the Ziarat Residency demolition at the hands of insurgents, and the police, getting their cue from the court’s disapproval, proceed to register a case against media, they are essentially displaying the same attitude as Hayatullah’s killers in a bid to control media. Only this time, they are not shooting the messenger but gunning for the medium. In doing that, they willfully ignore that the local media, the only source of information on the restive Balochistan, is besieged by pressures from all sides – the insurgents, the military, the political parties, the religious sectarian groups, the tribes and the government. While protecting the society (and the obfuscation of truths the governments engage in), aren’t the courts – and the state – responsible for protecting the journalist, also a citizen, and the people’s right to information? Can the journalist, working under hazardous circumstances in Balochistan, say no to BLA or LJ when they come, armed and dangerous, to their media offices, insisting on coverage of their activities? In the words of a local journalist, “The anti-state elements are not under control of the government, the state or the judiciary, whose writ is even weaker once you leave Quetta. The judiciary can ask for bullet-proof cars but the journalists have no protection.” While there is little that the local media can do to protect itself from militant organizations, the state – and the media owners – can help by seeking an end to impunity for media rights violations and providing journalists an environment free of fear and coercion. “The state”, says a local journalist,” knows we are only doing our job. It has a responsibility towards protecting us. The anti-state elements have none.”
Bomb Attack At Pakistani Girls School
http://www.rferl.org/A bomb has exploded outside a girls school in the northwestern town of Bannu, wounding 14 people. Deputy Superintendent of Police Nematullah Marwat told RFE/RL's Radio Mashaal that the bombing on September 5 occurred as classes were letting out for the day. The school is located in an area where there is a women’s market, but Marwat said it appeared the target was the school. Marwat said six of the people injured were students. There have been attacks in Bannu and other areas nearby that targeted girls schools, but the incidents usually happened at night or on holidays when there was no one present. Islamic militants in Bannu have stated they are against education for girls.
Pakistan: Ahmadi factory worker target-killed in Karachi allegedly due to his religious beliefs
ahmadiyyatimes.blogspot.com/A factory worker, Aijaz Ahmad, 36, was on his way to work in Orangi when two armed motorcyclist fired at him. With the murder of Aijaz Ahmad on Wednesday morning, the number of Ahmadis being killed in targeted attacks in a fortnight has risen to three. On August 21, Zahoor Ahmad Kiyani, 46, who also belongs to the Ahmediyya community was sitting outside his house with a neighbour when he was riddled with bullets. His neighbour was shot too when he attempted to catch the attackers. Last week, a homeopathicdoctor, Tahir Ahmad, also an Ahmadi, was murdered by armed men in his office when he was seeing his patients. Jama’at Ahmadiyya Pakistan’s spokesperson Saleemuddin, while condemning the killings, said that incidents of target killings have increased ever since religious conferences have been held all over the country to celebrate the day, September 7, 1974, when Ahmadis were declared as non-Muslims. The past few months have been comparatively peaceful for the Ahmadi community except for a killing in June and the recent ones, which clearly indicate an alarming situation, he said. “It is the responsibility of the government to stop the people from spreading hatred through their literature and through their sermons.” An Ahmadiyya community member, Masood Ahmad, said that since two of the recent killings took place in Orangi, it shows that the residents have become intolerant towards the the community. “There are no-go areas in Orangi where criminals are stronger and the police are weak,” he said. Over the last few days, wall-chalking has also increased in this area and people are afraid to leave their homes and go out for work, he added. Published in The Express Tribune, September 5th, 2013.
Secular Pakistan or dismemberment of Pakistan into very small states?
posted by TajShehla Raza speaks from the heart. The crimes against Shia and Sufi Sunni (brelvi) which form about 80 percent of Pakistan’s population have been steadily increasing since 1985. Shia Muslims are especially targeted, Shia doctors even Shia prisoners are beheaded in Jail breaks. A minority powered by the ideology of the British Saudi Arabia is out murder or convert the majority of Shia and Sufi Sunni (brelvi) to only follow their version of Islam. If we put a Bander (monkey) in charge of Kaaba should we follow that Bandar? Following the dictates of Hegelian dialectic, the Globalists have created two antagonizing forces, the “Liberal-Democratic” West, against Terrorism, or “political Islam”, to force us into the acceptance of their final alternative, a New World Order. The West and Islam have had a long era of compatibility, but this history has been denied to foster the myth of a “Clash of Civilizations”. In order to inflame the sentiments of the West against Islam, our attention has been focused on the specter of fanatical Wahhabism, and more specifically, its most notorious exponent, Osama bin Laden. However, as outlined in an excellent article by Peter Goodgame, The Globalists and the Islamists, the Globalists have had a hand in shaping and financing all the terrorist organizations of the twentieth century, including the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, Hamas of Palestine and the Afghan Mujahideen. But the history of their duplicity dates farther back still, to the 18th Century, when British Freemasons created the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia itself, to further their imperialistic objectives. That a British spy by the name of Hempher was responsible for shaping of the extreme tenets of Wahhabism was mentioned in a Turkish work, Mir’at al-Haramain, by Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933-1938. http://www.globalresearch.ca/globalists-created-wahhabi-terrorism-to-destroy-islam-and-justify-a-global-state/2757 This pattern violence in Pakistan clearly signals the decline into an abyss. The globalist have been fueling the ugly face of Islam (Saudi) to justify global domination. So when a non muslim hears the Azan of Muslims or “Allah Hu Akbar” the first thing to come to mind is a beheading. There is no return from it unless Pakistan embraces what it was originally created for. A pluralistic place which would be a sanctuary for the minorities of India. This was the main reason the the Christians in Punjab Assembly cast the deciding vote in favor of the creation of the State of Pakistan. Why would they do that if they knew it would be destined to be the intolerant Islamic state with no clue what type of Islam it should follow or what it means. There is still time to revert to a pluralistic State, a democratic Republic or Pakistan or a Peoples Republic of Pakistan. Let people have the sovereignty not God, because God is hijacked by those (Wahhabis) that behead others and eat the organs of their victims. Failure to do so will only mean more blood shed and further dismemberment of Pakistan into very small states and enslavement to a new world order. - See more at: http://lubpak.com/archives/282621#sthash.Z2Pxso00.dpuf
Pakistan: Kayani meets President Zardari
Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani met President Asif Ali Zardari here on Thursday.
Issues related to national security and terrorism came under discussion during the meeting.
Earlier, the president received a farewell luncheon hosted by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, where he vowed to support the PML-N government in a bid to strengthen democracy and democratic institutions.
President Zardari stresses steps to remove hardships of FATA people
http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/President Asif Ali Zardari Thursday said that tribal people are the worst sufferers of the fight against militancy and emphasized the need for more steps to remove their hardships and creating new vistas of economic opportunities for them. In a meeting with a delegation from FATA, which called on him at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, President Zardari said that the previous democratic government attached highest priority to the socio-economic and political development of FATA and undertook all possible steps to bring the people of tribal areas into the mainstream of national life. The delegation included among others Dr. G.G. Jamal, Sajid Turi, Shahid Gul Afridi, Haji Bismillah Khan and Bial ur Rehman. The President also lauded the huge sacrifices rendered by the people of FATA in the ongoing fight against militancy. Spokesperson to the President Senator Farhatullah Babar said that the delegation thanked the President and the previous democratic government for its efforts aimed at the welfare and uplift of the FATA region and mainstreaming the people of the area. The delegation particularly thanked the President for the various FATA reforms introduced during his tenure including amendments in the FCR and extension of the Political Parties Order 2002 to the tribal areas. The President said that we kept the promise made to the people of tribal areas and expressed hope that the legal and political reforms in FATA would help rid the tribal people from a century old bondage.
Pakistan: Farewell lunch: Outgoing president assures govt of PPP support
The Express TribunePakistan Peoples Party (PPP) will continue to support the Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz-led (PML-N) government in the Centre during its five-year long tenure, Express News reported Thursday. President Zardari said this at his farewell lunch hosted by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the Prime Minister House. “Muslim countries around the globe are facing immense problems and in order to save ourselves from various threats, we have to join hands and stay united,” Zardari emphasised. President Zardari, while recalling Benazir Bhutto’s tenure as the prime minister, said: “I did not feel like coming to the PM house today as it reminded me of my wife and children who were arrested from this place.” Nawaz also spoke on the occasion and commended President Zardari and the role he played after Benazir’s death. He also said that he want President Zardari to leave with pleasant memories.
Pakistan: Ground Zero for U.S. Counterterrorism
When Secretary of State John Kerry visited Pakistan last month, the media barely reported on the trip. With the ongoing violence in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt quickly spiraling out of control, those nations dominate the headlines. But Pakistan quietly remains at the heart of the U.S. fight against terrorism. And despite the renewal of the Strategic Dialogue, it remains obvious that Pakistan is not truly committed to eradicating terrorist groups within its borders. Pakistan is also providing us with a valuable lesson: establishing democracy is not the answer to fighting terrorism. While establishing democracy may be a noble and humanitarian goal, if it was the answer to fighting terrorism, then with the Mid-East on the heels of the Arab Spring, we should be finding violence decreasing in the region, not increasing. Putting The Relationship in Perspective Pakistan is truly a double-edged sword -- as both a nation where democracy has taken hold, yet still harboring Al Qaeda and countless other terrorist groups. On one hand we need Pakistani cooperation to help locate terrorist suspects, but on the other hand, it is often Pakistani government officials that are supporting those same suspects. Since the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. has provided approximately $23.55 billion in military and economic aid to Pakistan. In exchange, Pakistani officials have arrested over 600 AQ members and 8000 terrorists are reported to be on death row. The U.S. has also received intelligence cooperation, resulting in the launching of 343 drone strikes in Pakistan since 2006. These strikes have killed approx. 2,534 terrorist "leaders and operatives". Despite these successes, we must also be honest when analyzing current conditions in Pakistan and considering what our investment has yielded us in return. The conviction rate for terrorists in Pakistan is roughly 4%. The U.S. State Dept. recently issued a travel warning urging Americans to avoid all non-essential travel to Pakistan and the U.S. Consulate in Lahore remains closed. Kidnappings within the nation have increased dramatically. Over 40,000 people have been killed in the last ten years in attacks conducted by Islamic-inspired terrorists within Pakistan. Several recent terrorist plots against the U.S. have all been traced back to Pakistan. And it is not just Westerners being targeted either. In June, ten tourists were shot to death. Those killed included three Ukrainians, two Slovakians, two Chinese, one Lithuanian, one Nepalese and one Chinese-American. AQ Not the Only Threat While AQ remains the household name associated with Islamic-terrorism, many other Islamic-inspired terrorist groups find a safe haven in Pakistan as well. The following groups all operate in Pakistan and when an AQ member is killed in a drone strike, AQ often backfills the open positions with members of theses groups. 1. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan 2. The Islamic Jihad Union 3. Lashkar i Jhangvi (LJ) 4. Harakat ul-Mujahadin 5. Jaish-e-Mohammed 6. Pakistan Taliban (TTP) 7. Lashkar-e-Taiba (LT) 8. Haqqani Network Currently of most concern is LT, which is believed to have been allied with AQ since 1998. In this recent Congressional testimony, Jonah Blank stated: "LT poses a grave danger to US interests and citizens in South Asia." Blank described LT as "one of the most capable, experienced, resourced, and politically-protected terrorist groups in the world." All Roads Lead to Pakistan In my own quick analysis, I compared the nationalities of known terrorists to the location where they had been killed/captured. I randomly selected 106 known terrorists. Out of those 106, only 6 were identified as having Pakistani citizenship (6%). However, 32 were identified who had been killed or captured in Pakistan (30%). It was also reported that hundreds of jihadi fighters are now traveling to Syria from Pakistan in order to fight against the Assad regime. However, reports are indicating that many of those leaving from Pakistan are not of Pakistani citizenship. We also know that several Al-Shabab leaders traveled from Somalia to Pakistan to receive training. This mountain of evidence clearly indicates that many non-Pakistanis are traveling to Pakistan. We must then ask ourselves some difficult questions: Why are they traveling to Pakistan? Why, after democracy has been established in Pakistan for 5 years, have the number of terrorist groups increased, not decreased? Why this result after we have spent $23.55 billion, and more than 11,000 have been arrested or killed? No CoincidenceBy Matthew Ernst
It is not simply a random occurrence that so many AQ members are showing up in Pakistan. Rather, it is part of a much larger strategy by AQ. Consider Yasin Al-Suri. When AQ prisoners are released from prison, Al-Suri facilitates their travel to Pakistan. Not only does this indicate that the AQ leadership is strongly rooted in Pakistan, it also indicates that AQ has not been dealt "severe blows" as so many have suggested. Interestingly, Canadian intelligence officials have a drastically different perspective of AQ than what U.S. officials have. In May, they released this report where they highlighted several key points, including: 1. AQ enjoys "an unmolested existence from authorities in Pakistan". 2. "Outside intervention" has been needed in order to remove AQ and their affiliates from power in every nation where they have become established. 3. AQ has spread, not diminished, its influence since 9/11 and has even expanded since OBL's death. Pakistani Counterterrorism Reforms Although Pakistan has taken several positive steps towards thwarting terrorist groups within its borders, it remains obvious that the Pakistani government is not completely dedicated to rooting it out in a substantial way. The latest example of this was when on August 9th, Hafiz Saeed, the leader of LT, led public prayers and a parade in Lahore. Despite the $10 million U.S. bounty on his head, Saeed clearly wasn't too worried about getting caught. Ironically, on July 26th, reports surfaced indicating that the U.S. was scaling back the number of drone strikes in Pakistan. What the U.S. Needs to Change In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, President Bush signed into law Public Law 107-40, commonly referred to as the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). The AUMF states, in part, "...the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force...in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons." We have given Pakistan 12 years to eradicate their terrorist groups, but they clearly lack the will to do so. We have tried diplomacy, and it hasn't worked. Pakistan has established democracy, but that hasn't worked either. Through the use of drone strikes, we have attempted to limit the U.S. presence on the ground inside Pakistan, and this hasn't been near effective enough either. Only increased U.S. military action in Pakistan will protect the U.S. The AUMF clearly justifies the use of an increased U.S. military engagement in Pakistan. What is lacking is both the political will and the will of the American people. Americans may be ready for U.S. troops to come home -- the only problem is that the mission isn't over and our enemies have not lost the will to fight. Matt Ernst is a law enforcement officer and independent national security analyst. Matt writes and manages the blog, Straight Talk (http://matthewaernst.wordpress.com/). Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/09/pakistan_ground_zero_for_us_counterterrorism.html#ixzz2e17KV6ru Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
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