M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Ahmadiyya TimesThe attitude of the Saudi Arabian Government to human rights is well known, although the way the European Union treats it as an ally is at odds with its systematic violation of these rights. Recently, Sultan Hamid Marzouk Al‐Anzi and Faleh Sudi Awad Al‐Anzi, citizens born in Saudi Arabia whose only crime was to be members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, were arrested. They were held and charged with the crime of apostasy, since religious conversion is considered to be a crime in Saudi Arabia. Against this background, the international community continues to maintain its usual criminal silence, since Saudi Arabia is adopting the same double standards in the observance of human rights as the European Union. The Ahmadiyya community is a religious movement within Islam that is committed to peaceful expansion and calls for dialogue instead of holy war. The movement is persecuted in many Islamic countries where the extremist and fundamentalist Islamic movements have become strong, in many cases thanks to support provided by Saudi Arabia. While the Western powers bomb and occupy countries in the Middle East on the pretext of terrorism, Saudi Arabia, the main stronghold of the most radical Islamic fundamentalist and terrorist movements, is seen as an ally. Is the Vice-President/High Representative aware of the abovementioned arrests, which infringe respect for human rights? Does she intend to publicly condemn the Saudi Arabian Government for religious arrests of this kind? Does she intend to demand that Saudi Arabia abolish all provisions in its legislation that are in conflict with respect for human rights in the sphere of religious freedom? Does she intend to suspend relations within the Gulf Cooperation Council until Saudi Arabia undertakes to respect human rights?
By Vardha Khalil When Washington DC is sleeping, half of the world is awake and when morning appears here many countries, including Pakistan, are concluding their day. So when you wake up in the morning and check your phone and social media then you get updated about what was happening around the globe while you were asleep. When I got up in the morning, I got the horrible news on both regular and social media. The more I studied, the more pain I felt. The biggest optimism for any person is the belief that the future will be better than the present. And as a Pakistani, every time I think that now the country’s situation cannot get worse and may be now it will recuperate but one after one every blatant act of terrorism is making this a shallow and rusty hope. As the Pakistani government was weighing its options to tackle the Taliban and their affiliates, indulged in a debate of good and bad Taliban, at the same time those outfits were planning the suicide attacks at a church in Peshawar. More than 80 innocent Pakistani citizens perished in these atrocious attacks. The sense of loss over this grizzly massacre is quite natural yet some political circles cling to the idea of opening dialogue with the Taliban. The agenda of these political circles is no different from those Taliban who want to convert Pakistan into a sect-minority-free “Islamic State”. Extremist Taliban factors and their sympathizers in political parties, in a bid to enforce self-style version of Islam over Pakistan, are transforming it into a land where inhabitation of humans will be impossible. In current situation the terrified minorities and secular groups are already forced to leave their houses. After target killings of Hazara people in Balochistan, thousands of citizens are seeking shelter in other parts of the country. Several people are moving to other countries because of Shia genocide in the country. The Ahmadiyya community, which has already taken the brunt of sectarian hatred, is once again on the hit-list. Hunting of Ahmadiyya community had started right after the very creation of Pakistan. Yet, in 1973, their persecution was legalized by declaring them non-Muslims in the constitution. The “Islamisation” that started during Zia-ul-Haq’s era in 1980s not only failed miserably but such efforts also gave birth to such monsters who have changed the whole country into a haunted place. The requirement of the new era is to avoid transforming Pakistan into some ideology or religion and just make it a secular country which is suitable for a common human being to live in. We should strive to make our country a place where all human beings have basic rights and there is no human rights violation in the name of religion.Balcoh Hal
President Barack Obama has met Malala Yousafzai at the White House in Washington and lauded her efforts for the promotion of girls' education. In a statement after the meeting‚ Malala Yousufzai thanked President Obama for the US support for education in Pakistan and Afghanistan and for Syrian refugees. She also expressed concerns that drone attacks are fueling terrorism. Innocent victims are killed in these attacks and they lead to resentment among the Pakistani people. Malala said it will make a big impact if we refocus efforts on education.