M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Thousands of Girls forced into Prostitution for Terrorists in Syria

Two Austrian girls who disappeared from their homes in Vienna and who are believed to have boarded a flight to Adana, Turkey, are likely to have become victims of forced prostitution for takfiri terrorists in Syria. Turkey is the main hub for trafficking of girls to the takfiri mercenary brigades. Domestically, 1,449 of 14,412 missing Turkish children over the past five years have not been found. Police reports that many of them have been kidnapped for their fighting potential and organ harvesting.
Two Austrian girls who made international headlines after their disappearance on April 10 are merely the tip of an iceberg of internationally organized forced prostitution of children and teenage girls, forced recruitment into military service and internationally organized organ harvesting.The Austrian-born 15 year-old Samra Kesinovic and the 15 year-old Sabina Selimovic disappeared from their home in the Austrian capital Vienna on April 10. Interpol has since issued a missing-person notice for the two teenagers whose parents immigrated to Austria from Bosnia in the 1990s. The two teenager’s parents told the Bosnian newspaper Dnevi Avaz that they had learned that their girls had boarded a flight from Vienna to the Turkish city of Adana, near the Turkish – Syrian border. The two girls have reportedly left letters for their parents, saying that they “had chosen the right path” and were going to fight for Islam in Syria. Pictures of the girls posing with weapons and in conservative Islamic dress which are being circulated to support the notion that the two teenagers were fighting holy war have so far all proven to be manipulated.
Rather than fighting “holy war” the girls are likely to have suffered the same fate as thousands of other girls who are being forced into prostitution for foreign-backed Jabhat al-Nusrah, ISIL and other mercenary brigades. Some of the girls are, according to official Tunisian sources, forced to “serve” 20 – 30 “holy warriors” per day. After the two Austrian – Bosnian teens began making headlines, Turkey’s intelligence service MIT, who is otherwise known to be cooperating with terrorist organizations in Syria, launched a large-scale effort to locate the two girls. Prominent members of Turkey’s opposition denounce this effort as cosmetic and for public relations, while the true scale of organized forced prostitution, forced military service and organ harvesting is covered up. Turkish intelligence announced that advanced techniques had enabled them to possibly identify a signal from one of the girls cellphones even though it was switched off. The Turkish Hürriyet newspaper reports that an intelligence official said that the signal was coming from an area in northern Syria that is controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). It is worth noticing that Turkey’s intelligence service MIT has repeatedly and consistently been implicated in cooperating with Turkish charities who support the mercenary brigades in Syria, as well as in the financing and arming of these brigades.Trafficking of Girls for “Sex Jihad” via Turkey is Internationally Organized. In October 2013, Tunisia´s Interior Minister, Lofti Ben Jeddou, complained that Tunisian Women are being trafficked through Turkey for Sex Jihad in Syria. The Tunisian Interior Minister announced to Tunisia’s National Assembly, that Tunisian girls are forced to satisfy the sexual needs of terrorists in Syria under the euphemism sexual jihad. Ben Jeddou stressed, that Turkey has become a bridgehead for sex jihad and declared that the trafficked Tunisian girls are forced into having sex with 20 – 30, in some cases 100 of the “holy warrirors”. The Tunisian Interior Minister stressed, that most of them return pregnant. Besides the psychological trauma the young Tunisian girls suffer, the large number of children which will be born due to the forced sexual service will create a sociological time bomb in Tunisia, he added. Another problem, which remains largely unaddressed, is that many of the girls who return, have been infected with sexually transmittable diseases, including HIV. Many of the girls, however, don’t return at all, and it is believed that many of them are being murdered after having served their purpose. Similar reports about internationally organized trafficking of teenage girls to takfiri mercenary brigades in Syria have come from Libya, Mali, Algeria, while recent developments indicate a growing trend to attempt tricking Czech, Austrian, Bosnian, Bulgarian and Hungarian girls into forced prostitution. 10 percent of 14,000 missing children cannot be found. Many of them kidnapped for exploitation. Turkey is also struggling with a domestic problem, which many fear to increase because of Turkey’s involvement in the war against Syria. The General Command of Turkey’s Gendarmerie police reported that over 14,000 children have gone missing over the past five years alone in Turkey. Turkey’s Hürriyet daily newspaper cites Gendarmerie General Arif Cetin as saying that 14,412 children have gone missing across Turkey. 13,528 of them have been found. The statement was made at a conference on missing children in Ankara. Cetin stressed that many of the children are being kidnapped for their organs and for their fighting potential. He did not specify how many of them were girls, who may have been kidnapped into organized child abuse or into the sex jihad networks operating in Turkey. With Turkey being the main hub for the trafficking of teenage girls to the mercenary brigades in Syria, the problem is likely to increase. The involvement of Turkey’s intelligence service MIT in supporting Jabhat al-Nusrah, ISIL and other brigades whom the girls are being trafficked to, prompts questions about MIT’s role in the investigation of the missing Austrian girls and its role in trafficking of women in general.
Austrian Interior Ministry: Lost Austrian girls joined terrorist groups in Syria
Sources at the Austrian Ministry of Interior Affairs said that the two Austrian girls who were missed earlier have joined the terrorist groups in Syria coming through Turkey. The Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” quoted a spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry as saying that the Turkish intelligence agency told the Austrian security authorities that the two girls joined the terrorist organization of the “Islamic State in Iraq and Sham”, adding that the girls had lift Vienna to Ankara before heading to Adana and from there entered Syria. The spokesman said that the girls, 16 and 17 years old, sent hand-written messages to their parents saying that they will go to Syria for “Jihad”, adding that the parents of the girls told the Austrian counter-terrorism bureau that they have information suggesting that the girls were abducted in Turkey and forced to join the terrorist groups in Syria. On 15 April, the Austrian police said that two Austrian teenagers, who descend from families that had immigrated from Bosnia, travelled to the Turkish city of Adana before the police lost them there. Earlier, liberal Austrian Muslims launched an initiative in which they called upon the European governments to monitor all extremists and extremist organizations in Europe, adding that the armed terrorist groups in Syria are receiving all forms of support from the West and Gulf countries. They stressed that there are organizations in Europe that are recruiting extremists to fight in Syria with clear European and Gulf support.http://sana.sy/
Turkey's top judge accuses Erdoğan gov't of ‘corruption of conscience’

‘Turkey now an authoritarian regime'

China: President Xi vows intense pressure on terrorism

Lavrov Blasts Kerry for Calling RT News Network ‘Propaganda Bullhorn’

Lavrov urges US to assist release of protest movement leaders arrested in southeastern Ukraine
Outlook grows grimmer for South Korean ferry search
South Korean investigators are seeking arrests of the last four crewmen from sunken ferry that left more than 300 people dead or missing.
Afghan Presidential Election to Go to Run-Off

Five dead in British military helicopter crash in Afghanistan

Video: Girl, 10, Gives Michelle Obama Her Jobless Dad's Resume
ABC US News | ABC Business News It's all about who you know! An unemployed dad's little girl offered First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama her dad's resume on April 24. During a Q&A with the children of Executive Office employees at the White House's annual "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day," in Washington, D.C., 10-year-old Charlotte Bell raised her hand infront of FLOTUS, but instead of asking a question, the courageous little girl walked straight up to Mrs. Obama. “My dad’s been out of a job for three years and I wanted to give you his resume,” Bell told President Barack Obama's wife. A surprised FLOTUS responded: "Oh my goodness. Well, it's a little private, but she's doing something for her dad, right?" Obama then told the adorable girl, "Got it," and gave her a big hug. Bell's father, Ben Bell, who worked on the Obama campaign in 2012, has been actively trying to get a job with the Obama administration. FLOTUS reportedly left the event with the resume in tow. Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/young-girl-gives-first-lady-michelle-obama-jobless-dads-resume--2014254#ixzz300aI0kk1 Follow us: @usweekly on Twitter | usweekly on Facebook
Rights Panel Offers Bleak Assessment Of Pakistani Women, Laborers
http://www.rferl.org/In its annual report, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has offered a bleak assessment of the plight of women, laborers, children, and religious minorities in the country. The report, released on April 24, says that at least 869 women lost their lives in honor killings in the country last year, while more than 800 Pakistani women committed suicide in 2013. The report says that only 18 percent of Pakistani women have secondary or higher education and only 28 percent are formally counted in the workforce. Hussain Naqi, a spokesman from the HRCP in the eastern city of Lahore, told RFE/RL's Radio Free Afghanistan that women in Pakistan face significant challenges as they try to "assert their rights." Naqi notes that the lives and property of all religious minorities in Pakistan are protected by the constitution, as well as their right to profess their faiths. Nevertheless, the report said that violence against religious minorities is on the rise as well. According to the report, 687 people were killed in more than 200 sectarian attacks last year, an increase of 22 percent over 2012. According to the report, around 800,000 children die in Pakistan each year of polio, dengue fever, and malnutrition. The report also says that the government allocated less than 2 percent of gross domestic product for education in the country, with Pakistan remaining 180th out of 221 countries in the world with regard to literacy. Around 5.5 million school-age children could not enroll in classes, the report concludes. Only 1.6 million workers, out of a labor force of 59 million, have access to social security, while unemployment continues to grow. The report also says an estimated 2 million Pakistanis are trapped in various forms of modern-day slavery.
Ahmadi Muslim jailed in Pakistan for blasphemy escapes to Scotland with family
http://news.stv.tv/A man jailed under Pakistan's blasphemy laws has spoken of his experience after he escaped to the Scotland. Masud Ahmad was imprisoned in November last year for reciting a passage from the Qu'ran. The 73-year-old belongs to the Ahmaddiya community, who were declared non-Muslim by the Pakistan government in 1974 and are barred from practising their faith as Muslims. Mr Ahmad escaped to Scotland and is now living with his children in Glasgow. The homeopathic practitioner believes he was deliberately targeted and set up. Mr Ahmad said he was visited by a man at his clinic in Lahore. He added: "He asked me for some medical advice. I wrote whatever was needed and after that he pushed me into the religious questions," he said. "I took the Qu'ran out and I said, 'let's see what the Qu'ran says'. I just quoted a little bit and translated it into Urdu, and then the police came. "They grabbed me by the neck and took me to the police station." He went on: "It was planned many months ago, it wasn't just sudden. There was a black mark on my car and on my shop." Mr Ahmad spent 65 days in jail where he slept on the floor before fleeing to Britain while on bail. He first came to Scotland in the 1960s before returning to Pakistan in the 1980s. He said: "Any Ahmadi can be sent to prison or murdered any time and nobody will ask 'why did you do that?' because he is a second-class, or rather third-class citizen. "I love my country but I can't go back. If I go back I will be imprisoned or murdered, so I have no choice but to live in Britain and enjoy the freedom." Mr Ahmad is one of scores of people who have been arrested in Pakistan under the country's blasphemy laws, which carry sentences of life in prison or the death penalty, although executions are rarely carried out. Human-rights groups say the laws often are exploited for personal gain and that members of Pakistan's minority population are disproportionately targeted.
Pakistan: Lashkar-e-Jhangvi involved in Delhi Colony blast
According to sources, the Delhi Colony blast was an incident of sectarian violence.The ongoing investigation has found evidences of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) being involved in the Delhi Colony blast while banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (Swat and Mohmand group) in the attack on slain inspector Shafiq Tanoli. According to sources, the Delhi Colony blast was an incident of sectarian violence. Meanwhile, police nabbed around 43 suspects during a targeted operation in Delhi Colony and adjoining areas. On the other hand, police killed key activist of a banned outfit in an encounter in Lyari area of Karachi. According to police, the accused Qari Noshad belonged to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. Huge cache of arms including 6 rockets, rocket launcher, 486 grenades, two pistols was also seized. A case has also been registered against ‘unknown people’ regarding yesterday’s bomb blast in Delhi Colony of Defence area. The case was registered under anti-terrorism act on government’s complaint. Meanwhile, the police have arrested 43 suspects during search operation in Delhi Colony and adjoining areas. The suspects have been shifted to undisclosed location for interrogation.
Pakistan: Violence Against The Police

Preventable diseases: 84% of children in Balochistan vulnerable, says Unicef
The Express TribuneOnly 16 per cent of children in Balochistan are immunised against eight preventable diseases, says a Unicef report released during World Immunisation Week, running from 24-30 April. With the discovery of the poliovirus from sewage in March, an estimated 2.2 million children in the province are at risk of being infected by the poliovirus. “There has been no virus detected here since June 2012, but the World Health Organisation (WHO) recently confirmed the virus strain in the environment here, which puts the children at risk,” the report said. Unicef found that 84 per cent of families living in the province do not bring their children for vaccination or do not complete the full course of vaccination. A Unicef report, ‘Pakistan Demographic Health Survey’, released in March found the state of child health in Balochistan alarming, with an estimated 111 children of every 1,000 births dying before their fifth birthday. Ninety-seven of these children do not make it to the age of 1 year. Additionally, Unicef found that there is no vaccination centre in 39% of Union Councils in the province and there is a dire need of 600 vaccinators to make the existing EPI centres functional. Every year, immunisation prevents an estimated 2-3 million deaths from diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and measles – diseases that disproportionately affect children. “The Balochistan government has launched a campaign to improve healthcare and coverage,” Rehmat Saleh Baloch, the provincial health minister, told The Express Tribune. “We have recently started the Sehat Mand Balochistan (Healthy Balochistan) Programme, under which several issues are being covered.
Pakistan: Hamid Mir and the failing state
Dr Haider Shah
The main issue here is not if the charge against the ISI and its chief is correct or not. What concerns me more is why such a situation prevails in the country where we are not clear about whose side our men in uniform are onThey both landed in Karachi on the same fateful Saturday. One was the former dictator charged with the offence of ‘high treason’. The other was a journalist who had been campaigning against any deal, which would facilitate the fleeing of the dictator. Enjoying his VVIP protocol, the dictator is readying his suitcases to board for a flight aboard. Riddled with six bullets,the journalist is making a slow recovery in Agha Khan Hospital while a section of the media is running a campaign to malign the victim.This is how Pakistan appears to the outside world. Recently, the influential Foreign Policy magazine compiled a list of the top 25 failed states of the world. Mostly civil war stricken African states appear on that list. Pakistan occupies the unlucky 13th positionon the list. Personally, I have always maintained that it is unfair to categorise Pakistan as a failed state. It has a constitutionally elected democratic set up, independent judiciary and an assertive media. The inability of the state to provide security to its citizens while the non-state actors grow in strength and influence does make Pakistan arguably a‘failing state’ but not a ‘failed state’. The Hamid Mir saga, however, plunges the state into a new quagmire. Trapped between its democratic credentials of being a media friendly political party and pressure from the military establishment, the PML-Ngovernment seems to be awkwardly getting crushed. Judging by the discourse in the media after the assassination attempt on Hamid Mir,it is not hard to see that dehumanisation has gripped society to its core.For promoting their commercial interests and settling petty old scores, various groupings can happily go down to any low. The disturbing evidence emerged as soon as Hamid Mir was attacked. Almost all channels, except the one he works for, not only censored this shocking news but, to add insult to injury,kept reportingMusharraf’s movement from ChakShahzad to Karachi. The silence on other channels only changed into a loud chorus when they were fed with an excuse to curse the victim. Some began a marathon smear campaign against the bed ridden, bullet-wounded journalist. Veterans like Zaid Hamid are now joined by the new kid on the block,Faisal Raza Abidi, to issue certificates and medals of loyalty and treason. Not that I see things in black and white, and do not find any problems with our electronic media. Not that I find any affinity with the worldview of AnsarAbbasi but I would be proving myself a real ‘liberal fascist’ if I allow my differences of opinion on certain fundamental issues to influence my position when these journalists are taking a stand on a just cause and are facing life threats. As President Kennedy once borrowed a quote from Dante’s Inferno, “The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time, of moral crisis preserve their neutrality”, we cannot pretend to be balanced analysts by not taking a clear side. The main issue here is not if the charge against the ISI and its chief is correct or not. I do not know;we are often not even supposed to know. What concerns me more is why such a situation prevails in the country where we are not clear about whose side our men in uniform are on. If journalists are suspected of breaking any law or involvement in anti-state activities the intelligence agencies can collect evidence and get them prosecuted in a court of law through the police. That is how terrorist suspects are arrested and prosecuted in the UK. What are the laws that empower the personnel of intelligence agencies and which laws define their boundaries? My concern is that I do not have an answer. Once, Mr Farhatullah Babar had asked thissame question in the senate but the then senate chairman nervously did not allow the question to be discussed. In SaleemShahzad’s case, the inquiry commission recommended a legal framework for regularising the work of intelligence agencies. Yes, the media has been, on many occasions, irresponsiblebut media channels work under accountability pressures of the market at least. The viewers can easily switch over to MubasharLuqman and Zaid Hamid if they do not like Hamid Mir and NajamSethi. The customer is under no compulsion to stay loyalto any channel. However, in the case of law enforcement agencies, no such free choices are available. If there is the need for a media code there is an even greater need for a code to regulate the affairs of the intelligence agencies. Wali Babar was allegedly killed by the militant wing of the MQM, Raza Rumi was ambushed by a banned sectarian outfit andExpress News cameramen were killed by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). If, in the case of SaleemShahzad and Hamid Mir, fingers get pointed at our guardians then it is a very alarming situation. The captain of a football team should not be apprehensive of the self-goals of his own players. The channels accusing Hamid Mir’s private television channel, not a long time ago, ran live press conferences of Malik Riaz where the then chief justice was vehemently abused. They also aired malicious speeches of Faisal Raza Abidi. No heavens came crashing down then. The activists of certain political parties in Karachi often disrupt various channels. When people in uniform conduct themselves in the same way I find it more difficult to argue my case with those who call Pakistan a failed state.
Pakistan: Presence of foreign militants

Pakistan to be the last place where polio will exist, WHO meeting told

Recent reports have painted a bleak picture of Pakistan’s fight against poliovirus.“Pakistan which currently stands at the top in the last three polio endemic countries in the world for housing big wild poliovirus (WPV) reservoirs, will be the last place on earth in which polio exists,” is a disturbing information shared at a meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) held in the first week of this month in the World Health Organisation’s headquarters at Geneva. SAGE is the principal advisory group to the WHO for vaccines and immunisation. A senior government official told Dawn that a brief of the meeting, released this week, depicted the level of concern of the world about the persistent emergence of the wild poliovirus in Pakistan. The full meeting report will be published in the WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record on May 23. The SAGE meeting was called in the aftermath of the resurgence of polio cases in the polio-endemic countries — Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan. Pakistan is at the top among other endemic countries, with 50 wild poliovirus cases in the current year so far. Earlier, he said, the WHO had predicted India as the last ‘polio-endemic country’ because of the size of its population and ‘unmanageable’ health infrastructure but it surprised the world by getting the polio-free nation status. Peshawar, Fata and Karachi remained the centre of discussion at the meeting due to persistent wild poliovirus transmission. “The current situation in Pakistan is a powder keg that could ignite widespread polio transmission,” the official quoted the report as saying. The government has been slow to grasp the fundamental seriousness of the situation. “If the current trend continues, Pakistan will be the last place on earth in which polio exists,” it said. Another report compiled by local offices of the international polio eradication partners, including Unicef and WHO, last week revealed an alarming situation in respect of refusal cases and the increase in the number of polio cases. “Pakistan continues to be the country with most polio cases in the world this year followed by three in Afghanistan and one in Nigeria,” said the report. The official said this week five new cases were reported in Pakistan (two wild poliovirus type 1 — WPV1, and three circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 —cVDPV2). Four of the cases were from Fata and one from Gadap in Karachi. The officials were shocked to learn that out of the total 50 children who were paralysed by the wild poliovirus in Pakistan so far, 44 were reported with zero-dose. Forty-one of the cases were reported from Fata, eight from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and three from Sindh. Balochistan and Punjab reported no polio case. In the report, Unicef and the WHO noted that the number of unvaccinated children in Pakistan had shot up to an unexpectedly high level. The calculations showed that KP reported 700 refusal cases, Punjab 404, including 250 in Rawalpindi, Sindh 386, Fata 269 and Balochistan reported 251 refusal cases during the last round of polio vaccination. Giving comparison of the cases with the last years, the report said, one polio case was reported in Pakistan by the end of April in 2011, two in 2012 and 12 cases in 2013 but the cases reported in the same months in the current year were hundred times more. Rawalpindi has been forecast second ‘Peshawar’ for housing a large number of migrant families who come from Fata, Bajaur Agency, North and South Waziristan, Mohmand Agency and Afghanistan. Peshawar had again been declared a major reservoir for poliovirus transmission. According to the WHO the densely-populated Peshawar valley is considered to be the main ‘engine’ of poliovirus transmission, alongside North Waziristan, due to large-scale population movements through Peshawar from across this region, and into other areas of Pakistan.
Pakistan:#HamidMir :As he comes to...

Threatening calls were made at end of PPP's tenure: Mir’s wife
http://www.thenews.com.pk/Wife of senior Geo News anchor Hamid Mir has said that the matter of threatening phone calls to her husband were made at the end of the PPP's term in government. In a response issued through his wife to Chaudhry Nisar's statements, Hamid Mir said the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) had raised the matter of threatening phone calls in the National Assembly. Mir's wife said that over PPP leader Khurshid Shah's advice the speaker of the assembly constituted a committee led by the opposition member Ahsan Iqbal. The committee's report is available in the record of the National Assembly, she added. Earlier, talking to media, Nisar said that former Islamabad police officials denied that any complaint was lodged over an attack on Mr. Mir's wife and children. However, Mir's wife said that the incident had taken place in Islamabad after which Geo News Islamabad's Admin Officer Younis Arain had lodged the complaint, Mir's wife said. Younis Arain lodged complaint over the attack on Hamid Mir's wife and his children. She said Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan had issued a statement in 2010 against the secret agencies harassment to Hamid Mir. Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) had also issued condemnation over the issue, she added. Mir's wife said phone numbers were sent to IG Islamabad through speaker National Assembly. The security provided to Hamid Mir by the PPP-led government was withdrawn by Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, she said. She asked as to where the investigation has reached over the issue of bomb planted under Mir's car in Islamabad.
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