M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
French Prez Visits Le Google, Le Facebook and Le Twitter

Pakistan:Pashtuns: thrown under the sharia bus?
Dr Mohammad Taqi
The narrative that the Pashtuns, especially the tribesmen, crave sharia has been mainstreamed in Pakistan to the extent that even the most knowledgeable and liberal are falling for itThe political shura (council) members of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have now met with their intermediaries, the Jamaat-e-Islami’s (JI’s) Professor Ibrahim Khan and the Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) Samiul Haq faction’s Maulana Yusuf Shah. The TTP reportedly gave a laundry list of demands to its intercessors who had been ferried to, no marks for guessing, the North Waziristan Agency (NWA), in a government helicopter. The TTP’s demands, whether interim or final, include the imposition of sharia, reparations for their losses, release of their prisoners and a halt to US drone strikes. No surprises there either. However, what is alarming is the government’s condition that “the scope of the talks should remain confined to areas affected by violence, not the whole country”. It is unclear how the government is defining the affected areas when three provinces reel under terror continuously. The government’s functionaries and at least one member of the committee appointed by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and a Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) man, Mr Rustam Shah Mohmand, have been zeroing in on FATA only. It looks like the Punjab-based ruling and opposition parties have put only FATA and possibly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on the chopping block. The problems with this malicious move are twofold: a) it implicitly pins the blame for TTP terrorism on the Pashtuns only, and b) it ignores the plight of the common people, especially the Shias and the Hanafi-Barelvi Sunnis, being slaughtered on a daily basis elsewhere in Pakistan by the TTP and its allied thugs. An ominous media campaign that combines an orientalist view of the Pashtuns being ‘noble savages’ and a fanciful reading of the sharia seems to be setting the stage for sacrificing the Pashtun ‘appendage’ areas on the altar of the presumed ‘core’ Pakistani state, i.e. Punjab. When this odious mantra is spewed by the usual suspects — rightwing leaders, assorted clerics and media anchors that grew up on a steady diet of Pakistan Studies and Islamiat during General Ziaul Haq’s martial law — one might understand. However, when the voices that have served as Pakistan’s conscience join the chorus, one’s heart really sinks. One felt dejected reading one of Pakistan’s foremost progressives, the writers’ writer and a mentor to my mentors, the venerable Mr I A Rehman this past week. Rehman sahib wrote: “An issue on which complete clarity is required is the territorial limits of the bargain. The Taliban, if they can prove that they enjoy the trust of the population of FATA, may be free to discuss the system of administration appropriate for their special relationship with the state but they have no right to tell Islamabad how the rest of the country is to be governed...The creation of workable political, administrative and judicial institutions in FATA can be discussed but in that area too the government will have to take a stand that the basic rights of the vulnerable sections of society, especially women and minorities, cannot be compromised.” It felt like the distinguished human rights campaigner was not just considering ceding the Pashtun areas to the TTP hordes but was giving up on us as a people. I just hope that I misread the piece or read too much into it. The narrative that the Pashtuns, especially the tribesmen, crave sharia has been mainstreamed in Pakistan to the extent that even the most knowledgeable and liberal are falling for it. Never mind that the venues of political and religious decision-making, the hujra and mosque, have traditionally been separate in Pashtun tribal society. The tribal jirga (court), which had lost its usual effectiveness a few decades ago, is being touted as the conflict resolution institution of choice in the second decade of the 21st century without realising that the Talibanisation imposed from above has decimated the societal structures that could support the jirga. More importantly, even at the turn of the 20th century, the jirga was not exactly the jury of peers it used to be in an egalitarian acephalous Pashtun tribal society that conceived it a millennium or so ago. The British, and then Pakistani governments had, as a policy, consistently tempered with the jirga system and handpicked Maliks who were awarded stipends and titles (maajab and lungi) to remain pliant. Whether good or bad, those tribal elders were slaughtered wholesale by the Taliban. According to The New York Times reporters Carlotta Gall and Ismail Khan, 200 tribal elders were killed in the NWA in just 2005 to 2006. That violent spree has never ended. How could then one go about determining whether the TTP “enjoys the trust of the people of FATA” to grant them those hapless lands? Indeed, how could the tribal people let out even a whimper, let alone freely express their scorn for the TTP when the state, and sadly the intelligentsia, appear on the verge of abandoning them? The TTP’s relentless assault on the Awami National Party (ANP), killing its leaders and cadres, was a major factor in its electoral rout, as the state stood by idly. The ANP’s replacement by the pro-Taliban PTI has provided the TTP the same ideological, political and operational space as its antecedents enjoyed during the 2002-2007 rule of the religious conglomerate Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal. Mr Imran Khan continues to insist that the TTP respects the constitution despite the terrorist spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, consistently deriding it on the record. The TTP remains an ideologically anchored outfit keen to spread its brand of sharia across not just provincial but state boundaries as well. The tactical restraint the TTP and its allies have shown in Punjab helps it bide time till things become clearer in Afghanistan, ward off a potential military action and perhaps bag sections of FATA in the interim. However, in this sordid saga, the grand prize remains the Pakistani state, which the TTP may never get but, in its mind, deems imperative for helping and waging the global jihad. The Punjab-based rulers can try to encapsulate the TTP within the Pashtun lands but they are sitting on the powder keg of jihadism with assorted ‘jaishes’ and ‘lashkars’ headquartered in their province. The reprieve bought at the expense of the Pashtuns will run out in years, not decades. The Pashtun political leadership, as bruised and battered as it is, has to get its act together. The Pashtun leaders, especially those in parliament, have a massive, historic responsibility at a time when those rulers who love highways, underpasses and flyovers in Lahore appear set to throw the Pashtuns under the sharia bus.
Syria peace talks falter, more influence from outside

Gulf states step up policing of online media: watchdog

Lindsey Graham: Cut Off Afghan Aid If Karzai Frees Prisoners

In Turkey, troubling signs of authoritarianism

The government gave itself the power last week to block Internet sites and track individual users without court review.When Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to power in 2003 as Turkey's prime minister, questions arose about how his Islam-rooted Justice and Development Party might alter a nation accustomed to nearly a century of official secularism. It turns out the world should have been more concerned with a move toward authoritarianism, which seemed to accelerate last week under a new law through which the government gave itself the authority to block Internet sites and track individual online users without court review. Critics speculate that the government hopes both to limit a corruption probe into some of Erdogan's allies and to squelch protests and demonstrations, thus muzzling one of the fundamental rights of citizens in a democracy. The law would help the government disrupt protests before they could come together and hunt down organizers through their Internet use. It also would allow the government, which already has a poor record on press freedoms, to monitor the contacts of investigative journalists. Those are the moves of a dictatorship, not a democracy, and they raise significant concerns for the international community given Turkey's status as a key United States ally, a member of NATO and a would-be member of the European Union. The measure has drawn sharp, and warranted, criticism from within Turkey and from such international organizations as the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that an existing version of the law that allowed judges to block certain sites — YouTube is among those affected — violates the European Convention on Human Rights. Instead of revising the law to meet the convention's free-expression standards, Turkey opted instead to move further along the road to repression by letting the government act without even the thin imprimatur of judicial review. Last summer, the government responded to demonstrations with tear gas, rubber bullets and arrests. Those protests, like those that grew out of the Arab Spring movement, were organized in part via social media, which Erdogan — who denied this past weekend that the new law will impede free speech — has described as "a scourge" and "a menace." So the immediate question is, how will he wield his new powers? Turkey needs to reverse course, and the U.S. should urge it to do so. Past American alignment with repressive governments has often complicated diplomatic efforts, and contributed to skepticism around the world about how strongly the U.S. supports human rights. Turkey is an important and welcome ally in a turbulent region. This would be a good time for both countries to show leadership in protecting free expression and the fundamentals of democracy. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-turkey-internet-blocking-law-20140211,0,7228499.story#ixzz2t9TDVHak
Turkey fails to improve press freedom record: Reporters Without Borders

6 Million Americans Without a Voice
The right to vote is the foundation of any democracy, yet nearly six million Americans are denied that right, in many cases for life, because they have been convicted of a crime. Some states disenfranchise more than 7 percent of their adult citizens. In an unflinching speech before a civil rights conference Tuesday morning, Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. described this shameful aspect of our justice system for what it is: a “profoundly outdated” practice that is unjust and counterproductive. State laws that disenfranchise people who have served their time “defy the principles — of accountability and rehabilitation — that guide our criminal justice policies,” Mr. Holder said in urging state lawmakers to repeal them. “By perpetuating the stigma and isolation imposed on formerly incarcerated individuals, these laws increase the likelihood they will commit future crimes.”EDITORIAL
Felon disenfranchisement laws lie at the intersection of two issues on which Mr. Holder has become increasingly outspoken: criminal justice reform and voting rights. While he has no direct authority to change state laws, the weight of his words can help pave a path for legislative action in both Congress and statehouses around the country.
In recent years, many states have made it easier to regain the right to vote after a conviction, either through legislation or by executive action. But a handful of states, particularly in the South, continue to be guided by the ghosts of the post-Civil War era, when disenfranchisement laws were aimed at newly freed blacks. The brunt of today’s laws that prohibit felons from voting still falls disproportionately on minorities, who make up more than one-third of those affected. In Florida, Kentucky and Virginia, more than one in five African-Americans cannot vote because of a conviction.
Despite some progress, the United States remains an extreme outlier in allowing lifetime voting bans. Most industrialized nations allow all nonincarcerated people to vote, and many even allow voting in prison.Adding insult to injury, felon disenfranchisement laws — which are explicitly permitted by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution — are devoid of both logic and supporting evidence. They undermine the citizenship of people who have paid their debt to society, and possibly at a cost to public safety. As Mr. Holder pointed out, a study by a parole commission in Florida found that formerly incarcerated people banned from voting were three times as likely to re-offend as those who were allowed to vote. Mass disenfranchisement also has serious political consequences. According to a 2002 study, disenfranchisement laws may have determined the outcome of seven Senate races — and thus control of the Senate throughout the 1990s — and a presidential election. While George W. Bush won Florida by 537 votes in 2000, more than 800,000 Floridians with criminal records were barred from voting. Regardless of which party might benefit most at the polls, repealing felon disenfranchisement laws is in the interest of upholding American ideals. And it has increasing bipartisan support; Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah, Republicans who have promoted criminal-justice reform on a larger scale, are also pushing to scale back or end these laws. Even after someone has completed a sentence, Senator Paul said in September, “the punishment and stigma continues for the rest of their life, harming their families and hampering their ability to re-enter society.” Mr. Paul is wise to focus on the importance of re-entry, since 95 percent of incarcerated people are eventually released. The restoration of the right to vote should be automatic, as soon as a person is released from prison. There is no good reason to keep punishing people who have served their time by denying them the most fundamental democratic right.
Celebrity guests attend state dinner for Hollande
Famous faces arrive for Obamas' state dinner for French President Francois Hollande at the White House, and watch the presidents' toasts.
Najam Sethi’s appointment as PCB Chairman is a reward for fixing 35 punctures in elections for Nawaz Sharif
Nawaz Sharif’s nepotism and corruption in favour of Najam Sethi and Jang Group is once again confirmed. Nawaz Sharif has gifted the lucrative Pakistan Circket Board (PCB) to his preferred media group (Jang Group) toady, Najam Sethi for services rendered before, during and after elections. We have written on this before but the removal of a professional like Zaka Ashraf with solid cricket administration skills and a very successful track road is yet another example of nepotism and corruption by Nawaz Sharif.by Sarah Khan

Bilawal Bhutto: Sindh Festival’s Cricket Tournaments will produce great cricketers for Pakistan team

Pakistan: PML-N govt ignored minorities, while deciding Taliban talks, says activist
A representative of the minority Christian community has expressed reservation on the ongoing ‘peace talks’ process initiated by the government.
Human Rights activist Khalid Shahzad, in a press statement, said the government had completely ignored the minorities and women while nominating the committee for negotiations with the banned terrorist outfit, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.
“Minorities, particularly Shias and Christians, and representatives of women rights groups should have been included in the talks process as we believe that they are major stakeholders in the issue. The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz government first ignored us in the all parties conference as no representative of the minority communities or women were invited to the moot and now again it has deliberately kept us out of the consultation process,” he said.
Shahzad said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif speaks of equal rights for women and minorities during his foreign visits but his actions at home contradict his claims. “Nawaz Sharif must involve all stakeholders in the talks process to make it into a truly representative forum,” he said.
- See more at: http://www.christiansinpakistan.com/minorities/#sthash.zhfqfMFs.dpuf
Pakistan: Already a Shariah State?

By Javed JabbarMay the miracle survive The composition of the negotiating teams by the government and the TTP and the TTP’s declared agenda require reflection. First, the composition: there is no woman member. As the exclusion in the TTP team is predictable, why does the government team not include even a symbolic representative of 48 per cent of the country’s population (as per the 1998 census)? The presence of a woman would have actually been more than symbolic. Women have suffered even more than men due to the atrocities perpetrated by terrorists who use the sacred name of Islam as a cloak for their barbarity and their nefarious real aims? As widows, wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, relations of soldiers, police and male citizens who were killed or seriously injured, women, in a sense, experience a fate worse than death. Thousands deal with deep trauma and torment every day as they face an uncertain, insecure future in a historically male-dominated society. As women are also likely to be the major victims of any concessions to the TTP’s version of Shariah, a woman’s presence in the official negotiating team would have ensured that the TTP recognised at the outset, that the human rights of women are non-negotiable. Second, the agenda: TTP spokesmen frequently advocate the rule of Shariah. But they need to be reminded at the start that Pakistan is already a virtual Shariah state. As free unwanted advice to the official team, herewith are elements of the Shariah state of Pakistan which already exist. To begin with, the Objectives Resolution of 1948 is a substantive part and the Preamble to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Then, Article 2 of the constitution states: “Islam shall be the State religion of Pakistan”. Article 31 titled “Islamic way of life” with two sub-clauses spells out in some detail – including the promotion of the Arabic language – steps to fulfil its provisions. Article 41, sub-clause 2 specifies that only a Muslim is eligible to be the president. Article 91, sub-clause 3 ensures that only a Muslim member of the National Assembly can be elected prime minister. Article 203A in Chapter 3A refers to the status of the Federal Shariat Court and begins with the stricture that: “The provisions of this Chapter shall have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution”. Subsequently, Article 203B through Article 203J spell out in detail the role of the Federal Shariat Court. In Part IX, “Islamic Provisions”, Articles 227 through 231 provide for all laws to be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. They then go on to describe the composition and functions of the Islamic Ideology Council. There are the Blasphemy law, the Hudood Ordinance and other provisions that give legal status to questionable, even inhumane and distorted interpretations of the Quran and Sunnah. To reinforce these legal provisions, segments of the state and society, directly or covertly facilitate the establishment, survival, expansion, funding and activities of religion-based organisations, some of which use verbal or physical violence to project their views. They also permit unregulated construction of mosques manned by prayer-leaders with no semblance of modern education; the easy availability of hate-based sectarian literature; the promotion of contrived religious piety through the media. In banking, investment, insurance (takaful), enterprises that claim to be ‘Shariah-compliant’ are making steady progress. So credible have claims by even criminal elements misusing Islamic references become, that only recently a huge scam involving billions of rupees collected from innocent citizens by persons with religious titles is currently under investigation.
Pervasive societal observance of Ramazan, Muharram, the two Eids, Eid Miladun Nabi, Shab-e-Qadr, Shab-e-Barat, mandatory payments of Zakat, performance by millions each year of Haj and Umrah, journeys by many to other holy places across the country and overseas Muslim countries – all of these reflect an abundant, respectful practice of rituals, both as enjoined rituals, and those adopted by sheer practice over centuries. Tragically, the continuation of unIslamic practices brazenly misusing Islam as a pretext to enforce them continues on an alarming scale even in 2014. These include the bizarre, sacrilegious act by some men of ‘marrying women to the Holy Quran’ in order to keep property within the family; falsely claiming ‘dishonour of a Muslim family to commit honour killings called ‘karo kari’ ; the use of jirgas and panchayats to mete out brutal punishments to women in the name of Islam ; the enforced isolation, concealment of women within burqas and inside households (‘chaar dewari’); the arbitrary limits to female education to prevent girls going beyond primary school to secondary level, college and university. Versions, good and bad, of a Shariah-based society are already visible facets of contemporary Pakistan. So what more do the TTP and their ilk want? Obviously, they wish to abolish or deform any institution or manifestation which represents gender equity, scientific rationality and global values of humanism because these expose their ignorant primitivism. The sheer existence and activism of parts of our state and society that are thoroughly Muslim without being narrow-minded, repressive and violent are a miracle. May the miracle survive and transcend the talks, even if it is all male-talk.
ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED BY MEDIA WATCHDOG REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS RANKS PAKISTAN AS 158 OUT OF 180 ON ITS PRESS FREEDOM INDEX.Pakistan remains one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists, media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said in its annual report released Wednesday, citing Balochistan province as a hotspot for violence. Seven reporters were killed in the line of duty in 2013, the report said, blaming the government’s “unwillingness to administer justice.” By comparison, 10 journalists were killed in Syria, eight in the Philippines and seven in Somalia. Placing Pakistan as the 158th country out of 180 on its Press Freedom Index, the report noted: “The government appears powerless in the Taliban … and the military establishment, which is known as a ‘state within a state’ among many international observers.” Four of the deaths occurred in Balochistan, which is wracked by Islamist violence and a long-running ethnic separatist insurgency. Cameraman Imran Shaikh and his colleague Saif-ur-Rehman were among those killed after rushing to cover a bomb, which hit the provincial capital of Quetta in January 2013. Both men died after being hit by a second blast that occurred 10 minutes after the first. Shaikh’s widow, Shazia Bano, said the family lived in constant threat, but he continued his work regardless. “He was not scared and used to say that it is our job and we have to do it … I used to force him to quit his job as journalist but he replied, what I should do if I quit?” While Shaikh and Rehman were caught up in militant violence, other journalists fall victim to the powerful interests linked to the government or intelligence agencies. Riaz Baloch, another Baloch journalist who published a story about a pro-government figure linked to a car theft operation, said he was kidnapped, tortured, and detained for nearly 60 days. “They took me to mountains … where I was subjected to severe torture and I was asked … why I published the news.” Pakistan’s Constitution theoretically protects freedom of speech, and the media is seen as having taken great strides in recent years. But certain subjects, particularly criticism concerning the Army and spy agencies, remain taboo. Last year Pakistan was placed 159 out of 179 countries in the index, with nine journalists killed.
Can education save Pakistan?
Asher John
Education should not only train the younger generation to face and tackle the situations and challenges of a technological and ever-changing world but also prepare them to live in a civilised world that is at peace with itself.The recent UNESCO report and Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) once again brought to the fore the plight and criminal neglect of education in Pakistan. Much has been written and said on this topic in recent days. Unfortunately, most of the writers and speakers repeated the same old mantra: we need to educate our children. None of the experts made any effort to go a little deeper and discuss the kind of education that needs to be imparted to our younger generation in order to make them responsible and educated members of a modern democracy. There are no two opinions on the need for education to survive in the modern world and that a good education is the best gift a society can bequeath to posterity, but we also need to realise that the wrong kind of education can do more harm than good. The social and physical edifices of modern society stand upon the foundations of education. Uneven and weak foundations make a bad base and this is what we have in Pakistan: a society that is uneven and fragile, which can be attributed to the ignorance and indoctrination that we spread in the name of education. Education in its classic sense is a means to character building and furthering the cause of civilisation. Everyone seems to agree on this, so what is the problem? The issue that needs to be addressed concerns the fundamental meaning of the term ‘education’. Is just teaching our children skills sufficient to read, write and become cogs in the ever-expanding industrial behemoth of this capitalistic world enough? Or is their more to it than that? To find an answer to this rather confounding question we will have to delve deeper and go back to the basics and redefine terms like ‘education’, ‘civilisation’ and ‘character’. The meaning of these terms has broadened with the passage of time. In today’s world, education is not only a conduit to pass on society’s collective will, knowledge and values to posterity but is also a means to equip young people with the necessary tools and skills to live in a society founded on the principles of democracy, tolerance and equality for all. In a more practical and physical sense, education should not only train the younger generation to face and tackle the situations and challenges of a technological and ever-changing world but also prepare them to live in a civilised world that is at peace with itself. In other words, the youth of a society should not only have a firm grasp on the values that their society as an entity believes in but should also be taught to respect and tolerate the values and beliefs of other societies and communities. This leads to yet another question: what can education do to create a just, tolerant and democratic society? To achieve the goal of ‘education’ in its most modern and academic sense, societies have to devise and create curricula and syllabi that encourage critical thinking, and inspire a scientific approach based on objectivity towards issues and problems in everyday life. Members of an educated and enlightened society should have the mental capacity and intellectual courage to question everything. Syllabi that make students think critically and objectively are harbingers of success and happiness in a society. Education, which supports and emphasises scientific thinking, ultimately creates a populace that is not a blind follower of whatever they are told, and cannot be sacrificed on the altar of fake national ego and the political interests of certain groups and individuals. An educated and academically robust citizenry is a great asset for any state. This kind of population is a must for a thriving economy, vibrant democracy and stable society. Education — not indoctrination based on falsification of history, distortion of culture and demonisation of others — is the only way to achieve prosperity and respect in the comity of nations for Pakistan. If the leaders and the rulers are interested, which they do not seem to be, in the nurturing of a democratic and educated society then they really need to address the root cause of the problem, which is ignorance and the uneducated illiterates that we produce through our present educational system. The first step in the right direction will be changing the curricula and syllabi and making them more thought provoking and objective. This will require a lot of courage, planning and guts on the part of the leadership but is the only way left for us to move forward. Yes, this will not solve all our problems overnight but it will be the first step in the right direction; this small step will be a giant leap for our educational system.
Pakistan: Appalling state of education
Pakistani Taliban threaten Kalash tribe, Ismailis in Chitral

Pakistan: From jihad to terrorism
AS he squatted under a TTP banner and toted his Kalashnikov, his face looked familiar, though his beard had grown much thicker and was perhaps dyed in henna, hiding the grey. After a long disappearance, Mast Gul resurfaced last week in North Waziristan with another militant commander claiming responsibility for a terrorist attack on a hotel in Peshawar that killed several Shias. That takes me down memory lane more than 18 years ago when the burly young tribesman had returned to a hero’s welcome after leading a bloody, two-month siege of Charar Sharif, a 14th-century shrine in India-held Kashmir. The fighting killed several Indian soldiers and ended in the destruction of the historical holy place. Working on a BBC documentary on Islamic blowback we travelled with Mast Gul for days filming his ‘victory’ processions in Punjab. Escorted by the top leadership of the Jamaat-i-Islami he was hailed as a great ‘Islamic warrior’. It was apparent that the JI was using him to boost its jihadi credentials and get maximum political mileage. My most vivid memory was a reception for him at the Punjab University campus in Lahore. The jam-packed auditorium thundered with slogans of “jihad” as Mast Gul entered surrounded by armed militants in camouflage jackets. The atmosphere became more charged as he narrated the story of his encounter with Indian troops. “Kashmir will soon be liberated,” he vowed amid thunderous applause and salutary gunfire. Such salutation was overwhelming for this tribal bumpkin known as a daredevil maverick to his acquaintances in Peshawar where he had resided. He was non-serious, often poking his colleagues with his Kalashnikov which he loved to keep by his side. He would randomly fire it to show off. The ‘hero of Charar Sharif’, however, was soon in oblivion after falling out with his patrons — until his reappearance last week. That was the time when militant groups openly operated under the state’s patronage, recruiting volunteers that mostly attracted young men like Mast Gul, fascinated by guns and with a love for adventure. There were others too motivated by religious belief. The militant groups would demonstrate guerrilla training sessions on Lahore’s Mall Road and other city centres. Through graffiti, wall posters and pamphlets they invited young men for training. ‘Jihad is the shortest route to heaven’ was one of many exhortations. Many ideologically indoctrinated men died fighting in various global jihad theatres from Kashmir to Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. Pakistan had earned the unparalleled distinction of being the only country using militancy as a tool of its foreign and security policy, turning the country into a nursery for jihad. People like Mast Gul were certainly no aberration. The ruthless use of militancy for dangerous proxy wars has ultimately come back to haunt this country. The transition of Mast Gul from street urchin to jihadist and to ultimately ending up as a terrorist is also the story of many others. A large number of militant fighters like Mast Gul have now taken up jihad inwards, killing their old patrons in security agencies as well as innocent Pakistanis. Their targets are also members of the Shia community and of other religious minorities: anyone who does not subscribe to their retrogressive worldview has to be eliminated. Though the state’s change of tack after 9/11 may have precipitated Pakistan’s war within, it was only a matter of time before these motivated holy warriors turned against their own people in the name of religion. The culture of jihad sponsored by the mullah-military alliance was bound to catch up sooner or later. In fact, it would have been more catastrophic had Pakistan not decided to roll back its policy on militancy and withdraw its support for the Afghan Taliban regime. It is utterly nonsensical to link the rise of violent militancy to the US occupation in Afghanistan or to drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal regions. Militancy has been deeply rooted in Pakistan for more than two decades. People like Mast Gul are certainly not the product of the post-9/11 situation. Therefore, it is an extremely flawed argument that the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan will bring an end to the jihadi narrative and lead subsequently to the winding down of terrorism. The militants are not fighting for Afghanistan but for the control of Pakistan. There is no ambiguity whatsoever about what the militants want. They are seeking to impose their retrogressive ideology through brute force. For them democracy is an un-Islamic system and unacceptable. Their war against the Pakistani state has nothing to do with the presence of foreign forces — something that Taliban apologists like Imran Khan want us to believe. Mast Gul and his sort will not disappear post-2014 following the withdrawal of coalition forces across the border. What an irony that the state is bowing before murderers and criminals like Mast Gul who proudly own the killing of innocent Pakistanis. There’s no precedence anywhere of a state acting so weakly before the terrorists challenging its authority. What our political leadership does not realise is that conceding their retrogressive ideology would certainly inflame religious tensions and even lead to sectarian civil war in the country. As the state loses control, militant leaders of all hues are resurfacing to assert themselves and revive the jihad industry. This culture of militancy has to be rolled back before it is too late.ZAHID HUSSAIN
Nine killed in Peshawar attack
Gunmen Wednesday attacked the home of a pro-government militia leader in Pakistan's violence-plagued Peshawar, killing at least nine people, police said.
The attack occurred in the Budhher area of Peshawar, Dawn News reported.
Geo News quoted police as saying more than a dozen attackers first hurled hand grenades at the home of Zafar Khan and locked the women inside the home.
The attackers took the male family members outside and killed them all, including two boys, aged 8 and 10, senior police official Rahim Shah said.
Khan, who was the chief of a local peace committee and member of a special police force, had been killed in another attack last Sunday, CNN said.
Dawn News said the attack appeared to be the result of religious rivalry between two extremist groups in the region.
A day earlier in Peshawar, three grenade explosions during a movie showing inside the Shama Cinema killed 11 people and injured 25 others. The facility's owners were quoted as saying they had been receiving threats.
A similar hand grenade attack inside another Peshawar movie house earlier this month killed five people and injured 20 others.
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2014/02/12/Nine-dead-in-attack-on-police-officers-house-in-Peshawar/UPI-62991392186014/#ixzz2t81BaXYz
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