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Thursday, May 1, 2014
Pakistan: U.S. Country Reports on Terrorism 2013
http://www.state.gov/In 2013, Pakistan continued to confront terrorist groups, including al-Qa’ida (AQ), Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Punjabi Taliban, and Lashkar I Jhangvi (LJ), all of whom mounted attacks against police, military and security forces, or engaged in sectarian violence and criminal activities against all sectors of society. Pakistan did not confront Lashkare-Tayyiba, however, who continued to operate, rally, and fundraise in Pakistan with its front organizations. In 2013, terrorists used remote-controlled improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in bicycles, motorcycles, parked cars, rickshaws, donkey carts, and alongside roads, used vehicle-borne IEDs, suicide bombers (including females), targeted assassinations, rocket-propelled grenades, and other armed combat tactics in attacks on mosques, churches, markets, journalists, aid workers, government institutions and officials. AQ and HQN continued to plot against U.S. interests in the region, including U.S. diplomatic facilities. TTP posed a threat to both U.S. and Pakistani interests, and carried out numerous attacks against Pakistani armed forces, Pakistani civilians, and government institutions. The May 2013 national elections brought in new civilian leadership, which was reviewing a new counterterrorism strategy at year’s end. In the pre-election period, some terrorist groups forged alliances with certain political parties, including religiously-based political parties. Some violent extremists conducted election-related terrorist attacks against political parties, candidates, and government officials. Pakistan’s government has pursued negotiations with TTP while also targeting the group militarily. Pakistan continued to support the Afghan peace process. Karachi continued to suffer from political and ethnic violence inflicted by different groups, including militant organizations, fundamentalist religious groups, and the militant wings of political parties. Some militant groups worked to assert control over political parties and criminal gangs operating in the city and surrounding areas of southern Sindh. The security situation in Karachi was a priority concern for Pakistan’s president, prime minister, parliament, Supreme Court, and the military and law enforcement agencies. 2013 Terrorist Incidents: During 2013, terrorist groups targeted the Pakistani government and military, engaged in sectarian violence, and perpetrated attacks against civilians. Terrorists organized armed assaults on police stations, judicial centers, border check posts, military convoys, and polio vaccination teams. Terrorists plotted against and attacked judges, prosecutors, police officers, defense lawyers, anti-TTP peace committee members, intelligence officers, and elected officials. In the months leading up to the May national elections, terrorists attacked and killed political party workers and candidates, bombed political rallies, and, after the elections, killed newly elected and appointed officials. Terrorists mounted an armed attack on a Pakistan military and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) office in Sukkur, and days later stormed a major prison, releasing several dozen imprisoned high-profile terrorists. In separate incidents, terrorists assassinated a high-ranking Army general in the tribal areas, the Karachi Chief of Police, and the president’s chief of security. Terrorists targeted Shia and other religious minorities in all areas of Pakistan, especially in Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), and Balochistan. Terrorists killed an international team of mountain climbers, including one U.S. citizen, on Pakistan’s famed Nanga Parbat Mountain. As of mid-December, over 1,025 civilians and more than 475 security forces personnel had been killed in terrorist-related incidents in Pakistan during the year. The presence of AQ, TTP, and other militant groups continues to pose a threat to U.S. citizens throughout Pakistan. The TTP claimed responsibility for the majority of the frequent attacks that targeted civilians and security personnel. Terrorist incidents occurred in every province. Representative incidents include: On January 10, a string of bombings in Quetta killed over 105 people and injured an estimated 169 more. In one attack, there were two explosions 10 minutes apart, with most fatalities occurring when police and media responded to the first bombing. The banned Sunni group, LJ, claimed responsibility for the twin attack, which took place in a predominantly Shia neighborhood. On the same day, a bomb exploded under a military vehicle at a busy market area, killing 12 and injuring 47 people. A Baloch nationalist group claimed responsibility. On June 15, 25 people died in a sectarian-related coordinated attack on a women’s college in Quetta along with the medical complex where victims were subsequently taken for treatment. The attack was notable for its use of a female suicide bomber, the first such occurrence in Balochistan. Later the same day, terrorists attacked and torched the historical landmark Ziarat residence 75 miles east of Quetta. On June 23, terrorists wearing paramilitary uniforms attacked a mountaineering base camp on Nanga Parbat in Gilgit-Baltistan and killed 10 foreign climbers, including one U.S. citizen. Three security officials sent to investigate the murders were also killed by terrorists. On July 10, a terrorist suicide bomber attacked the convoy of the chief of the presidential security detail in Karachi, killing the chief of security for President Zardari and two others. On July 24, suicide bombers and armed militants attacked the regional office of the ISI in a high security zone in Sukkur. Three ISI officials, and 10 Sindh police and Rangers personnel were killed, and 50 other people were injured during the ensuing battle. On July 29, terrorists stormed the Central Prison at Dera Ismail Khan in KP, forcing the release of imprisoned high-value terrorists. Twenty-four people died during the attack. On September 22, two suicide bombers attacked an historic Christian church in Peshawar; 119 persons were killed with over 145 others injured. The bombers detonated their vests at the end of a church service. On September 29, 42 people were killed and over 100 injured after a car bomb blast in the crowded Kissa Khawani Bazaar in Peshawar. On October 16, the newly appointed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa law minister and 10 others died after a suicide attacker exploded a bomb at the minister’s residence in Dera Ismail Khan. Legislation, Law Enforcement, and Border Security: Pakistan enacted additional amendments to the Antiterrorism Act of 1997, and promulgated several new laws to empower the national government to address terrorism with enhanced law enforcement and prosecutorial powers. Pakistan’s government is in the process of implementing four significant laws passed in 2013: the National Counterterrorism Authority Act, the Fair Trial Act, amendments to the Antiterrorism Act of 1997, and the Protection of Pakistan Ordinance of 2013 (PPO). The Pakistan government continued to make use of the reinforced counterterrorism legislation; however, the judiciary moved slowly in processing terrorism and other criminal cases in general. Pakistan took steps in 2013 to address challenges in in interagency cooperation and coordination. In 2013, Pakistan engaged in structural reforms on counterterrorism, designed to centralize coordination and information sharing. The National Counterterrorism Authority (NACTA) was empowered by new legislation in April, but was not fully activated in 2013. NACTA is envisioned as facilitating increased coordination and collection of counterterrorism intelligence among security agencies and provincial police, and providing a vehicle for national policy and strategy formulation for all aspects of counterterrorism. The Intelligence Bureau (IB) has nationwide jurisdiction as a civilian agency, and is fully empowered under the PPO to coordinate with provincial and territorial counterterrorism units. Intimidation by terrorists against witnesses, police, victims, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and judges contribute both to the slow progress of cases in Antiterrorism Courts and a high acquittal rate. Prosecutors often lacked resources needed to conduct successfully prosecutions in the trial phase. Jurisdictional divisions among and between military and civilian security agencies continued to hamper effective investigation and prosecution of terrorism cases. Pakistan promulgated new legislation in 2013 that supports the investigation and prosecution of terrorism offenses. The new enhanced tools provided by the Fair Trial Act of 2012 and the NACTA law are in the process of being implemented by the government. These laws are designed to provide the necessary legal tools to detect, disrupt, and dismantle terrorist activities and organizations to intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, and prosecutors. The PPO augments the Antiterrorism Act of 1997 (as amended) and creates a federally-empowered infrastructure with special federal courts, prosecutors, police stations, and investigation teams for the enforcement of 20 specially delineated categories of offenses. Pakistan’s 2013 amendments to the Antiterrorism Act of 1997 increase protections for witnesses, victims, and judges in terrorism cases, provide for admissibility of electronic evidence in court, and set guidelines for detention and judicial review. Pakistan is implementing biometric collection in national databases and screening at border land crossings with the International Border Management Security (IBMS) system. The National Automated Database Registration Authority (NADRA) maintains a national biometric database of citizens, residents, and diaspora Pakistanis, which is continually subject to upgrades. The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Pakistan’s customs and tax authority, continues to maintain currency detection units in Pakistan’s 12 international airports to counter bulk cash smuggling. The FBR has improved information sharing protocols on arrests and seizures. The Antiterrorism Courts in Pakistan have limited procedures for the admission of foreign evidence. Pakistan’s prosecution of seven suspects accused in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack is ongoing, with witnesses recording statements before the court. A Pakistani judicial commission made a second visit to India to obtain evidence and cross-examine four witnesses involved in India’s prosecution of Ajmal Kasab; however, it is unknown what impact India’s execution of Kasab in 2012 might have on the prosecution’s ability to introduce Kasab’s confession in the trial. Pakistani military forces conducted significant counterterrorism operations in the tribal areas, and civilian and other forces conducted operations in Sindh, Balochistan, KP, and Punjab. Some AQ- affiliated terrorist groups were disrupted in Punjab, and some TTP leaders were killed during security operations. Security forces intercepted large stockpiles of weapons and explosives and discovered bomb-making facilities and sophisticated telecommunication networks. Pakistan continued to arrest terrorists and initiate prosecutions throughout 2013. Cooperation with Pakistan’s security establishment on information sharing and law enforcement continued. Law enforcement cooperation continues with respect to terrorist attacks and plots against the embassy and personnel in Islamabad and the U.S. Consulates General and personnel in Lahore, Karachi, and Peshawar. Pakistani security services continued to actively investigate individuals and organizations behind the threats to the U.S. Consulate in Lahore and have partnered with the United States for information exchange and enhanced security cooperation. Pakistan continued to participate in the Department of State’s Antiterrorism Assistance (ATA) program. ATA training and equipment focused on building capacity to respond to critical terrorism-related incidents – including explosives-related incidents – and to conduct counterterrorism investigations. The ATA program was able to successfully deliver crisis response training in the latter part of 2013. Overall, however, delays in issuance of Pakistani visas to ATA trainers significantly impeded program implementation. Countering the Financing of Terrorism: Pakistan is an active participant in the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering, a Financial Action Task Force (FATF)-style regional body. In February 2012, FATF identified Pakistan on its public statement because Pakistan failed to address strategic deficiencies in anti-money laundering and counterterrorist finance (AML/CFT). In October, the FATF noted Pakistan’s substantial steps towards improving its AML/CFT regime, including by issuing a Statutory Regulatory Order that addresses the definition of terrorism and an Antiterrorism Amendment Ordinance to establish procedures for the identification and freezing of terrorist assets. While FATF praised the content of the Antiterrorism Amendment Ordinance, it encouraged Pakistan to take the necessary steps for swift ratification of the ordinance by its legislature. UN-designated terrorist organizations in Pakistan continue to avoid sanctions by reconstituting themselves under different names, often with little effort to hide their connections to previously banned groups. Although Pakistan added some named groups to its proscribed organizations list, there was still concern about the weak implementation of UNSCRs 1267 (1999) and 1988 (2011) and their follow-on resolutions. While Pakistan has taken steps over the past year to implement UNSCR 1267, it still falls short of FATF’s international standards regarding the identification and freezing of terrorist assets under UNSCR 1373 (2001). The government has the ability to freeze assets but cannot confiscate assets unless an individual or entity is convicted of a crime. Pakistan issued a UNSC Enforcement Order of 2012 setting out a range of sanctions for non-compliance in the implementation of UNSCR 1267 but has not yet applied this authority. The FATF has recommended that Pakistan increase the administrative monetary penalty available or legislate for additional criminal sanctions to meet the international standards. Lack of capacity, resource constraints, and effective CFT training for all participants in the criminal justice system are deterrents to an effective government response. Further, delays or denials of visas for U.S. law enforcement and judicial officials seeking to engage in AML/CFT capacity building have furthered hampered efforts in this area. Terrorist groups such as the Haqqani Network continued to raise funds in Pakistan. For further information on money laundering and financial crimes, see the 2014 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR), Volume 2, Money Laundering and Financial Crimes: http://www.state.gov/j/inl/rls/nrcrpt/index.htm. Regional and International Cooperation: Pakistan actively participated in counterterrorism efforts in both regional and international venues. Pakistan is an active member of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) and attended GCTF meetings and supported GCTF initiatives. Pakistan is a partner in the UK’s Counterterrorism Prosecution Reform Initiative (CaPRI), and provincial governments contributed to rule of law programs in Malakand and Punjab. Pakistan participated in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) meetings on counterterrorism; is a member of Interpol and the Organization of Islamic States (OIC); and participated in multilateral groups where counterterrorism cooperation is discussed, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) (as an observer) and the D-8, a group of developing nations with large Muslim populations. Pakistan participated in UN Security Council meetings on sanctions and counterterrorism, and co-hosted a UN Counter-Terrorism Committee’s Executive Directorate regional workshop for South Asian judges, prosecutors and investigators in Islamabad. Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the United States held high-level meetings on regional security, including efforts to combat violent extremism in the border region and to promote an Afghan reconciliation process. Pakistan also participated in bilateral meetings with a number of other nations on security cooperation and counterterrorism, including Turkey and the People’s Republic of China. Countering Radicalization to Violence and Violent Extremism: In 2013, Pakistan’s NACTA started consultations with Malaysia, Turkey, and Indonesia on strategies for countering violent extremism Integration of militants into society after peace agreements remained a major priority for the government. Pakistan’s military worked with civil society to operate the Sabaoon Rehabilitation Center, a de-radicalization program for youth in a military camp in Mingora, Swat. Militancy-exposed youth are rehabilitated through a combination of education and counseling. Sabaoon centers claim success in reintegrating militant youth into society, and there are now nine such centers operating in KP and FATA.
US terror report: Turkey used for transit by radical groups in Syria

Turkish government scared of workers: Main opposition leader

Ukrainians, Russians put conflict at center of May Day
May Day marches in Kiev and Moscow focus on the bitter conflict between the two governments.
Pakistan's Corrupt Ruling Family: Sharifs got huge interest relief over bank loans

Turkey: Riot police in reprehensible crackdown on peaceful May Day protest

Turkey relegated to the league of “not free” countries: report

Turkey May Day protests hit by tear gas near Taksim Square

Large May Day Parade Under Way In Moscow
http://www.rferl.org/Tens of thousands of people took part in a May Day parade through the center of Russia's capital, Moscow, on May 1. It was for the first time since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991 that a May Day parade organized by Russia's Federation of Independent Trade Unions (FITU) was held in Moscow's Red Square. FITU estimated the possible number of participants at up to 100,000 people. Crowds carrying colorful balloons and banners as well as flowers and Russian and Soviet flags marched through the Red Square. The procession was led by Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Smaller May Day parades organized by political parties and nongovernmental organizations were scheduled in various Moscow districts. The festivities come amid escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine after Russia annexed Crimea and pro-Russian separatists occupied police and administration buildings in more than a dozen cities in eastern Ukraine.
Bilawal Bhutto Asks: Where is Abid Sher Ali on Ittefaq Foundry's 40-million-rupees debt?

CH Nisar's tactless fulmination: 'An embarrassment for Foreign Office'
There can be no two opinions about Narendra Modi. But it is not a question of the BJP leader’s past only. Even during the election campaign he has made provocative statements. Inside India many Muslims recoil at his name. His agenda has been called divisive by the country’s secular parties. Putting British understatements aside The Economist straightaway said, it would be wrong for a man who has thrived on division to become the prime minister of a country as fissile as India. After shunning Modi for years Britain revived contacts with him only in 12 when there were indications of his emerging as a national leader. For nine years the US has refused to issue him a visa. India being a neighbouring country Pakistan will have to deal with the BJP leader in case he is elected prime minister. While making full preparations for the worst Islamabad must not lose sight of the fact that Modi also says the BJP is fighting elections on the issues of governance and development. In case the BJP leader is really focused on economic development, he cannot ollow a sectarian agenda at home and an aggressive policy towards India’s neighbours. He will have to tamp down his chauvinism and live in peace with both China and Pakistan. Pakistan will therefore have to formulate a well nuanced policy towards the BJP led Indian government. The FO spokesman was the proper person to respond to Modi’s objectionable remarks about bringing back Dawood Ibrahim from Pakistan. All the more so because only last week Pakistan’s envoy to New Delhi had welcomed Modi’s statement that he would pursue the policies followed by former BJP premier Atal Bihari Vajpayee. High Commissioner Abdul Basit had described the remarks as ‘very positive’ and had hoped that ‘if he is elected as prime minister we should expect more positive things’. On Tuesday speaking at a Mumbai gathering Basit referred to Nawaz Sharif’s ‘region-first vision’ and called for taking ‘irreversible steps forward’ for peace and prosperity. Known for an absolute lack of finesse, Ch Nisar is the person least suited to speak on foreign affairs, which need delicate handling. As interior minister he should not have gone beyond denying the presence of Dawood Ibrahim in Pakistan. Forgetting that he is no longer an opposition leader but a responsible interior minister, he has referred to Modi’s remarks as ‘irresponsible’, ‘shameful’, ‘provocative’ and ‘condemnable’. The remarks would be a feast for the ears of the India bashing lobby but would be embarrassing for the FO.Pakistan Today
Pakistan: Opposition leader calls for removal of Abid Sher, for calling legislators power ‘thieves’.
http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah said that the opposition would submit a privilege motion in parliament against the Minister of State for Water and Power, Abid Sher Ali, for calling legislators power ‘thieves’. Talking to newsmen at the parliament house, he urged Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to immediately remove the minister from the cabinet. He also expressed the fear that Defence Minister Khawaja Asif could be removed from office under ‘pressure’ of his subordinate department. He said the removal of the minister at the behest of an “institution working under him” would have serious consequences. He urged the PML-N to induct someone else in the federal cabinet, if necessary, and the defence ministry’s portfolio could be given to him. “Khawaja Asif is holding defence and water and power ministries, therefore, one of them could be given to some other cabinet member,” he said. Mr Shah said some elements had been trying to widen the breach between the media and the army by holding demonstrations separately in support of both of them. “The government has to bear the cost of this confrontation.” Mr Shah said similar rallies were staged in the past to derail democracy. He expressed the hope that the army and the media would foil the designs of anti-state elements. The opposition leader called upon PTI Chairman Imran Khan and Allama Tahirul Qadri to give up their plan to launch a movement against the government because it could harm democracy. When asked that the PPP was being accused of doing “friendly opposition”, Mr Shah said his party was supporting the PML-N only for the sake of democracy. In reply to a question about talks between the government and the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan, he said the government appeared to be indecisive on the issue. Khursheed Shah urged the government to take the opposition into confidence on foreign policy and not to roll back the Pak-Iran gas pipeline project.
Pakistan: Cutting off defaulters
Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali (ASA) has inserted his hand into a hornet’s nest. His ministry was berated the other day by Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif for the unannounced increase in electricity load shedding, which in some areas is running at 18-20 hours per day. With tempratures rising on the onset of summer, tempers too have been put on an upward trajectory. Apparently ASA took the PM’s berating to heart, particularly his orders not to spare any defaulter. As a result, ASA ordered high government offices in Islamabad cut off for bills default. The list reads like an institutional who’s who: the Presidency, PM’s Secretariat, the Supreme Court, Parliament House, etc. Though most of these high profile consumers had their electricity restored by evening, this was not before they coughed up the cash they owed. If ASA is to be believed, the list of government offices that owe money reads like a rogue’s gallery. For example, Capital Development Authority of Islamabad owes Rs 2.36 billion, the Sindh government Rs 56 billion, Punjab government Rs 3.4 billion, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan governments Rs 2. 5 billion each, the Presidency Rs 2.8 million, Parliament Lodges Rs 20 million, and the list goes on. The minister says the DISCOs have to recover Rs 475 billion from defaulters and the government Rs 33 billion. It is obvious that the institutions on the list are powerful ‘big fish’ and it has only been possible to move against them because the PM has ordered an ‘indiscriminate’ action to speed up recoveries, failure to do so feeding into the burgeoning circular debt and as a result increased load shedding because about 3,000 MW of generation capacity is lying idle for lack of funds to purchase fuel, etc. One reflection of the indiscriminate nature of the drive is that not only electricity, gas defaulters are also being cut off, including the PM’s office!
More than 100 government offices have reportedly been disconnected for electricity bill default in Islamabad alone. Meanwhile the Sindh government and Assembly have reacted to the disconnections in the province as well as what they say are inappropriate or even insulting remarks by ASA about the people of Sindh. It may be recalled that similar complaints surfaced when ASA started his disconnection drive in KP. Both provinces’ governments are complaining about ‘discrimination’ although given the action in the federal capital, that argument has been somewhat weakened. However, a word of advice to the doughty minister: the task you have taken up is inherently tough and you are not going to win any popularity stakes anyway, but you may not be doing your cause much good by inserting remarks about the people of provinces other than Punjab in your statements when all that is needed is a business like approach saying that no defaulter, high or low, government or private, will be spared in the interests of controlling if not ending the energy crisis. That would avoid smokescreens being thrown up by those on the receiving end of your drive centred on sub-nationalism.
We have been arguing in this space that the biggest defaulter of electricity dues is the government itself, and the figures quoted by ASA bear this out. However, this should not lull us into thinking that defaulters do not exist in the private sector too. The government default reflects a culture of impunity and being above the law across ministries, departments, institutions and the provinces, since we are the ‘government’. Private sector (and perhaps even government default) means collusion between the consumer and the electricity staff. While ASA cleans up the Augean stables of government and private sector default mercilessly by simply cutting off all defaulters without discrimination until and unless they pay up, it would not hurt to revisit the widely held perception that it is easy to bribe electricity staff in order to get no or at least reduced bills. Obviously theft and default deprive the country of full generation capacity because of circular debt, and the honest consumer of the facility of uninterrupted power supply, which he/she thoroughly deserves. While welcoming therefore the very late but welcome drive against defaulters, it defies logic when ASA reveals that high density default areas are being subjected to 18-20 hours load shedding while less dense default areas are ‘only’ subjected to 6-8 hours. What is the basis for this? The honest consumers in the high default areas are unnecessarily being punished for no fault of their own, while the defaulters in less dense areas are getting away lightly. Far better to stick to the punishment of cutting off individual consumers rather than this novel ‘collective punishment’ approach.
Pakistan: Seminaries playing courier for TTP in ‘fund-raising drive’

Pakistan: IHC CJ’s daughters get preferential treatment at IIUI

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