Saudi Arabia has repeatedly denied any connection, and neither President George W. Bush nor President Obama has been forthcoming on this issue. But earlier this year, Reps. Walter B. Jones, R-N.C., and Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., were given access to the 28 redacted pages of the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry (JICI) of 9/11 issued in late 2002, which have been thought to hold some answers about the Saudi connection to the attack. "I was absolutely shocked by what I read," Jones told International Business Times. "What was so surprising was that those whom we thought we could trust really disappointed me. I cannot go into it any more than that. I had to sign an oath that what I read had to remain confidential. But the information I read disappointed me greatly."The public may soon also get to see these secret documents. Last week, Jones and Lynch introduced a resolution that urges President Obama to declassify the 28 pages, which were originally classified by President George W. Bush. It has never been fully explained why the pages were blacked out, but President Bush stated in 2003 that releasing the pages would violate national security. While neither Jones nor Lynch would say just what is in the document, some of the information has leaked out over the years. A multitude of sources tell IBTimes, and numerous press reports over the years in Newsweek, the New York Times, CBS News and other media confirm, that the 28 pages in fact clearly portray that the Saudi government had at the very least an indirect role in supporting the terrorists responsible for the 9/11 attack. In addition, these classified pages clarify somewhat the links between the hijackers and at least one Saudi government worker living in San Diego. Former Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., who chaired the Joint Inquiry in 2002 and has been beating the drum for more disclosure about 9/11 since then, has never understood why the 28 pages were redacted. Graham told IBTimes that based on his involvement in the investigation and on the now-classified information in the document that his committee produced, he is convinced that “the Saudi government without question was supporting the hijackers who lived in San Diego…. You can't have 19 people living in the United States for, in some cases, almost two years, taking flight lessons and other preparations, without someone paying for it. But I think it goes much broader than that. The agencies from CIA and FBI have suppressed that information so American people don't have the facts." Jones insists that releasing the 28 secret pages would not violate national security. “It does not deal with national security per se; it is more about relationships,” he said. “The information is critical to our foreign policy moving forward and should thus be available to the American people. If the 9/11 hijackers had outside help – particularly from one or more foreign governments – the press and the public have a right to know what our government has or has not done to bring justice to the perpetrators." It took Jones six weeks and several letters to the House Intelligence Committee before the classified pages from the 9/11 report were made available to him. Jones was so stunned by what he saw that he approached Rep. Lynch, asking him to look at the 28 pages as well. He knew that Lynch would be astonished by the contents of the documents and perhaps would join in a bipartisan effort to declassify the papers. "He came back to me about a week ago and told me that he, too, was very shocked by what he read,” Jones said. “I told him we need to join together and put in a resolution and get more members on both sides of the aisle involved and demand that the White House release this information to the public. The American people have a right to know this information." A decade ago, 46 senators, led by Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., demanded in a letter to President Bush that he declassify the 28 pages. The letter read, in part, "It has been widely reported in the press that the foreign sources referred to in this portion of the Joint Inquiry analysis reside primarily in Saudi Arabia. As a result, the decision to classify this information sends the wrong message to the American people about our nation's antiterror effort and makes it seem as if there will be no penalty for foreign abettors of the hijackers. Protecting the Saudi regime by eliminating any public penalty for the support given to terrorists from within its borders would be a mistake.... We respectfully urge you to declassify the 28-page section that deals with foreign sources of support for the 9/11 hijackers." All of the senators who signed that letter but one, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), were Democrats. Lynch, who won the Democratic primary for his congressional seat on that fateful day of Sept. 11, 2001, told IBTimes that he and Jones are in the process of writing a “Dear Colleague” letter calling on all House members to read the 28 pages and join their effort. "Once a member reads the 28 pages, I think whether they are Democrat or Republican they will reach the same conclusion that Walter and I reached, which is that Americans have the right to know this information," Lynch said. “These documents speak for themselves. We have a situation where an extensive investigation was conducted, but then the Bush [administration] decided for whatever purposes to excise 28 pages from the report. I'm not passing judgment. That was a different time. Maybe there were legitimate reasons to keep this classified. But that time has long passed.” Most of the allegations of links between the Saudi government and the 9/11 hijackers revolve around two enigmatic Saudi men who lived in San Diego: Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Basnan, both of whom have long since left the United States. In early 2000, al-Bayoumi, who had previously worked for the Saudi government in civil aviation (a part of the Saudi defense department), invited two of the hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, to San Diego from Los Angeles. He told authorities he met the two men by chance when he sat next to them at a restaurant. Newsweek reported in 2002 that al-Bayoumi’s invitation was extended on the same day that he visited the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles for a private meeting. Al-Bayoumi arranged for the two future hijackers to live in an apartment and paid $1,500 to cover their first two months of rent. Al-Bayoumi was briefly interviewed in Britain but was never brought back to the United States for questioning. As for Basnan, Newsweek reported that he received monthly checks for several years totaling as much as $73,000 from the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar, and his wife, Princess Haifa Faisal. Although the checks were sent to pay for thyroid surgery for Basnan’s wife, Majeda Dweikat, Dweikat signed many of the checks over to al-Bayoumi’s wife, Manal Bajadr. This money allegedly made its way into the hands of hijackers, according to the 9/11 report. Despite all this, Basnan was ultimately allowed to return to Saudi Arabia, and Dweikat was deported to Jordan. Sources and numerous press reports also suggest that the 28 pages include more information about Abdussattar Shaikh, an FBI asset in San Diego who Newsweek reported was friends with al-Bayoumi and invited two of the San Diego-based hijackers to live in his house. Shaikh was not allowed by the FBI or the Bush administration to testify before the 9/11 Commission or the JICI. Graham notes that there was a significant 9/11 investigation in Sarasota, Fla., which also suggests a connection between the hijackers and the Saudi government that most Americans don’t know about. The investigation, which occurred in 2002, focused on Saudi millionaire Abdulaziz al-Hijji and his wife, Anoud, whose upscale home was owned by Anoud al-Hijji’s father, Esam Ghazzawi, an adviser to Prince Fahd bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, the nephew of Saudi King Fahd. The al-Hijji family reportedly moved out of their Sarasota house and left the country abruptly in the weeks before 9/11, leaving behind three luxury cars and personal belongings including clothing, furniture and fresh food. They also left the swimming-pool water circulating. Numerous news reports in Florida have said that the gated community’s visitor logs and photos of license tags showed that vehicles driven by several of the future 9/11 hijackers had visited the al-Hijji home. Graham said that like the 28 pages in the 9/11 inquiry, the Sarasota case is being “covered up” by U.S. intelligence. Graham has been fighting to get the FBI to release the details of this investigation with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and litigation. But so far the bureau has stalled and stonewalled, he said. Lynch said he didn’t know how the Obama administration would respond to the congressional resolution urging declassification, if it passes the House and Senate. “But if we raise the issue, and get enough members to read it, we think we can get the current administration to revisit this issue. I am very optimistic,” he said. “I’ve talked to some of my Democratic members already, and there has been receptivity there. They have agreed to look at it.” Obama administration officials declined to comment on the congressional resolution or on the classification of these documents. The 9/11 Families United for Justice Against Terrorism (JASTA), an activist group comprised of the attack victims, has been calling for the declassification of the 28 pages for more than a decade. The group plans to contact Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, this week to urge her to introduce a similar resolution in the Senate. Sharon Premoli, a 9/11 survivor who was on the North Tower's 80th floor when the plane hit and is a JASTA member, says Jones and Lynch “share our objectives of seeking the truth behind 9/11 and bringing to justice those who bankrolled the attacks.” Premoli said it was a “miracle” that she survived 9/11. “I found myself buried under dust and on top of a dead body,” she said. “It makes me angry that I still don’t know what happened or who was supporting these hijackers. The veil of secrecy must be lifted for the families, the survivors and for the American people.
M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Monday, December 9, 2013
9/11 Link To Saudi Arabia Is Topic Of 28 Redacted Pages In Government Report; Congressmen Push For Release
Since terrorists attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, victims’ loved ones, injured survivors, and members of the media have all tried without much success to discover the true nature of the relationship between the 19 hijackers – 15 of them Saudi nationals – and the Saudi Arabian government. Many news organizations reported that some of the terrorists were linked to the Saudi royals and that they even may have received financial support from them as well as from several mysterious, moneyed Saudi men living in San Diego.
Iran, From Enemy to Ally

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Kerry Pettis

U.S: The Poor Are Squeezed as Rental Housing Demand Soars

Christmas Forecast 2013: Storm Batters East Coast, Who Will Have a White Xmas?

Turkey’s Erdogan on shaky ground as elections loom autocratic leader losing key supporters ahead of municipal vote, damaging his chances of becoming president After dominating Turkish politics for a decade, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is entering election season on uncertain footing — without the support of key groups that had powered his previous electoral wins and facing divisions within his own party.
Erdogan, whom critics accuse of cutting an increasingly autocratic figure, faces municipal elections in March that are largely seen as a vote of confidence in his Islamic-based government. A poor result could weaken Erdogan just as he seeks to shift into the presidency in an August vote while still maintaining enough influence in his party to choose his successor as prime minister in parliamentary elections expected next year.A big setback could end his long pre-eminence over Turkish politics. Turkey, a largely Muslim nation that straddles Europe and Asia, is a key US and NATO ally with a flourishing economy and stable democracy. Under Erdogan’s leadership, the country has increasingly been looking East, cultivating new relations in the Middle East and Asia and casting doubts on its long-standing aim of joining the European Union. Erdogan’s Justice or Development Party, better known by its Turkish acronym AKP, has dominated parliament for the past decade and retains the support of a core religious and conservative base. It could see its majority shrink in elections as unhappy liberals and former allies look elsewhere, although none of the three opposition parties in parliament is likely to overturn that majority. Erdogan has fallen out with a moderate Islamic movement led by US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who is believed to have millions of followers in Turkey and had backed Erdogan’s party since it was formed in 2001. The prime minister, who came to power in 2003, has also lost the support of many liberals, who once saw him as a reformist leader edging Turkey closer to EU membership. His international image also suffered a blow following a violent police crackdown on protests in May and June over government plans to build in a central Istanbul park. Adding to Erdogan’s woes, divisions have even emerged inside the usually tight-knit AKP. Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc, who founded AKP with Erdogan, grumbled on state-run television this month about his treatment by Erdogan and announced he was not running again. Another legislator resigned from the party rather than face ouster for insubordination after he criticized Erdogan on Twitter. “Erdogan had lost the support of a majority of the liberal circles a long while ago, and now we are seeing political Islam breaking away too,” said Cengiz Aktar, a professor of political science with the Istanbul Policy Center. “The local elections will deliver a clear message to the government.” A simmering rift with Gulen’s movement came to a head recently after Erdogan’s government announced plans to close the private “cram schools” that prepare high school students for Turkey’s highly competitive university entrance exam. Erdogan insists the measure is part of the government’s educational reforms. But since about a quarter of the schools are run by the Gulen movement, many see the decision as a way to strip the group of a major source of income and influence. The AKP-Gulen alliance began to crumble after the movement criticized the government’s foreign policy over the past few years, including its deteriorating relations with Israel, as well as Erdogan’s uncompromising stance toward the domestic protests. Analysts say Erdogan has grown weary of the influence of the Gulen movement, whose followers are believed to have a strong foothold within Turkey’s judiciary and police. Gulen supporters are thought to have instigated a series of trials against the country’s military leaders that helped end the generals’ hold on power. Gulen’s movement is a spiritual one and it is not expected to run its own candidates in the elections. However, many of its followers are likely to shift away from the AKP. “The movement does not tell (followers) who to vote for,” said Mustafa Yesil, who heads the Gulen-funded Writers and Journalists’ Association. “But we could witness an emotional break (away from the AKP).” Istanbul will be a major test for the ruling AKP in the March local election. The pro-secular, main opposition Republican People’s Party, CHP, appears to have a strong mayoral candidate for Turkey’s largest city. If AKP were to lose Istanbul, it could erode Erdogan’s political standing as he faces the presidential election. Internal party rules bar him from a fourth term as prime minister.
Four US Presidents to Attend Mandela Memorial
Pakistan: Unfair remarks: PM’s grouse
THE prime minister is upset that the media has not treated his government fairly or justly in its coverage of the government’s performance so far and he specifically complained over the weekend that the great vegetable price inflation was highlighted far more than the recent downward trend in prices. Governments complaining about the role of the media in undermining them and treating them unfairly and unjustly is as old a complaint as the media itself. In reality, it is often the media that has been treated unjustly, unfairly and worse by governments throughout history, and that history certainly includes PML-N governments. To be sure, there are sections of the media here that often project themselves as participants in, instead of observers of, the political and governance process, but even that is not something a vibrant and thriving democracy cannot absorb.
The problem with the PML-N government, which has led to growing, though far from historically fierce, criticism of its performance, is twofold: it does not appear to have a coherent plan nor does it appear to know how to communicate well the plans it does have. Have a look at the economic front. The management of the economy is nearing shambolic and yet the chief stewards of the economy appear unwilling to factor in reality in their public assessments, as detailed further down in these columns today. On other fronts, even when the prime minister does act and makes some reasonable choices in appointing officials, controversy follows. For example, if a foreign secretary was chosen and his name all but officially announced, why embarrass all concerned, including the prime minister, by a last-minute change? These instances are only a tiny sample of the political paralysis and indecision that seems to have afflicted the PML-N government.
What is troubling about the prime minister’s comments is that he has chosen to criticise the media at precisely the moment the country is looking to him to get on with the business of governance and policy now that a new army chief has been installed and a new chief justice of the Supreme Court will be sworn in this week. Is the prime minister once again simply looking for scapegoats?
It surely cannot bode well for the prospects of an improvement on the governance front.
Pakistan: Sectarian war spreading
Since Friday, the air has hung heavy with the stench of sectarian ire in Lahore and across the country. The provincial president of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), Maulana Shamsur Rehman Muaviya, was gunned down by unidentified gunmen in what can only be called a targeted killing, the latest in a horrifying series of sectarian attacks since the incident that occurred in Rawalpindi on the 10th of Muharram. Just last Tuesday, prominent Shia community leader Allama Deedar Ali Jalbani was assassinated in Karachi, leading to a 1,200 strong Shia protest in the city. Now we have the murder of the ASWJ Punjab president, and who is to say what will come next?
Since the tragedy that occurred in Rawalpindi, we are seeing a pattern emerge of tit-for-tat killings, with Shias and Sunnis both being targeted in equal measure. We are now seeing Shias take up arms and resort to violence, which, while in no way condonable, is sadly understandable — decades of being abandoned by the state and its law enforcement agencies has seen this community pushed against the wall with no other choice but to fight back. Anti-Shia extremist organisations like the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) have been conducting a slow genocide against the Shias in this country for years now, thinking and preaching that the Shia minority in the country resides outside the fold of Islam and, as such, should be extinguished. It should be noted that the ASWJ is the new face of the SSP. The SSP is a banned organisation and so has reinvented itself as the ASWJ to continue with its dastardly mission under a different guise. And herein lies the problem. Sectarian bloodshed is alive and well in this country, with only the slightest provocation required to stir it in violent ways. The fact that only lip service has been paid by the authorities to actually do something about the situation is at the root of the situation: if these ‘banned’ organisations still continue to fester and propagate their hateful ideologies with tragic consequences, what was the point of banning them in the first place? Why has the government failed to follow up and crack down on these bodies, no matter what the name they operate under? Each and every sectarian killing that is taking place — not just in an individual province because the fire has spread throughout the country — must be sorted out by the provincial and federal governments together. There is no question of working in isolation as the sectarian war looks ready to write another bloodied chapter in our history.
PTI IN KP province: ''Brain drain from KP''
Recently, some prominent doctors were kidnapped from Peshawar and the only action from the provincial government was the provincial health minister's advice that the doctors hire guards or themselves carry weapons for protection against abductors.
Before that it was the industrialists and businessmen's turn to be kidnapped most of whom have now left the province along with their factories and trade facilities.
It is not hard to judge why doctors are now the target of kidnappers: in the absence the rich industrialists and businessmen, successful professionals are the only ones left who can pay huge ransoms.
The PTI government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) instead of working hard to make the province safe and bring the few investors, we had, back to KP and stop the brain drain as doctors are also threatening to leave the province, is busy in halting the Nato supplies in its effort to stop drone attacks and save the terrorists from getting killed. After the doctors leave, it could be the turn of lawyers and engineers.
The PTI and its coalition partners should accept that they have only the mandate to govern KP and not the whole country. There could have been some political justification for the PTI's provincial government to stop Nato supplies and meddle in the central government's jurisdiction if it had solved all the problems of the KP province.
Many might not have objected were the situation in the province peaceful: terrorism eliminated; murders, robberies and other crimes brought under control; system of education had been revamped and reforms promised by PTI were implemented successfully; patients in government hospitals were getting free medicines and not buying these from chemist shops; the vice of corruption had been wiped out; price hike arrested and development work were in full swing everywhere in the province.
The very opposite, however, is true: The PTI government cannot control crimes even in the provincial capital Peshawar yet it wants to deal with foreign policy issues.
Chief Minister Pervez Khattak should ask himself the questions: What is he doing to woo back the scared investors and industrialists. Is it not his duty to provide new jobs to the people which can only happen if new industries and businesses are established in the province!
Home Minister Siraj ul Haq should ask himself the question: What is he doing to curb lawlessness in the province! As the home minister, it is not his job to arrange and direct JI party workers to the PTI-led sit-ins; rather, it is for him to direct the provincial forces against crime and terrorism.
The Frontier Post appeals to PTI and the JI who are major partners in the KP coalition government to stop raising emotional issues to garner mass support against the central government; instead, they should accept their mandate which is to work for the welfare of the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
PPP Patron-in-Chief Bilawal Bhutto felicitates people on Sindh Culture Day People’s Party (PPP) Patron-in-Chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has congratulated the people of Sindh on the festivities being observed across the province to celebrate the rich Sindhi culture, inherited from the Indus valley civilisation. The PPP leader, in a statement on Sunday, emphasised that it was about time to protect Sindh's heritage and urged the government to take measures to protect Sindh's historical sites. - See more at:
Imran Khan and illusion of a Messiah
by M AliUp till now I always thought very harshly of Imran Khan, my opinion of him was that of a simpleton who lacked any political acumen. His public appearances are usually crass and full of vulgarities in which he often threatens his opponents with a metaphorical cricket bat; one would expect that an Oxford Graduate would be more measured and civil in his rhetoric but alas. This Juvenile behavior is part of the reason why many remaining sane Pakistanis detest him. Interestingly “Mard-e-Momin” Imran Khan started out as a favorite of lifestyle liberals but never enjoyed electoral success. With repeated failures at the polls, Imran Khan finally decided to spurn his lifestyle liberal fan base and hitched his fledgling political wagon to the issue of North Waziristan and Drones. For past 9 years he has steadfastly stuck to the talking point of having dialogue with the Deobandi Taliban. Many sober analysts saw this as murmurings of a crazed man desperate for electoral success, whose political career never took off. However the time has come that Imran Khan’s political calculation is looked at from a different perspective. Imran Khan’s views become ever more clear when you piece together the past 10 years in which Pakistani minorities have suffered brutally at the hands of Deobandi Taliban and their myriad allies. The first 7 years of Imran Khan’s political career were forgettable to say the least, notwithstanding an alleged offer by Musharraf to be his PM, Imran Khan’s floundering political career seemed headed to the dustbin of history. And with this one issue he has managed to propel himself to political relevancy. Imran Khan started gaining traction 3 years after the Afghan invasion by Allied forces when he first started decrying Pakistan Army’s involvement in North Waziristan. His supporters still harken back to his famous sit-down with Hamid Mir and point to his political wisdom in denouncing the so called military operation in North Waziristan. His shrewd political strategy paid off and with the auspices of former ISI chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Imran Khan’s political star started to shine brighter than ever. Imran Khan was the right man for the establishment who with Musharraf’s departure and election of establishment’s hated PPP, wanted an alternate other than usual DPC clowns. With every TV channel running to Imran Khan for a “exclusive” suddenly the youth and non-resident Pakistanis started coalescing around this great leader who was supposedly standing up to the tyrannical, anti Muslim USA. Forget the fact that Imran Khan has his own kids growing up in a western country with their mother, who I doubt practices one iota of the very religion all the PTI faithful’s swear by. What is ironic is that the very issue with which Imran Khan has gained notoriety is based on a false notion. Fact that Pakistan Military has its soldiers positioned in FATA does not mean that they are actively operating in the region. The Army only begrudgingly entered into North Waziristan because of immense pressure from US. It’s a known fact that Pakistan’s Military establishment is deeply wedded to the infamous “Strategic Depth” policy and the sad truth is that it’s willing to use its own soldiers and minorities as fodder to keep the strategy going. Coming back to Imran Khan who has steadfastly stuck to his guns, its time that his critics realize that its not a senile 60 year old talking nonsense but a savvy politician with a carefully crafted message for a Deobandized populace. Its not a coincidence that PTI’s political machine is run by western educated professionals who have carefully calibrated his message for the urban masses. To be specific the urban middle class is by many measures more Deobandi than Barelvi and is in absolute lockstep with Imran Khan’s radical agenda. The sad part is that Imran Khan similarly to Pakistan’s Military Establishment has decided that minorities especially Shias are dispensable. With each atrocity committed by Deobandi Mafia comes a boilerplate condemnatory statement by PTI but no one ever asks Imran Khan about his plan to counter radicalization caused by Deobandi mafia. It is increasingly evident that Imran Khan considers Deobandi Taliban as his allies. And this is exactly why he never answers the question; what exactly can state of Pakistan offer to the Deobandi Taliban in exchange for peace? The only logical explanation one can extrapolate from the wishy-washy stance Imran Khan has taken, that he is willing to completely surrender FATA to his Deobandi Taliban allies. Imran Khan in all his statements has never shown willingness to normalize the status of FATA. Its increasingly looking like Shias and Barelvis will be the losers along with other minorities in Imran Khan’s “Naya Pakistan”. - See more at:
Peshawar Church Blasts: Mercy Mission To Pakistan
An extensive aid plan named the Mercy Mission to Pakistan: dispensing funds among the sufferers of the suicide blasts. The expedition was to distribute funds to families caught up in the bombing outside All Saints Church, Peshawar, which saw more than 100 people killed and many more injured, in September. The money had been collected from Churches crosswise the dioceses of Wakefield and Carlisle. The fund raising was boosted by Yaqub Masih’s personal fund-raising proposal through friends and colleagues in the West Yorkshire area.
Yaqub Masih, of Wakefield Cathedral at Salendine Nook, was able to raise funds around 12,000 pounds and arrived in Pakistan: aiding 130 affected families troubled by the attack. Yaqub Masih handed 15,000 rupees each. During his Mercy Mission he also took part in a Church service in All Saints while he was there. While expounding about his mission, Yaqub said: “A lot of things saddened me there – many families are suffering and all we can do is our little bit to help them. This is just a small token of love to show that we care for them and we love them and they are not alone.” In past times Yaqub Masih has been instrumental in providing aid to the people in Pakistan since 2001, unidentified gunmen opened fire in a Church in eastern Pakistan claiming 17 lives including children who were at prayer.
The doleful congregation was hit by twin suicide bombings as they filed out of Church on a Sunday morning on September 22, right into the blast zone of one of two suicide bombers. The attack was the worst against Christians in Pakistan as the country’s history records.
- See more at:
Pakistan: No to Shia bookstall, yes to terrorists bookstalls at International Book Fair
www.shiitenews.comBiased administrator of Expo Centre Karachi has not allowed even a single Shia bookstall at International Book Fair while many bookstalls of outlawed terrorist groups are allowed to preach their ideology of hate and violence. Shiite News Correspondent reported that outlawed Taliban/Sipah-e-Sahaba and allied self-claimed jihadi groups are selling their hate-materials and ideology of violence. It is learnt that a Shia bookstall was removed on the pretext that outlawed Sipah-e-Sahaba (presently Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat) lodged complaint with the police against the Shia books. Therefore, they were not allowed at the Book Fair being held at Expo Centre. Khalid Aziz, administrator of Expo Centre, is son in law of Jamaat-e-Islami leader and former city nazim of Karachi Naimatullah Khan. Jamaat claims to be a non-sectarian Islamic party but some of its officials or their close relatives always follow pro-Yazidi and pro-takfiri line against Shiites. Shia parties and leaders have condemned the biased administrator for toeing the line of outlawed terrorist groups against Shia Muslims. They demanded of the federal government to take notice of anti-Shia decision of the administrator. They demanded of Sindh Government to rein in the biased police who follow the instructions of outlawed terrorist group.
Eight Pakistani soldiers killed in an ambush by Baloch fighters Pakistani security personnel have been reportedly killed in an ambush by Baloch freedom fighters in Katrenz area of Mand, Balochistan on Sunday. According to details the social media sources and local sources reported that Baloch freedom fighter, also known as the Sarmachars, have ambushed a convoy of Pakistani security forces when it was when passing through Katrenz mountainous area of Mand town. At least two vehicles have been completely destroyed in the attack and more than 8 personnel have reportedly died and several others have been wounded. Meanwhile the Baloch Liberation Front (BLF) claimed in a statement to media that it has carried out the attacks on occupying forces. The BLF spokesperson Gwahram Baloch vowed to continue such attack against Pakistani forces until their complete withdraws from Balochistan. The spokesperson of Pakistan army confirmed the rocket attacks on a convoy of security forces in a statement to Pakistani media but denied any casualties. Separately, local sources reported a barrage of rocket attacks on Mashkel town by Iranian Army on the arbitrary border between Pakistan and Iran. No fatalities have been reported until the filing of this report. However, People living on the border areas are highly apprehensive of the tense situation and lamented that both Pakistan and Iran have closed the border entrance points for local traders. Last month an armed resistance organization Jash al Adal (Army of Justice) carried out a fatal attack on Iranian forces killing at least 16 personnel of Iranian revolutionary guards and abducting 4 others. In response to the attack the Iranian guards hanged 16 Baloch political prisoners in ‘revenge execution’ in central prison of Zahedan. The Jash al Adal on 4 December carried out another attack in ‘Kuhag Askan’ region of Saravan Iranian occupied Balochistan and claimed to have killed 30 Iranian soldiers. Three members of the Jash namely Ziayee, Abdul Malik Mollazada and Neyamatullah Tohidi also died in the gun battle between Iranian forces and Sunni Baloch rebels. The Jash claimed the attack was on response to the killing of ‘innocent Baloch prisoners’ by Iran in Zahedan. Since then Iranian forces have carried out several attacks on towns and villages situated along the arbitrary borders between Iran and Pakistan occupied Balochistan, a social media activist Banuk Noori Baloch told this scribe. She said that people living on the bordering areas are suffering from economic hardship as theirs only source of income is the import and export of good from both sides of the border. Given the tense situation and insecurity, she said the unemployment is on rise.
Balochistan: Why The Balochs Have Stopped Voting
The Baloch Hal
By MALIK SIRAJ AKBARChief Minister Balochistan Dr. Malik Baloch has asked the Baloch separatists and everyone else to “enjoy” the 21st century by giving up arms and joining the “democratic process”. He was speaking in the backdrop of the recent local government elections in which the National Party, of which Dr. Baloch is the president, has done relatively well. Balochistan was the first among the four provinces to hold local government elections. As compared to the general elections of May 2013, the local bodies elections witnessed less violence and confrontation. Pakistani newspaper Dawn instantly jumped into a conclusion to appreciate the provincial government because the “polls went ahead and citizens participated.” When 2,776 polling stations are declared “highly sensitive” and another 1,581 “sensitive” out of 5,718 polling stations in Balochistan, that simply means we, contrary to the Chief Minister’s recommendation, do not live in perfect times to “enjoy” the 21st century. When we have 50,000 policemen, F.C. personnel and 5,325 army soldiers guard us on an election day, that means we are not strengthening democracy but voting on gunpoint. When nine districts, including the provincial capital, are declared “sensitive”, we should safely assume that our problems are not “local”. There is the entire province that has descended into chaos where the public trust in Pakistani democracy has significantly declined. People no longer feel enthusiastic about voting because they see no benefits from Pakistan’s failed democratic system where military remains superior to civilian institutions. Baloch separatists have virtually become so powerful in the province that each appeal they make to the public to boycott Pakistani initiatives, such as the elections, the masses respond positively to those calls. (The reason for positive public response is both because of their support for the armed Baloch groups as well as because of their widespread fear). Discontent among the people has increased to such an alarming extent that not a single candidate contested elections in the entire district of Awaran. This is the same place where the Frontier Corps (F.C.) has been conducting military operations after operations. When a catastrophic earthquake hit the district in October, the Pakistani government did not even allow international relief workers to help the Baloch victims. In an op-ed published in Dawn, Chris Lockyear, the Pakistan operations manager for Médecins sans Frontières or Doctors Without Borders, publicly complained about Islamabad’s denial of access to the earthquake-hit area. Ultimately, the people of Awaran gave their verdict in the form of complete boycott of the local government polls last week. Public participation in the polls was so lackluster that 3000 candidates were elected unopposed on different seats because there were not enough people willing to participate in the elections. Islamabad is too desperate to convince the world that things are hunky-dory in Balochistan. The state-controlled and private news channels, for example, magnify and project isolated events on the eve of Pakistan’s Independence Day to tell everyone how Balochistan also celebrated the nation’s independence. The State routinely finances and stages fake events in which people are paid to say how much they love Pakistan. Citizens do not have to be paid or tortured to say they love their country. You can’t purchase or impose patriotism on people. Balochistan is in fact not the ideal land to exercise such bizarre ideas. Hence, it is understandable while newspapers like Dawn get so excited about even minor things such as the arrangement of elections in Balochistan. That shows that we have kept the bar too low to assess progress in Balochistan. Even after the elections, we are left with the same question: are these polls a panacea to Balochistan’s ills. There is always a dark side of such state-sponsored political dramas like these elections. The Baloch society is utterly polarized where nationalists like Dr. Malik Baloch, the chief minister, symbolize Islamabad’s policy of divide and rule. It is good that elections remained largely peaceful but the writ of the State has shrunk to such a level that we are uncertain if the new local governments will ever be able to function smoothly. Local government elections should not have been organized until the state of affairs improved in the province. Now, this is what is likely to happen: Once the security contingent departs, the elected local government officials and separatists end up in a new battle against each other. For example, the Baloch Liberation Front (B.L.F.) was blamed by Dr. Baloch’s National Party for killing the former Nazim (mayor) of Kech district, Maula Baksh Dashti. Although the B.L.F. denied the charges, it did not condemn the killing. So, the question now is how much can the State protect all those school teachers who performed duty on the election day and the candidates who risked their lives and participated in the elections. After all, they were already warned by the armed groups not to be a part of the election process.Arranging elections should not be the benchmark to decide how smoothly Balochistan is heading toward normalization. The actual question is whether or not the local governments enjoy the confidence of the Baloch people. It is also pertinent to know whether or not the local governments will enjoy sufficient administrative and financial authority to perform well to win the trust of the common man. Consider: If a district mayor fails to protect a citizen from being unlawfully arrested by the Frontier Corps, such a head of the local government should prepare for public backlash. It is good to elect people to democratic institutions but it is too dangerous to send them to institutions whose stability and performance is starkly shaky and uncertain.
Pakistan: Peace by capitulation
Strategy to deal with extremists by giving them political space will backfireConflicts of every sort are simmering in Pakistan’s underbelly, and it won’t take much for them to bubble to the surface. The latest examples of unrest were the sectarian clashes that erupted in Rawalpindi on the eve of Ashura. At least nine people were killed and 80 were wounded when armed clashes broke out between Sunni and Shiite groups. Each side has accused the other of provocation, and now there are fears of a violent blow-back. In subsequent analyses, the use of loudspeakers has come under particular scrutiny, and many have called on the government to ban their use. This approach is somewhat reminiscent of the calls made by some Muslims in the Subcontinent during British rule, who decried the use of bicycles, deeming them an invention of the devil. Of course, it is true that loudspeakers are used to propagate and spew sectarian and religious hatred, but this is merely a symptom of a much more serious disease gnawing at the foundations of Pakistani society. The real issue is the people behind the loudspeakers. Clerics, especially those who belong to or are sympathetic to extremist organisations, need to be reigned in. Similarly, the sale of propagandist materials across the country needs to be addressed, but this is easier said than done. The state is under pressure from all sides, the economy is a shambles and all the while terrorism remains unabated. Above all, the political will to tackle the most contentious and combustible issues is missing. Against such a grim backdrop, any task would seem daunting – but the government must stop dithering. There is, however, an unfortunate trend in Pakistan, where each successive government has capitulated to extremists. In order to placate them, each government has acceded more ground to those with guns. Instead of a bare-knuckle fight, governments have time and again chosen to fight with the gloves on. This time around, the situation is no different. The government’s knee-jerk reaction was primarily to divert public attention by initiating a treason case against former military ruler, General Pervez Musharraf. While this may seem like the right thing to do in principle, the timing of the move reeked of political expediency. Behind the scenes, the government negotiated with extremist Sunni groups, who have predictably used the threat of violent reprisals to their advantage. The price of ensuring peace has been paid by capitulation and bowing before militant pressure. Leaders of banned outfits have clawed their way back into the limelight, appearing on TV to claim credit for keeping a lid on potential violence. The payback has been taken in the form of more political space and undeserved concessions. For the good of the country, such a Faustian bargain may prove to be its death knell.
Hagel visits Pakistan today to push for Afghan peace
With Afghanistan's stalled peace process high on the agenda, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, who has been in Kabul since Saturday, will visit Pakistan on Monday, officials said.
Hagel: US withdrawal from Afghanistan ‘a very real possibility’

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Pakistan Beat Afghanistan in Twenty20

Afghanistan agrees to pact with Iran, while resisting US accord

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