M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
US citizen sentenced to 10 years in Bahraini prison
A U.S. citizen who participated in anti-government protests in Bahrain has been sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of attempted murder. But his lawyer and rights activists say the charges are false, and are just another sign of the increased crackdown on Bahrain’s Shiite majority.
Tagi al-Maidan was arrested in October on charges that he murdered someone during protests against Bahrain's ruling Sunni majority in 2011. Al-Maidan says he was coerced and tortured by police, leading him to make a false confession.
Al-Maidan has lived in Bahrain for most of his life but was born on U.S. soil.
The Bahraini government has denied any abuse in the incident, saying it has a "zero-tolerance policy" toward torture. But many human rights groups say al-Maidan’s arrest is only one in a slew of detentions of young Bahraini men who have been protesting the country’s monarchy and demanding increased rights for Shiites.
"The sentence was unexpected," his lawyer, Mohammed al-Jishi, told Reuters. "There is no conclusive evidence against Tagi. We will appeal as soon as possible."
While al-Maidan’s arrest may not be the first controversial one in Bahrain, it is likely to complicate relations between the Persian Gulf nation and the United States.
Bahrain is a U.S. ally in a volatile region and has long provided a base for the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet. But it faces international criticism over its record on human rights.
Bahrain's government violently suppressed protests when many of its citizens, following in the footsteps of other Arab countries, took to the streets in 2011 to demand democratic rights.
More than two years later, the protests and the government crackdown continue. Last month, the government arrested several photographers and journalists and deported an American citizen who was accused of writing for radical, anti-government publications.
Clinton, Obama Team Up to Sell Obamacare
As anti-Obamacare crusader Ted Cruz commandeered the floor of the United States Senate Tuesday evening to make the case that the new health care law is terrible for America, two presidents sat in over-stuffed chairs more than 200 miles away and explained how the law will dramatically improve the lives of people across the country.
For Cruz, the Texas senator waging a profile-raising but ultimately futile battle to defund the Affordable Care Act, an endurance-testing speech on Capitol Hill meant to discredit the law was pure stagecraft. For Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, playing the roles of interviewer and interviewee during the annual gathering of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, the effort was no less theatrical. Both performances were choreographed to appeal to willing audiences. Cruz directed his Obamacare barbs to grassroots conservatives cheering him on outside Washington. Clinton and Obama, meanwhile, seized the spotlight afforded by a rare public conversation between two presidents to make the case for the merits of a law that is often criticized and rarely understood.
Befitting the genteel setting, Clinton fed Obama softball questions. Why should people sign up for insurance during an upcoming Obamacare open enrollment period? (To access quality coverage and federal subsidies that will make plans more affordable, Obama offered.) Why is the White House focused on outreach? (The more people who enroll, the easier it will be to spread risk among a large pool, the president volleyed back.) How will the law help companies? (A layup: through federal tax credits available to small businesses.)
In a sign of how confident he is that Republicans efforts to thwart the health care law will not succeed, Obama even strayed beyond his usual sales pitch for the law. He admitted the law increases taxes to fund new benefit programs. “We did raise taxes on some things,” Obama said, pointing to an increase in Medicare taxes for high earners and a new tax on high-cost insurance plans. Without prompting, the president also mentioned the ACA’s massive Medicare cuts, which will essentially fund a new entitlement program of federal subsidies to help millions of Americans buy private insurance under Obamacare. “Some of those savings we’ve been able to use to make sure people who don’t have insurance have health insurance,” Obama said. “Nothing is free.”
Cruz’s antics on the Senate floor and the bruising political fight to pass the law in 2010 also seemed to be on Obama’s mind. In his comments to Clinton, Obama mentioned Republican attempts to sink the law no less than seven times. The president even referenced anti-Obamacare “commercials out there that are a little wacky” and defended the law’s requirement that most Americans buy health insurance. “This is where a lot of the controversy and unpopularity came in,” he said, adding that the so called individual mandate was once “ironically considered a very smart, Republican, conservative principle.”
At the end of the 45-minute session, while Cruz was still at it on the Senate floor, Clinton, ever the salesman, wrapped up the conversation by plugging a centerpiece of the law—the state-based online insurance marketplaces that launch on Oct. 1.
Read more: http://nation.time.com/2013/09/24/clinton-obama-team-up-to-sell-obamacare/#ixzz2fs6zh1R3
Obama Defends U.S. Engagement in the Middle East
President Obama on Tuesday laid down a retooled blueprint for America’s role in the strife-torn Middle East, declaring that the United States would use all of its levers of power, including military force, to defend its interests, even as it accepted limits on its ability to influence events in Syria, Iran and other countries. In a wide-ranging speech to the General Assembly that played off rapid-fire diplomatic developments but also sought to define what he called a “hard-earned humility” about American engagement after 12 years of war, Mr. Obama insisted that the United States still played an “exceptional” role on the world stage. Turning inward, he said, “would create a vacuum of leadership that no other nation is ready to fill.” Mr. Obama embraced a diplomatic opening to Iran, saying he had instructed Secretary of State John Kerry to begin high-level negotiations on its nuclear program. He called on the Security Council to pass a resolution that would impose consequences on Syria if it failed to turn over its chemicals weapons. And he delivered a pitch for peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, talks that have restarted at the prodding of Mr. Kerry. Hours later, Iran’s newly elected president, Hassan Rouhani, echoed the call for diplomacy, telling the General Assembly that “we can arrive at a framework to manage our differences.” But Mr. Rouhani said Iran would insist on its right to enrich uranium, and he warned Mr. Obama to resist influence from “warmongering pressure groups.” Mr. Rouhani, who had mounted an aggressive charm offensive in the weeks before arriving in New York, also declined a chance to shake hands with Mr. Obama — avoiding a much-anticipated encounter that would have bridged more than three decades of estrangement between the leaders of Iran and the United States. In their speeches, both leaders balanced their ideals as statesmen with their imperatives as politicians. But for Mr. Rouhani, a handshake may have proved too provocative for hard-line constituencies back home. At the end of a day of drama and dashed expectations at the United Nations, the spotlight swung back to the grinding work of diplomacy that awaits both nations. In the morning, it was a somewhat diminished American leader who faced a skeptical audience of world leaders here. After first threatening, then backing off, a military strike against Syria, and now suddenly confronting a diplomatic opening with Iran, Mr. Obama has employed a foreign policy that has at times seemed improvisational and, in the view of many critics, irresolute. The president acknowledged as much, saying his zigzag course on military strikes had unnerved some allies and vindicated the cynicism of many in the Middle East about American motives in the region. But he said the bigger threat would be if America withdrew altogether. “The danger for the world is that the United States, after a decade of war, rightly concerned about issues back home, and aware of the hostility that our engagement in the region has engendered throughout the Muslim world, may disengage,” Mr. Obama said. “I believe that would be a mistake.” Despite a war-weary public and its declining reliance on Middle Eastern oil, the United States would continue to be an active player in the region, Mr. Obama insisted, defending its interests; advocating for democratic principles; working to resolve sectarian conflicts in countries like Iraq, Syria and Bahrain; and, if necessary, intervening militarily with others countries to head off humanitarian tragedies. “We will be engaged in the region for the long haul,” Mr. Obama said in the 40-minute address. “For the hard work of forging freedom and democracy is the task of a generation.” For a president who has sought to refocus American foreign policy on Asia, it was a significant concession that the Middle East is likely to remain a major preoccupation for the rest of his term, if not that of his successor. Mr. Obama mentioned Asia only once, as an exemplar of the kind of economic development that has eluded the Arab world. Much of Mr. Obama’s focus was on the sudden, even disorienting flurry of diplomatic developments that began after he pulled back from the brink of ordering a strike on Syria last month. He said Iran’s overtures could provide a foundation for an agreement on its nuclear program, but he warned that “conciliatory words will have to be matched by actions that are transparent and verifiable.” Referring to the moderate statements of Mr. Rouhani, and an exchange of letters with him, Mr. Obama sounded a cautiously optimistic tone about diplomacy. “The roadblocks may prove to be too great,” he added, “but I firmly believe the diplomatic path must be tested.” Similarly, Mr. Obama pushed negotiations at the Security Council on a Russian plan to transfer and eventually destroy President Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons. But he faulted Russian and Iran for their support of Mr. Assad, saying it would further radicalize Syria. And he claimed it was only the American threat of military action against Syria that had set in motion these diplomatic efforts. “Without a credible military threat, the Security Council had demonstrated no inclination to act at all,” the president said. “If we cannot agree even on this, then it will show that the U.N. is incapable of enforcing the most basic of international laws.” The president spoke immediately after Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff, delivered a blistering denunciation of the United States over reports that the National Security Agency monitored e-mails, text messages and other electronic communications between Ms. Rousseff and her aides. Last week, Ms. Rousseff canceled a state visit to Washington to signal her displeasure with the N.S.A. surveillance, the most significant diplomatic fallout from revelations that have also strained relations with other allies, like Mexico and Germany. Mr. Obama took note of these grievances, saying the United States was rethinking its surveillance activities as part of a broader recalculation that included restricting the use of drones, and transferring prisoners out of the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and ultimately shutting it down. His words echoed a speech he delivered last spring on the need for the United States to get off “perpetual war footing.” “Just as we reviewed how we deploy our extraordinary military capabilities in a way that lives up to our ideals,” the president said, “we have begun to review the way that we gather intelligence, so as to properly balance the legitimate security concerns of our citizens and allies, with the privacy concerns that all people share.” Mr. Obama reaffirmed his support for another perennial American project: bringing Israelis and Palestinians together. With talks starting again between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and the Palestinian Authority leader, Mahmoud Abbas, Mr. Obama appealed for support. “The time is now ripe for the entire international community to get behind the pursuit of peace,” he said. “Already, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have demonstrated a willingness to take significant political risks.” Mr. Obama also sent a warning to Egypt’s military-backed government that it would lose American support if it continued to crack down on civil society. His message was viewed positively by the Egyptian state news media, despite the criticism, because he credited the government with taking steps toward democracy. “We will continue support in areas like education that benefit the Egyptian people,” he said. “But we have not proceeded with the delivery of certain military systems, and our support will depend upon Egypt’s progress in pursuing a democratic path.” For all his caveats, Mr. Obama left no doubt that the United States would use its political, economic and, if necessary, military power in the Middle East. Acknowledging that his position on Syria had prompted uneasiness in the region, he insisted that the United States would still act to protect its interests. The president also issued a fervent call for countries to intervene when necessary — as the United States did in Libya, but conspicuously did not do in Syria. “Sovereignty cannot be a shield for tyrants to commit wanton murder, or an excuse for the international community to turn a blind eye to slaughter,” he said.By MARK LANDLER
Iran's Rouhani calls for 'consistent voice' from U.S. on nuclear issue

Bilawal Bhutto expresses deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives in earthquake
Patron in Chief of Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious human lives and property in earthquake today. Bilawal Bhutto sympathized and expressed heartfelt condolences with the families of those who lost their dear ones in the natural calamity. He demanded of the government and concerned authorities to provide all possible assistance to the quake-affected people and immediately shift the injured to hospitals and provide them best medical treatment.
Special Report: ''BALOCHISTAN: The struggle Pakistan does not want reported''
7.8 magnitude quake kills more than 150 in Balochistan
A major earthquake that hit southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday killed more than 150 people, the country s disaster response agency said, with fears the death toll could rise.
The 7.8-magnitude quake which hit Awaran district of Balochistan province also injured at least 24 people, Brigadier Kamran Zia of the National Disaster Management Authority told AFP.
The 7.8-magnitude quake struck at 4:29 pm (1129 GMT) around 100 kilometres (60 miles) southwest of the city of Khuzdar in Baluchistan province, at a depth of 15 kilometres.
Officials said the tremors had demolished dozens of houses in Awaran district, 350 kilometres southwest of the provincial capital Quetta.
The area of the epicentre is sparsely populated and most buildings are mud-built, but the US Geological Survey issued a red alert for the quake, warning that heavy casualties were likely based on past data.
Top local administration official said that more than hundred bodies have been recovered and 24 people were injured in different areas of Awaran.
"A large number of houses have collapsed in the area and we fear the death toll may rise," said Rafiq Lassi, police chief for Awaran district.
The provincial government has declared an emergency in Awaran and the military has mobilised 200 soldiers and paramilitary troops to help with the relief effort.
TV footage showed collapsed houses, caved-in roofs and people sitting in the open air outside their homes, the rubble of mud and bricks scattered around them.
Tremors were felt as far away as New Delhi, while office workers in the Indian city of Ahmedabad near the border with Pakistan ran out of buildings and into the street in panic.
Abdul Qudoos Bizinjo, deputy speaker of Baluchistan s assembly, told Dunya News that more than 150 were killed and there were also reports of "heavy losses" in Awaran. Damage to the mobile phone network was hampering communications in the area, he said.
Awaran district has an estimated population of around 300,000.
The earthquake has also created a new island into the sea some 1.5 kilometers at the Jhanda coastline in Gwadar.
According to DIG Gwadar, a similar island had appeared in Hangal in the coastal area of Lasbela sixty years ago.
In April a 7.8-magnitude quake centred in southeast Iran, close to the border with Baluchistan, killed 41 people and affected more than 12,000 on the Pakistan side of the border.
Office workers in Pakistan s largest city Karachi rushed out of their buildings, and squatted or stood on the footpaths well away from the structures.
"My work table jerked a bit and again and I impulsively rushed outside," Noor Jabeen, a 28-year woman working for an insurance company said, breathing heavily.
"It was not so intense but it was terrible," said Owais Khan, who works for a provincial government office.
"Whenever I feel jolts it reminds me of the 2005 earthquake in Kashmir," said Amjad Ali, 45, an IT official standing in the street.
A 7.6 magnitude quake in 2005 centred in Kashmir killed at least 73,000 people and left several million homeless in one of the worst natural disasters to hit Pakistan.
Imran Talib Fake Khan: ... ''From Apologist to Ally''
In October, 2001, a church in Bahawalpur, Punjab was attacked and worshipers killed, including women and children. The date bears relevance; it came days after the United States started the operation in Afghanistan. Before that, when the Babri Mosque episode took place, historic Hindu temples in Lahore were ransacked. There are various other examples; however, the seminal point is that the Hindus living in Pakistan represent India, the Christians are agents of the West. Going to Joseph Colony almost immediately after the attack and talking to those who used to live there, one could observe not only the smell of evil, the sound of death but also unspeakable hopelessness. Try imagining a sewerage worker, whose father was also a sewerage worker and who now knows to a moral certainty that his newly born grandson will also be a sewerage worker. Yet, after every attack for a day or two we pretend that they are Pakistanis too (Ahmadis are denied this small consolation even). They are not. The murder in the Peshawar Church is what mass murders are, horrific and barbaric, however, was it unexpected? The K-P chief minister does not know of the Taliban. He also believes that Muslims should not be allowed to be sanitary workers; his later clarification was that he wanted Christians to retain their ‘traditional’ jobs. So, they are weak enough to only be sanitary workers, yet, formidable enough to be held accountable for Western imperialism and drones? To call Mr Imran Khan a Taliban and a murder apologist offends his enthusiastic supporters. Perhaps, they are right. Hearing him talk after the Church attack, it is clear that Mr Khan is no ‘apologist’. An apologist makes excuses, often in an oblique manner for the acts of another, after the commission of the act. Mr Khan does no such thing. He is crystal clear in his absolute defense of the terrorists. And more importantly, he pre-approves of all future murderers. Mr Khan is no ‘apologist’, he is an ‘advocate’, an ‘ally’. Whether he does it out of fear or a single digit IQ no longer matters, he is for murder in the name of faith. His vision of ‘Naya Pakistan’ has the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) as a political wing of the non-corrupt Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Mr Khan, if there is a conspiracy against peace in this country, you sir are the public face of it. The Punjab government has taken up the ‘heroic’ task of fighting the teaching of ‘comparative religion’ in the curriculum. Our estranged brothers TTP, and the not so estranged Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, are hard at work to make sure that there is no other religion (at least followers) left in Pakistan to compare to. The Punjab police recently demolished minarets of an Ahmadi mosque, how dare they pretend to be Pakistanis? Mian Sahib apparently seems to be reconsidering his position on talks. If possible, Mian Sahib should avoid trips to Saudia Arabia while he takes his sweet time on the question. All parties have shown weakness in tackling terrorism, however, some significantly more than others. The ANP has Shaheed Bashir Bilour, the only son of Mian Iftikhar’s and many others, the PPP has the ultimate sacrifice of Shaheed BB, and Shaheed Shahbaz Bhatti and Salmaan Taseer. The Christians killed while worshiping the Lord are not ‘Shaheed’ in the land of the pure. They died the mundane death, not part of any greater fight. The arguments for talks and for terrorists are fit for children below the age of 10, with learning difficulties. The ‘force should not be used to counter force’ argument would make the prison system, the courts and the police redundant. The entire justice system would be shrinks sitting down with murderers and rapists, talking. The worst offender is Mr Khan and his worst offense is that he is creating the space for a pro-terrorist narrative in the mainstream. Perhaps, more accurately, he is destroying the limited space that existed for the counter narrative. The only APCs that we need now are better Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) to help us get on with the job. In the presence of a democratically elected Parliament any other APC is a joke, so is consensus. A majority resolution of the Parliament if and when, is all that is needed. Our words of condolences and outrage are hollow, up to the point we can create enough pressure to act. One would have urged the Christians and Hindus to leave this country in the interim. However, you know what hopelessness is? Pervez Khattak’s ‘sanitary workers’ do not have the resources to get a passport, let alone afford travel. We run an inescapable prison and kill inmates for pleasure and piety. Mr Khan wants to be the warden. Published in The Express Tribune, September 24th, 2013.By Saroop Ijaz
10 dead as Pakistan hit by 7.8 magnitude earthquake
The Express TribuneA powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, with tremors felt as far away as the Indian capital New Delhi. Ten people are confirmed dead in Awaran, Balochistan as a result of the earthquake, Express News reported. The quake struck at 4:29 pm local time (1129 GMT) around 100 kilometres (60 miles) southwest of the city of Khuzdar in Balochistan province, at a depth of 15 kilometres. USGS originally measured the earthquake at magnitude 7.4 and 29 kilometres deep but later revised their figure. Pakistan’s meteorological office gave the magnitude as 7.7. The area of the epicentre is sparsely populated, but the USGS issued a red alert for the quake, warning that heavy casualties were likely, based on past data. A senior Pakistani meteorologist, Muhammad Riaz, told Dunya TV station it was a “major” earthquake and “heavy destruction” was likely. Minor tremors were felt as far away as New Delhi, while office workers in the city of Ahmedabad near the border with Pakistan ran out of buildings and into the street. Mumtaz Baluch, senior local administration official in Awaran district, 350 kilometres southwest of Quetta, told AFP: “There are reports of houses being collapsed in the district due to earthquake.” “We have dispatched our teams to the affected area to ascertain the losses.” In April a 7.8-magnitude quake centred in southeast Iran, close to the border with Baluchistan, killed 41 people and affected more than 12,000 on the Pakistan side of the border. People working in offices Karachi rushed out of their building and sat on the footpaths along the roads or stood away from the buildings. “My work table jerked a bit and again and I impulsively rushed outside,” Noor Jabeen, a 28-year woman working for an insurance company said while breathing heavily. “It was not so intense but it was terrible,” said Owais Khan, who works for a provincial government office. “Whenever I feel jolts it reminds me of the 2005 earthquake in Kashmir,” said Amjad Ali, 45, IT official standing on the road said. A 7.6 magnitude quake in 2005 centred in Kashmir, killed at least 73,000 people and left several million homeless in one of the worst natural disasters to hit Pakistan.
Karzai condemns Peshawar Bombing
Afghan president Hamid Karzai strongly condemned coordinated suicide attacks in Peshawar city of Pakistan, which left dozens killed or injured including women and children. “Such attacks which targets innocent civilians, reflects enmity with the humanity,” said Karzai. He further said such attacks shows that terrorism remains a major threat for Pakistan, and strict and honest actions should be taken to eliminate the threats of terrorism in the region.
- See more at: http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2013/09/23/news/national/karzai-condemns-peshawar-bombing/#sthash.4h3075KF.dpuf
Peshawar church reopened after deadly blasts
130 year old historical Pakistan Church in Peshawar, which had been targeted by terrorists, was reopened for worship on Tuesday after repairs and cleaning. On Sunday, twin suicide blasts killed 83 people and injured up to 150 others, while Christians were coming out from the church located at Kohati Gate area of Peshawar. Police arrested 6 suspects involved in Peshawar church attack on Tuesday. At least 67 victims were discharged from the Lady Reading Hospital after their condition was declared stable by doctors. Special Investigation team constituted to probe the incident has revealed that one of the suicide bombers could be a young lady aged between 20-25 years. The attack on All Saints Church in the northwestern city of Peshawar after a service on Sunday is believed to be the deadliest ever to target the country's Christian minority. Christians demonstrated in towns and cities across Pakistan, including Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar, demanding better protection from authorities. - See more at: http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2013/09/24/news/national/peshawar-church-reopened-after-deadly-blasts-6-suspects-arrested/#sthash.HH7fKLag.dpuf
Strong earthquake strikes remote western Pakistan, felt in New Delhi
An strong earthquake struck remote western Pakistan on Tuesday and was felt in the Indian capital of New Delhi where buildings shook. The United States Geological Survey said that a 7.8 magnitude quake struck 145 miles southeast of Dalbandin, in Pakistan's western province of Balochistan.
Pakistan: Collective release of terrorists : SC moved for sacking interior minister Nisar
Daily TimesThe Supreme Court has been moved for the sacking of Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. Through a constitutional petition the court was told that the Interior Ministry was collecting particulars in connection with collective release of terrorists and accused persons, and one of former National Assembly member of PML-N had held talks with the 50 prisoners in Adiala jail. The petition further said that Article 45 of the constitution does not empower the president to grant en-masse immunity. The petitioner asked the Supreme Court to issue a stay order against the talks being held in this connection besides inquiring from the Interior Ministry if it has sent any summary to the president for the release of prisoners. Shahid Orakzai has filed the petition under Article 184 (3) of the constitution, making Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, Javed Paracha, ex-MNA, interior secretary and Punjab home secretary as respondents. The petitioner requested the court to restrain the federal government from engaging in negotiation with any person claiming to be a citizen but defying the constitution. “Instruct Punjab and all other provinces not to identify such prisoners and their location to any officer of the federal government without prior permission of the court,” he pleaded. The applicant questioned whether the federal or provincial government could negotiate with any group of convicts or under-trial prisoners for their release in violation of Article 45. “Will a federal minister facilitating such illegal contacts inside a prison would be working within the law?” he has asked. Orakzai contended that the interior minister was well aware that Javed Paracha had also been identified before the Peshawar High Court as the mastermind behind the jail break in Bannu in April 2012 wherein 384 prisoners escaped. Thereafter, in another attack on Central Jail Dera Ismail Khan 248 prisoners were freed. He stated that ex-MNA Paracha last week reportedly held a political meeting with some 50 prisoners in Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail who were either convicted or facing trial for terrorist acts. Orakzai questioned how the government facilitated this contact. He said that Paracha had held a meeting in Islamabad with the interior minister and a high-ranking intelligence official. Orakzai said that there is no federal or provincial notification about his appointment to any public office. Only the respondent minister can explain under what authority or law has he been engaged/employed by the federation as a go-between with criminals. He stated that the ex-MNA claims that negotiations between the Interior Ministry and the insurgents have already begun and the prisoners, in Adiala and elsewhere, are being located with due approval of the ministry. Referring to Article 45 which empowers the president to grant pardon, reprieve and respite or remit, suspend or commute any sentence passed by any court, the petitioner said that the court may ask the Interior Ministry if it has moved any summary to the president about any specific prisoner or any group of prisoners in the Adiala Jail. He stated that the court should prevent contacts with the dangerous prisoners and their banned outfits. He also requested the court to instruct Punjab to take disciplinary action against the Adiala Jail superintendent.
Peshawar Chruch Attack: ''After the carnage''

Pakistan: Muavia-led Punjabi Taliban behind church bombing

Peshawar church bombings show the deadly outcome of religious intolerance
On Sunday, around 500 worshippers attended mass at the All Saints church in Peshawar, north-western Pakistan. After the service, they gathered outside the church to receive free food that was being distributed. As they did so, two huge explosions ripped through the crowd; a double suicide attack. The death toll currently stands at 81, with 100 more people injured. It was one of the most devastating attacks on the Christian population in Pakistan's history. It takes a lot to shock Pakistan, a country where small bomb attacks or targeted killings happen on a daily basis somewhere in the country, and often fail to make headlines. Nor are attacks on the country's religious minorities anything out of the ordinary. At the beginning of this year, an enormous attack in a Shia Muslim area of the southern province of Quetta killed more than 80 people, while Sunni militants have carried out numerous execution-style killings of Shias. Such extreme violence against minorities tends to be perpetrated by the country's many and various militant organisations. The group that claimed responsibility for this latest attack has links to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and said it was acting in retaliation for drone strikes. Yet the problem runs far deeper than a few rogue elements. Disturbingly, these extremist groups, which have been allowed to operate by successive governments, do have an impact on the national debate. This has contributed to increasing intolerance across society. In May, an angry mob – ordinary citizens, not terrorists – destroyed Joseph Colony, a Christian area of Lahore, after a resident was accused of blasphemy. The law, which carries a maximum sentence of death for insulting the Prophet Muhammad or the Qur'an, is frequently used to hammer religious minorities. It is a legal mandate for bigotry which politicians are too afraid to amend, after two ministers who spoke out against it were killed several years ago. It is these major incidents that make international news, but a low level of discrimination is a fact of life for many of Pakistan's religious minorities. Christians make up around 1.6% of the population and number around 2.8 million. Generations ago, in pre-partition India, many were Hindus, subsequently converting from the very lowest caste (of dalit, once known as "untouchable"). Pakistan – a largely Muslim state – does not have a caste system, but its shadow can be seen in the treatment of Christians today. Many Christians I have interviewed speak of being refused water; uneducated Muslims do not want to share with them because they are seen to be unclean. Employers of domestic staff keep separate utensils for any Christian employees. Employment opportunities other than traditional, menial work can be hard to come by. A study of Pakistan, Christian Citizens in an Islamic State, by academic Theodore Gabriel, draws attention to school textbooks which say that Christians worship three gods and define citizens of Pakistan as Muslims. Of course, these views are by no means held by everyone. Across the country, Muslims and non-Muslims alike have turned out to protest against Sunday's attack and the government's inadequate response. Yet simultaneously, liberal commentators have drawn attention to the fact that none of the major news networks referred to the dead as shaheed, an Urdu word meaning martyr, commonly used for those who have been killed by terrorist violence. Pakistan was explicitly conceived as a secular state with Islam as its main religion. My grandmother, who left Pakistan 40 years ago, watched the news on Sunday in horror: the country that was formed when she was a young woman had set out to be tolerant and inclusive. In an oft-quoted speech at the country's creation, the founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah said: "We have many non-Muslims – Hindus, Christians, and Parsis – but they are all Pakistanis." Over the years, with military dictator General Zia ul-Haq's programme of Islamisation, and the increasing influence of extremists, this fundamental principle seems to have been lost.Samira Shackle
Pakistan's Christian Minority Faces Life On Increasingly Dangerous Margins
Pakistan Christians Issue Call for Protection

Pakistan: Massacre at the church

Pakistan: Rubbing salt into wounds: Protesting Christians beaten up, pastor, youth go missing
The Express TribuneChristian residents of Iqbal Town were allegedly beaten up by unidentified men on Monday evening for participating in protests against Sunday’s carnage in a Peshawar church. An Iqbal Town resident, who requested anonymity, said he was an eyewitness to the episode. The resident, said several men thrashed seven or eight Christian youths with batons outside the Unitarian Church in the neighbourhood. The men had their faces covered, the resident said. Some of the victims, including Pastor Safir, were missing, the resident claimed. Another Christian resident of the neighbourhood alleged police complicity in the incident. The second resident claimed police were trying to ‘teach’ the Christian community a lesson for two consecutive days of protests on the Islamabad Highway. The resident alleged police had stationed a mobile van near the area’s taxi stand and were nabbing any Christians that went nearby. Iqbal Town has a significant Christian population and the community has led some of the strongest protest rallies in the capital over the past couple of days. Officers at the Shehzad Town police station said they had not received any reports about the thrashing incident. They denied detaining Christians but said police personnel have been deployed at Iqbal Town because of the recent protests.
Poor response: Peshawar tragedy
EVEN for a country where tragedy and savagery are now the norm rather than the exception, Sunday’s attack on Peshawar’s All Saints Church was a new low. For years now, citizens and law enforcement personnel have faced a tidal wave of violence and extremism, with no let-up in sight. Yet the helplessness of the citizenry continues to be matched by that of the state, both at the federal and provincial levels. The state has been unable to work out an adequate response mechanism or crisis mitigation measures that could reduce the extent of the suffering. Pakistan has effectively been in a state of war for years now. Unfortunately, in terms of organisation, the country seems to be taking matters as though it were business as usual — at a tremendous cost to the people. If there is any doubt about this assertion, consider the systemic vulnerabilities exposed by the recent bombings in Peshawar. According to statistics, this year alone Peshawar division has seen more than 230 militant attacks. It would have been reasonable to expect that, through the years, the provincial administration would have evolved a set of workable strategies that included beefing up the capacity of government-run healthcare centres to ensure the timely deployment of ambulances as well as increased staff and emergency equipment. This would have been a most basic mitigation measure in an area beset by high levels of violence. Yet this has not proved to be the case. Sunday’s victims were rushed to the Lady Reading Hospital, but there were few doctors and nurses to attend to the crisis, nor was there any level of organisation — even though each time there is an act of terrorism in Peshawar, this is the first hospital to which the victims are rushed. True, this recent atrocity was perpetrated on a weekend when many doctors may have been on leave. But even so, the trajectory of violence demands that the city and its institutions be in a better state of preparedness. It is not just Peshawar, but other cities and towns as well that need to pay more attention to standards of preparedness in case of an emergency situation. Whichever shape a long-term solution to the extremist threat takes, there is little doubt that it will be some time before the present level of violence is brought down. At both the federal and provincial level, the state must improve its response and develop strategies that can save lives, while the citizenry too must be made aware of the dangers.
Pakistan's Christians under attack: Our bloody Sunday
Pakistan: National Maududian Hypocrisy and the Peshawar Blast
Ahmadiyya Times
Abu Ala Maududi and his Jamaat-e-Islami shamelessly participated in the massacre of Bengalis as the Army’s B-Team in 1971 in the name of the same Pakistan that Bengalis had fought to create 25 years earlier.As the nation comes to grip with the horrible massacre of Christians in Peshawar, Haider Maududi on Duniya TV (which shamelessly said “jo kachra saaf kartay thay un ka safaya ho giya) decided to muddy the waters by claiming that this was bound to happen in a country founded in the name of religion. FACT: This fiction that Pakistan was founded in the name of religion is the doing Haider Maududi’s father Maulana Abu Ala Maududi (who had in 1947 opposed the makers of Pakistan.) FACT: Abu Ala Maududi was behind the 1953 riots against Ahmadis and resorted to violence against Ahmadis which that community faces even today. FACT: Abu Ala Maududi and his Jamaat-e-Islami shamelessly participated in the massacre of Bengalis as the Army’s B-Team in 1971 in the name of the same Pakistan that Bengalis had fought to create 25 years earlier. FACT: Abu Ala Maududi’s Jamaat-e-Islami shamelessly supported General Zia’s Coup in 1977 and participated in the 9 star alliance to impose Islamic Law in Pakistan. FACT: Jamaat-e-Islami, Maududi’s creation, continues to support Taliban. Of course this Maududian hypocrisy is a national phenomenon.
Pakistani Christian Diaspora in North America and EU to protest against Peshawar Church carnage
Pakistani Christian Diaspora in North America and Europe have announced to rally against killing of Christian worship in Peshawar to lodge protest in cities of New York, Toronto, Philadelphia and London in this week. Pakistan Christian Association in North America PCA, Global Christian Movement GCM, Pakistan Christian Congress PCC USA-Chapter and other Pakistani Christian organization will rally in front of United Nation office in New York on September 27, 2013, when Pakistani Premier Nawaz Sharif will be addressing General Assembly. On September 24, 2013, the Pakistani Christians in city of Philadelphia, PA will gather in local church to offer prayers for the victims’ families of suicide attack on All Saints Church in Peshawar on September 22, 2013. In Canada, Pakistani Christian Diaspora will rally on September 26th, 2013, in front of the Consulate General of Pakistan – Office in Vaughan, ON. On September 24, 2013, Pakistani Christian Diaspora will gather on invitation of BPCA in front of Pakistani High Commission in London to lodge protest.
Register case against Imran Khan and CM KPK on killing of Peshawar Christians

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