M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Russia Threatens Symmetrical Sanctions Against West

Ukraine: If Crimea says 'Da!,' what's next?

US Officials Have 'Indication' Malaysia Airline Crashed into Indian Ocean
http://gma.yahoo.com/U.S. officials have an "indication" the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner may have crashed in the Indian Ocean and is moving the USS Kidd to the area to begin searching. It will take another 24 hours to move the ship into position, a senior Pentagon official told ABC News. "We have an indication the plane went down in the Indian Ocean," the senior official said. The official said there were indications that the plane flew four or five hours after disappearing from radar and that they believe it went into the water. Pentagon officials said that the USS Kidd was being moved at the request of Malaysia and is heading towards an area where the Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea meet. It has helicopters aboard that can scour the area. The U.S. action came hours after Malaysian officials said they had extended their search into the Andaman Sea and had requested help from India in the search for the missing plane and its 239 passengers. Investigators also said today that U.S. officials gave them reasons to keep searching the waters west of Malaysia, far from the flight path of the Malaysia Airlines plane. Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that the search’s “main focus has always been in the South China Sea,” which is east of Malaysia and along the plane’s route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. But the search was extended earlier this week to include water far to the west on the other side of Malaysia. “We are working very closely with the FAA and the NTSB on the issue of a possible air turn back,” Hishammuddin said, referring to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board. “They have indicated to us that based on the information given by the Malaysian authorities, they — being the FAA and NTSB — the U.S. team was of the view that there was reasonable ground for the Malaysian authorities to deploy resources to conduct search on the western side of the peninsula of Malaysia. Under the circumstances, it is appropriate to conduct the search even if the evidence suggests there is a possibility of finding a minor evidence to suggest that ... the aircraft would have been there.” Hishammuddin said it was possible the plane kept flying after dropping off of radar. "Of course, this is why we have extended the search," he said. The Malaysians spent much of today's news conference dismissing earlier leads. "I’ve heard of many incidents from many sources. Like we have said from the start, we have looked at every lead and in most cases — in fact in all cases — that we have pursued, we have not found anything positive," Hishamuddin said. He said that pictures of three large objects floating in the South China Sea posted Wednesday on a Chinese government website were not debris from the missing plane. "A Malaysian maritime enforcement agency surveillance plane was dispatched this morning to investigate potential debris shown on Chinese satellite images. We deployed assets, but found nothing. We have contacted the Chinese Embassy who notified us this afternoon the images were released by mistake and did not show any debris from MH370," he said. Hishamuddin also dismissed a report by the Wall Street Journal that signals sent by the plane's Rolls Royce engine indicated the plane kept flying for up to five hours. He didn't dispute the plane could have kept flying, but said Rolls Royce did not receive any signals from the engine after it vanished from radar. Earlier in the search, two oil slicks were determined to not be from the plane and an orange object thought to be part of the plane's door was investigated and found to be unrelated.
U.S. retail sales rebound from winter chill, jobless claims fall

Retail sales increased 0.3 percent last month, with receipts rising in most categories, the Commerce Department said. The gain followed a 0.6 percent drop in January and ended two straight months of declines. An unusually cold and snowy winter disrupted economic activity at the end of 2013 and the beginning of this year, holding back job growth and weighing on industrial production. Economists had expected only a 0.2 percent increase in retail sales in February after snow and ice blanketed densely populated regions during the first half of the month. "The consumer appears to be back in the game," said Millan Mulraine, deputy chief economist at TD Securities in New York. "We see this as further confirmation that the underlying momentum in the economy remains quite favorable." In a separate report, the Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 9,000 to a seasonally adjusted 315,000 last week. That was the lowest reading since late November. A four-week moving average for new claims, which irons out week-to-week volatility, fell to its lowest level since early December, a further sign of firming labor market conditions. Stocks on Wall Street initially rose on the data, but later gave up gains as worries about Ukraine and the health of China's economy weighed. Prices for U.S. Treasury debt rose, while the dollar fell against a basket of currencies. SALES SEEN ACCELERATING Retail sales are expected to accelerate in the spring as warmer temperatures and improving household finances unleash pent-up demand. That should boost growth and buttress the Fed's resolve to unwind its monthly bond buying program by year end. "I do expect some pick-up in the second quarter. A lot of consumers are going to have some cabin fever," said Alan MacEachin, an economist at Navy Federal Credit Union in Vienna, Virginia. So-called core sales, which strip out automobiles, gasoline, building materials and food services, and correspond most closely with the consumer spending component of gross domestic product, rose 0.3 percent in February. However, core sales in January were revised to show a 0.6 percent decline instead of only a 0.3 percent fall. That prompted some economists to lower their estimates for first- quarter consumer spending. A second report from the Commerce Department showed retail inventories excluding autos posted their largest increase since July in the first month of this year. Economists said that should help offset weak consumer spending, and they raised their growth estimates as a result. Even so, most economists expect GDP to expand at only around a 2 percent annual rate in the first quarter, which would mark a slowdown from the fourth quarter's 2.4 percent pace. Businesses accumulated a massive amount of inventories in the second half of last year, which had led economists to expect a slower pace of restocking in January. In January, the inventory-to-sales ratio, or the number of months it would take businesses to clear shelves, was the highest since October 2009. Retail sales in February were supported by a rise in receipts at automobile and parts dealers, while sales at electronics and appliance stores fell. Receipts at building materials and garden equipment stores increased, likely as consumers bought snow removal equipment. Sales at furniture stores rose as did receipts at clothing stores and online retailers. There were also gains in receipts at sporting goods shops and restaurants. Sales at food and beverage stores, however, fell.
Blaming Bilawal Bhutto
By RAZA HABIB RAJARight now the entire media spotlight is on Thar due to the tragedy which has befallen its inhabitants. Many children have died due to malnutrition and as I write these sentences, more gruesome details continue to come out.
I personally think that the situation in Thar is, to some extent an administrative failure and therefore criticism on the incumbent party is legitimate. There is no way you can absolve a ruling party completely from responsibility. However, what I have noticed on the electronic and social media is that many are really going overboard in their criticism and are using this tragedy for political point scoring and for feeling comfortable in their instinctive hatred of the PPP. Our TV anchors have tried to link the Sindh festival with the tragedy in Thar to further whip up the sentiment, despite the fact that the two do not have any causal relationship. The Thar tragedy did not happen because the PPP organised the Sindh festival and yet, it is being portrayed as such. Their point of view is being lapped up by a large chunk of the urban middle, particularly which hails from Punjab. On social media, I continue to see posts which portray PPP as a party of Pharaohs and murderers who were busy dancing at the Sindh festival, while Thar was dying of hunger. Many youngsters, who have had no knowledge on famines in general, have suddenly become experts on nutrition and are using this opportunity to vent out hate. Similarly, when the Sindh festival was held at the famous Mohenjo-daro site, everyone became an expert on Archeology and vehemently voiced concerns over the safety of the ruins despite having had little to no interest in the site previously. The most visible target of the entire hate filled campaign is of course the young Bilawal. I have read posts which liken him to a mass murderer and have also seen analogies with the infamous emperor of Rome, Nero. As the chairman of the PPP, he should be facing the heat but to portray him as a mass murderer is uncalled for. Many people I know simply hate him for being the son of Asif Ali Zardari and late Benazir Bhutto and their overreaction can actually be understood in that context. Even before the Thar tragedy, he was continuously mocked upon and there were jibes on his supposed lack of masculinity and also on his relatively poor Urdu. Today, legacy politics dominate literally every party, with legacy politicians in their ranks. And yet, Bilawal has constantly been targeted as an exception. From the very onset, Bilawal has taken a very clear stance on extremism and despite his youth, he has shown great maturity in attempting to understand the issues that plague Pakistan. And yet, even his speech, where he condemned the Taliban was mocked upon. It’s no wonder then that those who express revulsion against Bilawal come up with all kinds of apologetic defense for monsters like the Taliban. Beyond Bilawal, they hate all liberal parties who have been voicing opposition to extremists. Today Bilawal is being called a murderer and yet the actual murderers are being called “our people”, gone astray due to Pakistan’s decision to side with USA after 9/11. This is not to say what has happened in Thar is excusable or less condemnable. Those who are responsible for negligence should be held accountable and should face retribution but at the same time, the huge difference in our reactions is worth pondering upon. Tharparkar: A famine of facts A tragedy like famines is often a cause of complex factors and while government negligence is an important aspect, it is not the sole cause. Famines such as this have occurred in many desert areas all across the globe and the causes are always multiple such as weather, lack of proper functioning markets, extreme poverty, high level of debt accumulation by the poor, land ownership patterns, etc. What has happened in Thar has to be analysed in the context of these factors and the responsibility of the government also needs to be evaluated accordingly. Bilawal has just taken over the party and he should be judged primarily on the way he deals with this tragedy. Where he should be criticised is the way he holds officials from his government accountable. He should be evaluated by what his government does to address the multiple causes of such famines. Yes, if he fails then criticism is valid and in fact should be severe. However, merely calling him a murderer is not the smartest of ways to go about it.
Pakistan: Child marriages, family laws: senator terms CII's judgement attempt to foist militants' agenda

Pakistan Prime Minister approves lifting of ban on underage marriage
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz has reportedly given his approval for the removal of the law banning underage marriage as well as the law regarding the second marriage of a man with the permission of his first wife.
Sharif's move comes two days after the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) decreed that laws on the minimum age of marriage were not in line with Islam and that children of any age can be married. This decree came at the end of the CII's 191st meeting in Islamabad.
intodayCII chairman Maulana Muhammad Khan Sheerani observed that the laws related to marriage were unfair and that there cannot be any minimum age for marriage. According to news reports, the council said the ban on child marriage does not hold ground and that children can get married at an early age. The bride can be bid to her husband's household for the consummation of their marriage once she reaches puberty, added the council. In Pakistan, 15 is the 'age of maturity' for girls. The move comes in an apparent bid to radicalise Pakistani society. The CII, which comprises orthodox clerics from religious parties, has called for a consultative meeting with officials of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. A day before this decree on underage marriages, the CII chairman had come under fire for his statement and decree that the laws regarding a man's second marriage with the permission of the first wife were against religious principles. "Sharia allows men to have more than one wife and we demand the government amend the law," he told the media after the meeting. Subsequent reports suggested that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has given his approval for a legislation to declare the law against underage marriage and the law regarding the second marriage of a man in the presence of his first wife unconstitutional and against religious principles. The decision has resulted in a huge uproar across all spheres, especially on social media.
Council of Islamic Ideology Pushing Pakistan back to the caves

By NOMAN ANSARIWhen the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) ruled that, according to their interpretation of Sharia Law, rape victims could not use DNA reports as primary evidence, and instead rely on the testimony of four witnesses, it was obvious that they had only begun Marty McFlying Pakistani women’s rights back to the cavemen era. Sadly, the CII have in the last few days delivered two more blows to Pakistani women’s rights. The first was when the CII suggested that the Pakistani government should amend the national marriage law so that men interested in remarrying, no longer need the written permission of their first wives. The second and more shocking was when the CII ruled that Pakistani laws which outlawed underage marriage were not Islamic. As many agree, the biggest problem with the CII’s interpretation of the rape law is that the Council is relying on a decree on adultery which ruled on consensual sex, not forced sex. Moreover, it was from a time when science did not have a better answer. The first wife's consent Allowing Pakistani men to take on more wives without the consent of their first wife is ridiculous for a wide variety of obvious reasons. Marriage is a partnership, and allowing a man to be the sole decision maker in this regard means that a woman has no say in her life, hence opening up the field for a husband to abuse the law. Although, the caveat here is that the man must do justice to all of his wives by treating them equally, let’s be honest, how is that possible? Ask any mother, as much as she loves all her children, she has a favourite child. Of course, a well-meaning man interested in taking on a second wife may, on some level believe that he will love all of his wives equally, but how is he expected to make this informed decision before the experience of actually having multiple wives? What’s more, there is a grave psychological impact on any person asked to share their partner. Of course, if you ask the men of the CII if they would be willing to let their wives marry a second husband, they would respond with the typical counter-argument that this privilege should not be lent to their wives, as women with two husbands would be unable to tell who the father of their child is. For argument’s sake, let’s say that these wives could take on second husbands in a marriage that was strictly platonic. With the father/child argument out of the window, would the men of the CII then allow their wives to enter second marriages? I suspect that they would not out of both jealousy and possessiveness. Here, my question to the men in the Council of Islamic Ideology is, does a women not have a right to these feelings as well? Does she not also have a right to believe that her husband is only hers? As for the CII’s ruling on underage marriage, this law benefits no one, except sick individuals who wish to sexually exploit minors. Interpretation and education I think it is important to swallow the hard fact that for many who identify with certain ideologies, interpreting the more ambiguous beliefs in these ideologies in a manner that suits their world view is instinctive. For example, for better or worse, some of the staunchest supporters of a political party will interpret their leader’s more controversial views in a manner that doesn’t offend them even if evidence is to the contrary. From my research on Islamic laws on rape, second marriages, and underage nikkahs, I have noticed that the actual laws are ambiguous, and can be forcefully argued either way as to what is actually the correct interpretation of the law. I am neither religious nor an Islamic scholar, but I have had some educated well-meaning friends argue that these controversial interpretations are correct, even before the CII made public its views. So clearly, there are others also interpreting these rules in the same manner as the CII. So, what’s the solution here? I feel that the CII sincerely believes that their interpretation is in line with Islam. I also dare say that the outrage over this issue is absolutely useless, as it only preaches to the choir. No member of CII’s ruling body will be influenced, in the least by any outrage on the internet. Conversely, the CII’s rules will not cause most of the educated public to suddenly go out and marry underage girls without the permission of their wives. Essentially, we are like two bubbles with little crossover. Yet, for us, the CII’s decisions are important, not because they influence the social media class, but because they influence the masses; the very people who form the roots of this country. This constitutional body is responsible for giving legal advice on Islamic issues to the Pakistani government, and although they don’t dictate government ruling by law, it is important that they interpret laws in line with the 21st century for the betterment of this nation. Pakistan desperately needs its influential religious leaders to come from educated backgrounds, which is the only way to win the war against religious extremism. Of course, this won’t happen overnight, as our ‘extreme’ makeover didn’t happen in days, but decades. Charity worker Greg Mortenson, who has been responsible for opening countless schools in the remote areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan was witness to our nation’s careful religious indoctrination, which was boosted by wealthy Middle Eastern men. While there have been some unproven allegations against Mortenson for fabricating facts in his book Three Cups of Tea, I accept his accounts of Middle Eastern influence to be true, because they have been backed by similar accounts from others. Mortenson told us how one of his employees explained why massive madrassahs were popping up in Pakistan’s remote locations, “The sheikhs come from Kuwait and Saudi with suitcases of rupees. They take the best student back to them. When the boy come back to Baltistan he has to take four wives.” Mortenson added, “For the first time I understood the scale of what they are trying to do and it scared me. Every time I visited to check on one of our projects, it seemed 10 madrassahs had popped up nearby overnight…some of them seem to exist only to teach militant jihad.” Journalist Ahmed Rashid noted in his best-selling book about the Taliban that students in these schools were not provided with a formal education, and that the Islamic education provided in these madrassahs was interpreted by barely literate teachers. What’s more, varying accounts state that there are between 20,000-30,000 such schools in Pakistan. Regardless of how accurate these figures are, surely we need to take control of how religion is taught within our borders so that men can no longer abuse laws that harm Pakistani women.
Zardari summons session over Tharparkar famine
Former president and co-chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Asif Ali Zardari has convened a session on Thursday in Karachi over Tharparkar famine. According to sources, key decisions will be taken in the session, summoned at Bilawal House. Officials from Health department, food and relief have been summoned while Zardari is likely to visit Mithi on Friday (tomorrow).
Afghanistan: Attack on Indian consulate foiled in Kandahar
http://www.afghanistantimes.af/Police gunned down a suicide bomber who was about to mount attack on Indian consulate in southern Kandahar province on Thursday, an official said. Ahmad Zia Durani, provincial police spokesman, said the incident occurred at around 1:00pm when the attacker forcing his way into the street where the Indian and Iranian consulates were located. Before reaching to his intended target, police shot dead the bomber, he said, adding that the vest wearing by the suicide attacker could not detonate during the gun fire.
Top U.S. Commander Warns Against Full Afghan Troop Withdrawal
http://www.rferl.org/The U.S. commander of the international forces in Afghanistan has warned that a full troop withdrawal in 2014 could result in the regrouping of the Al-Qaeda terrorist network. General Joseph Dunford said on March 12 that Al-Qaeda is currently in a "survival mode" in Afghanistan. Dunford, who was speaking before the Senate Armed Forces Committee, recommended a residual international force of between 8,000 and 12,000 troops to assist, train and advise Afghan forces. "If we leave at the end of 2014, the Afghan security forces would begin to deteriorate," he told senators. He also said that if no security agreement is signed by fall, it would get increasingly difficult to manage an orderly withdrawal. The U.S. has threatened it could pull out all of its troops from Afghanistan if a security pact is not signed soon.
Protest Hit The Roof After Muslims Stopped Church Construction.

Pakistan: Abolish the Council of Islamic Ideology

Pakistan: Snatch away the microphone

Pakistan's Council of Islamic Ideology: out of tune with the times

Pakistan: Disband the Council of Islamic Ideology
Pakistan: Drought may hit half of country

Pakistan: Lessons from Tharparkar

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