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Sunday, October 13, 2013
Malala says she's no Western puppet, she's 'daughter of Pakistan'
Malala Yousafzai hit back at claims that she has become a figure of the West, insisting she was proud to be a Pakistani.
The 16-year-old, who was shot by the Taliban for championing girls' right to an education, claimed she retained the support of people in her homeland, and reiterated her desire to enter Pakistani politics.
The activist was shot in the head on her school bus on October 9 last year for speaking out against the Taliban.
She was flown for specialist care in Britain, where she has continued her education, while she has been feted and honoured in the West.
On Thursday, she won the European Union's prestigious Sakharov human rights prize, while US President Barack Obama welcomed her to the White House on Friday.
Asked in a BBC television interview broadcast Sunday about some people in Pakistan thinking she was a "figure of the West" and "a Westerner now", she said: "My father says that education is neither Eastern or Western. Education is education: it's the right of everyone."The thing is that the people of Pakistan have supported me. They don't think of me as Western. I am a daughter of Pakistan and I am proud that I am a Pakistani."
"On the day when I was shot, and on the next day, people raised the banners of 'I am Malala'. They did not say 'I am Taliban'."
"They support me and they are encouraging me to move forward and to continue my campaign for girls' education."
She highlighted the problem of education in the midst of the Syrian conflict."We want to help every child in every country that we can," she said.
"We will start from Pakistan and Afghanistan and Syria now, especially because they are suffering the most and they are on the top that need our help."
"Later on in my life I want to do politics and I want to become a leader and to bring the change in Pakistan."
"I want to be a politician in Pakistan because I don't want to be a politician in a country which is already developed."
Obamas welcome Malala to Oval Office
US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle welcomed Pakistani schoolgirl activist Malala Yousafzai to the Oval Office on Friday.
On the day she was passed over for the Nobel Peace Prize, the Obamas hailed Malala, 16, for her "inspiring and passionate" work on behalf of girls in Pakistan. "The United States joins with the Pakistani people and so many around the world to celebrate Malala's courage and her determination to promote the right of all girls to attend school and realize their dreams," a White House statement said. "We salute Malala's efforts to help make these dreams come true."
The 16-year-old, who was shot by the Taliban for championing girls' right to an education, was overlooked for the prize, with the Nobel committee instead honoring the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
Sakharov prize for freedom goes to Pakistan's Malala
The European Parliament's Sakharov prize for freedom of thought has gone to Malala Yousafzai, the 16-year-old Pakistani advocate for female education who survived a Taliban gunshot to the head, lawmakers announced Thursday.
"It takes an exceptional human being to stand up to a regime such as the Pakistani Talban and when that human being is a young 16-year-old girl then that bravery becomes breathtaking,” said Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the European Parliament’s Liberal Democrat group that nominated Yousafzai for the prize.
“The recent renewed threats to Malala's life have showed that those who tried to harm her are becoming increasingly desperate as the world's attention turns to this exceptional young woman. She is a most worthy recipient of the Sakharov prize and richly deserves the nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize," he said in a statement.
Joseph Daul, chairman of the European People's Party, the largest group in parliament, echoed Mr. Verhofstadt's feelings when he stated that "Malala personifies the fight for education for girls in areas where respect for women and their basic rights are completely ignored".
"She is an icon of courage for all teenagers who dare to pursue their aspirations and, like a candle, she lights a path out of darkness," Daul added.
The Sakharov Prize will be presented on November 20. Malala is also a favourite to win the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday.
Last year, the EU prize went to Iranian human rights activists Nasrin Sotoudeh and Jafar Panahi.
The Sakharov Prize, named after prominent Soviet human rights activist and nuclear physicist, Andrey Sakharov, has been awarded by the European Parliament annually since 1988.
Pakistani teenager shot by Taliban invited to Buckingham Palace
Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenage activist who was shot by the Taliban last year, has been invited to Buckingham Palace, the Press Association reported Sunday.
Malala, 16, will attend a reception on Youth, Education and the Commonwealth being hosted by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip on October 18, the palace confirmed. Other guests will include teachers and academics.
On October 9, 2012, Taliban gunmen shot Malala in the head on a girls' school bus in Pakistan's Swat Valley because of her public campaign for the right of all girls to education.
Malala was flown a few days after the shooting to Britain, where she was hospitalized for months while recuperating and undergoing rehabilitation.
She now lives with her family in Birmingham in central England, with her parents and two brothers.
She is among the record 259 nominees for this year's Nobel Peace Prize, which is to be announced on October 11.
Speaking on her 16th birthday in July at the United Nations, she said: "On October 9, they shot at the left side of my head and thought that bullets can silence me, but they failed."
She told the UN Youth Assembly: "The extremists are afraid of books, of girls and boys going to school, and that is why they kill innocent people. They are afraid of change and equality."
Malala vowed at the UN to continue her struggle for girls' education.
"I do not want to be the girl who was shot by Taliban - I want to be the girl who fought for the rights of girls."
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_10_13/Malala-says-shes-no-Western-puppet-4695/
'Millions of people still won’t have access to road, water, electricity by 2060'
http://www.hindustantimes.com/A new study has revealed that even though countries are likely to improve their infrastructure networks substantially in the future, the current path points to millions of people without access to basic infrastructure even by 2060. That’s among the key findings from “Building Global Infrastructure: Forecasting the Next 50 Years” -- the fourth volume in Patterns of Potential Human Progress (PPHP) -- published by the Frederick S Pardee Center for International Futures at the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies. “Millions of people around the world currently lack access to even basic infrastructure,” Dale S Rothman, lead author of the report and senior scientist at the Frederick S Pardee Center for International Futures, said. The data show that, in 2010, 62% of the rural population of low-income countries did not live within two kilometers of an all-season road, 76% of all people in low-income countries lacked household access to electricity, 34% to improved water, 63% to improved sanitation and 78% to modern forms of communication, such as mobile phones. “We forecast that, if we follow the current path, by 2060, most developing regions will achieve access rates to improved water and electricity that approach or even exceed those of high-income countries today, while access to mobile phones and mobile broadband will approach near universality much sooner,” Rothman said. Millions of people, however, will not feel the reach of these improvements. “We forecast that more than half-a-billion people will still not live within two kilometers of an all-season road by 2060 and a similar number will not have access to electricity. Approximately 250 million people will not have access to an improved source of drinking water, and more than 1 billion will not have access to improved sanitation,” he said. “The vast majority of these people will be in low-income and lower-middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere,” he added. Rothman said the current pace of infrastructure advance is not fast enough for most developing countries to achieve universal access to basic infrastructure by 2060, much less by the year 2030, the target date specified in a number of international discussions this week at the United Nations and elsewhere.
Bangladesh: War crimes trial and failure of our politics

Pak-India: Tunnel at the tunnel’s end

US troop status up to elders, says Karzai
After a marathon series of meetings, President Hamid Karzai and US Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday said they had agreed on some major issues pertaining to the much-delayed Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), but the issue of jurisdiction for American forces remains unresolved.
Both men, appearing at a joint press conference in Kabul after a series of meetings, said they had reached agreement on many contentious sovereignty issues and the safety of Afghan citizens at the hands of American and allied troops after 2014, when most foreign troops are leaving.
But Karzai said a Loya Jirga, a traditional grand assembly of tribal elders, was being convened within a month to make a final decision on on the issue of jurisdiction for any crimes committed by US forces in Afghanistan after 2014.
He said the security agreement would be then send to the Afghan Parliament for its approval. “We have reached an agreement on the respect of national sovereignty, preventing civilian casualties, a definition for aggression and also the prevention of unilateral acts by foreign forces,” Karzai said.
“We reached an agreement on that, but the issue of jurisdiction for foreign forces is above the authority of the Afghan government, and that is up to the Afghan people and the Loya Jirga.”
Kerry responded that any decision made by the Loya Jirga and Parliament would be respected, but if the jurisdiction issue was not resolved, there would be no agreement.
Karzai said the issue of jurisdiction for foreign forces was above the authority of the Afghan government and that is up to the Afghan people and the Loya Jirga.
Kerrey said his discussions with Karzai were important and that his country respected Afghanistan’s sovereignty, rights and demands of its people.
He said: “We want the people of Afghanistan to live in peace and stability. Anyone who commits a crime will be punished; something the United States has practically proved.”
He said American soldiers, who committed crimes in Afghanistan, had been jailed in the United States.
When Canada made Afghanistan worse
In those early, hopelessly naive years, when Canadian soldiers and their energetic general encamped in Kandahar to kill “scumbags” and set Afghanistan on the road to democracy, the accompanying media fell into line – in love with the general, the soldiers and their mission. The early coverage was largely ahistorical, gung-ho, a big group hug for the Canadians – a travesty of journalism, really. What Canadians needed then was a clear-eyed analysis of the country and its history, an understanding of its regional antagonisms, an appreciation of the daunting, even impossible task Canada and its government – to say nothing of the entire North Atlantic Treaty Organization – had signed up for in that forbidding, post-medieval place. Many years later, as the Americans prepare to withdraw their forces and the last Canadians (trainers for the Afghan army) can see the end of their time in Afghanistan, Westerners will have left behind graveyards of their fallen and a country still corrupt, tribally divided and closer to civil strife than civil peace. After that first full flush of nonsense reporting that, in fairness, played well at home and was supplemented by the country’s biggest windbag on Hockey Night in Canada, along came another group of correspondents, sympathetic to the troops and their travails, of course, but willing to question the party line and explore beyond the perimeters of the Canadian base in Kandahar. There were some very good journalists in this group, brave men and women in a place growing more violent every day. One lost her life. Another was held hostage. Another was seriously wounded. The Globe and Mail’s Graeme Smith (now with the International Crisis Group in Kabul) was among them. He stayed longer than most, took extraordinary risks around Kandahar and in Quetta across the Pakistani border, interviewed the Taliban (despite criticism for giving a microphone to the enemy) and, more than anyone else, exposed the story of Afghan prisoner detainees turned over by Canadians and other NATO forces to local authorities, who tortured and abused them. Canada’s government lied about many aspects of the detainee affair, insisting that Ottawa didn’t know what was happening or that Afghan authorities were examining all allegations of misconduct – despite memos from Canadian officials on the ground saying that wasn’t so. Mr. Smith explains the detainee affair, from the prison where he visited and interviewed prisoners to the government’s mendacity in the House of Commons, in The Dogs Are Eating Them Now, a memoir of his correspondent days in Kandahar and Kabul. But the detainees represent but one small part of a wise, enthralling, detailed, realistic account of his time in Afghanistan. Many are the lessons from Mr. Smith’s book, but one emerges above all: that the presence of foreigners did not necessarily turn the tide against the Taliban. Indeed, the foreigners’ military forays and strange (to the Pashtuns) ways may even have allowed the Taliban to survive and, ultimately, to grow. Mr. Smith doesn’t say so, but he would be honest to admit that his portrait is of only one part of a sprawling, diverse country. There were and are much less violent parts of Afghanistan, where leaders fought against the Taliban before and might do so again after the Americans leave. His is a picture of Kandahar and its surroundings, where the Pashtun code of tribal identity and revenge has for centuries proved difficult for foreigners to understand. In southern Afghanistan, at any rate, “we are leaving behind an ongoing war; at worst, it’s a looming disaster,” Mr. Smith says. How the West, including Canadians, unintentionally made things worse is a textbook case of cross-cultural misunderstanding and hubris. The West will tell itself heroic stories, then forget about Afghanistan. Perhaps unexpectedly, given his depressing account, Mr. Smith concludes that saying goodbye would be a mistake. The Afghan government Westerners leave behind will need support, and lots of it. Without foreign money and help, he argues, the chances of a moderately peaceful Afghanistan seem remote – as remote as that support continuing.BY JEFFREY SIMPSON
US and Afghanistan nearing deal on bilateral security pact

Pakistani Lawyers: Black coats misbehaving again

Pakistan's Tribal belt: Four new polio cases confirmed
The Express TribuneFour more children from the tribal areas have fallen victim to the crippling polio virus. The National Institute of Health Islamabad reported the fresh cases after laboratory tests confirmed the presence of the polio virus. So far, this year the disease has disabled 31 children from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). In all 43 children across Pakistan were hit by the polio virus during the current year. The ban imposed by militant commanders on polio vaccination teams in North and South Waziristan Agencies and persistent security threats in other tribal agencies are hindering polio eradication efforts. The NIH on Friday confirmed the presence of the crippling virus in the stool samples of 30-months old Zulqarnain of Bara tehsil, Khyber Agency. The child has not received the oral polio vaccine (OPV) in the last 10 months due to volatile security situation. The same tribal agency has also reported two dozen cases of Sabin Like (II) Poliomyelitis (SL2), however due to the peculiar scientific and genetic nature of the SL2 virus strain, these cases have yet to be included in the national polio case count tally. The other three cases were reported from North Waziristan Agency where a nine-month old boy from Miramshah, and two girls aged 16 months and 12 months from Mir Ali contracted the disease. The children had not received the vaccination due to the ban imposed by the local warlord in the middle of 2012. “We are unofficially confirming these four cases on the basis of lab reports….the official notification will be issued in due time,” an official of the Expended Programme on Immunisation Fata said wishing not to be named. He said a recent move to administer anti-polio drops to every child at the security checkpoints of Bannu district on the entry and exit routes of the North and South Waziristan proved to be a great success. The teams are vaccinating 7,000-8,000 children in a month, he said.
Pakistan: Health Workers boycott hits polio drive

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan in Afghanistan
Pakistan: Opposition Leader strongly criticizes the government for increasing inflation
http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Syed Khurhsid Shah has strongly criticized the government for increasing inflation and said that the government was committing excesses. He said that aides of General Ziaul Haq were now criticizing the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). Shah said that it was government’s responsibility to hold negotiations with the Taliban as opposition had given it mandate. The PPP stalwart said that the new NAB chairman was appointed unanimously by the government and the opposition. He said that action was being taken against criminal elements in Karachi, adding that the MQM had demanded military operation in the city.
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