M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن President George W. Bush had kind words for his successor Sunday, praising President Obama’s push for immigration reform and his tough counterterrorism policies. “I think the President got into the Oval Office and realized the dangers to the United States, and he's acted in a way that he thinks is necessary to protect the country,” Bush said during a taped interview that aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”“Protecting the country is the most important job of the presidency,” Bush added, in response to a question about whether he felt surprised that Obama had kept many of the counterterrorism programs put in place during his own administration. Obama has come under criticism following the disclosure that the National Security Agency has continued to implement cellphone and Internet data surveillance programs created by Bush.The former President also said he felt encouraged by the progress of the comprehensive immigration reform bill being pushed by the White House and passed in June by the Senate. “It looks like immigration, you know, has a chance to pass," Bush said about the bill’s prospects in the House. “The reason to pass immigration reform is not to bolster a Republican Party — it's to fix a system that's broken.""It's very important to fix a broken system, to treat people with respect and have confidence in our capacity to assimilate people," Bush said. "It's a very difficult bill to pass because there's a lot of moving parts. The legislative process can be ugly. But it looks like they're making some progress,” he said. Last month the Senate passed the much-discussed bill, which would give about 11 million people in the country illegally a pathway to citizenship, but it faces uncertain prospects in the House, where Republican lawmakers have criticized the legislation. Council of Europe commissioner for human rights has said the excessive use of force during the Gezi protests should not go unpunished. “All instances of excessive use of force by the police must be fully investigated and adequately punished,” said Nils Muiznieks, the Council of Europe commissioner for human rights at the end of a five-day visit to Istanbul and Ankara, during which he discussed the Gezi Park protests and other human rights issues. The commissioner recalled that, according to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the failure to effectively investigate the misconduct of security forces was a human rights violation in itself, and that Turkey had been condemned on numerous occasions by the court precisely for this reason. The commissioner had received serious allegations of human rights violations committed by law enforcement forces against demonstrators, backed up by witness accounts, photos, videos and forensic evidence, as well as the number of deaths and injuries over the course of the events. Most of these reports concerned excessive and improper use of tear gas, and ill treatment by police at the time of apprehension. On the other hand, members of the government and security forces considered the use of force proportionate in view of the actions of marginal groups hijacking the demonstrations, except for isolated incidents which are under investigation. “The only way to bridge this gap in perceptions, and to allow the healing process Turkey needs, is to conduct independent, impartial, and effective investigations with the involvement of victims into all allegations of misconduct by security forces, in accordance with the clear guidelines of the Strasbourg court. Given Turkey’s track record before the court, this requires a novel approach and determination by all relevant actors,” said the commissioner. The commissioner added that those demonstrators who resorted to violence must obviously also face the consequences of their actions, but said it must be the absolute priority of every democratic state to safeguard the trust of their citizens in law enforcement by combating impunity.
By Faisal GeorgeFirst of all – I am thankful to My Christian Community who shared this news, as many of us feel shy of sharing such news and talks, because of the hatred we get from the Pakistani Muslim Community. Secondly, I am not addressing to some or any specific community – I will write as an overall community of which we call Humans. So, please – before starting to write, I apologize early of using some of the harsh words which can hurt someone’s feelings but do not imply my words upon you. Before 1947 (Partition), the situation was different when only Hindus and Muslims were living together – all the Sanitary works or in easy words (dirty works) were done by Muslims in their densely populated lands and by Hindu Shudars in their lands, similarly in today’s KPK all the Pusthoons were doing all the dirty work before partition. But when the Missionaries (Christians) arrive in India and they conquered the whole land (India) then at that time many Hindus and Muslims converted to Christianity and those Christians started running the Churches, Cathedrals, Mission Schools, Colleges and Universities etc (I do not want to go in details, the list will be very long) with the help of the foreign Christians and after partition still these Missions are running in Pakistan and India by our local people. Ok – now coming to the point, in India the situation is different and there constitution too. So, let us discuss only Pakistan. Even till the late 60s the situation was very different in Pakistan (East and West) in Municipal Corporation more than 90% were Muslims and 10% were Hindu, Sikh and Christians. But after 70s when the Muslim Spiritual Leaders (Maulanas and Maulwies etc) started putting hatred in Muslim Communities against Minorities and especially in General Zia-ul-haq’s regime then the Muslims started a crusade against minorities because they were taught that they are the only true people on the face of the earth the rest is rubbish, so everything changed the minorities were thrown out from their white-collar jobs, their villages and lands were burnt and many people were hanged till death. So the minorities and especially Christians left with nothing because Hindus and Sikhs went to India but us (Christians) – we were left in the middle of nowhere, so our people forced to do the Sanitary works, because all Christian Colleges, schools and many other running departments were taken by the government of that time and our children were forced to stop education, so what than left behind is to do something for the living and from there it all was started and till now the pressure (crusade) of the Muslim Community increases on us and we are still forced to do the sanitary work. Now – I will start with my own personal experiences! Presently, I am living in Saudi Arabia – and working as Network / System Administrator in Computer House Marat, my cell # +966 56 531 2659. Why I am writing this all – if someone has any doubt he can contact me or can check my firm on the Internet. Because I am going to tell you real figures and about my Pakistani Muslim friends who are working in Baldia (Municipal Corporation), region Riyadh. You can check on the internet that more than 50% of the Pakistani Muslims are working in Municipal Corporation in Riyadh (cleaning streets, take the dustbins in front of every home empty them in another truck twice a day and all kinds of dirty works) you can also check the pictures available on the Internet. The person who takes my dustbin was telling me that he told his family in Pakistan that he is working in some good place but basically he does everything as Municipal Corporation people do in Pakistan. So – I was amazed at his talk that a Pakistani can do anything in other countries from cleaning till …. But in Pakistan he only does corruption. So, our Dear leader Mr. Imran Khan and Mr. Khatak Sahib please correct your statistics and have some mercy on our Minorities. We (our youth) do not need a Quota in Municipal Corporation but we need the Quota in Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Higher Government Organizations. Waiting for the comments and ready to answer any question? To Be Continued…. And really, I was amazed - that how badly Saudis treat our Pakistani Labor, why? Everyone knows... Saudis are thousand times better than our Pakistani Muslims, as I was also a victim of the hatred of our Pakistani Muslim Community when I was working in Islamabad and Lahore in different companies and firms on good posts. But when I compare working in Pakistan or in Saudia - the things are 100% different. My Saudi Boss (kafeel) he is just like friends - we sit together, we do lunch together - but he never mentioned any hatred sentences, as I used to hear from our community. So, why is it so - and why it happens with us only in Pakistan, I will write in more detail later The same situation – I have seen in Russia, when I was studying there Pakistani Muslims were washing clothes, cleaning etc and when I went to Malaysia, I stayed there in a hotel for one month, all labor was Pakistani, similarly in Thailand, I went to eat in a restaurant the cleaners were Pakistani. So, it means that if in Pakistan the will increase the salary of the people working in Municipal Corporation i.e., 40,000 or 50,000Rs. Per month I assure you that in Pakistan there will not be a single Christian working in such posts, all posts will be taken by the Muslims – if you do not agree, ask our government to do this experiment just for one month and see the change, it means Pakistanis can do anything for money. This is my experience and this is what I have seen….
Police on Sunday arrested two men for attacking a polio worker in Sahiwal. The injured worker was taken to the tehsil headquarters hospital, where doctors later said she was out of danger. The said she would be discharged from the hospital on Monday (today). An FIR was lodged with the Chichawatni police against the two men. Police said the polio worker, 23, who was assigned to the anti polio vaccination in Chichawatni, visited the house of Ziaullah Jutt to administer vaccine with a colleague. When Jutt entered the room, he began to hit her. He accused her of being a part of a US plot to give children a vaccine that caused mental retardation. When she tried to flee, Jutt and his brother Abrar Jutt ran after her. They caught her and dragged her by the hair into the streets shouting that “she was helping non Muslims to harm Muslim children”. Her colleague informed police and tried to get neighbours to stop the men. When police arrived, the brothers fled. They were arrested after a three-hour chase. Neighbours said that the brothers both taught at seminaries in nearby villages and used to give lectures on teachings of the Holy Quran in different villages and rural areas.
The Baloch HalThe 16, June 2013 was a day for severe suffering for the parents in Balochistan, when they were receiving burnt dead bodies of their daughters, whilst the rest of the world was gifting flowers to their fathers on world father’s day. Even as fathers with immeasurable pain and anguish were trying to identify their daughters’ dead bodies those had been burnt in 15th June’s suicide attack in students bus of Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University, The only women university in the city of Quetta with 3000 female students, established in March 2004. The bloody incident occurred on 15th June when about 40 students and teachers from English, Mathematics and other departments were in the bus, waiting to go home after classes. It was the last day of their examination and that was regular day ,though, usually SBK remains off but that day due to papers it was on. A Woman bomber got in the bus and detonated her causing the extensive damage and killings. Twenty-two women were injured by the powerful blast. After the attack when the injured were shifted to the Bolan Medical Complex, a male suicide bomber and other heavily armed militants struck the building and fired indiscriminately. In result of multiple strikes death toll rose to 26. The students who could not escaped martyred in the bus were identified as Shagofta Jamali, Reyana Aurangzaib, Seyda Noor-ul-Hain, Sajila Shajahan, Mevish Asif Bangulzai, Seydtahia Bibi, Sadaf Murad Baloch, Abida Baloch, Soman Magasi, Zehra Ahmed Kakar, Nadia Durani, Hirah Javid Rajpot. At least 12 people including four militants, four nurses and the deputy commissioner of Quetta were killed in the nearly four hour’s siege of the complex where the injured students were brought for treatment. The banned sectarian militant Organization Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) claimed responsibility for 15th June attacks on the bus and at the Bolan Medical Complex, counting them attacks for a raid against the group by security forces. The attack on the students is a clear message for the people of Balochistan, that already backward province in all sphere of life is clearly been occupied by religious extremists, allegedly given freehand by the secret agencies of the state. No doubt, more than 1000 people from Hazar community have been killed and thousands injured in the suicide attacks in Balochistan, mainly, in Quetta city. Prior to this the attacks were carried out against the Hazara community, whereas this time the victims were not from Hazara Community but Students of SBK women University and Suni Muslims. The attacks on Hazara community and Students are condemnable. The question rises on the freedom of religious extremists in Quetta city and it ratifies the allegations of victims of this religious extremism, that they are encouraged by the state patronized elements. It is being thought-out whether the state has failed, it is blackmailed by extremists or deliberately it is planned to now start killing Baloch female students to frighten others to give-up their education career. According to a lecturer and some students of the institution the dead students and injured ones belonged to middle class families and some of them are daughters of daily waged workers, who are now unable to bear their medical expenses. Balochistan, with the smallest population with a poor literacy rate is marked for backwardness; educating female is not less than a dream. The education backwardness or poor development is because of unequal opportunities and deficient interest of federation. Though it is claimed that tribal system is the biggest hurdle in the way of development of Baloch yet, the tribal people have always been part of government and pampered babies of establishment. On the other hand the religious groups have been creating obstacles for the development of not only female education but also education of male. The female students, who were attacked, belonged to far flung areas of Balochistan. The courage of their parents must be eulogized who sent their draughts to get education because their daughters are also models for other women in Balochista. In fact, the students who are getting education in Balochistan are the Malalas of this land, Malalas Yousaf Zai is famous for her struggle in female education in tribal areas, On 9 October 2012, Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in an assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a school bus and she received international attention .But the questions raise why the national and International human rights organizations are silent on this incident, which extraordinarily supported Malalas case. The international human rights organizations , media groups are rally to be censured who claim to be human rights defenders but their silences on the burnt Malalas in Balochistan becomes questionable. Even UN secretary general sufficed only with a statement against ugly attack. It becomes responsibility of state to ensure protection of common people; apparently we witness failure of state in the protection of common people, mainly, the female where development of a state is contingent to the development of women. The horrible extremism must come to an end now. The Amnesty international, Human Rights Watch, Asian human Right, and Human Rights Commission of Pakistan should not consider it enough only reporting the violence but they ought to pressurize state to bring the perpetrators to the book. I conclude my write-up with poem of Nausheen Qambrani , a well-known Baloch poetess and an English language lecturer at the Sardar Bahdur Khan Women University in Quetta, She has written this poem after being in process of identifying the burnt dead bodies and losing her students. The history dried, religions melted… Wisdom burnt, civilizations buried… Lord of darkness dances around Spaces tremble on the evil’s sound, O’ killer of innocence, you turn to existence, Look your face in the blood of mirror, You find yourself just a pagan, May be a Shia, may be a christen Follower of wit or follower of love, Follower of dove… Had you felt the touch of earth, You’d have known the pain of birth