M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Pakistan's sidelined minorities: ‘The present system has turned us into second-class citizens’

Pakistan: Christian candidate for Selection in Election 2013 will accept Islam through nominations

Tea’s health benefits boost its popularity

Obama Announces Human Brain Mapping Project

Renovation, not construction: Pakistan dismisses Afghan concerns on border checkposts
The Express TribunePakistan dismissed Afghan allegations that it was constructing a new checkpost along the border, claiming that the activity in question was renovation of an old checkpost, a statement from the foreign ministry read on Tuesday. Afghanistan had on Monday expressed grave concern about what it claimed the ‘Pakistani military’s unilateral construction and physical reinforcement activities’ along the border in the eastern Ningarhar province. It had also lodged a formal protest, as diplomatic tensions between the two uneasy neighbours continue to grow. However, responding to the Afghan claims, the foreign office spokesperson said that Pakistan has an old post called Gursal well inside Pakistani territory bordering Ningarhar province of Afghanistan, which is under routine renovation. “Under the recently signed Tripartite Border SOP, both sides are supposed to inform any new construction closer to border areas,” he said before adding that despite it being routine renovation work, Pakistan had shared this information with the Afghan side and with the Afghan delegation that visited Mohmand Agency on January 24, 2013. “The renovation of the post is primarily meant to interdict terrorists and criminals as well as better management of the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan.” About the Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Jawed Ludin’s recent concerns about construction and physical reinforcement along the Afghan border, he said that they are “not in keeping with the spirit of the understanding on good border management and the recently signed Tripartite Border SOP.” “Better management of the border through strengthening border posts located in each other’s territory are in the interest of the two countries to have an effective check over terrorists and criminals.” Cross border attacks Responding to a query about the Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister’s concerns over rocket and artillery attacks in different areas of Kunar Province, the spokesperson said that these complaints have not been found to be correct as “no rocket or artillery shells have been fired by Pakistan Army in recent days.” The spokesperson added that Pakistan remains committed to extending all possible support and facilitation for peace, reconciliation and stability in Afghanistan.
Sweden has lowest rate of poverty in Europe
http://www.west-info.eu/One percent of Swedes live in material poverty, according to a new annual Eurostat review that lists Sweden as having the lowest poverty level in the EU. In Sweden and in the EU at large, it is the unemployed who are most at risk of living in what Eurostat dubs “serious material poverty”. Bulgarians fare the worst, as 44 percent of its population are considered materially poor. The EU average was 9 percent.
NY state sen. arrested in alleged mayor race plot
http://xfinity.comcast.net/A Democratic state lawmaker was arrested along with five other politicians Tuesday in an alleged plot to pay tens of thousands of dollars in bribes to GOP bosses to let him run for mayor of New York City as a Republican. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara called it an "unappetizing smorgasbord of graft and greed" that reveals a New York political culture defined by a single rule: "Show me the money." Malcolm Smith, 56, who has served at times as the state Senate's majority and minority leader since becoming a senator in March 2000, was arrested along with Republican New York City Councilman Dan Halloran, 42, and four other political figures. Smith "tried to bribe his way to a shot at Gracie Mansion," Bharara said, referring to the official mayor's residence. "Smith drew up the game plan and Councilman Halloran essentially quarterbacked that drive by finding party chairmen who were wide open to receiving bribes." A criminal complaint said that in meetings with a cooperating witness and an undercover FBI agent posing as a wealthy real estate developer, Smith agreed to bribe up to five leaders of Republican Party county committees in the five boroughs of New York City so he could run for mayor as a Republican, even though he was a registered Democrat. Bharara said $80,000 in cash was promised or paid to Bronx County Republican Party Chairman Joseph Savino, 45, and Queens County Republican Party Vice Chairman Vincent Tabone, 46, who were both arrested Tuesday. The government said Halloran told the undercover agent that he wanted to get his "mortgage situation resolved" and to be named deputy police commissioner if Smith were elected mayor. Smith said in a statement that he'll be vindicated. His lawyer, Gerald L. Shargel, said his client denies wrongdoing. "Malcolm Smith is a dedicated public servant who has served both the state of New York and his constituents in an exemplary fashion," Shargel said. "He steadfastly denies the allegations that are contained in the complaint." Outside federal court in White Plains, N.Y., Shargel said the allegations in the criminal complaint "do not tell the full story." Halloran's attorney, Dennis Ring, said: "The councilman denies all allegations and looks forward to clearing his name and returning to court." Representatives for Savino and Tabone did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Running as a Republican in the New York City mayoral race is an attractive path for candidates because it is easier to get on the GOP primary ballot in a city crowded with Democratic politicians. The tactic was popularized by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who switched from the Democratic to Republican parties shortly before his first successful run for mayor in 2001. At least three current candidates for mayor switched their party affiliation to get on the GOP ballot. In Smith's case, authorities say, he wanted to get on the Republican ballot but keep his Democratic party affiliation, a move that would require written consent of three of the city's five Republican Party county chairmen. In court papers, the FBI detailed numerous meetings over the last year among the defendants, the undercover FBI agent and the cooperating witness, who pleaded guilty to federal charges last month in a deal aimed at winning leniency at sentencing. In a Jan. 25 meeting in Smith's car in Rockland County, the cooperating witness told Smith that buying the help of Republican county committee leaders would cost "a pretty penny" and asked if it's "worth any price," the complaint said. The FBI said Smith responded: "Look, talk to me before you close it. But it's worth it. Because you know how big a deal it is." Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, speaking Tuesday at an event in Buffalo, called the arrests "very, very troubling." "We have zero tolerance for any violation of the public integrity and the public trust," Cuomo said. New York Republican Chairman Ed Cox said the arrests were "deeply concerning." "The integrity of the electoral process for the voters of New York City must be preserved," Cox said in a statement. One candidate for mayor, billionaire businessman John Catsimatidis, said the arrests "point to a culture of corruption that permeates our city and state, corruption fueled by career politicians who put personal advancement before public service." Tabone is a lawyer for Catsimatidis' Red Apple Group, which owns the Gristedes supermarket chain and other businesses, and Tabone also is a consultant to the billionaire's campaign. Campaign finance records show Tabone has been paid $3,000 so far. Catsimatidis' campaign said on Tuesday that Tabone has been suspended from the business and his association with the campaign has been terminated. If convicted of conspiracy, wire fraud and violation of the Hobbs Act, Smith could face up to 45 years in prison. If convicted, Halloran faced the same potential penalty on charges of conspiracy and two counts of wire fraud. Tabone and Savino were each charged with conspiracy and wire fraud, which carry up to 25 years in prison. Jasmin and Desmaret were charged with mail fraud, which carries a potential penalty of 20 years in prison. Besides the mayoral plot, authorities said the investigation also revealed a scheme in which Halloran received $18,300 in cash bribes and $6,500 in straw donor campaign contribution checks to steer up to $80,000 in City Council money to a company he believed was controlled by those who paid him the bribes. In a third plot, prosecutors say, Spring Valley Mayor Noramie Jasmin, 49, and Spring Valley Deputy Mayor Joseph Desmaret, 55, agreed to accept financial benefits so that Smith could use his power as a senator to help obtain state funds for road work in the Rockland County village outside New York City that would benefit a real estate project that Smith believed was being built by the undercover agent's company in Spring Valley. Jasmin and Desmaret were arrested Tuesday. Representatives for Jasmin, and Desmaret did not immediately respond to comment requests. The defendants were all released Tuesday on a $250,000 bond.
Afghanistan peace deal: Taliban talks hit deadlock

Western hopes fade for agreement before 2014 pullout as negotiations in Qatar stallWestern hopes of leaving Afghanistan within reach of a peace deal when Nato troops pull out in 2014 are dimming, with planned negotiations in Qatar at a stalemate and Pakistan cutting back on support for talks. Afghans and foreigners across the political spectrum have been pushing hard for negotiations for several years, driven by concerns that the already-bloody insurgency could spiral into full-blown civil war when foreign forces have left. But as western generals and politicians who once dreamed of crushing the Taliban militarily have reconciled themselves to the idea of negotiating instead, the insurgents themselves have remained more elusive, attacking top government negotiators and refusing to publicly embrace talks. The Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, visited the Qatari capital, Doha, at the weekend, where a handful of Taliban and their families have set up base since 2011, with the blessing of Washington, as diplomats seek neutral ground for potential negotiations. The emir of the tiny state, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, pledged his support for the peace process and unveiled plans for a Qatari embassy in Kabul, helping allay some Afghan suspicions about where the Gulf nation's loyalties lie. But notably absent from the two-day trip was any meeting with some of the Qatar-based Taliban themselves, who have denounced Karzai as the head of a "stooge administration". "Nobody from the Taliban side met with Karzai," the spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, said bluntly after the visit, which also included a trip to an art museum to see an exhibition of Afghan handicrafts. Also looming over both Karzai's weekend travels and wider Afghan and western efforts to get around a table with the Taliban is the ambivalence of the Pakistani government, which in recent weeks appears to have backed away from support for the process. "Unfortunately Pakistan today is changing the goalposts on its support for the peace process once again," said the Afghan foreign ministry spokesman, Janan Mosazai. "Pakistan somehow decided now to put down certain preconditions for its support for the peace process which are completely unacceptable to Afghanistan and to any other independent country." The Afghan government says the demands are that ties with India be severed, that army officers be sent to Pakistan for training and that a strategic partnership deal be signed immediately. The deterioration in ties has already had an impact: one senior Afghan source said flights organised by Pakistan for militants to Doha had already been halted. Without transport for negotiators, talks are unlikely to get very far, and even if some do find a way to shuttle back and forth, the wider Taliban movement would be likely to struggle to directly oppose a government it relies on for shelter and other support. A string of initiatives including Pakistani releases of Taliban prisoners and plans for a meeting of senior clerics from both countries meant the year began in a haze of enthusiasm that now looks premature; behind the scenes, little has changed in a country determined to ensure a friendly regime across its eastern borders. "When optimism was prevailing about Pakistani attitudes, our human intelligence suggested that – on the ground – this optimism was not well-founded, and unfortunately we were proved right," the official said. Many western diplomats say they are convinced that the Pakistani military chief General Ashfaq Kayani, often seen as more powerful in security affairs than the civilian government, genuinely believes it is more important to have a stable Afghanistan than one that is compliant with Islamabad's interests. But they also questioned whether that change in attitude had made much real difference. A US source with long experience of negotiating with Pakistan said: "Part of the problem is that when Kayani gives an order, is it followed three levels down?" The Taliban in 2011 seized the chance to set up a base beyond their risky Pakistani headquarters, vulnerable to both pressure from Islamabad and cross-border raids by US forces. Qatar was attractive, not least because the movement has long looked to the Gulf for funding and, in the past, political support. Around 10 men have set up home with their families, a source with knowledge of the process said, and others come and go. But there has been no official confirmation that they plan to open an office or are willing to talk peace, despite expectations a few months ago that they would confirm their intentions with a statement welcoming peace talks. That would have been a huge step for an often fractured movement that has sworn it won't talk either to Karzai or while foreign forces are still on Afghan soil. The Taliban leadership is still smarting from rank-and-file anger over a failed prisoner exchange initiative with the US more than year ago. But the lack of any official embrace of the process is fuelling US and Afghan fears about the Taliban's true intentions in a place close to potential donors and convenient for putting out diplomatic feelers in an often sympathetic region. Karzai tacitly acknowledged the problem in a meeting with Qatari businessmen during the trip. "The Taliban peace process, when it is officially announced, the opportunities will multiply hugely," Afghanistan's Tolo TV channel quoted him telling the exclusive group. The Afghan government, which has been open about the fact that it would prefer Turkey or Saudi Arabia as a mediator, reacted badly to initial plans for an office in Doha. Karzai recalled his ambassador to Qatar and denounced the venture as scheming behind his back. He has softened his stance since then, but his government has repeatedly warned that it will tolerate the Taliban office strictly as an address for peace talks, and only if it is not used for fundraising or diplomatic activities. Western diplomats have also said their support for a Taliban presence in Qatar will be strained if the movement does not take more concrete steps towards embracing the idea of talks publicly, although they remain confident of behind-the-scenes support for negotiations. "There isn't anyone who doesn't think that a significant majority of them want to take part in the peace process," a senior western official with knowledge of the talks said. The group's dispersed, fugitive leadership made for slow decision making, the official added, but longer term there was still real hope of a peace deal, although it would be likely to come on the brink of Nato's departure or later. "It is conceivable that between 12 and 18 months from now the world could look different from a Taliban perspective," the official said. "Once Karzai has left office, with western troops vanishing, and the Afghan police and army doing a relatively decent job providing security, it might be easier for the Taliban to sell negotiations to their foot soldiers."
Kerry: U.S. won't accept nuclear North Korea
ZA Bhutto’s death anniversary arrangements finalizes
"ملګري ملتونه دې وزیرستان کې سرغړونو ته پام وکړي "
قبایلي سیمه شمالي وزیرستان کي د ګرېنډ وزیرستان امن جرګي او د سیمې نورو مشرانو لخوا لویه جرګه رابللې او وايي، چې له پو لېټېکل انتظامیې او پوځي چارواکو سره یې لیدلي او ورسره یې پر راوانو حالاتو او د ځايي ولس په مشکلاتو خبرې وکړي. د جرګي مشرانو مشال رېډېو ته وویل خواوشا یوه نیمه اونۍ کېږي چې پر سامان وړونکو ګاډو د بندیز له وجې له افغانستان سره پر کرښه وړلو راوړلو (ایمپورټ اېکسپورټ) کاروبار په ټپه ولاړ دی، او هلته خوراکي توکو بیې څو چنده زیاتي شوې دي چې ولس یې د بي زارۍ ترحده رسولی دی. د وزیر ستان امن لویې جرګې مشر ملک جانفراز مشال راډېو ته وویل، دولت هر څه بند کړي او د بشري حقونو سرغړونه کوي. دی وايي: ((د تېرې میاشتې له ۲۳ مې نېټې دولت په سامان وړونکو ټرکونو بندیز لګولی، غله نه رارسېږي، د بشري حقونو سرغړونه کېږي، د پښتو روایاتو سرغړونه روانه ده، چې د جنګ حالات وي پر عوامو خوراکي توکي نه بندېږي، موږ له ملګرو ملتونو (اقوام متحده) اپېل کوو چې د دولت لخوا هلته د بشري حقونو سرغړونې نوټس واخلي.)) قبایلي مشر او راوانو ټول ټاکنو له پاره شمالی وزیر ستان نه امېدوار مولانا ګل رمضان وايي د پولېټکل انتظامیې، پوځي او استخباراتي ادارو چارواکو ته یې د خبره په ډاګه کړې، چې د ځايي ولس مشکل ته پاملرنه وکړي او دوی نور د دولت پرضد په احتجاج مجبوره شوي، چې بیا نور څه جوړېږي دولت به یې ذمه داره وي. دی وايي(( کاروبار په ټپه ولاړ دی، د سیمې خلکو په کروړونو تاوان راوان دی، پر ولس یې هر څه بند کړي دي، چې لوی تاوان به ترې جوړ شي که د مشکل نور حل نه کړي، او بل قدم به یې خپل جمهوري حق دی چې ټول وزیر ستان به په احتجاج راووځي)) په سیمه کي موجود د پولېټېکل انتظامیې او پوځي چارواکي لا هم پر دې موضوع هېڅ نه وايي چې تر کومه وخته به دغه بندیز راوان وي. باده دې وي، چې د تېرې میاشتې په ۲۳مه نېټه د شمالي وزیر ستان پر ایشا امنیتي پوسته له ځانمرګي بریده پس شمالي وزیر ستان ته پر سامان وړونکو ګاډو بندیز راوان دی، چې له وجې یې د سلګونو په شمېر له سامانونو ډک ګاډي په نیمه قباییلي سیمه بکاخېل ولاړ دي، چې پکي دوایانې او نور خوراکي توکي شتون لري چې د خرابېدو ډېره اندېښنه یې ده.
Pakistan: a hard road to recovery

India, China working in tandem to prevent Taliban surge
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/With the US withdrawal from Afghanistan looming large, neighbouring countries are hedging against bad outcomes in that part of the world. The jitteriness is palpable, with Afghanistan's neighbours all tying up with each other in different combinations as they scramble to contain what many fear a Taliban surge supported by Pakistan and extremism/terrorism spilling over its borders. China is teaming up with Russia and Pakistan on a trilateral on Afghanistan, and the first meeting is scheduled in a few weeks. This comes weeks after India, Russia and China sat down in Moscow to craft another trilateral dialogue whereby all the three countries would exchange information and coordinate positions on Afghanistan's future. The new trialateral allows Pakistan and China reaffirm their traditional ties, including showing India that their commitment to each other remains unalloyed. The Moscow meeting was the beginning of a bilateral track between China and India, a surprising and significant development, given that India and China are generally believed to be on opposing sides of Afghanistan's "Pakistan divide". A bilateral talks between India and China on Afghanistan raised eyebrows within the Indian system since the request came from the Chinese side. But it showed for the first time, that China too was hedging its bets regarding its "lips-and-teeth" relationship with Pakistan. Pakistan's ties with the Taliban show no signs of abating, despite Islamabad's own travails with them. None of the peace talks with the Taliban are going anywhere because Pakistan's ISI retains a stranglehold on them. And, Pakistan seems to be in a minority that believes the Taliban should be part of the power structure in Kabul. China's worries are centred on their concerns in the Xinjiang province and the threat of jihadi spillover from Afghanistan. But also China, like India, wants to protect its considerable investments in Afghanistan. In May China's CNPC will be extracting oil from its wells in northern Afghanistan. This could be the beginning of a resource boom for Afghanistan. India has theoretically invested in Afghanistan's Hajigak mines, but security concerns persist. An India-China bilateral dialogue could be the precursor of a joint approach to securing their investments in Afghanistan.
Why The Baloch Interests Rest With Boycotting The Elections
The Baloch HalSince the killing of Nawab Mohammad Akbar Bugti in a military operation in August 2006, elections in Balochistan have become a yardstick to measure the intensity of Baloch disillusionment with the Pakistani federation. Unlike the rest of Pakistan, elections in Balochistan are not merely about public representation, transparency and the accommodation of underrepresented voices in the so-called mainstream politics. Balochistan, after Bugti’s killing, has become a significantly different place and the dynamics as well as the requirements of the regional politics have remarkably changed. When Baloch separatists call for the boycott of the next elections, it does not in any way translate into resentment to the very idea of democracy and people’s right to vote. What they, as well as this newspaper, oppose is basically based on Balochistan’s unresolved disputes with the federation. Whenever Islamabad oppresses the Baloch people and does not take in consideration their will in making key decisions (such as the recent Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and the handover of the Gwadar Port to the Chinese), the Balochs believe an election season is the best time to express their ‘democratic right” to cast a ‘vote of no confidence’ in the current Pakistani system. After all, developed democracies in the world, including the United Nations system, provide the people and the member states the right to ‘abstain’ from certain democratic exercises. For the Baloch people, election 2013 is the best time to show their ‘democratic right’ to ‘abstain’ from Pakistani polls. The people of Balochistan are not averse to voting but they are simply not ready to vote at this time. Another election that brings some nationalists and most old faces in power but still does not address fundamental issues relating to Balochistan will be a futile exercise. By participating in the elections, the ‘moderate’ Baloch nationalist leaders will be validating and legitimizing the massacre of Baloch youths during the previous ‘democratic government’. More than 300 missing Baloch people’s dead bodies were recovered during the P.P.P. regime. If that is what democracy provides then Balochistan should truly fear the kind of democracy Islamabad is enthusiastically contemplating to introduce us with. That said, democracy failed, as much as General Musharraf’s junta, to provide justice to Balochistan. They all mistreated the Baloch. Those who say that the boycott of elections by the Baloch nationalists will only increase the number of pro-federation parliamentarians have a solid argument. But participation in the election before punishing those ‘democratic’ leaders who committed human rights abuses in Balochistan, indulged in massive corruption and encouraged foreign countries’ exploitative initiatives will encourage and cement a culture of impunity and unconditional remission. That is precisely what is going to happen on May 11. By deciding to return to Pakistan and participate in the upcoming general elections, the Balochistan National Party chief Sardar Akhtar Mengal and National Party have clearly indicated that they are exhausted and can no longer continue their battle against the federal government. But were they ever in the forefront of the anti-Islamabad struggle? No, they were not. They only pretend to be the actual powers who could bring peace to Balochistan and those Islamabad should patronize and negotiate with. They perhaps now realize that they have done enough blackmailing of the central government and the time has come for them to get back to power. However, nationalist’s surrender does not mean that Islamabad’s behavior toward the Baloch people has also improved at any level or in any form. The two nationalist parties that boycotted the last general elections are more than welcome to contest polls as they are absolutely free to make their own decisions. What we see from their behavior is hasty and poor judgement of the conflict in Balochistan. It is ironic that even Sardar Akhtar Mengal, the B.N.P. president had also voted in support of a Baloch boycott of the elections during the party’s Central Committee Meeting in Karachi last week. He is only proceeding with the polls to respect the majority’s decision in the B.N.P. The problem with the B.N.P., on the other hand, is the penetration of some opportunistic and compromising elements in the party’s key position during the past four years when Sardar Mengal was on self-imposed exile. By opting for elections, the Baloch nationalist parties have significantly disappointed the Baloch masses who have always wished to deal with Islamabad in a dignified and honorable manner. This time, it is a sad case of absolute and unconditional submission to the federation. The B.N.P. can still do some damage control by asking the Election Commission of Pakistan to reschedule the elections in the province. This period should be taken to initiate dialogue with the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the Election Commission of Pakistan and major national political parties, particularly the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf to put forward a set of Baloch demands and recommendations. This is a unique opportunity to withdraw the Frontier Corps (F.C.) from parts of Balochistan, dismantle the death squads, recover the missing persons and punish those who have been involved in the killing Baloch youths with the help of Pakistani intelligence agencies. In addition, the Baloch nationalists, particularly the B.N.P., should publicly assert its stance on the Gwadar Port and its handover to the Chinese. Until these Baloch demands are met, elections will only perpetuate a flawed and repressive system that provides no relief to our people.
PML-N member attempts to set herself on fire for not getting party ticket
The Express TribunePakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) member Sakina Mengal attempted self-immolation during a press conference in Quetta on Tuesday for not receiving a party ticket to contest the upcoming elections, reported Express News. Mengal doused herself with petrol and was about to set herself on fire with a lighter when journalists and other people present at the conference intervened and stopped her. Mengal claimed that she has been with the PML-N since 2002 but the party ignored her. The police though arrested Mengal after the incident. Other members who were not awarded party tickets also staged a protest.
FATA: ''Breaking taboos''
EDITORIAL:DAILY TIMESIn what must be the most positive piece of news in the run up to these milestone elections, a woman from the extremely underdeveloped tribal areas has gone against the odds to contest and appeal for votes. Badam Zari is the first female to become a candidate in Pakistani politics from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). She represents not just her constituency — NA 44 — but also the women who belong to the backward and oppressive society of FATA. The tribal belt is known as a very unfriendly place for women where they hardly venture out of their homes and, if they do partake in any activity that allows them even slight exposure, they are usually punished with very harsh consequences — sometimes even death. That is why this woman’s step to contest in these elections is not just a move forward for the women of the tribal belt, it is a very brave step indeed. This courageous lady says that she wants to see a change in how women are treated and that she wants to address their problems. The fact that she has broken a long held taboo about female political participation will already have worked wonders on improving how women see themselves in that society. However, whenever a woman ventures out of the comfort zone decreed upon her by the men of this patriarchal society, one has seen nothing but death and fear. Women from FATA are routinely made victims of ‘honour’ killings for little more than merely clapping their hands at a wedding function or being seen in the company of men. For a woman to stand up to this ridiculously closed society and to represent others like her is a wonderful thing indeed. Not for one moment, though, should we forget the very real danger she is in. Everyone, from the men of her society to the militants who look upon women with disdain and insecurity, she is a walking threat to their ideology. She must be given full security and protection — she is a moving target and her dream to represent the women of FATA can be obliterated by just one bullet. She is representing the right to franchise for many women who have been denied even basic human rights and she must be encouraged to realise her dream. Badam Zari could very well be the first in a long line of women who can change the course of how the female gender is treated in the tribal areas, and she may also be the first in a long line of defence against the militant enemy. She must be protected and emulated.
Pakistan: ''Militants kills 7, kidnap 4 in attack''
Associated PressSeveral dozen militants armed with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades attacked a power grid station in northwestern Pakistan before dawn Tuesday, killing seven people and taking four hostage, police said. The attack on the outskirts of Peshawar city occurred at around 2 a.m., said the local police chief in the area, Granullah Khan. The militants first killed two people at the scene of the attack and took nine with them, he said. The militants then killed five of the hostages as they were fleeing and were pursued by police, said the police chief. The bodies were found about a kilometer (half a mile) away from the grid station. Four of the abducted were still missing. The dead included three policemen and four government power workers, said Khan. The men still missing are all power workers. The grid that was attacked is located near Khyber, part of Pakistan's semiautonomous tribal region bordering Afghanistan, the main sanctuary for the Taliban in the country. It supplies electricity to a large part of Peshawar, and many areas of the city were still without power on Tuesday morning because the station was damaged in the attack. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. But Taliban militants waging a bloody insurgency against the government have staged scores of attacks against security officials, government personnel and civilians. The Pakistani military has launched dozens of operations against the Taliban in the tribal region, but the militants continue to carry out frequent attacks. The group has also made recent gains in an area of Khyber called the Tirah Valley, which potentially provides them easier access to Peshawar. There are concerns the militants could step up attacks in the run-up to parliamentary elections on May 11 in an attempt to derail the vote.
FATA ladies write election history

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