M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Friday, February 21, 2014
President Obama to Award Medal of Honor
http://www.whitehouse.gov/On March 18th, 2014, President Barack Obama will award 24 Army veterans the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry. These veterans will receive the Medal of Honor in recognition of their valor during major combat operations in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Each of these Soldiers’ bravery was previously recognized by award of the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation’s second highest military award; that award will be upgraded to the Medal of Honor in recognition of their gallantry, intrepidity and heroism above and beyond the call of duty. In 2002, Congress, through the Defense Authorization Act, called for a review of Jewish American and Hispanic American veteran war records from WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, to ensure those deserving the Medal of Honor were not denied because of prejudice. During the review, records of several Soldiers of neither Jewish nor Hispanic descent were also found to display criteria worthy of the Medal of Honor. The 2002 Act was amended to allow these Soldiers to be honored with the upgrade - in addition to the Jewish and Hispanic American Soldiers.
Obama, Putin Hold ‘Constructive’ Call on Ukraine Crisis

China expresses "strong indignation, firm opposition" against Obama-Dalai Lama meeting

Warning: Saudi mayhem ahead
http://www.atimes.com/By Pepe Escobar Move over, Peter O' Toole. It's Charles of Arabia time. Prince Charles switched to Lawrence mode when he went schmoozing and dancing in Riyadh this past Tuesday with the natives. And just like clockwork, the next day BAE Systems - Europe's number one weapons peddler - announced that the UK and the House of Saud had agreed on "new pricing" for an extremely juicy deal; 72 Eurofighter Typhoon jets. The Eurofighter is a direct competitor of the spectacularly unsalable French Rafale and the very expensive American F-35s and F-16s. The Associated Press duly included in its dispatch - reproduced by virtually every newspaper around the world - the Washington-enforced meme "Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries are fortifying their military capabilities to counter a perceived threat from regional rivals, particularly Iran." As if Tehran was going to bomb the House of Saud tomorrow. The Eurofighter, on the other hand, has already been employed against fellow Arabs - as in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's humanitarian bombing of Libya back to failed-state status. It's open to debate whether the House of Saud might be tempted to employ it against the enemy within: aspiring Saudi women drivers. Brandishing the official excuse that near-nonagenarian King Abdullah was not able to receive him, Charles of Arabia declined to discuss with the House of Saud the absolutely appalling women's rights, migrant workers' rights and for that matter the full human rights situation in the kingdom. Of course not; this is only brought up when demonizing Russia, China and/or Iran. Moreover, Charles of Arabia could not possibly ruffle feathers as the French are also positioning themselves as contenders in the Snuggle-Up-with-a-Saudi industrial-military complex game show (worth more than US$70 billion in these past few years). French President Francois Hollande - an abysmal nullity at home but a Great Liberator of Africa and Syria - visited Riyadh in December trying hard to steal significant market share from the Anglo-Americans. The problem is, no sentient being anywhere would even contemplate buying a Rafale. Here's the dough, now gimme a bomb So the House of Saud is stockpiling weapons. Check. Saudi Arabia's Prince Bandar bin Sultan, aka Bandar Bush, remains on the loose, financing/weaponizing his growing army of mercenaries in the Levant. Check. And the House of Saud is up to something with its ally Pakistan. Check. Just one day before Charles of Arabia hit Riyadh, Saudi Defense Minister - and, crucially, Crown Prince - Salam bin Abdul Aziz was in Islamabad. The heart of the matter was - what else - a "defense pact". [1] Crucially, there's also a Pipelineistan reverberation. By mid-2013, Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was all excited over the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline, which should theoretically go online in 2015. Now he's not so sure. One doesn't need to be the perspicacious Charles of Arabia to detect a Saudi hand on all this - actively spoiling the Iran-Pakistan energy partnership. The House of Saud's Iranian paranoia has no equal in the whole solar system, and regime change in Syria is a key plank in the retribution scenario. No matter Washington's non-denial denials of the "we're not involved" kind, Bandar Bush's network will soon be supplying mercenary gangs in the Levant with anti-aircraft weaponry. And guess who's following Charles of Arabia to Riyadh next month: none other than US President Barack Obama. As part of the House of Saud's multi-pronged attack, King Abdullah will practically supplicate from Obama (of Arabia?) a decisive push for regime change in Syria. Meanwhile, the House of Saud is trying to amass as many Pakistani "advisers" as possible to train its paid goons in Syria. The official Pakistani non-denial denial is that they won't be sending their army to Syria. [2] But in a remix of Afghanistan during the 1980s jihad, a bunch of seasoned "advisers" will more than suffice. Then there's the House of Saud nuclear play. Already in 2012, they were advertising the drive to build no fewer than 16 commercial nuclear reactors by 2030 - and on top of it a tech agreement with Beijing was signed. The House of Saud spent a lot of dough in the Pakistani nuclear weapons program. It's not even a matter of "acquiring nuclear technology" against Iran; that would take too long. Depending on the result of the P5+1 talks with Iran along 2014, a hyper-paranoid House of Saud could simply rain a mountain of hard cash on cash-strapped Islamabad and just buy one of its nukes. After all, Riyadh just offered a cool $3 billion to the Lebanese army so that it would buy French weapons - something that over-excited Frenchmen duly interpreted as a Saudi "tactical divorce" from the Barack Obama administration. Every each way one looks at it, expect major House of Saud-provoked mayhem ahead. Even in Tehran, they are worried about Saudi sanity - as the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei knows all there is to know about the cosmic paranoia, aging King Abdullah (89) riding into the sunset, the fierce succession war to follow, and, meanwhile, Bandar Bush's warmongering offensive. Which brings us back to perspicacious Charles of Arabia. He could not have failed to notice there is a direct continuum from medieval Wahhabism and one Osama bin Laden. Until recently, every leadership of every hardcore Islamist gang on the planet shared three traits: they studied in Saudi Arabia; they were financed by Saudi sources (public or private); and they reached their "maturity" in Afghanistan. Now the jihadi landscape is more diversified. So it's up to Bandar Bush to regiment the new jihadi Google generation into "Islamic Fronts". For the House of Saud, though, the agenda always remains the same: demonize Iran; be the dutiful errand boys of the hyperpower and lesser Western "powers"; and buy weapons in droves. No wonder Charles of Arabia happily danced to their tune; after all, these jolly old chaps are "our" gold-medal bastards.
Afghan Women Campaign for Peace
http://www.voanews.com/War-weary women in Afghanistan have unleashed an unprecedented campaign to seek an immediate cessation of hostilities and defend the freedom they have gained over the past decade in the mostly conservative and male-dominated Afghan society. The move comes amid intensifying fears the Islamist Taliban would try to regain power after NATO combat troops withdraw from the country in December. Afghanistan’s nearly four-year-long peace effort, made through a High Peace Council of prominent Afghan personalities, has so far failed to persuade the Taliban to end its insurgency and join a political reconciliation process. The lack of progress has prompted the women's wing of the panel to undertake a rare peace initiative of its own, providing a glimmer of hope for traditionally and socially oppressed Afghan women. A Council member, parliamentarian Golalei Nur Safi, is at the forefront of the campaign, called ‘Voice of Afghan Women for Peace and Cease-fire’. She told VOA their mission is to urge the government and Taliban-led opposition groups, as well as international forces, to try to negotiate a peaceful settlement of the conflict as soon as possible. Safi said the campaign was launched early this month and Afghan women are joining it in large numbers every day. She added that despite security concerns, women volunteers are making serious efforts to secure as many signatures as possible from female members of Afghan society on a piece of paper carrying a message of peace. “We go door-to-door also and also [arrange] some meetings between the women. And the group of volunteers they go to the people, to the society, to the schools, to the universities, to the workplaces, and they tell [them] about the message that we want peace and [a] cease-fire. We have hundreds of women, they are working like volunteers to take the signature from the women and until now we have more than 120,000 signatures,” said Safi. Organizers say copies of the signatures will be submitted to President Hamid Karzai, United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon and representatives of the Taliban. Safi said they have also taken their demands to candidates taking part in the upcoming Afghan presidential elections. “We talk to every candidate about this campaign and we tell our message to them that Afghan women they are very tired from the war and we want peace,” said Safi. She said that after more than a decade of political empowerment at different levels, Afghan women are determined not allow anyone violate their rights, be it the government or the Taliban. The lawmaker reiterated that women must be made part of political decision-making process to ensure their rights are protected in the search for a peaceful way out of the crisis facing Afghanistan. “We expect that the rights of women are not violated once again that we have achieved and accomplished in the last ten years in Afghanistan. And we believe that the rights of women will not be jeopardized once again as it was a decade ago and these rights shall be respected and should be promoted despite starting or convening the peace negotiations with the Taliban,” she said. The Afghan civil war of the 1990s that paved the way for the Taliban to seize power and impose their brand of strict Islamic law critically undermined female rights in the war-shattered country. The Taliban banned women from workplaces and prohibited girls’ education during their five year rule. It is estimated that until the U.S.-led military coalition ousted the Taliban from power in 2001, there were fewer than one million Afghan children in school, and all of them were boys. Recent local and foreign studies show that international assistance has since helped the country raise the number of students close to eight million; more than a third of that 8 million are girls. Meanwhile, improvements to health facilities has brought down the maternal mortality rate by 80 percent and Afghan women are now running their own businesses.
Balochistan: The untold story of Pakistan's other war

Pakistan: ‘Enemy’ of the state
THE interior ministry’s report on the internal security threat presented before the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Interior is at once an eye-opener and a confirmation of long-held suspicions. The cities of Pakistan — not just faraway Fata or obscure corners — have thoroughly been infiltrated by militants of every stripe, local and foreign. The names are as familiar as they are scary: Al Qaeda, Taliban, Lashkar-i-Jhangvi. So are the targets: ethnic, sectarian, provincial, sub-national. Equally telling, however, is what was left off the list: whereas Indian-sponsored militancy in AJK and arms being smuggled into the country across both the eastern and western borders were highlighted by the interior ministry official, nothing was said of the pro-state non-state actors who have also proliferated across the country. And therein lies the real tragedy of Pakistan today: not only has the state been negligent in securing the peace internally, it has actively colluded with elements along the very spectrum that is threatening the existence and moorings of the state as we know it today.
Start though with the strands of militancy the state ostensibly does not support or condone, groups such as LJ and Al Qaeda. These are not new threats and, despite the creative rewriting of history in some quarters, existed long before 9/11 or the American return to the region. How seriously has the state taken the elimination of such strands of militancy on Pakistani soil? Officials may point to the dozens, if not hundreds, who have been captured or killed over the last decade — but the success rate is neither particularly high nor adequate. If it were, then why is the interior ministry today warning of swathes of the country being at risk from such groups?
Yet, as is well known, the problem is not just one of state inaction — or inadequate action — but of collusion and complicity too. Set aside the Kashmir- and India-centric groups that the state, or at least the security establishment, has little interest in reining in. Consider just the sectarian elements that the security establishment and political parties have either co-opted or turned a blind eye towards for parochial reasons. In Balochistan, for example, there are persistent rumours of sectarian killers being recruited for eliminating Baloch separatists. In Punjab, nearly every political party has followed the lead of the PML-N in learning how to either buy off or co-opt sectarian elements for electoral purposes. The idea that violent extremist groups and mainstream politics or the state can peacefully coexist is a nonsensical one of course. All the security establishment and parts of the political spectrum have managed to do is to create a bigger, more formidable problem than they could ever have imagined.
Pakistan: For Being A Christian, Got Fired From Government Job
Due to the quotas reserved for minorities 39 year old Naveed Maqsood obtained a job as a driver in a government school. The Muslim principle was not happy “because he is a member of minority religion” and never paid him his wages. After he took to case to court, resulted in his job dismissal.
Fired from his job for being a Christian, this is what happens in Pakistan, in the city of Gujrat , where Naveed Maqsood has been struggling a legal battle for over a year to put an end to the constant inequity he has suffered by his boss, a Muslim woman, the principal of a government school. The man, aged 39, is the father of three young children and was employed as a driver.
Incident starts on August 16, 2012 when, due to government quotas reserved jobs for minorities, Naveed got job by the Government Special Education Center Sara-e-Alamgeer in Gujrat. The principal of the institute, Nargis Parveen, had a personal bitterness for the Christian and from December 2012 till September 2013 illegally blocked payment of his salary.
The man went to her and asked to let him do his job on a regular basis, but the principal explained that the place assigned to him was “intended” for an associate of hers and that she “did not like him because he is a member of a minor community”. Failing to resolve the argument, Naveed applied and was arranged to transfer Faisalabad, where he started working for the National Special Education Center. In the meantime, the government ordered he be paid the wages he was due, but Nargis Parveen not at all put him on the payroll.
The National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) brought a case before a Lahore court on Naveed Maqsood’s side. The court sent two sub-peons to the principal, but she never came out in front of the judges. In January 2014 Naveed was called to testify in the presence of school authorities and the result was his firing.
Bunny Edward, lawyer and coordinator of the NCJP legal aid program says, “Pakistan is rapidly becoming an intolerant nation. In Naveed Maqsood’s case, we filed an appeal at the High Court of Lahore, so he may regain his place of employment and the wages owed him”.
- See more at: http://www.christiansinpakistan.com/for-being-a-christian-got-fired-from-government-job/#sthash.eZEcEB4T.dpuf
Bilawal Bhutto: Nothing Islamic about TTP
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) patron-in-chief, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari tweeted his response to Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Shahidullah Shahid’s statement that there was not a single Islamic clause in Pakistan’s constitution. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari tweeted: “Shahidullah Shahid said there is nothing Islamic in Pakistan’s constitution. He clearly can’t read. The truth is there is nothing Islamic in the TTP.” The TTP spokesman had made the statement during a news conference held in North Waziristan. Shahid said the government wanted the Taliban to accept the constitution of Pakistan through dialogue.
Pakistan: Senate to take up shift in policy on Syria
A calling attention notice has been submitted in the senate asking Advisor Foreign Affairs to explain government position on ” shift in policy on the civil war in Syria in the wake of the visit last week of foreign dignitary from a Middle Eastern country and its impact on Pakistan’s national security and relations with other countries in the region” has been submitted in the Senate as it meets on Monday. Through a calling attention notice PPP Senator Farhatullah Babar has asked the Advisor on Foreign Affairs and national Security Sartaj Aziz to take the House into confidence on this ” matter of great public importance” as there seemed a sudden, unexplained and a major departure from the known and stated position of Pakistan on this issue. Farhatullah Babar said that it was significant that after talks between the visiting dignitary and the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the two countries called for ‘the formation of a transitional governing body with full executive powers enabling it to take charge of the affairs of the country’, clearly meaning ‘regime change’ in Syria which will have profound implications for Pakistan’s relations with countries of Middle East particularly Iran. Until now, Islamabad refused to take sides and kept a delicate balance in its ties with Kingdom of Saudi Aarabai and Iran. That balance seems to have been upset, he said. He said this shift in policy may drag Pakistan into uncharted waters without tangible gains that should best be avided. He said that the warning by Iran’s interior minister to send troops into Pakistan to secure the release of kidnapped border guards could be seen as Iran’s discomfort over the shift in our policy. Asking for regime change in far off countries for internal disturbances can potentially land Pakistan, itself beset with myriad internal problems, in serious trouble, he said adding that the government must explain the correct position.http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/
Pakistan urged to release British man sentenced to death for blasphemy

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