M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Monday, November 4, 2013
Escalation of terrorist violence must push Beijing to address root causes

Hakimullah Mehsud was hardly Pakistan's great hope for peace
US drone strikes trouble Pakistan's politicians, but peace talks with the Taliban leader may well have come to nothing
Samira ShackleHakimullah Mehsud, leader of the Taliban in Pakistan, was killed in a US drone strike on Saturday. Photograph: Ishtiaq Mehsud/AP Hakimullah Mehsud, leader of the Pakistani Taliban, was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Pakistanis. Under his leadership, the Taliban targeted Pakistani soldiers and civilians, slaughtered Shia Muslims and almost derailed this year's general election by selectively targeting liberal parties. Yet the news of Mehsud's death in a US drone strike on Saturday has not been unanimously well received. The interior minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, sounded as if he was in mourning when he said: "This is not just the killing of one person, it's the death of all peace efforts." Imran Khan, who heads the provincial government in the north-western province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, has reiterated a threat to block Nato vehicles from passing through his province unless drone strikes are discontinued. While journalists and others pointed out that Mehsud was terrorising the population of Pakistan, most politicians sounded ambivalent at best. This reaction is partly the result of immediate political concerns. The conservative government of Nawaz Sharif came to power in May on a platform of peace talks with the Taliban and action against drone strikes. A few weeks ago, Mehsud took the unusual step of giving an interview to the BBC in which he said that his organisation was open to talks. Politicians from both Sharif and Khan's parties are presenting Mehsud's death as a devastating blow to these efforts. Nisar and others have even suggested the US deliberately timed the strike to undermine dialogue. The Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which Mehsud had led since 2009, has tentatively said that talks may still go ahead, but it is likely that Mehsud's death will delay the process. Of course, the overblown rhetoric coming from politicians fails to acknowledge that talks with the Taliban were at an embryonic stage. Mehsud's outlandish conditions for dialogue included the imposition of a harsh version of Islamic law across the country. Peace talks with the TTP have taken place before, and have always ended in failure, so it perhaps an over-statement to imply that had Mehsud survived, peace in Pakistan would have prevailed. Drone strikes, however, remain politically difficult. The public is divided, but the prevailing mood – encouraged by politicians – is that their use is yet another US violation of Pakistan's sovereignty. As always in Pakistan, the real picture is complex (many people in the areas most affected by terrorism actually support drone attacks, despite civilian deaths), but anti-Americanism is also rife. Even if a common enemy has been killed, it is difficult to celebrate if it is the result of Americans intruding on Pakistani soil. In Pakistan, it can be difficult to have any political discussion without the blame eventually being pinned on America. This paranoia is the result of years of perceived – and often real – double-crossing by the Americans. The confused reaction that results is reflected in how people who deplore terrorism and hate the TTP speak admiringly of the Afghan Taliban because they are standing up to American invaders. Pakistan has taken a heavy toll in the war on terror. At least 35,000 people have died in terrorist violence since 2001, a figure that dwarfs the combined death toll in all western countries. Ultimately, the death of a single Taliban leader will make little difference to the group's campaign of terror as the power structures are decentralised enough to absorb such losses. Which begs the question: what hope is there for peace? Clearly, the leaders of Pakistan and the US have yet to find any credible options.
NATO chief urges Pakistan to keep Afghan transit lines open
NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen urged Pakistan on Monday to keep open supply lines to NATO forces in Afghanistan despite anger over a U.S. drone strike that killed the Pakistani Taliban leader.
Pakistan said on Sunday it would review its relationship with the United States after Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud was killed two days earlier in North Waziristan, near the Afghan border.
"I feel confident that the Pakistani authorities will maintain open supply routes and transit routes because it is in Pakistan's own interest to contribute positively to stability and security in the region," Rasmussen told a news conference.
The Pakistani government denounced Mehsud's killing as a U.S. attempt to derail peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban, who have killed thousands in their campaign to impose Islamist rule.
Some Pakistani politicians have demanded that transit routes through Pakistan, used to supply NATO-led forces in Afghanistan, be cut in response.
Pakistan is the main route to supply U.S. troops in landlocked Afghanistan with everything from food and drinking water to fuel. Any closure could be a serious disruption as U.S. and other Western forces prepare to withdraw most of their troops from Afghanistan by the end of next year.
Pakistani cooperation is also seen as vital in trying to bring peace to Afghanistan, in particular in nudging the Afghan Taliban, allied to, but separate from, the Pakistani Taliban, into talks with the Kabul government.
Pakistan and the United States agreed in July 2012 to reopen land routes to Afghanistan, ending a seven-month crisis that damaged ties between the two countries. Without the Pakistani route, NATO forces are forced to use more expensive methods, such as airlifts, to bring supplies in.
Rasmussen declined to comment on the drone strike that killed Mehsud but appeared to lend support to U.S. actions, saying "terrorism constitutes a threat to the whole region".
He said he believed the Pakistani authorities, including the government and the military, realized it was in Islamabad's interest to ensure peace and stability in Afghanistan.
"The security of Afghanistan and Pakistan is inter-linked. There can't be security in the one country without security in the other," he said.
As U.S. withdraws from Afghanistan, poppy trade it spent billions fighting still flourishes

Baloch Liberation Party changes its name to Balochistan Independence Movement
BalochwarnaThe central organising committee of Baloch Liberation Party has unanimously decided to change the party’s name to Balochistan Independence Movement (BIM) on Saturday. “The party’s flag and aims and objectives will remain unchanged, we have only decide to change the name of the party,” The BLP said in a press release. The meeting also discussed regional and international issues.

Balochistan: Voice for Baloch Missing Persons Long March leaves for Khuzdar
http://balochwarna.com/A large number of Baloch tribal elders and political activists greeted the protest march of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons in Surab yesterday as they visited the grave of Jalil Reki Baloch.

U.S: Kerry backs militant's killing
Pakistan’s social media’s silence on target killing of Ahmadiyya Muslims by Deobandi terrorists

by Sarah KhanPakistani bloggers continue to ignore target killing of Ahmadiyya Muslims by Deobandi terrorists Within the last week, the third member of an Ahmadiya Muslim family in Karachi has been martyred by the Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ, allied with Deobandi Taliban TTP). His killing is part of an ongoing wave of target killing of Ahmadiyya Muslims all over Pakistan and more specifically in Karachi. According to Asian Human Rights Commission’s report (4 Nov 2013): “Mr. Bashir Ahmad Kiyani (70), was murdered as a result of religious hatred in Karachi. He was shot dead while on his way to Friday Prayer Services at the nearby Mosque in Korangi, Karachi. In the last three months both Mr. Kiyani’s son and son-in-law were also killed by Muslim fundamentalists. According to the details known, Mr. Bashir Ahmad Kiyani and an Ahmadi child was going to the Ahmadiyya worship place “Baitul Hamd” when unknown assailants opened fire at both of them. Mr. Kiyani received one bullet in the temple and two in the chest while the child was struck in the leg. They were immediately shifted to the nearest hospital where Mr. Kiyani succumbed to the injuries; the child’s condition is stable. Mr. Kiyani is survived by his widow and five children. His body was brought to Rabwah where a great number of citizens attended funeral prayers” We all know that Pakistan’s corporate media is beholden to the ISI-sponsored Deobandi terrorists (aka Taliban and ASWJ-LeJ), and just as they have muffled the ongoing Shia Genocide in Pakistan, they have also been mute on the ongoing killings of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. In this deafening silence of acquiescence, where are the voices of Pakistan’s much trumped “alternative media”? Where are the Friday Times, Kala Kawa, New Pakistan, Pak Tea House, My Bit for Change, Teeth Maestro, Bolo Bhi and Five Rupees? Where are Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Sana Saleem, Raza Rumi, Ejaz Haider and Nadeem F. Paracha? Why are they silent on the identity of the target killed (Ahmadiyya Muslims) and the target killers (Deobandi terrorists)? Why don’t they write blog posts, start hash-tags, participate in national and international campaigns to highlight the identity of the target killed and the killers? Why are they hiding that more than 100 Ahmadiyya Muslims were massacred in two mosques in Lahore by none elese than Deobandi terrorists of ASWJ-LeJ sponsored by PML-N, ISI and Saudi Arabia? If Shia Genocide can be obfuscated by misrepresenting it as “Iran-Saudi” proxy war, what about the continued killings of Ahmadiyya Muslims by the same ASWJ-Taliban nexus that also has the blood of Christains, Shias and Sunni Barelvis (Sufis) on its hands? It is one thing to suck up to one another on social media and stifle debate so that no one is left out of the gravy train at the next Social Media Forum or Literary festival. It is one thing for Nadeem Paracha and Rumi to constantly praise pro-establishment pro-PMLN propagandist Najam Sethi on social media. But should this be at the cost of silence on the continued killings of Ahmadi Muslims? With his close connections to the Sharifs and with his promotion of ASWJ via The Friday Times blog (edited by Raza Rumi) and Geo TV, we all know why Najam Sethi and his cohorts will be silent against the repeated violence by ASWJ-Taliban against Ahmadi Muslims. Instead they are busy in promoting Deobandi clerics who openly spew venom against Shias, Ahmadis, Sunni Barelvis and Christians. Who has not seen the youtube clip in which a Deobandi cleric threatened Shahbaz Bhatti Shaheed, the same cleric was promoted as a prophet of peace by the TFT blog editor. But what about the rest of Pakistani bloggers, Twitterati and social media activists? Where are their voices in the explicit condemnation of Deobandi terrorists of ASWJ-LeJ. It seems that it is not fashionable to condemn Deobandi terrorists in Pakistan’s self-proclaimed “alternative media”! - See more at: http://lubpak.com/archives/288709#sthash.vDIKUGqB.dpuf
Gunmen kill four Shias in Karachi
At least four Shia Muslims, including two doctors, were gunned down Monday and three others were injured in different parts of Karachi, police officials said.
A doctor was shot dead in Manghopir neighbourhood in the western district and another was gunned down around noon at Tariq Road in the eastern part of the city.
They were identified by police as Dr Sher Ali and Dr Naseem Zaidi.
“The killing pattern shows that they were apparently carried out on sectarian grounds,” Javed Alam Odho, the deputy inspector general of police told AFP.
The other two victims were killed in central district when unknown attackers burst into a tailor's shop and opened fire.
The owner and a worker were killed and three others were injured.
“The attack seemed to be on sectarian lines as all of the people inside the shop were Shias,” senior police officer Aamir Farooqi said.
The latest attacks came ahead of the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Muharram, when Shias mourn the seventh century martyrdom of Hussain, the grandson of prophet Mohammad, along with his family members.
Shias make up around a fifth of Pakistan's predominantly Sunni Muslim population.
Police are already carrying out operations against criminal groups to curb sectarian and political killings. Security would be further tightened in the month of Muharram, they said.
“We are already carrying out the operation against sectarian and other elements and we would certainly intensify our efforts during the coming days,”Odho said.
Karachi, a city of 18 million people which contributes 42 per cent of Pakistan's GDP, is rife with murder and kidnappings and has been plagued for years by ethnic, sectarian and political violence.
Egypt Protests and Pakistan Religious Inequality
Where is the outrage when Shias, Christians, Hazaras, and other religious groups are bombed and assassinated in the name of religion?The recent weeks witnessed wide scale protests in Pakistan in support of Muslim Brotherhood, highlighting the atrocities going on in Egypt committed by the army allegedly with the support of the West. Egypt is indeed going through a severe crisis and conflict, where both official and unofficial sources have confirmed scores of Egyptian deaths — which is condemnable and unacceptable. But again, the Muslim or Western Conspiracy theory is emanating from the protests in Pakistan, calling for the restoration of democracy in Egypt and an end to “Muslim” killings. Those who view Egypt as an Islamic State fail realize that the country has a greater influence of secularism compared many Muslim countries. Egypt’s long-term fruitful ties with Israel are a good example of that. Many Pakistani protestors ignored the fact that more than 47 Coptic Egyptian Churches have been burnt, destroyed, or looted during the conflict, making the Copts as equal victims. The attackers were not non-Muslims from the West. And thus the Muslims are not the lone victims. If protests are to be made, they should be made to support the Muslims in Egypt as well, but that is where Pakistan’s current religious and social dilemma comes into play. Pakistan also recently saw a major suicide attack on a Cathedral in Peshawar, killing more than 80 innocent Christians. Even though the attack targeted Pakistanis because of their religious background, there were no major protests by Muslims in support of their Christian compatriots. There is a general perception that only “Sunni” Muslims are the true Muslims, without giving space to other sects. This mindset plays a negative role in tolerance for non-Muslims from the ultra conservative Muslims in the country. Furthermore, amid all these developments, many protests for Egypt arranged by religious parties are calling for restoration of democracy in Egypt. Such demonstrations coming from parties, such as Jamaat e Islami and Jamiat e Ulema e Islam, which have remained avid supporters of dictatorships in the past is somehow baffling. Also, another irony in these protests is that for the same religious parties, democracy is incompatible for Pakistan, as their manifestos call for implementation of Islamic law in the country. On the other hand, these parties have also shied away from condemning their chief financiers, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, who announced support for the Egyptian dictatorship, coupled with proposing multibillion aid packages. A further saddening fact is when in Pakistan or other Muslim states, the common people – including minorities or people from other sects – are killed by militants, none of these parties, or even the people, come forward to protest against the known culprits. Nothing is wrong with protesting for a country where people are dying. What’s wrong is the discrepancy and double standards resulting in ignorance of atrocities occurring at home. The sole problem with these protests is that most of them are based on the rhetoric that “Sunni brethren” in Egypt are persecuted. Why can’t the same people protest when Shias, Christians, Hazaras, or other religious minority groups are bombed and assassinated in the name of religion? Why can’t the people be equally vocal and come forward for the Christians, and other non-Muslims whose places of worship are burnt on allegations of blasphemy? And why can’t the people protest for the inequality faced by non-Sunni Pakistanis in various ways of life. The West may have different standards for democracy when it comes to Muslims, but as Muslims do we have the same standards for humanity and human lives? For that purpose, let us leave the Egyptian uprising as a normal political process, that they would go through, and thus would need our lecturing on whether to allow a dictator or not. It’s their country to manage; let us focus on our own, and set our own house in order first.
U.S. Rejects Claim That Drone Strike Hurts Pakistan Peace Talks
http://www.rferl.org/The United States has brushed aside claims that a drone strike that killed Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud had destroyed the country's nascent peace process. A State Department official said that talks with the militants are an "internal matter for Pakistan." "We refer you to the government of Pakistan for further details," the statement added. It insisted Pakistan and the United States had a "shared strategic interest in ending extremist violence." It also said it could not confirm that Mehsud had been killed in Pakistan’s tribal northwest on November 1. Earlier on November 2, Pakistan's interior minister slammed the U.S. strike that killed Mehsud as an "attack on the peace process." Chaudhry Nisar said "every aspect" of Pakistan's cooperation with the United States would be reviewed. "It is not the killing of one person or many people. It is the killing of peace efforts in this region," Nisar said. "This is a secret attack on peace process. This drone strike has not been carried out by Pakistan. As I am speaking to you, we have summoned the U.S. ambassador [to protest the strike]." The Pakistani foreign office said Mehsud's death was "counterproductive to Pakistan's efforts to bring peace and stability to Pakistan and the region." Information Minister Pervez Rashid said: "We will not allow the peace talks to be killed." Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had pledged to talk with the Taliban to try to end its campaign of violence, which has left thousands of people dead in bombings and shootings. Also on November 2, the Taliban's ruling council reportedly nominated a new leader to replace Mehsud: Khan Said, also known as Sajna. Mehsud took over the Pakistani Taliban in August 2009 after a drone strike killed the previous leader. The Pakistani Taliban is an umbrella of militant groups separate from but allied with the Afghan Taliban.
Terrorist Mehsud's death: A setback or an opportunity?
Experts say that instead of expressing anger and grief over the killing of the Pakistani Taliban's leader Mehsud in a US drone strike, Islamabad should use it as an opportunity to tame the Islamist militants.Hakimullah Mehsud - the head of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) - was killed in a US drone strike on Friday, November 1, along with four other people, including two of his bodyguards, in the semi-governed North Waziristan area bordering Afghanistan. Mehsud, one of the most feared Taliban militants, became the head of the TTP in 2009 at the age of 30 after his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud died in US drone strike. The US had put a bounty of $5 million (3.6 million euros) on Hakimullah Mehsud's head for the killing of the seven CIA employees. A TTP spokesman said Sunday that Asmatullah Shaheen Bhittani, the head of the organization's supreme shura (council), had been appointed as their interim head. He said no decision had been taken on the permanent replacement of Mehsud.The Pakistani government has reacted angrily to the strike. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government reacted by summoning the US ambassador in Islamabad to protest the attack. Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, the country's interior minister, said the strike on the Pakistani Taliban's most important leader was "not just the killing of one person, it's the death of all peace efforts." Taliban vow revenge Many in the Islamic Republic - where anti-US sentiment runs high - share their government's views on Mehsud. They also fear that the Taliban - which have claimed responsibility for the murder of thousands of Pakistanis in the last six years - will retaliate by unleashing more violence in the country, and that if there was any hope of "peace" with Islamists, it ended with Mehsud. "There was finally a glimmer of hope for peace in Pakistan. It has vanished. The Taliban are going to avenge the death of Mehsud and it is very bad for the country," said Shaukat Rehman, a shop owner in the southern city of Karachi. And he is right. The militants have vowed revenge: "Every drop of Hakimullah's blood will turn into a suicide bomber," said a Taliban spokesman. "America and their friends shouldn't be happy because we will take revenge for our martyr's blood." Islamabad reviews cooperation with Washington The Pakistani government claimed that a government peace delegation had been due to meet Mehsud in the Taliban stronghold North Waziristan before Friday's strike. This is why it claims the US drone strike was an "attack" on the peace talks. The government has shown its displeasure over Mehsud's death to an extent that the foreign minister said Islamabad was reviewing "every aspect" of cooperation with Washington. The US maintains it has an understanding with Islamabad on counter-terrorism policies for the region. Drone strikes have become a thorny issue for Pakistani leaders, who face mounting criticism from the public for their inability to convince the US to halt them. While acknowledging that more militants have been killed in such strikes than civilians, Islamabad has nonetheless repeatedly called for an end to these strikes, saying they are a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Future of peace talks After winning the May 11 elections, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had made it clear that his party would rather engage in "peace talks" with Islamist militants than launch military operations against them. The center-right Tehreek-e-Insaf - Imran Khan's Movement for Justice Party - which governs the volatile province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, also opposes military action against the Islamists. Reacting to Mehsud's killing, Khan threatened to block NATO's crucial supply route to Afghanistan. London-based Pakistani journalist and researcher Farooq Sulehria told DW he was surprised at Islamabad's reaction to Mehsud's assassination and that the Pakistani Taliban had denied PM Sharif's claims that his government had contacted them and arranged to meet. He called government's peace talk claims a "sham" and added that its stance on the Taliban is "full of contradictions." "The government's objective is not to achieve peace. It is afraid of the Taliban's retaliatory attacks," Sulehria told DW. "Their real aim is to bring the angry Taliban factions back under the Pakistani military's command so a unified offensive can be launched to re-capture Kabul once the NATO troops leave Afghanistan in 2014." Saleem Asmi, a Karachi-based senior Pakistani journalist, agrees: "The supposed parameters of peace talks were never defined, and there had never been even a hint from the Taliban that they were even interested in the process. "How can an unborn process be described as having been 'murdered' by the drone strike?" he questioned. Strategy 'workable' Aamir Rana, executive director of the Islamabad-based think tank Institute of Peace Studies, is one of many experts who think that the Sharif government's dialogue strategy with the Taliban is the right path to restoring peace in the country. The dialogue strategy with the Taliban is workable," Rana told DW, adding that it was also "a good sign that Sharif wants to have an upper hand in formulating the counter-terrorism strategy, and is not relying totally on the military." 'Taliban not weakened' Liberal Pakistanis have welcomed the death of Mehsud and say it will weaken the TTP. But experts warn against too much optimism. The say that while Mehsud's killing is a serious blow to the Pakistani Taliban, drone strikes alone cannot eliminate the militants. Arshad Mahmood, a peace activist in Islamabad, believes that Mehsud's death gives Pakistan's rulers the upper hand in negotiating with the Taliban. "The government should use it as an opportunity. It should force the Islamists to accept Pakistan's law and constitution," he told DW. "But to do that, the Pakistani state has to change its policies and transform the country." Analysts say that Islamabad's reaction to Mehsud's death suggest it is far from a transformation of this kind.
In Pakistan, Drone Strike Turns a Villain Into a Victim
In life, Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban, was Public Enemy No. 1: a ruthless figure who devoted his career to bloodshed and mayhem, whom Pakistani pundits occasionally accused of being a pawn of Indian, or even American, intelligence.
But after his death, it seems, Pakistani hearts have grown fonder.
Since missiles fired by American drones killed Mr. Mehsud in his vehicle on Friday, Pakistan’s political leaders have reacted with unusual vehemence. The interior minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, denounced the strike as sabotage of incipient government peace talks with the Taliban. Media commentators fulminated about American treachery. And the former cricket star Imran Khan, now a politician, renewed his threats to block NATO military supply lines through Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa — a province his Tehreek-e-Insaf party controls — with a parliamentary vote scheduled for Monday.
Virtually nobody openly welcomed the demise of Mr. Mehsud, who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Pakistani civilians. To some American security analysts, the furious reaction was another sign of the perversity and ingratitude that they say have scarred Pakistan’s relationship with the United States.
“It’s another stab in the back,” said Bill Roggio, whose website, the Long War Journal, monitors drone strikes. “Even those of us who watch Pakistan closely don’t know where they stand anymore. It’s such a double game.”
To many Pakistanis, though, it is the United States that is double-dealing, and sentiments like Mr. Roggio’s exemplify typical American arrogance. Shireen Mazari, a senior official in Mr. Khan’s party, has urged the Pakistani military to shoot down drones.
But if the equivocation over Mr. Mehsud’s death seems to be just another manifestation of the cankerous relationship between the two countries, albeit a particularly troubling one, it is rooted in a complex mix of psychology and politics that may be central to the way Pakistanis see their arch allies, the Americans.
Partly, it is a product of Pakistan’s failure to counter a stubborn insurgency. After years of Taliban-induced humiliations and bloodshed, and of heavy American pressure to step up military action against the Taliban, Pakistan’s political and security establishments still agree that starting peace talks with the Taliban is the best course.
Such talks may have had slim chances of success — previous negotiations quickly foundered — but Mr. Mehsud’s death appears to have thoroughly derailed them, at least for now.
Beyond that, analysts say, Pakistanis have a consistent, if relatively recent, history of rooting for people the West has deemed villains, and against people the West has praised.
Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani woman who is serving an 86-year jail sentence in New York for trying to kill Americans in Afghanistan, is a virtual national hero, popularly known as the “daughter of the nation.”
On the other side, Malala Yousafzai, the teenage education activist who was shot in the head by the Taliban last year, making her an icon around the world, has been demonized in Pakistan, where she is regularly called a C.I.A. agent or a pawn of the West.
These adversarial reactions stem in part from Pakistanis’ perception of their country’s history with the United States. In their view, it is a long story of treachery, abandonment and double-crossing: The United States, many Pakistanis believe, used Pakistan during the Cold War, dropped it in the 1990s and has spent much of its time since trying to steal the army’s nuclear arsenal. Then came the C.I.A. drones.
In recent years, that resentment has been bolstered by a growing sense of impotence among Pakistanis: The country’s own security forces failed to find or capture Osama bin Laden, for instance, and it also took an American drone to kill the previous Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, in August 2009.
“In a sense, this has nothing to do with Malala or Aafia Siddiqui or Hakimullah,” said Adil Najam, a professor of international relations at Boston University who is Pakistani. “These people are just characters in a larger relationship that has become so poisonous.”
The problem, some analysts say, is that hostility toward the United States may be clouding Pakistanis’ ability to discern their own best interests. In the conflagration over Hakimullah Mehsud’s death, Mr. Najam said, the government has failed to distinguish between opposition to drone strikes and to the removal of a homicidal, militant enemy.
“It’s very destructive that we can’t untangle these two things,” he said. “The reaction has become absolutely absurd.”
Analysts say this reaction also holds lessons for the Obama administration, showing that drone strikes, for all their antiseptic appeal, will always struggle for legitimacy because the covert program operates in the shadows of international law — no matter how big the target it takes out.
For now, the ball is in Mr. Khan’s court. If his party votes on Monday to block American supplies bound for Afghanistan, it will make life difficult for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who opposes closing the supply lines but has nonetheless vowed to press ahead with Taliban peace talks.
It is concern for the fate of those talks that has been given as justification for the most vehement criticism of the killing of Mr. Mehsud. But amid all the enthusiasm for negotiations, Pakistani politicians have yet to publicly address the first hurdle: deciding what the government would be willing to concede to the Taliban, given that the movement’s central aim is to overthrow the state itself.
Pakistan:Imran’s plan emotional
The Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Khursheed Shah, said on Sunday that the decision of the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on the closure of Nato supplies in reaction to the drone attack killing of Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud was emotional and hasty and needed to be reviewed positively.
He said that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) condemned drone strikes as well as militancy in all its forms and called for the implementation of the decisions of the All Parties Conference (APC).
He said this after the PPP meeting presided over by former president and Party’s Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari at Bilawal House.The meeting greeted the Hindu community of Pakistan on the occasion of Deewali.
Spokesperson Senator Farhatullah Babar said that the meeting discussed in depth the current political situation in the country.The PPP leadership discussed militancy, dialogue with the militants in the light of the APC decisions and the difficulties being faced by the people as a result of the poor law and order situation, continued loadshedding and galloping inflation.
Issues related to the local bodies polls and laws to strengthen the anti-terror legislative framework were also discussed.The meeting called for holding of party-based local bodies elections in all provinces and decided to vigorously pursue the goal of party-based local elections at all available forums.
The party also discussed the recent draft legislation purported to further strengthen anti-terror laws.The meeting cautioned against hasty and thoughtless legislation that militated against the human rights of citizens and decided to resist any move that undermined the people’s basic rights.
Makhdoom Ameen Faheem, Faryal Talpur, Yusuf Raza Gilani, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Khursheed Shah, Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Raza Rabbani, Farhatullah Babar, Chaudhry Abdul Majid, Mehdi Shah, Qamar Zaman Kaira, Naveed Qamar, Farooq Naek, Dr Fehmida Mirza, Latif Khosa, Jehangir Badr and other important leaders of the party were present on the occasion.
PPP Senior leaders meet with Former President Asif Ali Zardari, overall political situation discussed
A meeting of the senior leadership of the PPP was held Sunday night in Bilawal House Karachi. The meeting, presided over by former President Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, was attended among others by Makhdoom Ameen Faheem, Ms. Faryal Talpur, Yousuf Raza Gillani, Raja Pervez Ashraf, Khursheed Shah, Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Raza Rabbani, Farhatullah Babar, Ch. A. Majid, Mehdi Shah, Qamar Zaman Kaira, Naveed Qamar, Farooq Naek, Dr. Fehmida Mirza, Latif Khosa, Jehangir Badar, Akhunzada Chattan, Manzoor Watto, Imtiaz Safdar Waraich, Rehman Malik, Yousuf Talpur, Ali Nawaz Shah, Rukhsana Bangash, Fozia Habib, Islamuddin Sheikh, Malik Hakmeen, Nisar Khuhru, Sadiq Umrani, A Qadir Patel, Ch. Yasin, Manzoor Wassan, Murad Ali Shah, Ms. Samina Khalid Ghurki, Javed Baloch and Ms. Belum Hasnain. Spokesperson Senator Farhatullah Babar said that the meeting discussed in depth the current political situation in the country. The issue discussed and deliberated upon included among other fight against militancy, dialogue with the militants in the light of APC decisions and the difficulties faced by the people as a result of poor law and order situation, continued load shedding and galloping inflation. Issues relating to local bodies polls and laws to strengthen anti-terror legislative framework were also discussed. The meeting condemned drone strikes as well as militancy and extremism in all its forms and manifestations and called for the implementation of the decisions of the APC. The meeting underlined the need for all political forces in the country to work towards strengthening democracy and thwart any attempt to weaken the democratic processes and institutions. The meeting called for holding of party base local bodies elections in all provinces on party based polls and decided to vigorously pursue the goal of party based local elections at all available forums. The Party also discussed the recent draft legislations purported to further strengthen anti-terror laws. The meeting cautioned against hasty land thoughtless legislation that militated against human rights of citizens and decided to resist any move that undermined the people’s basic rights. The meeting greeted the Hindu community of Pakistan on the eve of Deewali today.http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/
Pakistan's Musharraf step closer to release after bail

A Pakistani court has granted bail to former military ruler Pervez Musharraf over the 2007 army operation to oust militants from Islamabad's Red Mosque. The court approved bail on condition Mr Musharraf pay bonds totalling $2,000. BBC correspondents say he has now been bailed in all the cases against him, which makes it likely he will be released from house arrest. But the former general remains on a government exit control list and cannot leave the country. Speaking outside the court, his lawyer said Mr Musharraf had no intention of leaving Pakistan.
Pakistan: The drone didn’t kill a Taliban peacemaker
By Damien McElroy
Pakistan’s 'outrage’ over last week’s strike is merely more cover for its own inadequaciesThe American drone strike that killed the Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud last week has apparently caused outrage in Islamabad and threatens a breach in relations between the two countries. It is claimed that this latest exercise of Washington’s military muscle has jeopardised a tentative peace process that Pakistan’s leaders were trying to put in place. But is this really the case? As the wars of Afghanistan and Pakistan begin to fade away, a dangerous delusion is taking their place: that a diplomatic solution acceptable both to the West and the Islamists is achievable. Mehsud, we should remember, was a brutal and effective guerrilla dedicated to imposing strict Islamic law in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the destruction of Western influence across the region. He was responsible for the deaths of thousands in his own country, including the lorry bomb that destroyed the Marriott hotel in Islamabad in 2008. Yet the politicians in Pakistan have reacted with shrill indignation, treating the demise of the 34-year-old as a national humiliation and the removal of a potential peacemaker in a pivotal position to change the course of the conflict. Nawaz Sharif, the prime minister, who just last week claimed to have instituted a dialogue with the Taliban, has now ordered a full review of relations with Washington. Imran Khan, the cricketer turned anti-American politician, has demanded a crippling embargo on shipments to Nato troops in Afghanistan from Pakistani ports. Is any of this serious or can President Barack Obama take Islamabad’s umbrage with the customary pinch of salt? We have been here before, after all. In the wake of the raid to kill Osama bin Laden, who was hiding for years near Islamabad, a similar wave of outrage was manufactured to cover up Pakistan’s inadequacies. From the White House point of view, Mehsud was not a peacemaker: first and foremost he was the warlord who plotted the Times Square bomb attacks and the suicide blast that killed seven CIA operatives in Afghanistan in 2009.Indeed, this regular scalping of the Taliban’s top leadership has greatly assisted the American leader move towards his goal of ending the second of the two big wars he inherited from George W Bush. But there is no doubt that despite the deadly toll on the Taliban, the political cost of the drone strikes is undoubtedly rising. As combat forces are withdrawn from Afghanistan the pursuit of peace talks has come to dominate the West’s policy in the region. As a result it is getting harder to quash suggestions that the campaign of assassinations threatens to upend the delicate build-up to a peace process with the Taliban. Just last week David Cameron convened a summit between Mr Sharif and the Afghan president Hamid Karzai to push efforts to draw the Taliban to the negotiating table. It yielded a breakthrough when Islamabad agreed to allow a meeting between the Afghans and Mullah Baradar, the Taliban’s deputy leader, who is under house arrest in Pakistan. Yet even as that deal was being sealed, a desert drone operator based somewhere in Nevada was homing in on Mehsud’s movements in Waziristan. Mr Karzai and Mr Sharif can with some justification complain that their Western allies are sending contradictory signals. Do they want to talk to the Taliban or not? Winston Churchill once said that jaw-jaw was better than war-war, but this celebrated injunction is often misunderstood, as President Obama is well aware. There is no simple choice between talking and fighting. In fact no one really knows if the Taliban are ready to talk to their enemies, either in South Asia or in the West. Last week, a senior US diplomat said there was almost no chance of a Northern Ireland-style peace process between the Afghan government and the Taliban getting under way by next year. Even before the attack on Mehsud, the chances of a parallel peace initiative between Pakistan and the Taliban were rated as unlikely. While the clock is ticking on the war in Afghanistan, America’s enduring challenge in South Asia is coming into sharper focus. Taliban commanders like Osama bin Laden’s remaining acolytes in the al-Qaeda high command are an enemy Washington cannot ignore while its local allies engage in diplomatic manoeuvres. In any case, President Obama has already responded to Pakistani anger by sharply curtailing the use of drones. There have been 24 strikes on Waziristan so far in 2013, a dramatic decline since the high point of the campaign in 2010, when 117 were recorded. But the precision of the drone as a weapon of war makes it too precious to abandon. Harold Koh, a former State Department legal advisor and one of the US leader’s inner circle, discussed the pitfalls facing America earlier this year in a speech at Oxford University. Mr Koh warned of the “forever war” in which the US constantly fixed its sights on groups that were “part of” or “associated with” al-Qaeda in open-ended conflict. Not long after Mr Koh’s remarks, President Obama set out clear new rules for targeting terrorists abroad which make uncomfortable reading for states like Pakistan. He said drone strikes must take place when the target cannot be captured and where the local authorities cannot act independently against the terrorist. In other words, Islamabad cannot demand an end to drone strikes while it continues to grapple ineffectually with the wider threat posed by the Taliban.
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