M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Independent Scotland: Republican plot to ditch the Queen after Yes vote
LEFT-wing politicians within the campaign for a Yes vote are preparing a bid to ditch the Queen after independence, Scotland on Sunday can reveal. Opponents of the monarchy believe a vote for independence will give them a historic opportunity to turn Scotland into a republic, despite the SNP’s promise that the Queen will be retained as head of state. Last night, prominent figures on the left spoke out against the SNP’s stance, which was formalised in the Scottish Government’s proposed interim constitution published last week. The interim document confirmed that the Queen would be head of state in an independent Scotland. The commitment to keeping the Queen is today condemned by Colin Fox, the Yes Scotland advisory board member and national spokesman for the Scottish Socialist Party. Writing in Scotland on Sunday, Fox argues: “I am sure the Scottish Socialist Party is not the only one to see the flaw in this plan. Constitutional sovereignty only rests in the people when they also have the right to elect their own head of state. ‘Hereditary privileges’ and ‘the divine right of kings’ have no place in democratic constitutions worthy of the name. “The view that ‘the people are sovereign’ cannot be upheld if we maintain a constitution that describes us as ‘subjects of Her Majesty’. Such an approach cannot be reconciled to democratic principles of equality, citizenship and the sovereignty of the people.” The aim of an independent Scotland removing the monarch as head of state was last night backed by other leading figures in the Yes campaign, including prominent members of the Scottish Greens and the left-leaning Common Weal project. The commitment to the monarchy was made in the Scottish Independence Bill proposals published by Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon last week. The bill sets out the interim constitutional platform, which would serve as the basis for the government of Scotland from independence day on March 24, 2016, until a permanent constitution is agreed. The bill will be introduced to Holyrood after September’s referendum, if there is a Yes vote. It will be accompanied by a revised version of the Scotland Act, which would enable Scotland to act as an independent country until a permanent constitution is produced. Alex Salmond’s government has said Scotland’s permanent, written constitution will be agreed by the people in a constitutional convention, which will be established immediately after independence. Anti-monarchists believe the convention will provide them with the opportunity to frame a constitution for Scotland which does not have role for the Queen. Patrick Harvie, the Green MSP and independence campaigner, was more relaxed about the interim constitution than Fox, but he said he would be pursuing radical constitutional change in the long term. “I recognise that we are not suddenly going to convert the SNP to republicanism. After a Yes vote parliament will probably pass the interim constitutional law, which retains the Queen as head of state,” Harvie said. “After that, however, the constitutional convention will look at the alternatives and I will be making the case for an elected head of state. “We can live with that [the interim constitution] at the moment, but it is not my ideal preference. The most important thing is to secure a Yes vote.” Robin McAlpine of the Common Weal project run by the Jimmy Reid Foundation, the left leaning organisation set up in memory of the trade unionist, was also of the view that a Scottish republic could be established in the long term. “This is a transitional period and what I think that the SNP are down-playing is that they have said the people of Scotland can write the constitution, so we are actually going to have a national debate about who is going to be our head of state,” McAlpine said. “I would have thought that two years after a Yes vote, the chances of getting the idea of a constitutional monarchy through the Scottish people is slim. I will be campaigning for a Scottish republic, but I am not exactly worried about keeping her for the interim, it is hard to see how anything else would be possible.” McAlpine added: “This is an interim constitution and it is maybe going to last two years. Even I probably wouldn’t have summarily turfed the Queen out in an interim constitution. There is time to get that done.” McAlpine said he was relatively comfortable with the clause in the interim constitution, which said that Queen would be retained. But was less so with the clause, which followed, saying she would be followed on the throne by her “heirs and successors”. Last night, the No campaign described the differing positions on the monarchy in the Yes movement as a “shambles”. A Better Together spokesman said: “This infighting within the Nationalist camp, less than 90 days before the referendum, shows that even they have no idea what a separate Scotland would look like. “The nationalists should spend less time arguing over their fantasy constitution and come clean about how much starting up a separate state would cost people in Scotland.” A Scottish Government spokesman said: “The position of the Queen as head of state will form an intrinsic part of the constitutional platform in place for independence in 2016.… That is consistent with the people of Scotland being sovereign because, as the bill published last week says, in an independent Scotland, all state power and authority comes from and is subject to, the will of the people.”
Del Ponte: Terrorist acts of extremist groups and foreign mercenaries in Syria cause massive suffering
Member of the UN international investigation committee on Syria Carla Del Ponte said that terrorist acts committed by extremist groups like Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and foreign mercenary cause massive and unbearable suffering to the Syrian people, committing acts of murder, torture, and besieging cities. In an interview given to Russia’s ITAR TASS agency on Friday, Del Ponte said that the spread of extremist terrorist groups that seek to establish an Islamic state in Syria are growing in number, number around 700 groups so far with no unified leadership. She pointed out that a large number of foreign mercenaries and extremists joined these groups in Syria with the goal of establishing an “Islamic caliphate” which escalated the crisis and hinders the delivery of humanitarian aid. Del Ponte said that as the crisis rages on, all that is happening in Syria has grave negative repercussions on civilians which nobody seems to pay any attention to.
Police attack Bahrain protesters with teargas
Bahraini security forces have used teargas against protesters demanding the release of the body of a young man killed by the Al Khalifa regime.
The Saudi-backed police forces attacked the demonstrators in the northeastern village of Ma'ameer on Saturday. Bahraini regime authorities have refused to hand over the body of Abd al-Aziz al-Abbar to his family. Abbar, 27, died on April 18, after 55 days in a coma due to injuries he suffered during crackdown on a rally held in late February in Sa’ar, a residential area west of the capital Manama. According to Bahrain’s Center for Human Rights, security forces had fired teargas canisters and birdshots at Abbar. Last Sunday, the Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Bahrain’s main opposition group, issued a statement condemning the regime’s move. Since mid-February 2011, thousands of protesters have held numerous demonstrations in the streets of Bahrain, calling on the Al Khalifa royal family to relinquish power. In March 2011, troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were called in to help Manama quash the anti-regime protests. Scores of Bahrainis have been killed and hundreds of others injured and arrested in the ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations. On June 10, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) censured the Manama regime for human rights violations in Bahrain. A total of 46 members of the international body expressed deep concern over the Al Khalifa regime’s crackdown on peaceful protesters.
Egypt: Sisi very wrong to follow Saudi regime: Analyst

Press TV has conducted an interview with Redwan Rizk, political commentator from Beirut, about Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah’s first trip to the Egyptian capital, Cairo, since the 2011 uprising in Egypt. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: What do you think about the implications of the strong alliance that we are seeing between Saudi Arabia and the new government in Egypt? Rizk: First, it’s very strange because historically Saudi Arabia and Egypt were not in a good term at all. On the contrary, they had a history of conflict and confrontation on many many fronts, especially if we remember the Abdol Naser’s time in Yemen over also many Arab issues at that time and the following time in the 70s and the 80s Egypt [and Saudi Arabia] were not in a good term at all. On the contrary, they were just opponents and they were fighting over just their decisions or the control of the Arab world and these confrontations led to a very sensitive crisis between both countries. But now we are seeing a new era is being written by the Sisi and King Abdullah and this is due to the presence of the Arab world and Islamic World because we can see it. It’s obviously that they agree on many, they have some sort of agreement over many many files in the region especially they think that, especially the Saudi’s monarchy thinks that they are eligible and they have all the right to control or to lead the Islamic world. First, because they are the richest country, they have this kind of enthusiasm and the dreams about becoming the Vatican of the Islamic world and third, they have the ideology and this is the main important… So, that’s why they believe that throwing out, ousting Morsi out of the presidential palace and that limited the power or putting an end to the Muslim Brotherhood dreams in controlling Egypt and spreading around in the Arab world, that brought both countries together into the same camp, the same alliance. So, the Saudis need the largest Arab country to support their dreams and their maps in controlling the Arab world and become the first Islamic country to lead the Islamic world. And they believe that they need this Egypt very much, they need the power of Egypt. They need the hundred million people behind Mr. Sisi in order to support their plans into the Arab world and Islamic world because they are very sensitive and they feel that so competitive with the Turks because the Turks support Muslim Brotherhood so much. After all, they still spread the words since three decades of the danger of Islamic Republic of Iran and they believe that Iran is a competitor, just spreading the influence of the revolution of Iran and the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia believe or they still feel this is a threat for them. So, it’s not strange to see both countries putting an end to a history of conflicts between both of them and they are getting together especially Mr. Sisi now, after the Egyptian economy is in a deep trouble suffering, and the generosity of the donations came from the [Persian] Gulf area from especially Saudi Arabia, Kuwait in order to help Sisi controlling the economy. In return Sisi will stand or support the Saudi’s policy and become instead of becoming a leader in the Arab world, now Sisi started a very wrong move by becoming a follower to this brutal regime of monarchies in Saudi Arabia. I think this is a very wrong move made by Sisi because no matter what he will do, his economy will not recover just by aids. He needed some more of, kind of, reforming his government, putting an end to corruption suffering Egypt for many many years and this move will not put Egypt back in the lead in the Arab world. On the contrary, now Egypt is becoming just a follower in the Saudis, in implementing the Saudi’s policy in the Arab world and the Islamic world.
Benazir Bhutto's 61st Birthday: ‘Happy Birthday, Bibi. You persist to exist. For us, you never died’
By Maleeha Manzoor
‘No matter what, I would always be back!’
Hemmed in by roses beneath the soil lie the very heroes of the soil. Within the hearts of masses they exist immortally... Puzzled by the unimaginable reality of her being taken away, my heart is jolted each time I commence to think if she no more exists. Emotions are suddenly burst into tears - thoughts are shattered, as with a violent blow, when I am recalled that the glimmer of hope, the gleam of ecstasy is no more among us. Nature could not be that savage, my heart wails. Life is not that meaningless, the soul cries. However, William Penn’s words, ‘Death cannot kill what never dies’ holds true for the persona of the enigmatic Benazir who chose not her life, rather a bullet - for the people’s sake. Nevertheless, the anecdote of her valor is chronicled in the chapters of history extolling the valiance of my leader who gazed into the eyes of dictators and terrorists to rend them from the origins of her soil that has the essence of young blood of its soldiers and innocent citizens in it. Manifestation of her gallantry is such matchless that she continues to remain the strongest to hold millions of the people spellbound. Her true mettle, which at many times brought the nation out of obscurity and still continues to lead through her vision, is what signifies her existence till the day. Despite being physically departed to the other world, she could not leave forever. For she had pledged to return - return for her people and return to achieve what her father envisaged. “With me coming and going, I always worried they were fearful I wouldn’t return, like their father didn’t return one day. I told them no matter what, I would always be back.” For her own children, world was turned upside down when the streets of Pindi were reddened with her blood and for her people, every hope was shattered. Nevertheless, when roars the real lion, her son Bilawal, from Garhi Khuda Buksh chanting ‘Zindah hai Bibi zindah hai’ - pledging to uphold the legacy of her martyred mother - life is yet again breathed into the dead souls whose world ceased to exist after the fatal evening of December 27. She reemerges in her older daughter Bakhtawar who comes into prominence upholding the hopes of thousands of the destitute through her non-profit organization. My Benazir yet again leaves an everlasting impact on the entire world through her little one Aseefa, who leads the fight against polio saving the future of Pakistan from being crippled. Her children’s utterances as well as accomplishments explicit the existence of the vision of my Bibi Shaheed - vision that Bhutto articulated, Benazir passionately owned and is now being incessantly driven to realization by her children. Never intimidated by death, she never perceived it as an end to Bhuttoism. Neither did her people let her imaginations for an ideal Pakistan fade away. Even after December, directing all not to give up, her vivid motto continued to save Quaid’s Pakistan. The pang of loss got converted into the spirit of enthusiasm and momentum, as the masses assembled to defeat the mindset behind the monstrosity that has been costing every sane voice. The disciples of Benazir marched on to mold her dreams into actualities. What all committed to carry forward is the paramount she left behind – the Bhutto legacy. This legacy is the cause she died fighting for and the evil mindset is still frightened of. I find no doubt in stating that People’s Benazir exists. Not only through her own children, but in each of us who resists to the right wing forces of our system. For someone like me who never even met her, she is no less than a messiah. She is the spirit that keeps the fire burning in me. She has taught the millions how to live and how to die. “Life and death is in the hands of Allah, so live and die, not for yourself but, for others.” This is what I have learnt from a leader who was never terrified of the hardships. A leader who lived for the masses and died fighting for them. After her father, she has been the best leader Pakistan ever had – because she was not made one, but was born so. Her sacrifices for a Benazir Pakistan can never go in vain. And soon there will be the day when the sun would rise flickering with anticipation. Happy Birthday, Bibi. You persist to exist. For us, you never died.
PPP Patron-in-Chief Bilawal Bhutto condemns Islamabad blast
Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has strongly condemned the blast at the shrine of Chan Pir Badshah in Islamabad tonight. PPP Chairman said that extremists and militants have no respect for humanity or religion. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari demanded of the government to provide best medical facilities to the injured.Media Cell Bilawal House
Benazir Bhutto’s critical decisions as PM were when she said NO to establishment proposals
Benazir Bhutto’ critical decisions as Prime Minister were when she said firm NO to establishment’s proposals that seemed to her dangerous in the long term for the state and society. In 1990 she said NO in to an offer from assorted mujahiden conveyed through their patrons in the establishment to take the jehad to Kashmir. She not only said NO but even asked the army and ISI to ensure that the Afghan mujahidden were not allowed to cross LoC. She said NO to a proposal to expand the scope of intelligence so as to make all promotions of senior state officials subject to clearance and screening by the ISI which she saw as legitimizing the creation of a state within state role to the agencies. She also said NO to the suggestion that Pakistani troops be allowed to support the Afghan Interim Government (AIG) in its fight for Kabul. This was stated by Senator Farhatullah Babar, Benazir Bhutto’s spokesperson and speech writer while speaking at the national conference jointly organized by the Benazir Chair of the Karachi University and the Institute of Business Administration in Karachi today. He said when Benazir Bhutto was born Pakistan was her identity but by the time she was assassinated in 2007 she had already been transformed into a leading symbol of the nation’s identity itself. About the three major challenges she faced Senator Farhatullah Babar said that these included a hateful campaign of gender bias dramatized by the fatwas of leading national and international clerics, the No Confidence against her orchestrated by the establishment and militant groups which failed by 12 votes on November 1, 1989 and a coup attempt in September 1995 that was unearthed accidentally when some senior army officers were caught smuggling weapons to Islamabad ostensibly for the jehadis but actually for first taking over the GHQ and then eliminating her as well. Recounting her major achievements he said these were: changing irreversibly the landscape for women and a legacy of framework for peace in the region highlighted by the first nuclear confidence building measure in South Asia, the opening up of the restricted trade and visa free travel for judges and parliamentarians in SAARC. She was the first among the leaders to warn against the unfolding existential threat to Pakistan posed by militants and religious extremists and declaring war against them laying down her life as well. Benazir Bhutto believed that terrorism was an evil that was bound to anger decent and honest people throughout the world to rise and renew themselves to the cause of eliminating it, he said adding that she called it a fundamental truth that raised our hopes to win the battle. Her moment of personal glory came when she took oath of office from Ghulam Ishaq Khan and the auditorium thundered with Jeay Bhutto slogans, he said. On her way back she leaned and whispered to Shaikh Rafiq that today she had avenged the assassination of her father, he reminisced.
Happy 61st Birthday Benazir Bhutto, there is none like you!
By Asef Waheed
June 21st is one of the longest days of the year. But its significance is much more than just that. It is also the day when Pakistan’s great leader was born 61 years ago. Benazir Bhutto was a brave and dauntless leader. With her charisma, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge and compassion she was an ideal woman in many ways. Tested through fire, she never abandoned her ideals and belief in the freedom of humanity from tyranny. In a male-dominated and Islamic society, she became the first woman elected ruler of a Muslim country in modern history. She stood bravely against both the tyranny of terrorism as well as the tyranny of dictatorship. She was an embodiment of courage and endurance who did not allow her personal tragedies to stand in the way of her larger commitment towards her people. In the end, she was martyred for her courage and pursuit of freedom for her people. From getting the best of education, being a great leader to a conscientious mother, she has done it all. She fought for democracy until death and she worked selflessly for the Federation of Pakistan. She gave the supreme sacrifice for the people of her country and their democratic rights, and gave up her life so that the torch of freedom could burn in the night of dictatorship. She spread knowledge by building colleges and universities, especially of professional studies and vocational training. She opened the way for the middle classes to develop and prosper in the fields of medicine, engineering, law and other specialist studies. She had also fought for women’s health, social, discrimination issues and was against violence towards women. She planned to set up women police stations, banks and also courts. She was in the forefront to form the council of women world leaders. As a politician, daughter, sister, wife and mother, she fulfilled her responsibilities to the best of imaginable capabilities. She was a Benazir in every manner, thus being an icon to many women the world over, especially Muslim women. Traditionally, Muslim women are stuck to household chores and would not venture outside. But Benazir’s zest for life and her charisma was so good that she became a role model to many. She was a woman of honour who gave honour and raised the honour of her country and the people; she gave them an identity. She was a heartthrob to millions and continues to rule their hearts and minds even today. Her entire life is a role model, not only for the people of Pakistan but also the world. She may not be physically with us today but her ideals and vision continues to enlighten our path. Her intelligence and charm has left an everlasting print in everybody’s mind. She will live forever in the chronicles of history. She is a fine example for young people to emulate as they build independent lives and take our society forward in this, still young, century. She is a shining example inspiring generations of Pakistanis, Asians and Muslims to reach the heights of greatness; she taught us to dedicate our lives selflessly to our country, to our people and to the pristine values of justice, equality and freedom in this struggling country of ours. During one of her speeches in London, she said, “I appeal to the youth of Pakistan to come forward and unite for the restoration of democracy and constitutional rule. I have great faith in the youth of Pakistan. I know the youth will redeem my faith in them. You, the youth, are our successor generation. To you we pass the torch of leadership, our democratic vision baptised in the sacred blood of our martyrs. Dear students, dear youth, fight for what you believe in. Fight for democracy. Fight for our exploited and impoverished people. Remember, it is better to live like a lion for one day than live like a jackal for a thousand years. I wish you all success and happiness, my dear daughters and sons of Pakistan.” Today, her courageous outlook has set an example for future generations. We do not have many parallels in history to her life. Mere words are insufficient to pay tribute to a leader who lived and died solely for her nation and its people.
Burning issue: ‘Over 50% acid attacks in Pakistan occur in Punjab’
The Express Tribune
The highest rate of acid attacks in the country in 2013 was in the Punjab where 56 percent of the nationwide attacks were recorded, a meeting organised by the women parliamentary caucus in collaboration with Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) for an orientation on acid crime laws heard on Thursday. In the meeting at the Punjab Assembly Committee Room, Valarie Khan, chairperson Acid Survivors Foundation, an NGO, said, “A strong concentration of attacks in Punjab is in southern Punjab, including Multan, Muzaffargarh, Rahim Yar Khan and Bahawalpur.” The agenda of the meeting was to discuss the Acid and Burn Crimes Bill 2014, which was presented by Women Caucus Convener MPA Azma Zahid Bokhari in the Punjab Assembly last month, and to determine how to make it a law after addressing the issues impeding its approval by the assembly. Khan said that at least 65 per cent of the acid and burn victims were women and girls, 15 per cent were children and 80 per cent of the survivors earned less than Rs8,000 a month. She said the prosecution rate was 35 per cent, which meant that justice was not provided in 65 per cent of the cases, and in the rest of the cases there were problems in the investigation and trial stages and out-of-court settlement added to the problems of victims. She said medical care was prohibitively expensive, free rehabilitation services were absent and the state did not even have reliable statistics on the number of victims. Barrister Saad Rasool, a legal expert, briefed the women lawmakers from the treasury and the opposition on the acid and burn crimes law and recommended that the structure of the proposed law “must have clear definitions of what is acid crime and burn crime as many people do not make a distinction between the two”. In his presentation, Rasool said the government must also set up an interim monetary relief fund which could also recover the amount of fine imposed by the courts from the convict. He said the government should also provide free healthcare to the hospitalised acid and burn victims. Rasool said the role of police was very important and under the proposed law the station house officer (SHO) should act as an investigation officer. He said the bill envisaged that the investigation would be completed within 15 days and the authorised court could grant a further 15 days as well as punish lack of diligence or failure to carry out duties. The bill provided for a witness protection programme. He said under the proposed law, an Acid and Burn Crime Monitoring Board would be established to monitor the production, sale, purchase, storage, transportation, import and trafficking of acid and a chief inspector, a deputy chief inspector and inspectors would be appointed and given the monitoring authority. Bokhari told The Express Tribune that over the last month and a half she had been corresponding with the Law Department and the Civil Secretariat, which argued that the federal government had legislative authority for Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), Code of Criminal Procedure and the Qanun-i-Shahadat Order and therefore could not be amended by provinces. She said another objection was that the bill talked about setting up an interim monetary fund, which meant that it was a money bill and a private member could not move a money bill. Bokhari added: “After today’s meeting, I will argue these are provincial matters and we could amend these laws. As second as the second objection is concerned the government has already assured me that they would cooperate.” Bokhari requested PCSW chairperson Fauzia Viqar to appoint a focal person from the commission to attend all meetings of the caucus for better liaison. Minister for Women Empowerment Hameeda Waheeduddin assured the caucus and the PCSW of complete support in getting the Acid and Burn Crimes Bill 2014 approved at the earliest. She said she would also take up the matter in a meeting with the Punjab chief minister. At the end of the meeting Waheeduddin read a resolution stating that the participants condemned the killing of Farzana Parveen outside the Lahore High Court by her relatives.
Pakistan: Suspension of ARY licence: Pemra’s decision widely criticised
The Express Tribune
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Senator Aitzaz Ahsan has condemned Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority’s (Pemra) decision to suspend the licence of ARY News for 15 days and fine the channel Rs10 million, without serving it any notice. “It seems to me that Pemra is not aware of its own laws,” Aitzaz said while speaking to ARY News. “There is no point in giving a decision against ARY News without giving the channel a chance to defend itself in a hearing.” “The government has lost its senses,” he added. Aitzaz said the licence of ARY News was suspended by the government in a bid to thwart any coverage of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri. He also said the channel was targeted in order to appease the Jang/Geo group.
“ARY News’ licence was suspended just as the suspension of Geo TV’s licences was lifted,” he said. Aitzaz advised ARY to sue Pemra for Rs500 million. “ARY should file a case against Pemra… it would definitely win.” The PPP senator also called on cable operators to boycott Pemra’s decision. “How can Pemra suspend ARY’s licence when the matter is sub judice?” said PPP’s Rehman Malik while speaking to ARY News. “The prime minister should look into the matter,” he added. Speaking to the news channel, PAT chief Dr Qadri said ARY News was punished because of its support for his party.
“ARY News exposed the culprits behind the Lahore incident. They [the govt] are trying to scare channels from covering my return,” he said. “I condemn this act and request cable operators not to take any orders [from Pemra].” “You shouldn’t accept orders which go against the public’s interest.”
Pakistan: 30 militants killed in Khyber Agency, N Waziristan air blitz
About 30 terrorists were killed in targeted strikes by jet aircraft in Khyber Agency and North Waziristan early Saturday, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a press release.
At 2 AM, aircraft destroyed two hideouts close to the Pak- Afghan border in Khyber Agency killing 10 terrorists. At 5 AM, three hideouts were destroyed in Hassu Khel in North Waziristan, killing 15 terrorists.
All strikes were made in areas where there is no civil population, the statement said.
Over 300 suspected militants have reportedly been killed in the Zarb-i-Azb operation launched a week ago.
Pakistan: Rana Sanaullah has been made the sacrificial lamb to save the skin of Shahbaz Sharif
Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo while commenting on the resignation of Rana Sanaullah, Law Minister, said that he had been made the sacrificial lamb to save the skin of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. He said this in a statement issued from here today. He said that about thirteen had been killed in the Model Town abhorrent incident where Punjab Police used brutal force against the unarmed PAT workers. He said that in Parliamentary democracy it was the collective responsibility of the government led by Chief Minister that was responsible for the shocking incident. Rana Sinaullha alone cannot be held responsible for the tragedy, he added.
PPP sets up blood camps on Benazir Bhutto anniversary

THE Pakistan People’s Party Punjab has chalked out an elaborate programme to celebrate the birthday of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto on June 21 (today), with setting up blood camps throughout the province where the PPP workers will donate blood for the brave soldiers who are fighting against terrorists in North Waziristan. Several decisions were taken at a meeting chaired by President PPP Punjab Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo and attended by other party leaders representing PYO, Labour Wing, Woman Wing and Secretary General Lahore PPP and Social Media. Chairman Bilawal Bhutto has already given instructions to the party rank and file to celebrate the birthday with simplicity and as such there will be no cutting of cakes to give the occasion a solemn overtone due to the fact that the country is in a state of war. The birthday in Lahore will commence with the opening of blood camp by Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo, President Punjab PPP, at Aiwan-e-Iqbal at 10am on June 21, 2014. Samina Khalid Ghurki, President Lahore PPP, and Party Secretary General Tanvir Ashraf Kaira and other office-bearers will also be present there. Similar functions will be held in various offices of the PPP at all the district headquarters for which instructions had already been passed on by the party President. Blood camps will also be established in Rawalpindi, Gujrat, Faisalabad, Mandi Bahuddin, Sheikhupura, Gujranwala, Sialkot Okara and Sahiwal where the local leadership will be present throughout the day. The blood donated will be screened for Hepatitis B and C and HIVs before handing over to the Army authorities.
My inspiration My Benazir...
By Sharmila Faruqui
“For me, the cause of women is God’s most noble cause, the cause of justice, equality, and life.”
This is what Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto professed, believed in and struggled to achieve. A woman of substance – she was applauded, praised and acclaimed the world over for her heroic determinations to empower women. Her vision encompassed a nation where women are empowered with words, with laws, with awareness, with economic opportunities and with role models. Bearing the honor of being the first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Islamic world her realm of prosperity and victory enfolded a nation where women are free from the shackles of gender constraints; where women have the power to dream and to live with dignity. In her own words, that truly enliven the hopes of many dying hearts; Bhutto defined women empowerment as “the right to be independent; to be educated; to have choices in life. Empowerment is the right to have the opportunity to select a productive career; to own property; to participate in business; to flourish in the market place. We must shape a world free from exploitation and maltreatment of women. A world in which women have opportunities to rise to the highest level in politics, business, diplomacy, and other spheres of life.” This is the country Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto dared to dream, a country who would rejoice at the birth of a girl child, a country where no rape victims would commit suicide, a country where women would go freely to study and work. AND above all a country that would roar louder than ever at slightest injustice to women. Being an exemplary daughter herself, she became the shield of abused daughters of the entire nation by giving them hope that encouraged them to report abuse, speak for their rights and denounce cruelty. Being an exceptional mother, her voice reverberated united with all the mothers to curb the turmoil and dangerous instability they face in the name of honour killing. Sensitive to the needs of women of Pakistan, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto fought tenaciously against prejudice and indiscrimination. Adopting an aggressive stance, the tenure of her government sowed countless potent seeds to bear fruits of women empowerment and those that continued to influence the coming generations: The setting up of the women’s bank – the first of its kind, run only by women for women. The appointment of women judges to the superior judiciary for the first time in our history. The establishment of women’s police stations where women in distress could visit with confidence. The lift ban on women taking part in sports. The hosting of Women’s Olympics. Creation of human rights and women development ministry in the centre and provinces to specifically focus towards women empowerment. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto pressed the global leaders to tackle health issues including increased nutrition and immunizations to ensure health of women. She advocated the protection of women from domestic violence and war. And she connected the need for education of girls and women to their ability to work, and a woman’s ability to work as essential to achieving economic independence. During her two terms as Prime Minister, she criticized female infanticide and misogynist interpretations of Islam. She dreamed of a cosmopolitan, cultured, progressive and friendly country that would work towards the uplifting of women. She lived to let others live. She strove to give hope and she envisioned the unseen. As a role model for all the women of Pakistan and across the world, her courage outshined and lit the path to shape the future of women of Pakistan. June 21st 2014 marks the 61st birthday of Shaheed Rani and let her words illustrate her undying cause: “If you believe in something, go for it, but know that when you go for it there’s a price to be paid. Be ready to pay that price and you can contribute to the welfare of society, and society will acknowledge you and respect you for it. And don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid.”
Bilawal asks political parties to stand behind armed forces
On the occasion of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto's 61st birthday Patron-in-Chief, Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari called on all political forces to show unity in support of the armed forces who are fighting against the terrorists. "There should be no space for partisan politics at this time. All political forces should be united in supporting our armed forces and working to help IDPs," he stated in clear-cut policy statement. Bilawal said the best way to pay tribute to Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto on her 61st birthday in current national scenario is to donate blood for the soldiers fighting on the frontlines against terrorism and to take full care of the internally displaced persons (IDPs). PPP Chief said that our great leader Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto laid down her life in the fight against terrorism and showing such a gesture on behalf of the party leaders, workers, supporters and general masses would be the most appropriate in the current situation. He said PPP organizations will arrange blood donation camps in the nook and corner of the country on Saturday and invited people from all walks of the life to come and donate their blood to play their role in fight against terrorists who want to wipe out this nation from its roots. He announced formation of PPP Workers Volunteer Force to facilitate the IDPs and called for suspension of politicking for the time-being to focus on the war on terror and helping our brethren who have turned IDPs by terrorists.
61st birth anniversary of Benazir Bhutto: Zardari, Bilawal call for closing ranks against terrorism
On the occasion of the 61st birth anniversary of Benazir Bhutto, PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Friday extended heartfelt felicitations to the workers of the Pakistan Peoples’ Party, while PPP Patron-In-Chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari called on all political forces to suspend politics as usual and show unity in support of the armed forces who are fighting against the terrorists under the operation Zarb-e-Azb. Zardari wished the democracy-loving people of Pakistan, especially the women and the marginalised sections of society for whom, he said, Benazir Bhutto had devoted her life. “The 61st birth anniversary of our great leader is being commemorated at a time when the nation has finally decided to root out militancy from its midst, a battle that Shaheed Bibi had vowed to wage and lead from the front and during the course of which she also laid down her life,” Zardari said. He said the recent declaration of the resolve to fight to the finish the militants is indeed an echo of Benazir’s clarion call to the people on the day she was killed. “This birth anniversary of our great leader is therefore doubly auspicious as it also marks a new resolve to defeat the ideology that is posing existential threat to the country.” He said this birth anniversary of his party’s leader is also an occasion to reiterate the pledge to defeat the militant mindset and uphold the ideals of democracy, pluralism and rule of law for which Benazir Bhutto stood for and struggled throughout her life. “Let us reiterate our resolve once again that we will not let the militants dictate their political agenda through force and that Pakistan will be a moderate and pluralistic country where the ultimate choice is made by ballot and not bullet,” Zardari said. Meanwhile, Bilawal said, “There should be no space for partisan politics at this time. All political forces should be united in supporting our armed forces and working to help IDPs.” Bilawal said the best way to pay tribute to Benazir Bhutto on her 61st birthday in current national scenario is to donate blood for the soldiers fighting on the frontlines against terrorism and to take full care of the internally-displaced persons (IDPs). He said, “Our great leader Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto laid down her life in the fight against terrorism and to show such gesture on behalf of the party leaders, workers, supporters and general masses would be the most appropriate in the current situation.” He said PPP organisations will arrange blood donation camps across the nook and corner of the country tomorrow and invited people from all walks of the life to come and donate their blood to play their role in fight against terrorists who want to wipe out this nation from its roots. Bilawal announced formation of PPP Workers Volunteer Force to facilitate the IDPs and called for suspension of politicking for the time-being to focus on the war on terror and helping our brethren who have turned IDPs by terrorists.
Benazir Bhutto's birth anniversary today
Pakistan People's Party will celebrate the 61st birth anniversary of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto in the capital on June 21 (today). According to a press release which issued here, the main function will be held at People's Secretariat here, where PPP district leaders along with party workers will cut a cake. Cake-cutting ceremonies will also be held in other parts of the city including Rawalpindi. It was decided in a meeting presided over by PPP Punjab President Mian Manzoor Ahmad Wattoo that blood camps would be set up in every city to pay tribute to the great leader. The blood would be donated to soldiers fighting against terrorists in Wazirastan. PPP Punjab President Mian Manzoor Wattoo will inaugurate a blood bank at Aiwan e Iqbal and PPP Lahore President Samina Khalid Ghurki, Punjab general secretary Tanvir Ashraf Kaira and leaders and workers of all party wings would participate in the ceremony.
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