M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Friday, March 14, 2014
Malaysia Airlines plane : Analysis shows 2nd possible Indian Ocean path for airliner

No deal reached at U.S.-Russia talks on Ukraine crisis

Pakistan: Ahrar-ul Hind claims Peshawar, Quetta attacks
The Ahrar-ul Hind, a splinter group that broke away from the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), has claimed responsibility for the bombings in Peshawar and Quetta which left 19 people dead including children.
The spokesman for Ahrar-ul Hind claimed responsibility for the attacks to a foreign news outlet.
Ahrar-ul Hind
The until recently unheard off Ahrar-ul Hind claims it was associated with the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and other militant organizations but broke off ties after the TTP engaged in talks with the Pakistani government.
Pakistan: Zardari, Bilawal condemn attacks
Former president Asif Ali Zardari strongly condemned the attacks on security vehicles in Peshawar and Quetta, in which nineteen people were killed and dozens injured.
In a statement Zardari said that the continuous acts of terrorism in all parts of country will only strengthen the nations and security forces resolve to fight the militants. He called for forging unity so that this coward and brutal enemy are defeated once for all. He paid tributes to the brave security personnel who are offering extreme sacrifices so that our men, women and children can live in peace. He also prayed to Allah for grant of eternal peace to the departed souls and early recovery of injured. He also expressed sympathy to the bereaved families.
Patron-in-Chief of Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has also strongly condemned the attacks on security vehicles in Peshawar and Quetta. In a statement, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that such cowardly attacks could never weaken the resolve of our law enforcing authorities and the nation, to continue pursuing their struggle against the scourge of militancy and terrorism. He paid tributes to the brave security personnel who are offering extreme sacrifices so that our men, women and children can live in peace. Bilawal Bhutto also prayed to God for grant of eternal peace to the departed souls and early recovery of injured. He also expressed sympathy to the bereaved families.
From his Pakistan hideout, Fascist muslim Uighur leader vows revenge on China

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid have disassociated themselves from the attacks and said his group will abide by the month-long ceasefire announced earlier. But the Question here arises that if we take their word , that they are not doing the Suicide Attacks and Planted attacks , then why is the PML – N Government in collaboration with the supporters of Taliban , Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf ( PTI ) , Jamaat e Islami ( JI ) , Jamiat e Ulema e Islam – Sami Ul Haq ( JUI – S ) , Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan (SSP / ASWJ ) , have initiated a Dialogue with them , as if the Government is bound to give concessions to them in the name of Peace in the country , while the country is still under attacks , and the Innocent Pakistanis are still being Killed in By Suicide Attacks , and on the Other Hands the Armed forces are being ordered not to take any action against the perpetrators , as all the terrorist who have their Hide Outs in the North Waziristan .
But the Dangerous Scenario is that the PML – N Government which is sponsored by the Saudi Government , and at the same time Sponsors of Taliban Terrorist, and Now as the Defenders of Pakistan , have started to take some action against the terrorist of North Waziristan , and have done some surgical strikes to counter the threat. So as these terrorist thought they can even be Killed , so they have begged to their Saudi Sponsors that their Lives should be spared , as they are there only to Kill Innocent Pakistanis , while No action should be taken against them either by the LEAs or the Judiciary , which is also very evident from the Past Practices of the Government , and also by the No Action Plan by the Armed forces of Pakistan . As the Government is trying to prove that these terrorist are Mightier than the Armed forces of Pakistan , and if Amnesty is not declared to these Terrorist , in the Name of Peace then they Might Kill all the Armed forces of Pakistan and Might take Over Pakistan , which is a very Treasonous thought being imposed by the Present Rulers and the supporters of these Taliban Terrorist . So as now even it is learned that the Saudi Government and the UAE Govt , has tried to Buy back the Loyalty of the Loyal Pakistani Armed Forces by Giving a Loan of around USD1.5 Billion , to make sure NO Action is taken against the Enemies of Pakistan , and the Terrorist Loyal to Saudi and UAE Governments
And now there are again Reports that the Dialogue with the Taliban are being conducted on the grounds that they will be given concessions and the authority to implement their So called “ Sharia “ in the areas where they have stronghold , like FATA , which clearly Indicates that now the same scenario of the 1970 is being tried to be Replayed
Pakistan: Vicious violence: 21 killed in bomb and suicide attacks
Former President Zardari condemns attacks on security vehicles in Peshawar and Quetta
Former President Asif Ali Zardari strongly condemned the attacks on Friday on security vehicles in Peshawar and Quetta, in which nine and eleven people were reportedly killed and dozens injured. In a statement the former President said that the continuous acts of terrorism in all parts of country will only strengthen the nations and security forces resolve to fight the militants. He called for forging unity so that this coward and brutal enemy are defeated once for all. He paid tributes to the brave security personnel who are offering extreme sacrifices so that our men, women and children can live in peace. He also prayed to Allah for grant of eternal peace to the departed souls and early recovery of injured. He also expressed sympathy to the bereaved families.
Pakistan: Adjournment Motion moved in Senate over 1.5 billion dollars aid
An adjournment motion was moved in the Senate today to discuss whether the 1.5 billion dollars bailout by an un-named Muslim country was related to the change in the country’s policy of neutrality over Syria. The adjournment motion was moved by PPPP Senator Farhatullah Babar. In a statement he said that the claim of national debts coming down by 800 billion rupees as a result of rupee rising in value against dollar following the 1.5 billion dollars bail out was most welcome but, ‘we need to be reassured there is no quid pro quo and trade off with a critical area of our foreign policy’. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar stated Wednesday that a Muslim country gave Pakistan 1.5 billion dollars towards ‘Pakistan Development Fund’ but the donor country did not wish to be identified. The secrecy raises questions. We need to know when was the Pakistan Development Fund set up and for what purpose and what happened to a similar fund set up sometime back by the Friends of Democratic Pakistan. We also need to know whether it is outright grant, or aid or loan and on what terms and conditions, he said. There is no such thing as free lunch and relations between countries were guided by their national interests and based on a quid pro quo. There are issues that cannot be shrugged off, he said. He said that Syria had the potential of becoming Afghanistan of the Middle East and warned against any misadventure by changing course disregarding the catastrophic experience in Afghanistan next door. It would be a mistake of monumental proportions if we allowed ourselves to be sucked into the web of regional power politics in the Middle East. He said that the alarm bells first rang by reports late last month that a Muslim country was in talks with Pakistan for supply of anti-aircraft and anti tank rockets to Syrian rebels. He said that doubts linger as the joint statement issued after the visit of a dignitary from Middle East last month called for regime change in Syria as the joint statement called for the “formation of a transitional governing body with full executive powers enabling it to take charge of the affairs of the country”. He also disputed the assertion of the Advisor Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz that this formulation in the joint statement was in accordance with the recent Geneva 1 Accord over Syria. He said that the Geneva 1 joint communiqué stressed ending violence and human rights abuses and “launch of a Syrian led political process leading to a transition that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people”. There is a sea of difference between a ‘political process leading to a transition’ as envisaged in Geneva 1 and ‘formation of transitional governing body with full executive powers’ as stated in the joint statement and there is an ominous ring to it, he said.http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/
U.S. Commander Says More Focus On Haqqani Militants
http://www.rferl.org/The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says allied and Afghan forces are focusing more on going after the Haqqani militant network, which has threatened to disrupt the Afghan presidential elections in April. Marine General Joseph Dunford said the United States was targeting the groups financing and freedom of movement. He said Haqqani militants have been more active in the past few months. The Haqqani network is blamed for some of the most high-profile attacks in Afghanistan. U.S. officials have repeatedly pressed Pakistani authorities to move more aggressively against the militants, who are based in North Waziristan and regularly cross the border to conduct attacks against U.S. and coalition troops. Dunford told members of the House Armed Services Committee on March 13 that he would need 102 days to withdraw U.S. troops and equipment from Afghanistan and turn over any remaining bases to the Afghans.
Afghanistan: US still open to signing BSA: White House
'Toxic stew' of militants lurk in Afghanistan as NATO heads home
Pakistan: Two new polio cases confirmed in Sindh, N Waziristan
The total number of polio cases in Pakistan during this year has reached 28.
At least two new cases of polio virus were reported in Sindh and North Waziristan on Friday. According to National Health Department, 10-month-old Sajid of Miransha was confirmed have affected by polio virus as he was administered no vaccination. Meanwhile, another case was reported in Karachi where two-year-old Muzlfa of Baldia Town was confirmed to be polio virus victim. After confirmation of new cases, the total number polio patients has reached 24 in North Waziristan, three in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and one in Sindh.
Pakistan: The Taliban’s Unity of Purpose
By Asim Yousafzai
A lack of harmony between Pakistan and Afghanistan supports the militants’ unity of purpose.Taliban and like-minded jihadis are becoming more united in their determination to impose their brand of sharia on both Afghanistan and Pakistan, with the help of their international mentors under the banner of al-Qaeda. While the terrorists are racing ahead with this unity of purpose, the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan are divided when it comes to tackling the growing extremism. Islamabad is busy pursuing talks, while in Afghanistan “insider attacks’” are on the rise because the Taliban have managed to get members recruited by the Afghan security forces. The recent increase in the so-called green-on-blue attacks forced Coalition partners to suspend training of Afghan security forces.
Historical Background
South Asia, heir to the great Indus Valley Civilization, is reeling after three decades of war. The ongoing war in Afghanistan has already spread east, and extremists regularly operate across the Durand Line that separates Afghanistan and Pakistan. The security situation in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) is the worst in decades, with the Taliban in effective control. The adjoining Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (KP) has seen its worst violence since the Afghan war began in 1979. Tens of thousands have been killed in attacks in these northwest Pakistan regions in recent years. Kashmir is a disputed region surrounded by Pakistan, India and China, and is the main source of the Indo-Pakistan proxy war in Afghanistan. Some of the current jihadi groups were trained in Kashmir and are now operating from Pakistan’s Punjab province. The deadly Mumbai Hotel attacks were carried out by one such group (Lashkar-e-Taiba) in 2008. The ultimate goal of these groups appears to be establishing an Islamic Caliphate, stretching from east Africa to southeast Asia, somewhat along the lines of the one present in the 8th century at the peak of Muslim ascendancy. Pakistani terrorists currently operate under various names: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), Harkat-ul Mujahideen (HuM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), and many others. Besides the local, home-grown terrorists, there are a large number of fighters (mainly Uzbeks and Chechens) from Central Asia and Arab countries who are now permanently settled in FATA. They were part of the mujahedeen groups who fought against the Russians in Afghanistan. New terror groups are surfacing on a regular basis to claim responsibility for the almost daily attacks on either side of the Durand Line. One such group, Ahrar-ul-Hind (AuH) was responsible for the recent brazen court attack in the capital Islamabad, in which a senior judge was killed along with many others. Irrespective of the number of characters in their names, they are united in their short term goal of imposing Islamic Shariah in south Asia.
Political Response in PakistanReligio-political parties in Pakistan such as Jumat-e-Islam (JI) and Jamiat-ul-Ulemai Islam (JUI) are staunch supporters of the Taliban. Though both JI and JUI enjoy little electoral support, they nonetheless have superior street power compared to the mainstream parties. Another mainstream political party, the rising Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) led by former cricket star Imran Khan, is openly supporting the Taliban and is lobbying to open a Taliban office in KP. These three parties are the main source of oxygen and breathing space much needed by the Taliban and other terrorist groups. A NATO supply route was effectively blocked by PTI workers for several months before it was declared illegal by a high court in KP. After every terror attack, the leaders of these parties waste no time in telling their followers that a “foreign hand” (usually, the CIA, Mossad or India’s Research and Analysis Wing) was involved in these attacks in an attempt to sabotage the “peace process. The political party of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif strongly believes that the Taliban can be brought into mainstream politics through negotiation. The role of Pakistan’s premier spy agency (ISI) is to support only those Taliban groups that can later be used to exert influence in post-2014 Afghanistan. The current piecemeal approach of both Islamabad and Kabul is to buy as much time as possible before the murky waters of 2014 become more transparent. Islamabad and Rawalpindi are meanwhile weighing their options to determine which Taliban groups to support and which ones to put on the chopping board. This approach will not succeed. The first round of “peace talks” between the Taliban and the Pakistani government failed miserably, as the attacks on civilians and military personnel could not be stopped. On the contrary, the Taliban have stepped up their efforts to dismantle state structures, and are increasingly bold on either side of the Durand Line. Pakistan’s interior minister recently announced the country’s first ever “security policy,” which states that after every terror attack Pakistani forces will bomb militant headquarters in FATA. Strikes on a few locations will create more misery for the local populations and add to the hundreds of thousands of internally displaced. International Scenario The two economic giants India and China are anxiously watching the events unfolding in their backyards. China has clearly indicated that it will not tolerate a Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. China is facing its own terrorist threat in its west, and it has blamed the Muslim separatists for the recent knife attack in Kunming. India is more concerned about its own home-grown terrorist groups, although the increasing Talibanization of Pakistan could severely cripple its economy. This creeping Talibanization cannot be contained within Afghanistan and Pakistan; it is bound to spill over into India and China, at least. However, the developing situation in Ukraine could have a game-changing effect in South Asia. For one thing, Ukraine might be a bigger fish for NATO to catch than Afghanistan. For another, note the recent statement by the Pan-Islamist Jihadi group Hizb ut Tahrir: “The situation in Ukraine will not stabilize unless the Khilafah state is established for the Muslims.” A complete U.S. and NATO troop withdrawal (the zero option) would be chilling for progressive and liberal minority forces in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Certainly, the upcoming Afghan elections and the NATO withdrawal will determine the security scenario in South Asia. In the complete absence of international forces, the Taliban can have a field day with those participating in the electoral process. Turnouts in the past have been extremely low and another low turnout this time will raise questions about the results. The credibility of the Afghan government has eroded over time and the political process is in danger of being overtaken by chaos and violence. The mushroom growth of terror outfits represents an existential threat to the territorial integrity of South Asian nations. Islamabad and Kabul are going to need to take their efforts to another level.
Pakistan's Ahmadi Muslims Under Attack: : Police desecrate Kalima on gravestones of Ahmadis in Punjab
Ahmadiyya Times“Ahmadis face discrimination in Pakistan, but those who persist in such treatment to Ahmadis dead should not forget that one day they have to appear in the Divine court.”
Incident in violation of Human Rights and human dignity; we strongly condemn it: Spokesperson Jamaat Ahmadiyya
Several personnel from Punjab police desecrated the Kalima (Muslim creed) written on the gravestones of Ahmadis in an Ahmadiyya graveyard of a small village, Chak no. 96 GB in Tehsil Jaranwala. According to the details provided by Jamaat Ahmadiyya Pakistan, an opponent of Ahmadiyya community lodged a complaint with the local police that some writings on the gravestones of Ahmadis in the cemetery are hurtful to his feelings. The local police summoned the Ahmadis and demanded they remove the Kalima from the grave markers which demand the Ahmadiyya community rejected. Thereafter, Mr. Saleem-ud Din, the spokesperson of the Ahmadiyya community says, a few policemen came to the cemetery and personally destroyed the tiles on which Kalima was written on seven gravestones.
The spokesperson strongly condemned the 'deplorable' act by the police and expressed the community's intense grief over this traumatic incident and called it in violation of human dignity and Human Rights. “It is deplorable that the administration, whose duty is to ensure peace in society and treat all equally, acts puppets of opponents of the Ahmadiyya community." "This is unlawful and immoral,” said Mr. Saleem-ud Din referring to the Order of the Supreme Court, of November 4, 1992 that conveys that Ahmadis have legal right to use words like Bismillah and such other Islamic terms. “Ahmadis face discrimination in Pakistan, but those who persist in such treatment to Ahmadis dead should not forget that one day they have to appear in the Divine court,” he added. -- Pakistan: Police desecrated Kalima on gravestones of Ahmadis in Chak 96 GB, Faisalabad
Pakistan: Blast in Quetta kills 10, injures 35
A powerful explosion killed at least 10 people and injured 35 other on Friday evening in Quetta, the capital of restive Balochistan province, police said. Muhammad Jaffar, the Deputy Inspector General Police (Operations) said militants had planted explosive material inside a bicycle parked in the Science College Chowk area of Quetta. He said the bomb exploded when a local bus was passing through the spot. However, another police official who requested anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to the media, told Dawn.com that target of the blast was a Frontier Corps’ vehicle, which narrowly escaped the attack. The injured were rushed to Civil Hospital and the Combined Military Hospital for emergency treatment. An emergency was imposed at both hospitals to treat the injured of the blast. The bodies were shifted to Civil Hospital Quetta for postmortem. “The dead bodies are yet to be identified,” Dr. Rasheed Jamali, the medical officer at the Civil Hospital. He said all senior doctors and paramedics had been called in to treat the injured. Thick-black smoke and roaring flames could be seen from a distance soon after the blast. Fire fighters rushed to the area to put out the fire. The strength of the blast smashed the window panes of nearby shops and shopping centers. The powerful explosion was heard far and wide causing panic in the city, which was already under the grip of violent attacks.
Pakistani Christian Protest Against Despoliation Of Under Construction Church
In Okara district people arrived from different villages assembled in Catholic Church G.T Road Okara. They were almost 800 in count.
People were in tension for the incident that happened nine days ago that cause’s critical condition. But still there is no development by police and Punjab government.
Before this protest Youhana Masih and other Christian leaders gave application to the Chief Justice and prime minister of Pakistan but they didn’t reply about it. So they diced to a arrange a huge protest against police and government of Pakistan. Many Muslim and Christian leaders like Younis Iqbal; founder and Chairman of Anjuman Muzareen Punjab (AMP), David Rahmit(AMP), Rev. Fr.Khalid Mukhtar, Main Nadeem Abas (AMP), Chief Organizer Punjab (PCC); Muhammad Akram, President Masiha Milat Party Lahore; Aslim Masih Sohatra, United Christian Progressive Society; Nadeem Parvez, Director United Christian Progressive Society; Dr.Yousal Mattu, Secretary General Peasants Women Welfare Foundation, Pakistan Rakhel Temina and President Pakistan Christian Congress, Shabaz Bhatti. They all address and emphasize to save minorities in Pakistan is duty of government of Pakistan. They explain that if government didn’t take any notice in two days they will call again all over the Pakistan.
The protesters start rally from Catholic Church and end on Okara Press Club.
- See more at: http://www.christiansinpakistan.com/pakistani-christian-protest-against-despoliation-of-under-construction-church/#sthash.hy8kjXq5.dpuf
Police under attack in Pakistan's largest city
By REBECCA SANTANAFrom his home off a dirt road cluttered with trash in Pakistan's teeming city of Karachi, policeman Didar Ahmed's son shows the bloodstained jacket his father was wearing when gunmen cut him and three colleagues down in a hail of bullets last month.
Ahmed's brother Gulzar looks at the bullet-riddled garment with a blank stare. He recalled how days before his brother's death, they had talked about the rising dangers of police work as officers increasingly come under attack by criminal gangs and militants from the Pakistani Taliban. "He was sitting here and told me: 'The situation in the city is deteriorating so if something happens to me, you take care of my kids and family,'" Gulzar said.
Ahmed was one of 44 police officers killed during the first two months of the year in Pakistan's largest city, a particularly violent start to the year for the police. The force was already reeling from 166 officers killed last year — roughly one every other day and a four-fold increase from just five years earlier. Being a police officer has never been especially easy in this sprawling metropolis on the southern coast, where the population has surged from roughly 10 million in 1998 to some 18 to 21 million today — so much that an exact count has proven elusive to authorities. But recent figures suggest the profession has become even more perilous — in large part because the Pakistani Taliban and affiliated militant groups have gained a foothold here, police and analysts say. Police Chief Shahid Hayat says they are responsible for roughly 60 percent of the recent police killings.
Much of the focus on militancy in Pakistan since 9/11 terror attacks in the United States has been on the vast northwest tribal regions bordering Afghanistan, where the army is fighting militants. But as fighters increasingly move into settled areas of the country such as Khyber Paktunkhwa province in the north, and Karachi in the south, it has put immense strain on law enforcement agencies that are generally less well-funded and trained than the army."It's a big concern," said Hayat of the killings. He was brought in last September to oversee a new campaign to bring down the violence plaguing the city. Karachi's problems are extensive: extortion, kidnapping-for-ransom, targeted assassinations, and car theft, to name a few. Newly-elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, acutely aware of the city's importance to the country's economy ordered paramilitary Rangers and police to bring order to it.
Police have been killed on their way to and from work. Ahmed's family said he would put on his uniform at the station house so people wouldn't know his profession. Grenades have been lobbed at police stations and vehicles. In two of the most shocking attacks, the man dubbed the city's "toughest cop," Chaudhry Aslam, was killed in a bombing claimed by the Pakistani Taliban in January, followed by a roadside bomb that killed 13 police officers in February. To be sure, the Pakistani Taliban are not the only driver of the violence in the city. Karachi has been a cauldron of ethnic and political tension for decades, where political parties have militant wings, gangs make money through drug-trafficking, land grabbing and other forms of crime, and sectarian groups target the city's Shiite Muslim minority. Just Wednesday, at least 15 people were killed in a gangland shootout, and six police were wounded. Samina Ahmed from the International Crisis Group said it's not necessarily that the jihadi threat has grown, but that state control has increasingly withered in Karachi and other cities, allowing criminality and militancy to thrive."Large parts of Karachi can't be policed effectively because the police don't have the means — either the bodies or the technology," she said. "It's a megacity and megacities require efficient law enforcement and that is what Karachi lacks. So is it that the jihadi threat that can't be tackled or is it that the state isn't trying to tackle it seriously enough?"
Religious militants have long had a presence in the city, but it was generally used by them as a place to seek medical treatment, raise money through bank robberies or to recruit at the city's massive network of religious schools. But the combination of Pakistani military operations in the northwest starting in 2009, along with American drone strikes, drove many militants to seek shelter here among the city's large Pashtun population.
Raja Umar Khattab, an investigator with the police unit responsible for hunting down militants, knows the dangers of the job, his neck scarred from a roadside bomb that almost killed him. When the violence in Karachi began to rise, he said, militants first attacked politicians and activists from the Awami National Party, which has a strong presence in Pashtun areas. Dozens of ANP members were killed, and militants tore down flags from their offices. Then they turned their attention on law enforcement personnel, he said. "They are targeting police to bring down the morale of the police and to terrorize the police, and therefore they come on motorcycles in Karachi and run away after attacking two or three policemen," he said. The police are frank about the challenges they face. Hayat said he has roughly 27,000 police officers and generally about 9,000 are on protection duty for "VIP" individuals, like judges or businessmen or politicians. Some 3,000 to 4,000 officers will be in the field at any given time, yet only 1,500 have bulletproof vests. Station houses are often dilapidated and uninviting to citizens, who often view police with suspicion. Rights groups and analysts say police are sometimes complicit with criminal gangs and sometimes use excessive force.
Officers are quickly transferred, lessening the time they have to learn the job or the community. The paramilitary Rangers have been based in the city since the mid-nineties and have been an active part of the recent anti-violence campaign. While they're generally better-equipped and trained, critics say their presence has allowed the government to avoid investing the time and energy into improving the police force.
Many in the police say the operation so far has been a success because murders and extortion complaints have fallen. They said the police killings are an attempt to demoralize law enforcement. Khattab said there are now no more so-called "no-go areas" that police cannot enter. Hayat said the police are reinforcing stations in the most dangerous areas and have directed officers to only travel in two vehicle-convoys so they have more manpower to fight back. "They should at least have it in their mind that we're going to hit back, and we're going to kill them," he said.
Others are not so sure.
Amanullah Mehsood, a senior ANP politician in Karachi, said he can't even visit his wife and children in their Pashtun neighborhood of the city because the militants have threatened to kill him. He said few people in the Pashtun areas of the city trust the police or Rangers so they don't pass along tips. "The police come in an area and the TTP ... leave," he said, referring to the Pakistani Taliban's by its official name, Tehrik-e-Taliban. "Then the Rangers and police leave and the TTP is back."
Pakistan: Four killed and ten injured in Quetta blast
Express NewsA loud explosion was heard in Quetta near Science College chowk , Express News reported on Friday. Four people have been killed and another ten injured in the explosion. A bus and a rickshaw were also destroyed in the explosion, but the exact nature of the blast is not yet known. Security officials and rescue teams have arrived on the scene. This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.
Rawalpindi: Terrorists Attack Shia Leader In A Bid To Hide Their Blasphemous Graffiti
shiapost.comTakfiri terrorists of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba/Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat attacked a local Shia leader in Rawalpindi in what appeared to divert public attention from their blasphemous graffiti on Thursday. The fanatics of outlawed terrorist group Sipah-e-Sahaba/Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat wrote graffiti in which they perpetrated blasphemy of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH), the last apostle and prophet of God. Shia Muslims reacted to their blasphemous graffiti and to hide their heinous crime, they attacked Saeed ul Hassan Rizvi, secretary general of the Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen, Rawalpindi chapter, and accused him of contempt of companions of Prophet (BUH), a baseless charge that banned takfiri terrorist outfits usually frame against the Muslims. The Deobandi fanatics of banned terrorist group have begun a demonstration at Sadiqi Chowk. They are trying to pressurize the police to register a fake FIR on their baseless accusations. Shia parties and leaders have warned the PMLN government to rein in the terrorists and launch a crackdown and military action to liquidate Taliban terrorists and their affiliates such as Sipah-e-Sahaba/ASWJ and LeJ.
Pakistan's Council of Islamic Ideology: ''' Skewed '''
The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) wants to formally legalise a social ill that is already prevalent in our society. Under the current law, the minimum age for marriage is 18 for boys and 16 for girls but this is observed only in the breach as cultural traditions have tended to have more weight than the force of written law. Now the CII has declared that there should be no age limit for marriage, declaring that a girl can be married off at any age and her wedding consummated once she reaches puberty. This is a ruling that is both inadvisable and ahistorical. As life expectancy has increased through the ages so has the socially acceptable age at which marriages take place. Girls who have barely reached their teens do not have the maturity to deal with the responsibility of marriage and those who are forced into it usually have to endure the marriage because their parents want to express tribal solidarity, keep property within the family or simply for economic reasons so that the child becomes someone else’s property. None of these reasons should be good enough for the CII to endorse a practice that we desperately need to wipe out.
The government has the authority to decide if it should accept CII recommendations. In this case the decision should be swift and simple. The CCI advised another change in the law which should be similarly rejected. Right now, men have to obtain permission from their current wives before contracting another marriage. The CII would prefer if men had the right to marry anyone without needing consent from those they are already married to. In the minds of the CII members, so long as the men are able to provide equal time to their wives the question of assent need not be considered. This recommendation, too, makes light of the rights of women since there are considerations other than time that a women would take into account before allowing her husband to take another wife. At a time when we should be devising ways to increase the rights of women, both on paper and in the unwritten traditions of society, the CII has instead taken the opposite tack.
We wonder why the CII and its members do not give their views on customs that involve the handing over of women to settle a dispute, such as ‘vani’ and ‘swara’, and against ‘honour’ killings or jirga-ordered gang rapes. These are undisputedly anti-Islamic. Yet even though such barbarities continue and are regularly reported, the CII has not seen it fit to comment on them. Priorities then are quite evidently skewed. There is much this body could do to create a state which stands closer to the ideals of Islam. Greater social equity would be one step in this direction. Yet these issues are ignored, and others raised which do not serve us well as a society. We need more safeguards for vulnerable citizens and a wider focus on the issues which contribute to injustice rather than a tunnel-visioned approach that keeps us locked in behind barriers, creates unnecessary controversy. The CII’s failure to take up issues that can contribute towards this is disturbing.
Its rulings, one should keep in mind, reflect only the view of some and do not convey a consensus view. These views must be rejected as antithetical to our human rights obligations. A new and better balanced CII may also be considered.
Pakistan ranks 8th in kidney diseases with 20,000 deaths every year
Pakistan TodayCapital Development Authority (CDA) Health Services Director Dr Hasan Orooj on Thursday said that 20,000 Pakistanis die of kidney failure every year. Addressing a seminar held on World Kidney Day, organised by Shifa International Hospital (SIH), Dr Orooj said that more than 43,000 persons die every year of organ failure in Pakistan with 20,000 of renal failure and around 23,000 people die of other organs’ failure, including heart, liver, lungs and pancreas, he added. He said Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is rapidly growing in Pakistan due to late diagnosis, high volume of kidney stone disease and increasing number of patients with diabetes and high blood pressure. He said that health equity was crucial to achieve health care goals and ensure that every citizen gets health care services without discrimination in the country. Shifa International Hospital (SIH) Consultant Nephrologist and Head of Nephrology Department Dr Farhat Abbas consuming junk and low quality food, self-medication and excessive use of medicine, low water intake, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and renal stones were a few causes of the kidney disease. He added the disease can also be inherited and stressed to know all the possible causes of kidney diseases, living a simple and active life and adopting preventive measures to avoid complications. He said that the best way to prevent kidney failure is early diagnosis of underlying disease and aggressive treatment. Dr Farhat said that around 600 million persons worldwide have some form of kidney damage. CKD is predicted to increase by 17 percent over the next decade, is now recognised as global public health issue, he added. SIH Consultant Urologist and Director Kidney Transplant Dr Saeed Akhter said that the treatment of kidney failure is either hemodialysis or kidney transplant, whereas dialysis offers an excellent short time cure. “Transplant is the option which gives the best chance of a good long term quality of life,” he underlined. Highlighting the importance of cadaveric transplant, he urged to donate kidneys and other body organs after death as a deceased body can save nine lives. Consultant Nephrologist Khawaja Sayeed Ahmed said Pakistan is at number eight in the world in kidney diseases. He said toxic drugs and fake medicines have their own considerable share in kidney damage. “It’s a myth that people cannot live longer after dialysis or kidney transplant, he added. You must opt for better treatment as early as possible,” he stressed. Consultant Nutritionist Dr Rezzan Khan said that to avoid kidney disease diet, nutrition and lifestyle should be healthy throughout the life even if diabetes or blood pressure is under control. She said that healthy kidneys remove waste products from the bloodstream while in chronic kidney disease waste products can build up in the blood. “Some of these waste products come from the food we eat. We may need to limit some foods to avoid complications,” she added.
Pakistan: Rape victim who set herself ablaze dies

Blast targeting police kills seven in Peshawar

Blast in in Peshawar,several feared dead
A blast took place in a bazaar in Peshawar on Friday.
The explosion took place in the Sarband area of the city.
Police and rescue teams are on the way.
Blasphemy law use on rise, led by Pakistan: US group

Rebels, Islamists form dangerous alliance in Pakistan's unruly southwest
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