M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Obama, marchers mark 50 years since King's 'Dream' speech
Afghan women may be denied vote
Women across Afghanistan risk being unable to vote in next year's presidential elections because of a severe shortage of female members of the security forces, the country's election monitor said on Wednesday. Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission (IEC) said that there were just 2,000 of the required 12,000 women needed to carry out body searches required for voters entering polling stations set aside specially for women. Voting is segregated as the two sexes are not permitted to mingle in public in conservative Afghanistan. The shortfall of women staff is one of the greatest challenges facing the government ahead of the vote, planned for April 5."This is a really important issue for the IEC. We must have the same opportunities for male and females," IEC spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor said. Recruiting women into the police force was considered an important victory for Western efforts to promote equality after the toppling of the hard-line Islamist Taliban in 2001.However, a Reuters report late last year found the aspirations of Afghanistan's female police force have been poisoned by a steady stream of taunts, molestations and even rapes by their male colleagues. Recruitment has proved slow and numbers remain far below President Hamid Karzai's target of 5,000 women by the end of 2014. To make up for the election day shortfall, the Ministry of Interior is considering training female teachers to carry out searches at polling stations, the IEC said. The Ministry of Education was prepared to "help in any way possible", a spokesman said, though it was unclear whether the plan was workable. Election officials encountered similar problems at the 2009 presidential poll, with female staff present at only 30 percent of polling stations set aside for women. No figures for turnout of female voters are available, but officials say the numbers were very low, except in central Bamiyan province and areas in the country's north. In some areas in the less secure south and southeast, officials and international observers reported that almost no women voted. Even if the ministry finds and trains the 10,000 women needed to secure polling stations, in Afghanistan's most conservative provinces hardly any women have registered to vote. "We have been visiting homes and trying to get women together to explain why voting is important, that they have a voice and despite government corruption their vote does matter," said Neda Khaihani, a member of the provincial council in Baghlan in the north. "We've been working for months and only have eight women registered at the moment."By Jessica Donati and Miriam Arghandiwal, Reuters
Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Saudi Arabia has secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia’s gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria.The revelations come amid high tension in the Middle East, with US, British, and French warship poised for missile strikes in Syria. Iran has threatened to retaliate. The strategic jitters pushed Brent crude prices to a five-month high of $112 a barrel. “We are only one incident away from a serious oil spike. The market is a lot tighter than people think,” said Chris Skrebowski, editor of Petroleum Review. Leaked transcripts of a closed-door meeting between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan shed an extraordinary light on the hard-nosed Realpolitik of the two sides. Prince Bandar, head of Saudi intelligence, allegedly confronted the Kremlin with a mix of inducements and threats in a bid to break the deadlock over Syria. “Let us examine how to put together a unified Russian-Saudi strategy on the subject of oil. The aim is to agree on the price of oil and production quantities that keep the price stable in global oil markets,” he said at the four-hour meeting with Mr Putin. They met at Mr Putin’s dacha outside Moscow three weeks ago. “We understand Russia’s great interest in the oil and gas in the Mediterranean from Israel to Cyprus. And we understand the importance of the Russian gas pipeline to Europe. We are not interested in competing with that. We can cooperate in this area,” he said, purporting to speak with the full backing of the US.The talks appear to offer an alliance between the OPEC cartel and Russia, which together produce over 40m barrels a day of oil, 45pc of global output. Such a move would alter the strategic landscape. The details of the talks were first leaked to the Russian press. A more detailed version has since appeared in the Lebanese newspaper As-Safir, which has Hezbollah links and is hostile to the Saudis. As-Safir said Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord. “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” he allegedly said. Prince Bandar went on to say that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.” President Putin has long been pushing for a global gas cartel, issuing the `Moscow Declaration’ last to month “defend suppliers and resist unfair pressure”. This would entail beefing up the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), a talking shop. Mr Skrebowski said it is unclear what the Saudis can really offer the Russians on gas, beyond using leverage over Qatar and others to cut output of liquefied natural gas (LGN). “The Qataris are not going to obey Saudi orders,” he said. Saudi Arabia could help boost oil prices by restricting its own supply. This would be a shot in the arm for Russia, which is near recession and relies on an oil price near $100 to fund the budget. But it would be a dangerous strategy for the Saudis if it pushed prices to levels that endangered the world’s fragile economic recovery. Crude oil stocks in the US have already fallen sharply this year. Goldman Sachs said the “surplus cushion” in global stocks built up since 2008 has been completely eliminated. Mr Skrebowski said trouble is brewing in a string of key supply states. “Libya is reverting to war lordism. Nigerian is drifting into a bandit state with steady loss of output. And Iraq is going back to the sort of Sunni-Shia civil war we saw in 2006-2007,” he said. The Putin-Bandar meeting was stormy, replete with warnings of a “dramatic turn” in Syria. Mr Putin was unmoved by the Saudi offer, though western pressure has escalated since then. “Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters,” he said, referring to footage showing a Jihadist rebel eating the heart and liver of a Syrian soldier. Prince Bandar in turn warned that there can be “no escape from the military option” if Russia declines the olive branch. Events are unfolding exactly as he foretold.
President Zardari to stay in Pakistan after completing his term
Pakistan's chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry suffers public backlash
An unprecedented surge of criticism directed at Pakistan's chief justice by lawyers, politicians and even sections of a once-fawning media threatens to bring to a close years of interference in government affairs by the country's top judges. After he ordered the sacking of a sitting prime minister and the cancellation of host of critical economic initiatives, Iftikhar Chaudhry came to be regarded by many analysts as second only to the country's army chief in his ability to influence the civilian government. But as the 64-year-old edges towards retirement in December, a backlash has begun and increasingly his critics are speaking out. "He's a dictator! A judicial tyrant!" said Abid Saqi, the president of Lahore's high court bar association, a powerful body representing 20,000 lawyers that in July called for the chief justice and two other judges to be charged with misconduct. Saqi added: "He has destroyed the judiciary as an institution and destroyed the constitutions as a sacred document for his own personal aggrandisement." Until recently few dared to speak out at all, let alone use such colourful language. That was partly due to Chaudhry's immense popularity – a 2011 Gallup poll found he was the most popular public figure in the country. He became a key national figure during the struggle by the "lawyers' movement" to force his reappointment in 2007 after he was sacked and put under house arrest by former military dictator Pervez Musharraf. After returning to power on the back of one of the biggest popular movements the country has seen, Chaudhry burnished his reputation further by picking causes and hauling ministers and officials into his grand marble court building in Islamabad, where, in a holdover from the colonial era, judges are addressed as "my lord". It amounted to a judicial revolution. Or, as one critical lawyer puts it, "ripping up the entire supreme court jurisprudence that had gone before". "Iftikar Chaudhry has enjoyed a degree of power that is unparalleled," said one lawyer. "He does whatever the hell he wants, he is outside the law and, most of the time, he is making it up as he goes along." He made extensive use of two once obscure legal tools: suo motu powers to investigate any issues of his choice, and contempt of court rules that bar the "scandalising" of the judiciary, which have been used to silence critics. Suo motu, a Latin phrase meaning "of his own volition", has become almost a household phrase in Pakistan, such is the chief justice's enthusiasm for picking up populist causes highlighted by the media. Some of its initiatives have won praise from human rights campaigners – particularly Chaudhry's scrutiny of security agencies engaged in a dirty war against separatists in the province of Baluchistan. He ordered individuals who have been "disappeared" without formal arrest to be produced before his court. And he was the architect of a major extension of rights to Pakistan's transgender community. But other actions have been much more controversial, particularly in the area of government contracts, privatisations and major infrastructure projects, which his court has cancelled or delayed on several occasions. Critics say the court's orders display an ignorance of economics and international business and have deterred badly needed investment, particularly in projects to help solve the country's crippling energy shortages. The court regularly involves itself in other matters of public policy, at various times ordering the almost insolvent government to slash prices of sugar, flour and gas. One of the few tax-raising initiatives in this year's national budget had to be reversed after Chaudhry weighed in. But it is his recent meddling in politics that has prompted attacks on him. In July, he asked the country's election commission to hold the presidential election a week earlier than planned, to which the main opposition party strongly objected but was not allowed to put its case. It prompted intense anger within the political class over what was regarded as blatant violation of the independence of the election commission. It also provided an opportunity for his enemies in the legal community – many bitter at what they claim is Chaudhry's favouritism in appointing judges – to lash out. Before this year's general election in May, the previous government led by the Pakistan People's party was reluctant to confront Chaudhry, even though it was continually subjected to his suo motu investigations. In June last year, the party's prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, was forced to step down after Chaudhry found him guilty of contempt of court. The candidate proposed as his replacement was seen off by the supreme court even before he could be appointed while his ultimate successor was also threatened with being ousted. "If we spoke out he was just calling everyone in contempt," complained Chaudhry Manzoor Ahmed, a former PPP member of parliament. "The party was divided over whether to confront him because of fear that if we did so the whole system could be derailed." But fears that such standoffs could scupper Pakistan's fragile transition to democracy have faded since the successful elections in May that ousted the PPP, which had been widely regarded as corrupt and worthy of Chaudhry's investigations. Chaudhry has also picked a fight with Imran Khan, the leading opposition politician whose Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) bagged the second largest number of votes in May's national elections. He was accused of contempt after criticising the judiciary for failing to prevent alleged election rigging. The court ultimately backed down, however. If found guilty, a national icon with millions of diehard supporters could have been barred from elected office. Babar Sattar, a lawyer who was recently reprimanded by the court for some of his newspaper columns, said the court had stepped up its efforts to quell mounting public criticism with contempt laws that are barely used in other parts of the world. "The court is trying to control the narrative at a time when criticism is mounting, and to a certain extent it has succeeded," he said, claiming newspapers are carefully vetting articles on the supreme court before they are published. One person who could afford to throw caution to the wind was controversial billionaire property tycoon Malik Riaz Hussain, who last June launched a blistering assault on the chief justice. He produced reams of documents detailing how Chaudhry's son, a doctor-turned-businessman called Arsalan, had accepted gifts from him worth more than £2m in the form of stays in luxury London flats, hotels in Park Lane and gambling debts in Monte Carlo. Riaz said he had been effectively bribed by Arsalan, who was trading on his father's name for favours. Chaudhry responded, initially with a suo motu investigation that he led himself, before recusing himself from the case. Although the investigation has since gone quiet, some suspect the many enemies Chaudhry has made in the legal profession and politics will try to get the issue revived after he steps down in December. Most lawyers are anticipating calmer times under a new chief justice, with fewer challenges to the authority of government and parliament. "The supreme court has evolved under Chaudhry into one of the country's paramount institutions, and I don't think that's going to change," said Sattar. "But criticism of this chief justice and his suo motu reign has focused attention on some big problems and I think the next chief justice will want to address some of them."Jon Boone
Pakistan: Warning bells after fresh cases of polio surface
The Express TribuneHealth officials in Pakistan on Wednesday warned of a serious polio outbreak after the disease was detected in 16 children in a tribal district where militant groups have banned vaccination. Doctor Khayal Mir Jan, the top health official in Pakistan’s militant-infested North Waziristan tribal district, on the Afghan border, told AFP that thousands of children were at risk. Pakistan is one of only three countries in the world where the highly infectious, crippling disease remains endemic. Infections shot up from a low of 28 in 2005 to almost 200 last year. “Polio virus has been detected in 16 children since the Taliban ban,” Jan told AFP. “We are waiting for the result of the stool samples of another 42 children suspected of having the disease.” Local warlord Hafiz Gul Bahadur banned polio vaccinations in Waziristan in June 2012, alleging the campaign was a cover for espionage. Bahadur, who is allied with Afghan Taliban fighting US-led troops across the border, said the ban would remain until the US stops drone attacks in the tribal regions. North Waziristan has borne the brunt of the strikes. Health officials said the disease is in danger of becoming an epidemic and voiced fears that it could spread to the neighbouring districts if vaccination was not begun immediately. The health authorities of North Waziristan Agency have sent 42 suspected polio cases for confirmation to National Institute of Health Islamabad, while two other cases were confirmed out of 14 sent to the said laboratory on August 20. “Every day we are receiving children with polio, we will have to start an anti-polio campaign, otherwise it’s becoming epidemic,” Jan told AFP. Most of the children affected were under five years old. Jan said nine cases were detected in Mir Ali town while seven were detected in Miranshah, the main town of North Waziristan. An administrative official in the area said efforts were underway to talk to militant groups and support from Islamic scholars had also been sought. Officials said more than 240,000 in North and South Waziristan were at risk due the ban and have not been administered polio drops since the ban. An World Health Organisation official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed: “Scores of polio cases have been reported in North Waziristan.” “Several other children have also been paralysed in North Waziristan but we are waiting for their test result as we don’t know what virus paralysed them,” the official said. Jan said that the entire process of confirming the polio virus in a patient takes up to two weeks. He added that most of the cases were being reported from the areas of Mirali, Sarai Darpa, Danday Darpa Khel and Hamzoni. “Unofficially I have received the information about two new cases surfacing in the tribal areas but an official confirmation will take time,” said an official of FATA Secretariat, on condition of anonymity.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: PMA files contempt petition against CM, minister

Afghanistan aid workers among 12 dead in civilian killings

Balochistan’s missing money
Natural resources account for a large share of Balochistan’s wealth. Since 1952, Pakistan has been extracting large quantities of gas and coal and, more recently, copper-gold from Balochistan. However, the bleak socio-economic indicators in the province clearly indicate massive corruption, mismanagement and abuse of Baloch natural wealth. Despite countless natural wealth, Balochistan stands out for its terrible social indicators. It scores lowest in 10 key indicators for education, literacy, health, water and sanitation and has one of the most depressing statistics for the MDGs. Pakistan has no resource management policy and doesn’t have a transparent and well-established system. The Islamabad elite, in fact, is unwilling to establish or introduce a transparent system to channel natural-resource earnings towards human development. Balochistan’s multi-billion copper-gold project, Saindak, was gifted to a Chinese company without any transparency by Musharraf in 2002 – and recently extended for another five years – without sharing a single clause of the agreement with the public or parliament. Not only has Balochistan’s copper-gold been looted, the province’s prime land has been allotted by the Foreign Office to Arab royals and dignitaries to hunt the endangered Houbara Bustard. In return, the royals shower expensive gifts on the country’s retired military and political elite. And more recently, Islamabad mysteriously announced the handing over of the strategically significant Gwadar Port to the Chinese – again without a transparent process. This clearly shows how Balochistan’s resources are treated as personal property. Moreover, during Nawaz Shairf’s recent visit to China, Chinese authorities were assured of getting the world’s richest copper-gold deposit, Reko-Diq, by next year – again without following international transparent norms. Shady deals in the name of brotherly relations have deprived the people of Balochistan of any benefits they can get from these resources. Not a single contract has ever been made public. The IMF’s Revised Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency notes that “contractual arrangements … should be clear and publicly accessible.” In Pakistan, though, questioning contracts can potentially elevate your status to ‘traitor’. As a member of parliament, I repeatedly requested details of agreements and contracts signed during the Musharraf regime, but to no avail. In fact, Gwadar, Saindak, the Duddar Lead-Zinc project and several other such deals are a complete mystery for the common Baloch. Even, the hapless provincial government has no clue about Islamabad’s unilateral agreement with the Chinese concerning Gwadar. Nevertheless, Islamabad has been shrewdly milking Balochistan. During the Baloch nationalist government of Akbar Khan Bugti some details were leaked about the lower gas price and systematic expropriation of Balochistan’s gas. To deprive Balochistan of billions in revenue, Pakistan’s elite reduced its gas price to ensure lesser royalty, which is based on 12.5 percent of the wellhead price. Until 2007, the wellhead price for Balochistan’s HEV gas was Rs47 which later increased to Rs70 compared to Rs222 for Punjab’s lower heating value gas. Despite the government of Balochistan’s repeated plea to the federal government to modify pricing agreements with oil and gas production companies and increase the wellhead price with the objective of increasing its royalty, Islamabad has shown no signs of fair play. When Baloch nationalists, including Akbar Khan Bugti, started questioning about the unfair treatment towards Balochistan, the civil-military establishment successfully used propaganda to paint the Baloch as traitors – responsible for all the miseries and problems of their people. General, journalists and politicians all mixed the rent and royalty issue and blamed Akbar Khan Bugti for the embezzlement of royalty money earned from the gas fields. In fact, a minimal rent used to be paid to the Bugti tribe through Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti. And a negligible portion of the revenues is being transferred to the government of Balochistan as royalty. Along with depriving a province of its due share and rights, the government – together with Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) – systematically imposed a policy of ‘deliberate underdevelopment’ in Balochistan, particularly in the Dera Bugti area. They never bothered to establish a polytechnic institute to encourage local youth to train in oil-and-gas related subjects or focus on socio-economic development. Moreover, PPL systematically controlled education in the area – looking at ‘institutions’ as a security threat – and discouraged school and colleges in and around Sui. The results of this controlled development are obvious. Today, out of Pakistan’s 100 districts, Dera Bugti tops the list on poverty, illiteracy, infant mortality, malnutrition and unemployment. Providing gas to millions of domestic and commercial consumers in Pakistan, the helpless people of Sui and Dera Bugti still use wood to light their burners. Chaghi, which concealed Pakistan’s nuclear programme in its unreceptive terrain for decades, also has the world’s largest copper-gold and rare earth mineral deposits. The multibillion copper-gold Saindak project is being extracted, without any independent monitoring, for the past seven to ten years by a Chinese company. The fortified Saindak project is a no-go area for the Baloch people. According to official reports, copper-gold worth $633.573m was produced during 2004-08. The Balochistan government receives a paltry two percent share, while half the profits go to Beijing and 48 percent to Islamabad. Without prior approval of the Balochistan Assembly, in October 2012, the federal cabinet approved a five-year extension in the lease of the Saindak project allowing MCC Resources Development Limited (MRDL) to further aggressively expropriate copper-gold from Saindak till 2017. During a visit to the Chaghi and Nushki districts, I found not a single sign of socio-economic development. Schools without infrastructure, hospitals with no ambulances and medicine, shattered infrastructure, no drinking water. On top of all that, there is a massive security presence and check posts – to protect the Chinese and apparently to suppress the Baloch – making life further miserable and unliveable for the locals. The company claims that it had paid $6 million as rent to the federal government. Whether the land belongs to the federal government or to Balochistan is another question but according to local officials not a single penny has been spent in district Chaghi. The company also claims that it paid $39.8m to the Balochistan government as royalty $220m profit to the federal government including rent in the last ten years. But where has this money gone? Who maintains that specific account which deals with rents, royalties and revenues from Balochistan’s gold, copper and gas? Something has gone terribly wrong here. Why don’t students in Chaghi have a proper polytechnic or university? Why do locals in Nokkundi have to buy water? Why are they forced to send their kids to religious schools? The deliberate and systematic underdevelopment policy applied in Dera Bugti for the last six decades is being replicated in Chaghi – no schools, no colleges, no knowledge for the local population. The simple logic being: it’s much easier to steal in the darkness. Obviously, development and education would enlighten minds, raise consciousness and lead to clarity on how wealth is being exploited under the disguise of development. Nawaz Sharif and Dr Malik’s government in Balochistan have to find answers to some important questions – most of all, where has Balochistan’s gold and gas money gone? And where is it going? They have to ensure that money earned through Balochistan’s natural wealth should only be invested in improving human development. They have to ensure that the money is not, instead, transferred to powerful interests as ‘protection money’.Sanaullah Baloch
Shahbaz Taseer Should be Released Immediately

Exactly two years ago, Shahbaz Taseer was kidnapped. On his way to work in Lahore on August 26, 2011, a group of armed gunmen surrounded his car and forced him out. The snatching shocked Pakistan and the world. It happened just seven months after Shahbaz’s father, Salmaan Taseer, was assassinated by his own bodyguard for opposing Pakistan’s lethal blasphemy laws. Salmaan Taseer’s assassination illustrated how deadly the debate over blasphemy laws has become. He was murdered because he spoke out in favor of reforming abusive blasphemy laws and against the proposed death sentence of Asia Bibi, a Christian farm laborer convicted of blasphemy. It is hard to obtain credible information about the Shahbaz’s abduction, and scores of media reports have spread inaccurate rumors about him. His wife Maheen Taseer shared in Newsweek a poignant personal account on how “truth is trumped by sensationalism” with regard to her missing husband. Confusion about Shahbaz’s kidnapping reigns to this day, including about whether his abduction is directly linked to his father’s murder. Credible reports indicate that it is likely that Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan are likely behind the kidnapping of Shahbaz, and over the past two years, there has been widespread speculation that Shahbaz has been kept in hiding in the federally-administered tribal areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan, when other victims of kidnappings have been taken into captivity. On this solemn anniversary, Human Rights First again condemns Shahbaz Taseer’s abduction and urges the Pakistani government to do its utmost to release him, to identify and bring to justice his kidnappers, and to not be intimidated by the extremists who seek to exploit the issue of blasphemy to advance a destructive political agenda.By Joelle Fiss
President Zardari to focus on PPP reorganisation after Sept 8

PML-N’s indecisiveness delaying Balochistan cabinet formation
The failure of the PML-N leadership from Balochistan to finalise the list for the cabinet slots, when its partners are fully ready and waiting in the wings, is delaying the formation of cabinet in the troubled province. Sources in the PML-N revealed that all major stakeholders in Balochistan had agreed to a formula of 6-4-4. According to this agreement, the PML-N will have six ministers, while Balochistan National Party, the ruling party, and Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party will get four ministers each. It is learnt that acting on the formula, both regional parties have finalised the list of its members to become ministers, waiting for the PML-N to follow suit. But it has turned out to be a long wait as the PML-N leadership has not yet finalised its list. The sources confided that one difficulty in putting together a list for the cabinet slot was the desire of every PML-N MPA to become a minister. To appease and convince these members, the PML-N leadership has offered members left out in the cabinet selection the chairmanship of standing committees with status of minister. But no member is ready to take the bait. “Every member wants to become minister and nothing less,” one senior PML-N leader said. It appears the PML-N chief in Balochistan, Sanaullah Zehri, is helpless in the face of the unfolding situation with most members not ready to listen to him. There is a grouping also within the party, with Chengez Marri wanting his say in the formation of cabinet. Marri is not ready even to accept the leadership of Zehri. Sources in the party believe that ultimately, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif would have to intervene to find a solution following failure of local leadership to break the deadlock. Already, the cabinet formation has been delayed inordinately, hampering progress on issues confronting the provincial government. The government in Balochistan was formed in June and yet it is finding the formation of cabinet an uphill task despite the lapse of over two months. A political analyst commenting on the cabinet formation delay said if the chief minister and others could not complete cabinet, there was little one could expect from them when it came to solution of other problems of the province. Interestingly, JUI-F, which has joined hands with the federal government in the centre, is also vying for cabinet slots in Balochistan.
- See more at: http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2013/08/27/news/national/pml-ns-indecisiveness-delaying-balochistan-cabinet-formation/#sthash.gr4QjOPH.dpuf
Pakistan: ‘Political faux pas’: Lawmakers slam MQM for demanding army
The Express TribuneMuttahida Qaumi Movement’s demand for Karachi to be handed over to the army incensed members of the National Assembly en masse who decried the party’s call, terming it ‘undemocratic’. MQM MNA Farooq Sattar made the demand while addressing the lower house on a point of order, saying that Article 245 of the Constitution should be invoked to protect the lives and properties of the people in the metropolis. The army should act without discrimination against all groups involved in terrorist activities, he added. However, legislators from all other parties decried the demand, deeming it preposterous. “Invoking Article 245 of the Constitution (as demanded by the MQM) is like imposing martial law in a city,” said Minister for States and Frontier Regions, Lt. General (retd) Abdul Qadir Baloch of the PML-N. “The army is not trained for the job proposed by the MQM and they cannot be given the responsibility to maintain law and order.” Baloch explained that under Article 245, the civil government can call the army in aid and it was the prerogative of the Parliament to take such a decision. Article 245 (1) reads as “The Armed Forces shall, under the directions of the Federal Government, defend Pakistan against external aggression or threat of war, and, subject to law, act in aid of civil power when called upon to do so.”Leader of the Opposition Syed Khurshid Shah also vehemently opposed the idea of deploying army in Karachi, calling it ‘undemocratic’. He said that the ulterior motive behind the MQM’s insistence was to defame the provincial government of Pakistan Peoples Party. “The MQM has made a political mistake by making this demand.” The issues of Karachi should be tackled through negotiations with all political parties, he said. “We need to strengthen democracy and should avoid such undemocratic demands that have the propensity to harm the system.” Meanwhile, MQM chief Altaf Hussain issued a statement, saying his “demand for the deployment of the army to protect the life and property of the Katchi community in light of the severe and critical condition of law and order in certain areas of Karachi” is constitutional. He refers to Article 149(4) and Article 245(1) of the Constitution. He also cited precedence by referring to a 1994 Supreme Court judgment in the Shehla Zia Case. Along with rejecting the army deployment option, opposition parties condemned the law and order situation in Karachi as well. Members of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) and Awami Muslim League (AML) staged a token walkout from National Assembly proceedings against the Karachi situation. “It should be examined as to why the situation in Karachi reached a point where the MQM had to make this demand”, said PTI Deputy Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi. However, he did not subscribe to the demand. Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmad rejected MQM’s demand for handing over of Karachi to army as he urged political parties of Sindh to join hands and find a solution instead of blaming each other. Meanwhile, Ghous Bux Mahar from the Pakistan Muslim League-Functional group also rejected the demand saying, “If no one is paying heed to Sindh governor Dr. Ishratul Ibad, then he should resign.” Separately, Jamaat-e-Islami chief Munawar Hassan said that military operations across the country has only rendered losses and Karachi’s issues cannot be solved by an operation either.
Pakistan: Attack on media

Army not a solution to Karachi

Pakistan: Demanding army in Karachi is slap on democracy: Khursheed Shah
Opposition leader in the National Assembly, Khursheed Shah responded to the MQM’s demand of seeking the deployment of army in Karachi by stating that this would be a slap on the face of democracy. Shah added that a non-democratic demand by any party could result in a huge political mistake. According to Shah, the MQM demand could be part of a conspiracy.http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/
Does Obama know he’s fighting on al-Qa’ida’s side?

‘All for one and one for all’ should be the battle cry if the West goes to war against Assad’s Syrian regimeIf Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on the same side as al-Qa’ida. Quite an alliance! Was it not the Three Musketeers who shouted “All for one and one for all” each time they sought combat? This really should be the new battle cry if – or when – the statesmen of the Western world go to war against Bashar al-Assad. The men who destroyed so many thousands on 9/11 will then be fighting alongside the very nation whose innocents they so cruelly murdered almost exactly 12 years ago. Quite an achievement for Obama, Cameron, Hollande and the rest of the miniature warlords. This, of course, will not be trumpeted by the Pentagon or the White House – nor, I suppose, by al-Qa’ida – though they are both trying to destroy Bashar. So are the Nusra front, one of al-Qa’ida’s affiliates. But it does raise some interesting possibilities. Maybe the Americans should ask al-Qa’ida for intelligence help – after all, this is the group with “boots on the ground”, something the Americans have no interest in doing. And maybe al-Qa’ida could offer some target information facilities to the country which usually claims that the supporters of al-Qa’ida, rather than the Syrians, are the most wanted men in the world. There will be some ironies, of course. While the Americans drone al-Qa’ida to death in Yemen and Pakistan – along, of course, with the usual flock of civilians – they will be giving them, with the help of Messrs Cameron, Hollande and the other Little General-politicians, material assistance in Syria by hitting al-Qa’ida’s enemies. Indeed, you can bet your bottom dollar that the one target the Americans will not strike in Syria will be al-Qa’ida or the Nusra front. And our own Prime Minister will applaud whatever the Americans do, thus allying himself with al-Qa’ida, whose London bombings may have slipped his mind. Perhaps – since there is no institutional memory left among modern governments – Cameron has forgotten how similar are the sentiments being uttered by Obama and himself to those uttered by Bush and Blair a decade ago, the same bland assurances, uttered with such self-confidence but without quite enough evidence to make it stick. In Iraq, we went to war on the basis of lies originally uttered by fakers and conmen. Now it’s war by YouTube. This doesn’t mean that the terrible images of the gassed and dying Syrian civilians are false. It does mean that any evidence to the contrary is going to have to be suppressed. For example, no-one is going to be interested in persistent reports in Beirut that three Hezbollah members – fighting alongside government troops in Damascus – were apparently struck down by the same gas on the same day, supposedly in tunnels. They are now said to be undergoing treatment in a Beirut hospital. So if Syrian government forces used gas, how come Hezbollah men might have been stricken too? Blowback? And while we’re talking about institutional memory, hands up which of our jolly statesmen know what happened last time the Americans took on the Syrian government army? I bet they can’t remember. Well it happened in Lebanon when the US Air Force decided to bomb Syrian missiles in the Bekaa Valley on 4 December 1983. I recall this very well because I was here in Lebanon. An American A-6 fighter bomber was hit by a Syrian Strela missile – Russian made, naturally – and crash-landed in the Bekaa; its pilot, Mark Lange, was killed, its co-pilot, Robert Goodman, taken prisoner and freighted off to jail in Damascus. Jesse Jackson had to travel to Syria to get him back after almost a month amid many clichés about “ending the cycle of violence”. Another American plane – this time an A-7 – was also hit by Syrian fire but the pilot managed to eject over the Mediterranean where he was plucked from the water by a Lebanese fishing boat. His plane was also destroyed. Sure, we are told that it will be a short strike on Syria, in and out, a couple of days. That’s what Obama likes to think. But think Iran. Think Hezbollah. I rather suspect – if Obama does go ahead – that this one will run and run.
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