M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Al-Qaeda-linked jihadists impose Islamic rules, ban music, shisha in Syrian province

Pakistan: The Media and The Taliban
Pakistan: While politicians squabble, the TTP gears up
While Pakistan’s politicians show only indecisiveness over a strategy for dealing with militants, the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has quietly been making the most of the situation and is gearing up for what it conceives of as the “long war ahead”. Some of Pakistan’s politicians appear to believe that the country’s militancy issues would be resolved once the US and its allies exit Afghanistan. But commanders of the officially banned TTP and even the Afghan Taliban are convinced otherwise. According to them, the withdrawal of US-led troops would merely mark the end of one phase of operations and their “long war” will continue until the establishment of a global caliphate. They make no bones about their desire to extend their expansionist designs into Pakistan, once they are powerful enough. The TTP has been holding marathon meetings here in Afghanistan as well as Fata, and inducting some known hawks into prominent positions. Qari Shakeel Ahmed Haqqani, the deputy chief of the banned organisation’s Mohmand chapter, has been appointed the head of the TTP’s political shura. “He has previously served as the head of the TTP’s grand shura and is known as a person who does not compromise on his principles,” a TTP leader based in North Waziristan told Dawn, adding that some of the earlier commanders had not been as “ambitious” and “decisive” as Haqqani. This scribe recently met Qari Shakeel Ahmed Haqqani here and questioned him on the chances of a successful dialogue given that the TTP is refusing to halt attacks in Pakistan. “A ceasefire is a two-way process,” he said. “You expect us to cease attacks when the government is continuing its operations in Fata and in the cities. We want to make it clear that if we are talking about dialogue then it is not from a position of weakness. We are very capable of fighting.” Dawn spoke to dozens of TTP fighters based in Afghanistan and different parts of Fata; they displayed unanimity in their position on talks. “Everyone knows that Shariah cannot be implemented through talks,” said Asad Khan, a fighter from the TTP’s Mohmand chapter. So why bother with considering talks in the first place? This was asked of Ehsanullah Ehsan, former chief spokesman of the TTP and currently serving as a senior member of the political shura. “We also long for peace and are willing to explore all options if that benefits the people of Pakistan,” he said. But a member of the TTP’s grand shura acknowledged on the condition of anonymity that the real motives are different. “Alhamdulillah we have managed to gain many of the benefits that were obtained by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the sulah of Hudaybiah,” he said. “Some of the benefits gained through the treaty of Hudaybiah included political legitimacy, the time and space to regroup and the opportunity to engage with the public,” explained Mufti Tahir Jami, a Karachi-based religious scholar. An analysis of the statements coming from TTP (central) and its Mohmand branch suggests internal differences. The TTP Mohmand comes across as trying to sabotage the talks process. Some, however, believe that this is part of the game. “It seems that the TTP has deliberately created the impression that there is a difference of opinion between different factions, such as the Mohmand group and the centre. I believe this is a ploy — good cop, bad cop,” said Tariq Habib, an investigative journalist who reports on militancy. “We are willing to hold talks even at this stage but the government is not sincere,” said TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid. “The government does not even have the power to take key decisions. We are prepared for a ceasefire but the government must first announce a ceasefire from its side.”HASAN ABDULLAH
Lahore: Drama Writer Asghar Nadeem Syed Injured In Gun-Fire

Unknown gunmen opened fire at the vehicle of famous drama writer Asghar Nadeem Syed near Shaukat Khanam Hospital, Lahore, hitting him two bullets on Tuesday. Talking to Jaag TV, Asghar Nadeem Syed said that he was targeted with two bullets and currently under treatment. Asghar Nadeem Syed was taken to Jinnah Hospital after the incident. - See more at: http://www.jaagtv.com/Drama-Writer-Asghar-Nadeem-Syed-Injured-In-Gun-Fire-news-19788.html#sthash.pnCMaMj6.dpuf
Iraqi lawmaker says Saudi Arabia behind carnage in Iraq

Bilawal Bhutto strongly condemns pilgrims’ bus blast in Mastung
http://mediacellppp.wordpress.com/Patron-in-Chief of Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has condemned the terrorist attack on a pilgrims’ bus in Mastung today in the strongest terms and said there could be absolutely no justification of such acts. A suicide blast occurred near the Dareen Garh area of Mastung, Balochistan which resulted into loss of several innocent human lives while injuring many others. Expressing his heartfelt sympathies with the bereaved families, the PPP Patron prayed for the eternal peace of the departed souls and also for the courage of the bereaved to bear their losses with fortitude. He also demanded for the best medical treatment to all the injured in the attack.
Pakistan's Shia Genocide: Shia Pilgrim’s Bus Attacked Near Mastung; Leaves 20 Martyred, 22 Injured

Planned Genocide of Pakistani Christians : Long View On Declaring Pakistan Secular

Pakistan's Shia Genocide: Close-aide of martyr Allama Arif Hussaini martyred in Peshawar by Yazidi terrorists
Eminent Shia religious scholar and formerly a close-aide of Allama Arif Hussaini embraced martyrdom in a terrorist attack of outlawed Yazidi fanatic group in Peshawar on Monday. Shiite News Correspondent reported here that Maulana Syed Alam Moosavi was targeted by the Yazidi takfiri nasbi terrorists of outlawed Lashkar-e-Jhangvi/Sipah-e-Sahaba/Taliban in the capital of Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa Province. The martyr Maulana Moosavi was custodian of Imam Bargah Safdar Hussain Qissa Khwani Bazaar Peshawar. Shia parties and leaders have condemned the targeted murder of noted and senior Shia scholar. They demanded that a targeted military operation be launched to eliminate the terrorists.
Bangladesh arrests three suspected Pakistani militants

Pakistan's Nawaz Regime.......'Standing still'

Bilawal Bhutto urges politicians to unite against TTP

Pakistan People’s Party patron-in-chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said time has come to unite against Taliban. In a message on Twitter, Bilawal condemned killings of polio workers in Karachi and said “Eradicate TTP & we will eradicate polio”. He further said after elimination of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), terrorism and drone strikes will end. In his tweet he said: “End TTP & Drone strikes will end. Eliminate TTP & we will eliminate terrorism.Time 2 unite vs TTP”. Bilawal said what option was left for a nation when their 'leaders' could not agree that TTP who murder polio workers deserve to be eradicated once and for all?
UN honours Pakistani staffer and her colleagues killed in Kabul bombing
United Nations flew its flags at half-mast in honour of four staff members, including a Pakistani, who were killed in Friday's terrorist attack in Kabul, with UN chief And other officials pledging to continue working in active support of Afghans.
"As the United Nations mourns this terrorist attack and its victims, we remain committed to work for the peace, stability and development of Afghanistan," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a message delivered by his special representative Jan Kubis in Afghanistan.
"We fully support the transition of Afghanistan toward a better future in peace, development and security."
Dr. Nasreen Khan of Pakistan, Vadim Nazarov of Russia, Basra Hassan of the United States and Wabel Abdallah of Lebanon were among the more than 20 people killed in an attack on a popular Lebanese restaurant, La Taverna du Liban.
"Vadim, Nasreen, Basra and Wabel represented the highest ideals of our Organization," Kubis, the head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), said at a memorial meeting at the main UN compound in Kabul.
"Today, the United Nations family stands with you in grief and solidarity. Our thoughts and full support are with you, and with the families," he added.
UNICEF 's Country Representative, Akhil Iyer, said that Dr. Nasreen Khan was a highly experienced and respected specialist in reproductive health, and in public health in general, "with a passion for saving the lives of new born children and pregnant mothers."
The entrance to the restaurant has since been covered in daffodils and roses, according to media reports, and placards reading "We Stand Against Terrorism and Peace is What We Want by local residents."
The Taliban have taken responsibility for the attack, which has been condemned by the secretary-general and a host of UN officials, as well as the 15-member UN Security Council.
The UN has also reiterated that the deliberate targeting of civilians is a gross violation of international humanitarian law, and urged a stop to the violence throughout the country.
No more than four civilians killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan in 2013: study
U.S. CIA drone strikes against militants in Pakistan killed no more than four civilians last year, according to an annual study by a British-based organization, the lowest number of reported civilian deaths since the drone program began in 2004.
The study by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism released this month showed that the number of civilian casualties stood at between zero and four.
The findings may reinforce the position of those who support unmanned drones in a debate over the legality, effectiveness and accuracy of the strikes compared to more traditional military operations.
The United States releases no information about individual strikes. Information issued by Pakistan's government is patchy.
The Bureau tracked 27 suspected strikes, using news reports, field investigations and research by Amnesty International.
It said drones, used mainly in remote north-western areas, killed altogether 112-193 people in 2013. The death tolls varied as different sources often gave conflicting accounts.
Increased scrutiny, political pressure and a sharp drop in the number of strikes may have helped cut civilian casualties, said Alice Ross, who heads the Bureau's drone research unit.
"The lack of transparency surrounding the drone campaign means it's very hard to say what's causing the drop in civilian casualties," she told a foreign news agency by telephone from London.
"The fact they can now take out a single room in a building does suggest the technology and intelligence are quite advanced, but we haven't seen a commensurate fall in civilian casualties in Yemen."
In 2012, the Bureau tracked 47 strikes, with civilian casualties put at 13 to 63.
The drop indicated that previous civilian casualties were genuine, Ross said. Amnesty International has documented strikes that killed a grandmother and a group of labourers in 2012.
"If civilian casualties had been fabricated, you would expect it to continue," she said. She said more reports of civilian casualties might still emerge.
Possible civilian deaths on January 8 and February 6 last year were reported by some Pakistani media. The New York Times reported that the February 6 attack may have been an air strike by the Pakistani military, something they denied.
Some Pakistanis welcome the strikes, saying they kill fewer civilians and are far more effective against Taliban militants than traditional military operations.
Others argue the strikes still cause civilian casualties, terrify residents and violate Pakistani sovereignty. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif says he wants them to end.
Activists from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf political party are blocking a NATO supply route to Afghanistan to protest against the strikes. A PTI spokeswoman did not respond to requests for details of civilian casualties.
The figures for civilian deaths in Pakistan are much lower than those reported for Yemen. Yemeni officials told a foreign news agency a December strike hit a wedding party.
The bureau says 61-99 people were killed in 16 confirmed drone strikes in Yemen last year, and 11-29 of them may have been civilians. There were another 16 suspected drone strikes.
In Afghanistan, NATO is investigating a September drone strike. Afghan officials say it killed eight women and children.
Since 2004, Pakistan has been hit by 381 drone strikes, the Bureau says, and between 416-951 civilians have been killed.
Pakistan: War and peace
Pakistan: ''Fiddling with fire''

Pakistan: Anti-Polio drive suspended across Sindh after latest attack

Pakistan jets bomb Taliban positions in North Waziristan

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari condemns killings of polio workers in Karachi

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Patron in Chief, Pakistan Peoples Party has strongly condemned brutal killings of three polio workers in Karachi’s Qayumabad area on Tuesday morning. In a press statement, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said Pakistan is under attack from a very evil enemy who not only plans to wipe us out physically but convert us into a nation of crippled and handicapped human beings. “Continuous attacks on our brave polio workers were a form of terrorism against our new generations,” he added. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari expressed sympathies were the martyred polio workers and asked Sindh government to pay compensation to the bereaved families and best medical care for those injured. He said the terrorists targeting the innocent polio workers should be dealt with iron hand and they should not go scot-free.
Pakistan: Three dead in attack on polio team in Karachi's Qayyumabad

Three people, including two women, were killed when a polio team was attacked on Tuesday in Karachi's Qayyumabad area, DawnNews reported. The attack comes a day after Sindh health authorities began to inoculate some 7.6 million children of the province with polio vaccine as part of a nationwide drive that is to continue until Thursday. The first day of the immunisation campaign had concluded without any untoward incident. The children of Sindh are among the over 33 million Pakistani children who are being administered with anti-polio vaccine during the National Immunisation Days (NIDs), scheduled to continue until Jan 23. Pakistan is one of only three countries in the world where polio is still endemic, but efforts to stamp out the crippling disease have been hit by repeated attacks on health teams. Officials blame the violence and suspicions about the vaccine for a surge in cases.
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