In a remote part of the Himalayan country, women who are menstruating are temporarily banished from home on the belief that they are impure and bring bad luck.
M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Video Report: ''Women Exiled Each Month in Nepal''
Biden, Bloomberg try again on guns 6 months after Newtown
Yahoo! News

Syrian doctor, in unprecedented note, asks Israel to save patient’s life
Detailed and polite handwritten letter, attached to clothing, explains previous medical care performed on patient in critical conditionA handwritten doctor’s note was found attached to the clothing of a Syrian man brought to Israel in critical condition Tuesday. note explained, in Arabic, previous surgical procedures and medical care the man had received days before in Syria. It asked Israel to save his life because the Syrian doctors could not provide the necessary medical treatment. While Israel has started to treat growing numbers of people wounded in Syrian battles close to the border in recent months, this was the first case of a cross-border “transfer” from a Syrian medical facility. The note, which was signed by a Syrian doctor and dated June 8, opened with “Hello distinguished surgeon” and explained that the patient, aged 28, suffered from a gunshot wound in the chest and shrapnel damage to his diaphragm and liver, according to a translation provided by Channel 10. The Syrian doctor performed surgery to address “heavy abdominal bleeding” but noted that “the liver could not be sewed up” and that “it was necessary to examine the condition of the abdominal injury and remove the heavy pressure bandages” that the doctor had applied. “Please do what is necessary and thanks in advance,” the note concluded, while noting the various drugs that had been used during treatment and that the patient had been hospitalized for two days. Israel has so far treated around 20 Syrians who have been injured as a result of the Syrian civil war, and the IDF has set up a field hospital along the Israeli-Syrian border to help care for the injured. This particular patient, transferred by the IDF to Ziv Medical Center in Safed on Tuesday, is believed to be the first to be treated in Israel who had recent medical care in Syria. Dr. Amiram Hadari, director of the trauma unit at Ziv hospital, said the procedure carried out in Syria was likely performed in a makeshift hospital and was “rudimentary,” but that “it seems that the [Syrian] operation saved his life.” The wounded man was treated for his injuries and remained in critical but stable condition in the intensive care unit on Wednesday. Last week doctors received an unpleasant surprise when they found a live hand grenade in the pocket of another Syrian patient. The discovery led to the temporary evacuation of the hospital’s trauma unit, until police sappers could remove the explosive device.
Pakistan: Opposition members critical of Federal Budget

Pakistan: Labor leader criticizes federal budget 2013-14

Turkey erupts: The new young Turks
Published:Jun 8th 2013

VIDEO: Obama grabs lunch, campaigns for Markey Obama was back in full campaign mode Wednesday, stopping off at a Boston sandwich shop with Senate candidate Ed Markey before heading to a fundraiser for the Massachusetts Democrat. The presidential motorcade wound its way to Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe in the city's South End, where "has rules" according to a sign above the door, and Obama ordered a cheeseburger and fries to go. "I want to make sure you know that there's going to be an election coming up for Congressman Markey to send him to the Senate," he told diner in the cramped shop, according to a pool report. "I want to make sure everybody turns out and votes. Alright? This guy has been fighting for Massachusetts for a very long time and he cares deeply about all the folks here. I know it seems like there's an election every other week, but this one's important." The Markey event was the first of three fundraisers Obama was slated to attend Wednesday. The other two, benefitting the Democratic National Committee, are at private homes in Miami. The Boston Globe's Michael Levenson tweets this pic of the presidential burger order:
Erdogan 's supporters were saying that people had sex and have alcohol party on night of June 2nd and 3rd june in the mosque !! this kind of denigration only comes from Erdogan's fans (because they are disturbed in their head dirty people think dirty !!!!) but the reality was all the people who got hurt were treated by doctors who helped people voluntarily!!Mr.Erdogan needs to watch this clip,so he can find out that there were injured people,victim of his police , who were getting treatment by a group of volunteer doctors,not drinking or having sex.
Pakistan's Loadshedding riots: Shahbaz Sharif does not like the taste of his own medicine
by Mahpara QalandarOnly four months before the Sharif Brothers of PML-N were inciting people to come out on the roads and streets to protest against load shedding. Interestingly, Shahbaz Sharif despite being the chief minister of Punjab led some of the protests. Although he did not openly support destruction of property, the riots wither led by him or encouraged by him resulted in losses of public and private property worth billions. Shahbaz Sharif always justified the riots by saying that the people were right in agitating for their rights. He blamed the federal government (actually President Zardari and his PPP) for every ill under the sun including the load shedding. Things have not changed. People face the same load shedding scourge. Shahbaz Sharif is still the chief minister of Punjab. But no. I am wrong because things have indeed changed. When on 11 June, the people came out in protesting against load shedding in various towns and cities, they found themselves in for a big shock. Forget Shahbaz Shairf; not even a petty local PML-N demagogue was there to lead them. They found the notorious Punjab police.The protesters were not only brutally beaten up, the police entered their homes and beat up their women who had nothing to do the protests. So much for the much trumpted sanctity of the home for which the PML-N takes so much credit.This is very typical of the Sharif Brothers. When in opposition, they are ‘guided’ by all the golden rules that exist under the sun. But once in the office, these brothers are an ugly image of Nero totally oblivious of the problems of the people. It is the same brothers who were promising deadlines to end load shedding. But now they blatantly and shameless say that no deadlines can be given. Shahbaz Sharif defended people’s right to protest as long as the PPP was ruling. But now it is his own PML-N and his own sweet brother is the prime minister. So the protesters can be taught a lesson for their insolence. So much for the good governance! In his recent show Nustrat Javed draws attention to the fact the Shabaz Shareef is Chief Minister of Punjab. He was meeting at the “Minar -e-Pakistan” to show solidarity with sufferers of power outages when he was Chief Minister of Punjab under a PPP government. Why is Shahbaz Shareef having no sympathy for the same people under his brother’s government?On the other hand there is no shortage of sycophants who will try to justify police brutality against victims of power outages to score points with the new government.
Editor’s note: The Media-Judiciary-PML N-Fake Civil Society nexus has played a horrible role in misinforming the public about the crippling power crisis facing Pakistan. In the short-lived PPP government lead by Benazir Bhutto from 1993-96, a number of power projects were initiated with a long term view of providing sufficient power to both private and industrial sectors. Most of these initiatives were deliberately scuttled by the next PML N government which came in after scuttling yet another democratically elected government through the intrigues of traitors like Leghari and sellout journalists like Najam Sethi. Not only did the PML N government hound and jail power sector investors on charges that have now been proven to have been politically motivated, they also scrapped the Keti Bunder project that would have ensured inexpensive coal inputs for maximum power generation. Today, coal prices are at an oil time low but due to deliberate tactics of the 1997-99 PML N government, Pakistan is not in a position to take advantage of this. Last year, PML N hooligans under the direct instigation of Shehbaz Sharif destroyed power infrastructure in Punjab and attacked the homes of PPP and PML Q legislators – even though the Punjab government was under PML N! PML N not only failed to address the power issue, it used a sellout media to lay all the blame on the PPP government. Of course, when it comes to the blame game, the Nawaz Yafta “liberals” (NYLs) who have discovered PML N’s “maturity” and “anti-establishment” poses will continue to blame a dwindled PPP for the faults of the PML N. The Media-Judiciary will continue to hound PPP while giving a free berth to PML N and its ASWJ/LeJ/TTP partners. Perhaps Punjab might still wake up from its Jamaati stupor and appreciate that under PPP, they still can voice grievances. Under PML N, they can forget about it. Perhaps, one day, the alleged rigging that saw the PML steal as many as 70+ seats from the PTI and PPP might eventually be investigated. Until then, the whole country should be ready to see worse.
Protest leaders bail out of talks with Turkish PM after clashes
Protest leaders canceled plans Wednesday to meet with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, saying the previous night's violence in Istanbul's Taksim Square and Gezi Park showed talks would be fruitless. Riot police used massive amounts of tear gas, water cannons and stun guns to break up protesters' large-scale demonstration Tuesday night. Erdogan was going ahead with meeting some "popularists," including figures from the protests in Gezi Park, the country's semiofficial Anadolu Agency reported. But protest leader Eyup Muhcu said those attending the meeting are friendly with Erdogan's government. Wednesday began quietly, with rain blanketing the ruins of days of rowdy protests.Protesters have faced off with police on the streets of Istanbul for two weeks. What began in late May as a demonstration focused on the environment -- opposition to a plan to build a mall in Gezi Park -- has evolved into a crusade against Erdogan that's spread around the country.Protesters and 'troublemakers' Not all organizers were invited to the talks to begin with, Muhcu said. Erdogan's government discerns between ecologists who started the protests in an attempt to save the park from bulldozers and Marxist extremists, who have lobbed rocks and Molotov cocktails at police, said Ibrahim Kalin, the prime minister's chief adviser, referring to the latter as "troublemakers." "Anywhere in the world, they will not be considered peaceful protesters," Kalin told CNN's Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday. He said some were associated with a group that carried out an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Ankara in February. The police reaction has been no different from that of security forces' methods against similar groups at Occupy Wall Street protests in the United States, he said. "The police obviously have the mandate to establish public order," Kalin said, just like they do in Spain, Sweden and Britain. Protests from urban professionals A heavy hand and rhetoric from Erdogan have left little room for dissent and have long been a thorn in the side of many secular Turks, who voted against the government. These are the protesters, many of them urban professionals, who have crowded into the park and called for an end to Erdogan's 10 years at the government's helm.They say they have had little place at the table in the government, which is supported mainly by rural, religious conservatives. Human rights record Experts and human rights groups agree with this large group of Turks that Erdogan's democratically elected government lags when it comes to human rights and freedom of expression by opponents. "Prosecutors and courts continued to use terrorism laws to prosecute and prolong incarceration of thousands of Kurdish political activists, human rights defenders, students, journalists and trade unionists," Human Rights Watch wrote in a 2013 report on Turkey. Turkish journalists are afraid to write anything critical of the government, and media companies are slapped with huge tax fines for covering uncomfortable topics. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Turkish authorities have targeted journalists with detention for covering the protests. Erdogan's dilemma is in how he handles those who did not elect him, said CNN's Fareed Zakaria. "He has come to believe that he speaks for all of Turkey." Why Taksim Square matters to Turks Those who are against him are handled in "too authoritarian" a manner, Zakaria said Tuesday on "Piers Morgan Live." The prime minister has said he will not back down. "They say the prime minister is harsh," Erdogan said Tuesday, referring to his detractors. "I'm sorry," he told a gathering of his own party. "The prime minister is not going to change." Erdogan is tightening his grip on power, adding authority to the office of the presidency, which he hopes to hold in coming years. Former U.S. intelligence chief John Negroponte said he believes the protests could have something to do with Erdogan's ambitions. There may be "forces joining in here, whose aim it is to prevent him from achieving his ambition of becoming the next president of the country," he told Morgan.
Saudi forces nab nearly 150 government protesters
Regime forces in Saudi Arabia have detained about 150 people for participation in rallies held in several cities, demanding the release of political prisoners.
The whereabouts of the detainees, reportedly nabbed on Wednesday, are still unknown.
The protests were held despite a strict ban by the Saudi regime on anti-government rallies.
Saudi Arabia has been the scene of frequent protests since early 2011. Over a dozen demonstrators have been killed and many arrested in the regime's crackdown during the past two years.
Saudi activists say there are more than 40,000 political prisoners, mostly prisoners of conscience, in jails across the Kingdom.
According to the activists, most of the detained political thinkers are being held by the government without trial or legitimate charges and have been arrested for merely looking suspicious.
Some of the detainees are reported to be held without trial for more than 16 years. Attempting to incite the public against the government and the allegiance to foreign entities are usually the ready-made charges against political dissidents.
In Saudi Arabia, protests and political gatherings of any kind are prohibited.
- See more at:
U.K: ''Riot police storm Soho G8 protest squat''

Militants massacre 60 Shia Muslims in eastern Syria

Turkey: aftermath of clashes in Istanbul's Taksim Square – video
Taksim Square in Istanbul falls quiet on Wednesday after a night of violence between police and anti-government protesters. Police intensified their efforts to clear the central square after 10 days of demonstrations against the prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğan has called for an end to the protests, which began against plans to build on a central park
White House says concerned about events in Turkey
The White House said on Tuesday it was concerned by attempts in Turkey to punish individuals for expressing free speech and called for dialogue to resolve differences between the government and protesters.
"We continue to follow events in Turkey with concern, and our interest remains supporting freedom of expression and assembly, including the right to peaceful protest," White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement. (
Young generation takes bullet of Syria conflict
The conflict in Syria, which has been dragging on for 27 months, has brought about a lot of social problems, overshadowing the future of the current or even the next generation of young people.
Among the most intractable problems is the rising divorce rate. Reports have said divorce cases shot up by 100 percent in recent months and were mostly blamed on the conflict and the deteriorating economy.
Attorney General in Damascus Ahmad Bakri said that divorces rose in the capital and its countryside during the current year by an equivalent of 100 cases per day.
In a statement published by local al-Watan newspaper, al-Bakri warned that this rate "poses a very dangerous and unprecedented rise" compared with the previous years.
Bakri blamed the rise in divorce cases on the current living conditions, especially the violence in the country, indicating that a lot of spouses have become unemployed, which drives the wife to seek a divorce as a result of husband's failure to provide for the family.
For his part, Mohamed Khair Akam, a professor at the Faculty of Law, told local media that there is a remarkable rise in divorce cases, saying that it's the wife's right to ask for divorce if her husband is incapable to provide the basic necessities.
He added that in light of the current circumstances in Syria, many men have become incapable to secure these basic needs, leading thus to an eventual divorce.
Divorces increased significantly since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis, one of the Syrian judges said on condition of anonymity, adding that the problems are complex and most often economic in nature and in other cases for political reasons.
He claimed that divorce happened not only because of economic conditions but also for differences among the spouses over political issue as each of them backs different side of the conflict.
Moreover, the unrest also forced the majority of Syrian youths to postpone the idea of getting married or even to give it up.
Spinsterhood has always been a ghost haunting women alone, and perhaps the crisis passed this plight to men as well, with a simple difference: spinsterhood among men was optional.
Montaser Samman, 32, told Xinhua that he believed that marriage breeds a state of stability and happiness, but "under the current circumstances, I will never dare to take such a step."
He said marriage is "very expensive as the man is the sole responsible to support the family, let alone the high prices of gold and the fear of instability in the country."
"We can guarantee a stable life and a good future neither for us nor for our children," he said.
The crisis and the economic sanctions on the country have caused a sharp depreciation in the Syrian pound, which has lost almost 75 percent of its value, sending thus the gold prices skyrocketing.
So, the rise in the gold prices was an additional cause behind some of the Syrian youths' decision not to get married.
Two days ago, Syrian websites and newspapers published the story of two Syrian couples, who had opted to tattoo the marriage ring on their fingers, in a step aiming to challenge the high gold prices and encourage Syrians to follow suit.
Gold prices in the domestic market have witnessed consequent rises to 5,850 Syrian pounds (58.8 U.S. dollars) per one gram. Shortly ahead of the crisis, one gram was used to be sold at around 2,600 Syrian pounds (26.2 dollars).
د ننګرهار په اچین ولسوالۍ کې د طالبانو ضد پاڅونجلال اباد - د افغانستان ننګرهاراچين ولسوالۍ عبدالخېلو سيمه کې په زرګونو تنو شينوارو د وسله والو طالبانو خلاف ولسي پاڅون وکړ او خپله سيمه يې له وسله والو څخه پاکه کړه. د تيرې شبنې په ورځ د ننګرهار ولايت د اچين ولسوالۍ عبدالخېلو سيمه کې هم په زرګونو تنو ولسي وګړو د وسله والو طالبانو پر ضد پاڅون وکړ چې دخلکو په وينا خپله سيمه يې له وسله والو طالبانو څخه پاکه کړې ده. قومي مشر ملک بهاندر مشال راډيو ته وويل چې ولس په سيمه کې د نا امنيو څخه تنګ شوي و نو ځکه يې ولسي پاڅون وکړ: (( زموږ د عبدالخېلو قوم چې شمېر يې شاه و خوا ۱۰ یا ۱۲ زره تنو ته رسېږي، په دې کې ځينې خلک سره لتاړ شوي دي، نو موږ په خپل قوم کې بې امنيتي نه غواړو، خپل قوم کې ګډوډي نه غواړو، خپل قوم کې زور زياتی، ظلم نه غواړو.)) د اچين ولسوالۍ د انکشافي شورا مشر ملک شيرخان وويل: له دې وروسته به هيچاته اجازه ورنه کړي چې په سيمه کې نا امني جوړه کړي: ((ګډوډي ډېره زياته موږ ټول عبدالخېل د خپلې درې امنيت په شريکه نيسو. بس نور په دې کې بيا بې عزتۍ ته ځان نه پرېږدو. او خاص د وطن د حفاظت له پاره دغه کار موږ شروع کړی دی.)) د افغانستان په ختيځ کې د لومړي لمبر سرحدي لوا سرپرست قوماندان محمد ايوب حسين خيل د وسله والو طالبانو په وړاندې ولسي پاڅون ته په ښه نظر ګوري او وايي: (( د هغه چا په مقابل کې چې هغوی زموږ د ولسونو ژوند نا ارامه کوي، نه غواړي چې زموږ زموږ بچي په ارامه فضا کې تعليم او تعلوم ته ادامه ورکړي، او د هغوی په مقابل کې څوک قيام کوي، موږ ورته هرکلی وايو. او دا د هر افغان وجيبه ده چې داسې خلک چې هغوی اختطاف کوي، هغوی تروريستي اعمال کوي، او زموږ د ولسونو آرامه ژوند نا ارامه کوي، بايد ټول ولس موږ سره همکاري وکړي او پاڅېږي، دا خلک له خپلې ساحې نه وباسي.)) د چارو څارونکي سحرګل اميرزي د وسله والو طالبانو په وړاندې ولسي پاڅون د وخت ضرورت وباله. ((د تاريخ په اوږدو کې چې کله هم ولسونه له دولت سره يو ځای شوي، ښه حکومتداري رامنځته شوې، باثباته ژوند رامنځته شوی دی، دغسې پاڅونونه زيات ګټور دي، که ټولې ولسوالۍ په يوه وخت راپورته شي او د وسله والو په خلاف پاڅون وکړي، امنيت راتلای شي.)) په ننګرهار کې اچين يوه سرحدي ولسوالي ده چې خلک يې له تعليمه لرې پاتې شوي او په قومي شخړو اخته دي چې له امله يې په سيمه کې وسله وال طالبان پيدا شوي ول خو اوس د سيمې اوسيدونکي وايي چې سيمه يې له وسله والو طالبانو څخه پاکه کړې ده.
Motorcycle bomb kills 2, wounds 15 in Afghanistan
Officials say a motorcycle bomb has exploded in southern Afghanistan, killing an Afghan soldier and a civilian.
Local police chief Ghulam Ali says Wednesday's blast near a market in Helmand province's heavily contested Sangin district also left 15 people wounded.
Helmand government spokesman Omar Zwak says the explosives in a parked motorcycle were remotely detonated as an army and police patrol passed by.
Ali said three soldiers, one local police officer and 11 civilians were among the wounded.
Taliban insurgents have unleashed a fierce wave of attacks on Afghan security forces and government targets in recent weeks.
The offensive has pushed violence to some of the highest levels of the 12-year war as Afghan forces take over most security responsibility from international troops set to withdraw next year.
3 more kids succumb to measles; Punjab death toll 157

India among world’s most violent places: Study recent Maoist violence in Bastar, which left 28 people dead, is no aberration. The Global Peace Index (GPI) 2013, which was released on Tuesday, has ranked India among the 25 least peaceful nations to live in. The country was placed 141 among 162 nations, having lost more than two lives a day — or a staggering 799 persons — to internal conflicts in 2012. Giving India company at the bottom of the heap are countries like Pakistan, Iraq, South Sudan and Afghanistan, which are traditionally perceived to be more violence-ridden. Iceland emerged as 2012's most peaceful country in the index and the Central African Republic the least. Ironically, India has improved on its 2011 rank by three notches. India's poor ranking in 2012 was attributed to the high number of internal and external conflicts, ease of access to small and medium weapons and the political terror scale, as in the case of conflict-ridden Kashmir, said the report's author Steve Killelea, of the Institute for Economics and Peace, a global think tank which works on the relationship between economics, business and peace. Killelea observed more populous countries were less peaceful and it was possible that conflicts in large countries like India were more difficult to manage. On the positive side, India has reduced its number of deaths from internal conflicts as well as improved the perception of criminality among its citizens, which explains the bettering of its overall rank. "For the first time since 1994, the total number of fatalities linked to conflict within India dropped below four figures, with a notable decline in deaths related to Islamist terrorism, insurgency in J&K and fatalities associated with Maoist insurgency across the Red Belt," stated the report. However, it also refers to border skirmishes between India and its neighbours requiring a large military force and increased defence expenditure, which drags India's overall score down.The world itself has grown less peaceful, with a 5% decline in scores over the last six years. It was found that more countries deteriorated in peace (110) in 2012 as compared to those which grew more peaceful (48) since 2008. "The findings of this year's index support the prevailing trend of the last six years, namely: a continuing shift away from nations taking up arms against one another and towards more organised internal conflicts. A key factor associated with this is that the peace gap between countries under authoritarian regimes and the rest of the world is becoming larger," said Killelea. This is illustrated by the civil war in Syria — which saw the greatest drop in its peacefulness among the nations analyzed — as well as the climate of political instability in the Middle East.
Pakistan: Power riots erupt in Punjab towns: Police storm houses to arrest protesters
DAWN.COMA large number of people from villages around Khurrianwala town vented their anger against power outages on Tuesday and attacked a grid station and offices of the Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (Fesco). They blocked traffic on the Sheikhupura-Faisalabad road for about 10 hours and pelted police and vehicles with stones, causing injuries to four constables. Police chased the protesters, entered a number of houses by scaling the walls or breaking open the gates and thrashed anyone they found there. Policemen are reported to have abused and dragged women when they objected to their conduct. A number of women and children who had not joined the protests were also mistreated. More than 10 people were arrested from the houses. The industrial city of Faisalabad saw a number of violent protests over outages during the PPP government. At that time, Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif had backed their protests, but asked them not to damage public property. PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif had also supported the agitation by industrial workers. Protests were also reported on Tuesday from Dera Ghazi Khan, Sheikhupura and Bahawalpur, but they were largely peaceful. Hundreds of people started gathering in the morning and blocked the Khurrianwala Road. They raised slogans against Fesco and an independent power producer supplying electricity to their villages. The protesters attacked the Fesco sub-divisional office in Bundala, ransacked the building and put it on fire. Police did not intervene because of having been outnumbered by the protesters. They also attacked a grid station near Ada Johal and tried to enter it, but were stopped by police. A mill where police had been deployed also came under attack. Two ambulances remained stuck in the traffic for some time but were later allowed by agitators to proceed. Police used batons and teargas to disperse the protesters but they refused to leave till restoration of power supply. Police chased the protesters in streets and bazaar and also entered some houses to arrest them. The protesters also hurled stones at Faisalabad DCO Najam Shah and CPO Raja Riffat Mukhtar when they tried to negotiate with them. They said both the officers were unable to resolve the issue, adding that the district coordination officer had assured their delegation a couple of days ago that the problem would be solved, but nothing had been done so far. Similar protests had been held on June 3 when demonstrators blocked the Khurrianwala Road for over five hours, damaged some vehicles and pelted police and some buildings with stones. They raised slogans against 10 hours of loadshedding schedule planned by Fesco. Police fired into the air to disperse the protesters and pursued them to the Ada Johal area. The road was later cleared. Our Sheikhupura correspondent adds: A large number of factory workers and residents of Ferozewattwan and adjoining localities gathered on the Faisalabad Road and blocked traffic for about three hours in protest against 20 hours of power outages. KASUR: A demonstration was held by people of Basti Kambovan against up to 20 hours of loadshedding.
Pakistan: Banning the internet?
Editorial: DAILY TIMESIt has been almost 10 months since the previous PPP government banned popular video sharing website YouTube. The reason it was banned was because a blasphemous low-budget movie was uploaded on the site, sending Muslims in Pakistan on a violent protest spree. The government’s response was to bury its head in the sand instead of proactively solving the matter. It closed down the website, which is used the world over for educational, information and entertainment purposes. Now, the new government is rumoured to be contemplating going one step further. The PML-N’s minister for information technology and telecommunications, Anusha Rahman, has said that the government would work to place mega filters on the internet to sieve out all blasphemous and pornographic content (which is also banned) and if Google did not offer its full support in filtering the blasphemous content from YouTube, not only would the indefinite ban stay but Google could face a ban also. One cannot fathom where these ‘bright’ ideas come from. Google is literally the most visited and comprehensive search engine online and its many affiliated websites and e-mail sharing sites are the backbone of correspondence and communications. To even mention a ban on it hints at a major lack of comprehension on how to exist with the world in the 21st century. The Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry has meanwhile taken suo motu notice of the ‘blasphemous’ content on the internet and has directed the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) to submit a report within a week. Is the PTA really expected to scour the entire infinity of the internet and earmark every single link, site and video that may be deemed blasphemous? One would hate to think there is some sort of collective vendetta to isolate the citizens of Pakistan from freedom of information and speech, from exercising their right to access the entire, modern world at their fingertips. Why is it impossible for our representatives to approach this issue maturely and sanely? First and foremost, we citizens should be trusted enough to be able to freely choose what we wish to access or see. If that is ‘blasphemous’ for the authorities to consider then they should look at the matter in a way that does not amount to blanket bans. Other Muslim countries have signed agreements with Google to have blasphemous content removed from YouTube in their countries, so why does Pakistan not do this? Google has agreed to such an arrangement but our governments have been too lazy to move ahead on this proposal. We citizens are in the process being denied, and threatened with more denial, of freedom of information and hence knowledge and enlightenment. All such ideas should be relegated to the dustbin.
Pakistan: Targeted attack against Ahamdis leave one dead, two injured in Karachi
Ahmadiyya Times

Protest against load-shedding in Peshawar, Swat

Zardari's anti-Taliban legacy has no heirs

In his last speech to the joint session of the parliament's lower house (National Assembly) and the upper house (Senate) before the end of his presidency, Zardari made it clear that he was not ready to change his stance on extremism or compromise with the Taliban. Zardari's speech came just hours after Islamist militants targeted NATO supply trucks in a northwestern tribal area near the Afghan border, killing at least six people. "The nation is united against militancy. We need strong leadership to overcome the threat," he said to newly-elected parliamentarians. "We are ready to make peace with those willing to give up violence. But we should also be ready to use force against those who challenge the writ of the state." Zardari also said that the fact that the Pakistani people turned out in a large number to vote in the past national elections, despite the threats of violence, was proof that Pakistanis believed in democracy. But will Prime Minister Sharif pay heed to Zardari's advice? Will he go against the Taliban and other extremist groups in Pakistan or make peace with them? Will Imran Khan, whose party governs the strategically important Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in the war against the Taliban, reconsider his policies vis-à-vis the Taliban and terrorism? The answer is a definite 'No'. Both these leaders have avowed that they would make truce with the Islamists and won't follow the Zardari legacy. Stronger Taliban Peshawar-based development worker and political activist Maqsood Ahmad Jan believes that Sharif's and Khan's insistence on peace talks with the Taliban are emboldening the extremists in Pakistan. "The new rulers have turned a blind eye to Taliban atrocities. Some parties say that the Taliban are like their children. The result is that the radicals are getting bolder and that kidnappings for ransom are on the rise," Jan told DW. He lamented that Sharif's Muslim League and Khan's PTI offered no words of sympathy to people targeted by the Islamist militants on a regular basis. Jan is of the view that not only the Taliban will get stronger under new rulers, the Sharif government will not be able to deal with various crises that Pakistan is facing, mainly the energy crisis. He thinks this will frustrate the Pakistani people who will probably look towards the PPP and the ANP again in future. "Sharif and Khan have no idea how to deal with the Taliban. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister recently said he did not know who was behind the terrorist attacks." 'Unpopular war' But experts say that despite the fact that most Pakistanis are against Islamist extremists and prefer liberal and center-right parties over hardline Islamic ones, they want their government to review its support to the US in the protracted war against the Taliban. They want peace and do not care whether it comes at the cost of giving concessions to the militants.According to DW's Peshawar correspondent Faridullah Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been one of the worst hit by the "war on terror" and many people there are against US drone strikes in the semi-governed northwestern tribal areas. In his opinion, many people held the ANP and PPP responsible for this situation. It was something that right-wing groups are benefiting from, he said. Political experts like Malik Siraj Akbar, who is based in the US, are critical of Pakistan's response to the Taliban and the menace of terrorism. Akbar told DW in an interview that the main reason why liberal Pakistani parties faced a dilemma was that Pakistan had not officially "owned" the so-called war on terror. "Pakistan is not ideologically convinced that it is its war." For this reason, counter-terrorism experts in in the country say Zardari and other liberals have not been able to get the masses behind them in the fight against terror. Another dilemma The ANP, like the PPP and the MQM, face another ideological dilemma. Not only the Pakistani state, but now also the US, wants to talk to the Taliban and make its peace with the militants. "So what is the future of the parties like the ANP and the PPP who have been supporting the onslaught on the Islamists?" asked Dr. Riaz Ahmed, a political activist in Karachi, who described why he believed the attacks on anti-Taliban leaders had increased. "Politicians who want an offensive against the extremists are now a hindrance in the negotiations with the Taliban. They are being removed from the scene," Ahmed told DW. Islamic parties have always been demanding that the government makes peace with the radicals. Muhammad Shah Afridi, a former conservative member of parliament from Khyber Agency, one of the semi-governed tribal agencies bordering Afghanistan, told DW that if the US and NATO could negotiate with the Taliban then Pakistan should do the same. "War is not the solution to this conflict. We will have to talk (to the Taliban)," Afridi said. Zardari had also welcomed the US initiative of "peace talks" with the Taliban. But experts believe it is not enough to convince the Taliban that he and his party are "friends." There are many in the ranks of the PPP and other liberal Pakistani parties who still oppose the Taliban and do not want to change their own ideological course. But experts are not sure how long they will be able to carry on with this legacy.
What Turkey needs is a coup
BY: Emmett Robinson, National Post

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