M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Sunday, December 22, 2019
#Afghanistan - Ghani Tops Preliminary Election Results: IEC
The Independent Election Commission said Ghani earned 50.64% and Abdullah 39.52%.
President Ashraf Ghani earned 923,868 votes and 50.64% , to lead the preliminary results of the 2019 presidential election, according to the Independent Election Commission’s announcement on Sunday morning.
Abdullah Abdullah followed with 720,990 votes and 39.52%, the IEC announced.
The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the announcement of the preliminary results for Afghanistan’s presidential election and commended the “Independent Election Commission (IEC) and the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) – for their work leading up to the announcement.”

Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, stated: “Now, all Afghan authorities and actors must demonstrate their commitment to safeguard and complete the election, and to protect the integrity of the final stage of the process.”
Yamamoto said: “Any decisions taken by the electoral management bodies in the final stage of the process must have clear legal and technical justifications and should be explained to the people of Afghanistan in clear terms.”
The United Nations called for “particular care and sensitivity, leading up to the announcement of the final results,” said Yamamoto, adding:
“All candidates have the chance to raise any concerns they may have through the appropriate mechanism and within the prescribed time, in accordance with the relevant legal frameworks, regulations and procedures,” said Yamamoto. “At the same time, the ECC has an obligation to adjudicate any complaints it receives transparently and thoroughly so the election process may conclude in a credible manner.”
French Embassy in Kabul said: “The electoral process must now be completed. The Afghan people deserve a legitimate, credible and undisputed process until the end.” Also: ”The electoral law must be … completely enforced.”
“The electoral process is not, and never has been, incompatible with peace negotiations, on the contrary. A democratically elected president with a clear mandate from the people will have the necessary legitimacy … (for) intra-Afghan negotiations,” the French Embassy said.
#Pakistan on special US watch list
The US government has kept Pakistan on a special watch list for severe violations of religious freedom. Pakistan for the first time appeared on the list in 2018. This year, Pakistan was retained among the countries that tolerate religious discrimination. The placement on the list for violations of religious freedom can lead to economic sanctions. Other countries sharing space with Pakistan on the list of ‘Countries of Particular Concerns’ are Myanmar, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Pakistan has already been facing severe actions from the US such as the suspension of military aid and withholding of coalition support funds for ‘Pakistan’s failure to meet US expectations and follow its do more slogans’.
Last time, when Pakistan was placed on religious freedom violation list, then-ambassador to the United States Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry seemed clueless about the challenge and asked the US government to clarify about the special watch list and what “severe violations of religious freedom” had prompted Washington to take such an extreme measure. The US State Department, however, did not mention the methodology of its annual practice, undertaken under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. The US states: “These designations underscore the United States’ commitment to protect those who seek to exercise their freedom of religion or belief. We believe that everyone, everywhere, at all times, should have the right to live according to the dictates of their conscience. We will continue to challenge state and non-state entities that seek to infringe upon those fundamental rights and to ensure they are held to account for their actions.”
The US list conveniently ignores Indian actions against its religious minorities. But this is the time we had better put our own house in order. Though on the government level, measures have been ensured for the protection of human rights and religious freedoms, at the public level, one can see people are being persecuted and killed for their religious beliefs. Minorities are routinely killed and persecuted. Pakistan needs to ensure religious freedom and that can only be done through beating extremism and terrorism. There is no other way out.
#Pakistan - Patients suffer over routine protest at #PIMS
Citizens on Sunday complained that a large number of patients at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) had to face several difficulties in accessing health assistance due to routine strikes of doctors and nursing staff.According to them, the administration of the hospital should take notice of the routine absence of doctors and paramedical staff in different sections due to their political activities. They added that many patients who visit here from others parts of the country with different medical complications had to move to private hospitals due to whole day agitation related activities of doctors. “Doctors should raise voice for their genuine demands but they must realize the sufferings of patients at the hospital who faced refusal of treatment due to their strike,” Naseem Alam, a patient at PIMS said. He appealed the doctors to serve the ailing rather than spending time in agitations and protests for political gains.He added that the hospital administration should also realize the problems of incoming patients and attitude of doctors at time of the latter’s protests.Another patient, Saleem Baig said, “During protest few days back some representatives of junior doctors had clearly communicated us to move to any other hospital for early treatment as no doctor will attend them now.” He expressed his reservations over regular feature of protests of doctors at major hospitals of the federal capital and appealed the quarters concerned to make certain laws to discourage this inhuman practice in hospitals. He said patients care should not be given in the hands of those who didn’t know about professional ethics and norms, adding the doctors should not refuse their duties towards patients care. Waseem Khalid, a patient said despite several complaints submitted on increasing incidents of misbehaviour with the patients by trainee doctors, the hospital management was reluctant to take any action on those applications. “Under professional ethics, medical practitioners are bound to avoid any discriminating attitude or exploiting vulnerable situations in the hospital,” Aamir Nazeer, a citizen said. He said under the code of ethics prepared by Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) for medical practitioners, gross negligence in respect of professional duties might lead to suspension or removal from services. Shoaib Kaleem, a patient said, “The junior doctors must ensure that they do not indulge in any untoward incident that negatively impacts directly or indirectly on patient care and that their political activities must never interfere with patients’ treatment at PIMS in any way.” He said they should adopt polite behavior with the patients and guide them properly rather than adopting rough attitude with them. “The PMC is committed to regulate the standards of medical practice, protect the interests of the patients, supervise medical education, and give guidelines on ethical issues,” an official of PMC said while reacting on non-observance of code of ethics by PIMS doctors.He said the code of ethics provided a set of principles, which doctors could use as guidelines in the varying situations, in line with their judgment, experience, knowledge and skills. In case of receiving any complaint regarding negligence, misbehave and malpractice of doctors, the commission takes strict action against medical practitioners, he added. The official advised the citizens to send their complaints against doctors directly to the PMC. When contacted, an official from PIMS said patient care was the top priority of the hospital management and every doctor and member of nursing staff was responsible to fulfill due responsibilities. He said there were clear instructions for all medical practitioners and nursing staff to give best treatment to patients at hospital and there was zero-tolerance policy for any negligence in this regard. https://dailytimes.com.pk/525082/patients-suffer-over-routine-protest-at-pims/
Interview - “Pakistan must improve literacy rate to improve healthcare” - Dr Ather Ahmad Saeed
By Amer Malik
In an interview with Dr. Ather Ahmad Saeed.
"Pakistan is among the countries in the region which despite having qualified medical human resource and sufficient resources, have not made sufficient progress towards providing adequate healthcare to every citizen, mainly due to policy and implementation failures,” says Dr Ather Ahmad Saeed, coordinator to King Edward Medical College Alumni Association of the UK, in an interview with The News on Sunday.
Dr Ather Ahmad Saeed, a consultant physician in gastroenterology working in the UK, is a former graduate of King Edward Medical College, Lahore. He was in Pakistan this week to coordinate between the UK and US chapters of King Edward Medical College Alumni Association (KEMCAA) and King Edward Medical University and for a two-day International Universal Healthcare Symposium at his alma mater in Lahore.
Pakistan is struggling to provide universal healthcare, which some of its Asian counterparts, including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Turkey, are delivering with almost similar levels of expertise, resources and capability. Universal healthcare means provision of comprehensive medical services to all citizens irrespective of age, gender, social status and the ability to pay.
In developed countries, Dr Saeed says, various strategies have been adopted to achieve the objective of universal healthcare. UK has implemented perhaps the best healthcare system to provide free quality health services to every citizen in government-run hospitals. Even general practitioners in the UK, he says, provide free treatment to patients. They are paid by the government under a formula for every patient they treat.
In Canada, Dr Saeed continues, doctors work independently, yet treatment of patients is free and the government reimburses the patient for the payment made for treatment. In the US, he says, health services are very expensive and most of the people seek treatment through private insurance. “Doctors offer private healthcare to people, except for the armed forces. The poor and the elderly get treatment through government-financed insurance.”
Dr Saeed maintains that Pakistan must adopt a strategy of prevention and focus more on primary healthcare. That way, he says, Pakistan can save its people from many diseases at much less expense through the provision of basic education, clean drinking water, nutrition and vaccination. “An illness, when it occurs, puts a massive financial burden on the individual, family, society and the government,” he adds.
Dr Saeed believes that among South Asian countries, the best model of healthcare is in place in Sri Lanka. Pakistan can learn from the success of healthcare provision in Sri Lanka, Turkey and Bangladesh to provide universal healthcare in the country.
He says public healthcare indicators in Sri Lanka can be compared with those of Europe and America despite the much smaller per capita income, nearly equal to that of Pakistan’s. Infant mortality rate in Sri Lanka is 8 per 1,000, while it’s 33 per 1,000 in Bangladesh and 70 per 1000 in Pakistan. “These indicators are a matter of shame and a food for thought for Pakistan,” he adds.
Best model of healthcare is in place in Sri Lanka. Pakistan can learn from the success of healthcare provision in Sri Lanka, Turkey and Bangladesh to provide universal healthcare in the country. He says public healthcare indicators in Sri Lanka can be compared with those of Europe and America
While Sri Lanka has also been through internal conflicts and extremism, Dr Saeed says, it has maintained its services delivery in health and education sectors. “The literacy rate in Sri Lanka is 93 percent against Pakistan’s 56 percent. Pakistan must work hard to improve its literacy rate to improve healthcare in the country.”
Besides focusing on education, Sri Lanka has paid special attention to basic health centres and gradually improved diagnostic facilities with particular focus on chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.
In Bangladesh, he notes, the dividends of social welfare have been achieved through women’s protection and empowerment by providing them small loans, which have produced very positive results in healthcare as well. In Turkey, he says, the Health Card System was launched to provide universal healthcare to all citizens. It is mentioned by World Health Organisation (WHO) as a model of success. “All this progress has been made in the last 15 years and Turkish government’s initiatives enjoy full public support,” he adds.
He maintains that it must be understood that health is a basic human right and nowhere in the world can the patients be treated through charity alone. The government and the society cannot be absolved of their responsibility to provide affordable healthcare to patients. “Public representatives work for the welfare of the people and provide necessary facilities,” he emphasises, adding that the people must support their representatives and also hold them accountable.
Dr Saeed says that expatriate Pakistani medical experts, who attended the Universal Healthcare Symposium in KEMU, had sound knowledge of foreign countries’ healthcare systems. They can be very helpful in providing guidance to Pakistani doctors to help achieve the goal of universal healthcare in Pakistan.
Pakistani doctors, he believes, working in developed countries, especially in the UK and US, want to play their part in improving the health sector in their own country. “The most effective contribution by them is to train Pakistani doctors,” he says. He adds that expatriate Pakistani doctors can also help in making a policy framework to improve the health sector.
He says many expatriate Pakistani doctors, are proactively working to provide relief to patients in Pakistan in their individual capacity. Some of these doctors have started endoscopy courses in Lahore, Multan and Peshawar to impart training to the local doctors in accordance with British standards. “Although these doctors continue to organise such courses, it will be better to streamline such efforts for training of health providers in an effective manner. Such training courses help save a lot of time, effort and energy to meet the desired targets and reap long-term dividends.”
The doctor believes that the goal of providing universal healthcare is attainable in Pakistan where healthcare services are available currently to only 22 percent of the population. “This includes health facilities provided by the armed forces’ institutions, labourers’ treatment under social security projects, charity projects in Pakistan and insurance by large corporations and local business communities.”
He says Pakistan’s armed forces have the most efficient system of healthcare in the country. Building on such successful models, he recommends, the health authorities need to devise strategies to extend the services to all the citizens of Pakistan. With available funds and resources, he says, Pakistan needs to concentrate all specialised intellectual and material resources on achieving these targets. “We must identify our priorities and create a consensus to aggressively work towards achieving them.”
Dr Saeed favours autonomy for public sector hospitals through legislation. He says it must start with teaching hospitals. He also proposes establishing health authorities at the district level. “Regional authorities must also be established to oversee the performance of at least three to five district health authorities and report it to the provincial government,” he adds.
He believes the next five years would be vital in transforming the health sector in Pakistan. “If we work with honesty and dedication, Pakistan will be able to achieve universal healthcare in the next five years,” he concludes.
جنید حفیظ کون ہیں؟
پنجاب کے پسماندہ سمجھے جانے والے ضلع راجن کے رہائشی جنید حفیظ نے میٹرک میں ٹاپ کرنے کے بعد ایف ایس سی پری میڈیکل میں ڈیرہ غازی خان بورڈ میں پہلی پوزیشن لے کر گولڈ میڈل حاصل کیا۔
انہوں نے میڈیکل انٹری ٹیسٹ میں پنجاب بھر میں پہلی پوزیشن حاصل کی، یہی وجہ تھی کہ انہیں صوبے کے سب سے بڑے کنگ ایڈورڈ میڈیکل کالج لاہورمیں رول نمبر ون دیا گیا۔
دو سال میڈیکل میں ٹاپ کرتے رہے۔ اس کے بعد انھوں نے میڈیکل کا شعبہ چھوڑ کر والدین کی اجازت سے بہاؤالدین زکریا یونیورسٹی ملتان میں شعبہ انگریزی سے ایم اے انگلش کرنے کے لیے داخلہ لے لیا اور ایم اے انگلش لٹریچر میں بھی ٹاپر رہے۔ اسی لیے انہیں شعبے میں وزٹنگ لیکچرار مقررکر دیا گیا تھا۔
جلد ہی قابلیت کی بنیاد پروہ لیکچرار بن گئے۔ انہیں امریکہ نے مقابلہ کا امتحان پہلی پوزیشن سے پاس کرنے پر فلم میکنگ کی تربیت کی ایک سالہ سکالر شپ بھی دی۔
جنید کے دوستوں کا دعویٰ ہے کہ اس دوران ان کا ایک مذہبی و سیاسی جماعت سے تعلق رکھنے والے پروفیسرز اور ایک طلبہ گروپ سے جھگڑا ہو گیا، جس کے بعد ان پر الزام لگا کہ وہ توہین مذہب پر مبنی ایک خفیہ فیس بک پیج چلاتے ہیں۔
جب ان کے خلاف مظاہرے شدت اختیار کر گئے اور ان کو جان سے مارنے کی دھکیاں ملنے لگیں تو پولیس نے انہیں لاہور سے 13مارچ، 2013 کو
گرفتار کرلیا۔
گرفتار کرلیا۔
Pakistan: outrage over death sentence for 'blasphemous' lecturer
By Shah Meer Baloch and Hannah Ellis-Petersen
Amnesty calls verdict in Junaid Hafeez’s trial a ‘vile and gross miscarriage of justice’.
A Pakistani university lecturer has been sentenced to death for blasphemy in a case that his family and human rights groups have decried as a gross miscarriage of justice.
Junaid Hafeez, a lecturer at the Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU) in the central Pakistani city of Multan, had been accused of running a secret Facebook group and having insulted the prophet Muhammad and the Qur’an in 2013.He was also accused of hosting Qaisra Shahraz, a famous British novelist of Pakistani origin, as a guest speaker and sharing blasphemous remarks against Islam during a lecture .Hafeez was a US Fulbright scholar in 2009 and holds a masters from Jackson State University where he majored in US literature, photography and theatre. A US religious freedom commission placed his name on its list of global victims in December.
The blasphemy trial had been one of the most contentious in Pakistan, running for more than six years with various delays and seven different judges brought in. Hafeez’s former lawyer, Rashid Rehman, who had been threatened in court by religious leaders and other lawyers for taking on the case, was shot and killed in his office in 2014. Hafeez has since been kept in solitary confinement and the trial was held behind closed doors in a high-security prison in Multan.
“The prosecution, the witnesses and trial could not prove any of the allegations,” said Hafeez’s lawyer. “Hafeez was so happy when I met him on Wednesday night and everyone was sure that he would be acquitted.”
He alleged that during the trial that the prosecutor had not presented concrete evidence against Hafeez but had instead warned the judge that he was “against Islam” and that in Pakistan the case was “sensitive”. “It was the point I realised they were just using the religious card, which was immoral and unethical precedent in the court,” he said.In a statement released by Hafeez’s family, they said the murder of his previous lawyer in 2014 and the failure to bring anyone to justice for the killing meant that “the prospect of Hafeez getting a fair trial came into question”.They accused the courts of ignoring the lack of evidence and instead succumbing to outside threats in the verdict. “The failure to apprehend those who shot his lawyer Rehman dead signalled impunity for other would-be vigilantes,” said the family. “Could any judge in such circumstances take the risk of doing justice? Those who could were transferred from the district or brought under pressure by groups of lawyers operating as a mafia.”Hafeez’s younger brother, Jawad, said the family “were not expecting this verdict as the case was an open case where nothing was proved against my brother. The judge has given this decision under fear while ignoring all arguments and facts”.
Activists, politicians and journalists are often fearful of talking about the inflammatory issue of blasphemy in Pakistan, where even unproven accusations of insulting Islam can spark lynchings and assassination attempts, but there has been widespread anger at the verdict.
IA Rehman, a prominent human rights activist and former general secretary of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), said: “The verdict is brutal and unjust. He has been in prison for six years for no reason. It is an open fact that trial courts in Pakistan rarely acquit accused in blasphemy cases.
“It is very deadly to comment on blasphemy related cases even in Pakistan. His lawyer was killed for following up the case. This has multiplied the fear in the country over such cases.”
Rabia Mehmood, a South Asia researcher at Amnesty International tweeted: “This is a vile and gross miscarriage of justice.”
A senior official who requested anonymity, said that before the verdict Hafeez’s lawyer was asked not to come to the prison because officials feared a mob attack if he was acquitted. They had also devised plans for Hafeez’s safe removal if any tense situation arose.
“Everyone was confident that he will be released today. This unfortunately did not happen,” he said.
Pakistan’s blasphemy laws came under global scrutiny last year after the supreme court acquitted Asia Bibi, a Christian woman accused of blasphemy and held on death row for eight years. It was a landmark ruling that vindicated rights groups’ concerns about the conduct of blasphemy cases.
According to the Centre for Social Justice, a Pakistani advocacy group, at least 1,472 people were charged under blasphemy provisions between 1987 and 2016. There have been no executions, but at least 17 people convicted of blasphemy are on death row, and many others are serving life sentences for related offences.
Junaid Hafeez: Academic sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan
A university lecturer in Pakistan has been sentenced to death for blasphemy.
Junaid Hafeez, 33, was arrested in March 2013 and accused of posting derogatory comments about the Prophet Muhammad on social media.
Allegations of blasphemy are taken very seriously in Pakistan, and even an accusation is often enough to make someone a target for hardliners.
Mr Hafeez's first lawyer, Rashid Rehman, was shot dead in 2014 after agreeing to take on the case.
The lecturer has also spent years in solitary confinement, after repeated attacks by other prisoners.
The sentence was delivered by a court in the Central Jail in Multan, where Mr Hafeez was being held.
Mr Hafeez had studied a Master's degree in the US on a Fulbright Scholarship, specialising in American literature, photography and theatre.
After returning to Pakistan he took up a lecturer position at Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU) in Multan, where he worked until his arrest.
Mr Hafeez's current counsel said the verdict was "most unfortunate", and told AFP news agency that they would appeal against the decision.
Prosecution lawyers, meanwhile, distributed sweets to their colleagues, who chanted "Allahu akbar" and "death to blasphemers".
Amnesty International said the verdict was "a gross miscarriage of justice" and described it as "extremely disappointing and surprising".
What are Pakistan's blasphemy laws?
Pakistan's blasphemy laws carry strict sentences, including death, for anyone who insults Islam.
The offences relating to religion were first codified by India's British rulers in 1860, and were expanded in 1927. Pakistan inherited these laws when it came into existence after the partition of India in 1947.
These early laws made it a crime to disturb a religious assembly, trespass on burial grounds, insult religious beliefs or to intentionally destroy or defile a place or an object of worship.
Under these laws, the maximum punishment ranged from one to 10 years in jail.
But between 1980 and 1986, a number of clauses were added by the military government of General Zia-ul Haq.
Gen Haq wanted to "Islamicise" them and also legally to separate the Ahmadi community, declared non-Muslim in 1973, from the main body of Pakistan's overwhelmingly Muslim population.
The new clauses made it illegal to make derogatory remarks against Islamic personages, introduced life sentences for "wilful" desecration of the Koran, and later, introduced the death penalty or life imprisonment for blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.
About 40 people are currently on death row for blasphemy - although so far, no executions for blasphemy have been carried out.
The blasphemy laws have been under the spotlight internationally after Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian who spent eight years on death row, was freed from prison last year, following a Supreme Court decision which overturned her conviction.
Her release sparked riots, and she had to seek safety in another country.
Anti-Terror Watchdog's 150 Questions To Pakistan On Terror Groups' Fronts
The Financial Action Task Force has sent 150 questions to Pakistan, seeking some clarifications, updates and most importantly actions taken against the madrassas belonging to the proscribed outfits.
A global watchdog for terror financing has sought clarifications and data from Pakistan on actions taken by it against madrassas belonging to the banned outfits, weeks after the country submitted a report detailing steps taken to curb terrorism and money laundering.
The Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which kept Pakistan on the Grey List for an extended period till February 2020, had warned in October that Islamabad would be put on the Black List if it did not comply with the remaining 22 points in a list of 27 questions.
Pakistan submitted a report comprising answers to 22 questions to the FATF on December 6.
In response to the report, the FATF Joint Group has sent 150 questions to Pakistan, seeking some clarifications, updates and most importantly actions taken against the madrassas belonging to the proscribed outfits.
"We did receive a response from the FATF on our compliance report through an email in which they raised a set of 150 questions. Some of them are seeking more data, some clarifications, and most importantly questions related to madrassas and actions taken against them having affiliation with proscribed outfits," a report by The News quoted a top official source as saying.
According to officials, Mumbai terror attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed-led Jamat-ud Dawah network includes 300 seminaries and schools.
In March 2019, Punjab police said that government seized control of 160 madrassas, 32 schools, two colleges, four hospitals, 178 ambulances and 153 dispensaries associated with the JuD and its so-called charity wing Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) in province.
At least 56 madrassas and facilities being run by the JuD and FIF in southern Sindh province were also taken over by authorities in the same month.
Saeed-led JuD is believed to be the front organisation for the Lashkar-e-Taiba which is responsible for carrying out the 2008 Mumbai attacks. The US declared the LeT as a foreign terrorist organisation in June 2014.
Pakistan has been given January 8, 2020 deadline to respond to the 150 questions, the official said on Saturday.
The next FATF meeting is scheduled to be held from January 21 to 24 in Beijing where Pakistan will be given an opportunity to defend the points in the report.
Pakistan expects another relaxation probably up to June 2020 in the FATF's upcoming plenary review meeting, as the February deadline is too short a period for Islamabad to comply with the remaining 22 action plans.
The FATF in its previous statement had said: "Should significant and sustainable progress not be made across the full range of its action plan by the next plenary, the FATF will take action, which could include the FATF calling on its members and urging all jurisdictions to advise their FIs (financial institutions) to give special attention to business relations and transactions with Pakistan".
Earlier, the FATF had asked 27 questions pertaining to Pakistan's efforts to stop terrorism financing. But Islamabad managed to satisfy the global watchdog over just five of them.
Pakistan was placed on the Grey List by the FATF in June last year and was given a plan of action to complete it by October 2019, or face the risk of being placed on the blacklist with Iran and North Korea.
The FATF said Pakistan must demonstrate effective implementation of targeted financial sanctions against all UN designated terrorists like Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed, Jaish-e-Mohammad founder Maulana Masood Azhar, and those acting for or on their behalf.
The FATF is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system.
سرٹیفائیڈ غدار مشرف کی تکلیف پر نیب کا ردعمل تو آنا ہی تھا، بلاول
پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے کہا ہے کہ سرٹیفائیڈ غدارمشرف کی تکلیف پر نیب کا ردعمل آنا لازمی تھا، سلیکٹڈ ہمارے راولپنڈی آنے کے اعلان سے ڈرگئے ہیں اس لئے نوٹس بھیجنے شروع کردئیے ہیں،عوام کو کٹھ پتلی کا غلام نہیں بننے دیں گے،جب منتخب وزیر اعظم کو نیب یا عدالت طلب کرسکتی ہے تو سلیکٹڈوزیراعظم عمران خان کیخلاف کیس میں انہیں طلب کیوں نہیں کیا جا رہا؟ان خیالات کا اظہار انہوں نے گزشتہ روز پشاور میں ورکرز کنونشن سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا۔
ان کا کہنا تھا کہ نیب سے پیپلز پارٹی ڈر جائے گی یہ ان کی بھول ہے ، ملک میں وہ جمہوریت نہیں جس کیلئے پیپلز پارٹی کے کارکنوں نے کوڑے کھائے اورقائدین نے شہادئیں دیں، طاقت کا سرچشمہ عوام ہیں اس لئے ہم ملک میں عوامی راج لائیں گے جس کیلئے27 دسمبر کوراولپنڈی آرہے ہیں کیونکہ ملک میں عوام، صحافت اور سیاست آزاد نہیں، دہشت گردوں اور بھارتی جاسوس کلبھوشن یادیو کے انٹرویو نشر ہوسکتے ہیں لیکن سابق صدر آصف علی زرداری کا انٹرویو نشر کرنے پر مکمل پابندی ہے۔
پیپلز پارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے عنقریب تحریک انصاف حکومت گرانے کا دعویٰ کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ راولپنڈی سن لیں ہم ایک بار پھر 27 دسمبر کو آرہے ہیں۔
پیپلزپارٹی کی تیسری نسل کا پیغام ہے کہ 27 دسمبر کو پھر راولپنڈی آرہے ہیں اگر آپ 2018 میں بھی صاف و شفاف انتخابات نہیں کراوسکتے تو پھر کس قسم کی جمہوریت ہے، یہ کیسی جمہوریت ہے، شفاف انتخابات کا موقع نہیں دیتے اور احتجاج بھی نہیں کرنے دیتے۔
دنیا کو بتائیں گے پاکستان میں طاقت کا سرچشمہ عوام ہے اور ملک میں حکمرانی ہوگی تو صرف عوام کی حکمرانی ہوگی ،سلیکٹڈ حکومت ہر محاذ پرناکام ہوچکی ہے، حکومت چلا سکتے ہیں اور نہ ہی معیشت یہاں تک کہ وہ ایک نوٹیفکیشن بھی ٹھیک طریقے سے جاری نہیں کرسکتے۔
2018 کے انتخابات میں تاریخی دھاندلی ہوئی سابق صدر (ر) جنرل پرویز مشرف کے بنائے ہوئے قومی احتساب بیورو (نیب) سے پیپلز پارٹی ڈر جائے گی یہ ان کی بھول ہے جس نیب کو آپ سیاسی مخالفین کیلئے استعمال کررہے ہیں، پرویز مشرف کامیاب ہوئے اور نہ آپ کامیاب ہوں گے۔
پیپلز پارٹی کی حکومت کے بعد تمام حکومتیں عوام دشمن رہیں اور انہوں نے کسانوں سمیت عوام کے معاشی، معاشرتی، سیاسی اور بنیادی حقوق کا تحفظ نہیں کیا ،معیشت کا ستیاناس کردیاگیا، حکومت تو چلا ہی نہیں سکتے ہیں اور یہاں تک کہ کٹھ پتلی حکومت نے کشمیر کا سودا کردیاکوئی غیرت مند پاکستانی ان کو معاف نہیں کرسکتا۔
بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے دعویٰ کیا کہ جلد ہی یہ حکومت گرے گی اور عوامی حکومت بنے گی، ورکرز کنونشن میں سابق وزیر اعظم یوسف رضا گیلانی،صوبائی صدر انجینئر محمد ہمایوں خان، رحیم دادخان، سید ظاہر علی شاہ اور کرامت اللہ چغرمٹی سمیت دیگر قائدین بھی شریک تھے
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