M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
http://www.usatoday.com/President Obama on Friday made his most extensive comments on race since entering the White House, and they are generating extensive commentary. Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican who lost the 2008 presidential race to Obama, called the president's remarks "very impressive," and said they should help all Americans think about how to improve race relations in the wake of Trayvon Martin's death. "I think we continue to make progress," McCain told CNN's State of the Union, but recent events show "we still have a long way to go." McCain also said he wouldn't "second guess" the Florida jury's decision this month to acquit George Zimmerman for the death of the 17-year-old Trayvon. During a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room on Friday, Obama said all Americans should respect the Zimmerman verdict. Speaking personally and emotionally, the president also said white Americans should understand the pain that African-Americans feel over Trayvon's death, and the deep suspicions they harbor about the American justice system. "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago," said the nation's first African-American president, adding that "it's important to recognize that the African-American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away." Obama's remarks dominated discussions on Sunday news shows, winning many compliments, but also some criticism. Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., also on CNN, said he appreciates how Obama reflected the frustrations of black men who are regarded with suspicion simply walking down the street. "That's me on a daily basis ... especially when I'm home in New Orleans and I'm dressed down," Richmond said, adding that only African-American males "can really sense the anger and frustration when it happens, especially when you're doing what you should be doing." Journalist Tavis Smiley told NBC's Meet The Press that Obama -- who has often avoided public discussions of race during his presidency -- had to be "pushed to that podium" after nearly a week of protest over the Zimmerman verdict. Smiley and others said Obama needs to address the economic challenges of African-American communities, as well as problems in the justice system. "On this issue, you cannot lead from behind," said Smiley, an African-American. Charles Ogletree, a law professor of Obama's at Harvard, defended his former student's efforts on race. He told NBC that Obama should not be seen as "the black president," but the leader of the nation as a whole. "He's the president who happens to be black," Ogletree said. During his White House remarks, Obama called for new and better law enforcement training to help defuse tensions with minorities, and he criticized racial profiling and Florida's "stand your ground" law. (On CNN, McCain said he hopes his state of Arizona will review its own "stand your ground" law.) The president called on Americans to do "soul searching" in the wake of the Zimmerman case. "We have to be vigilant and we have to work on these issues," Obama said. "And those of us in authority should be doing everything we can to encourage the better angels of our nature, as opposed to using these episodes to heighten divisions."
Let Us Build PakistanDespite being put on the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) watch list, 40 individuals having links to outlawed organisations (of Takfiri Deobandis and Wahhabis) are working in different government departments in the Rawalpindi division. This was disclosed in an intelligence report sent to the provincial government recently. After observing that the police were not making serious efforts in keeping a vigil on the activities of such individuals, the Punjab home department last week directed all the district police across the province to obtain ‘fresh surety bonds’ from members of the outlawed outfits, especially those who had been released from jails, Afghan returnees, Lal Masjid elements and others put on the watch list. The intelligence report stated that over 460 persons charged with terror activities and delivering hate speeches had been placed under section IV (Schedule IV) of ATA in the Rawalpinidi division, comprising the districts of Attock, Jhelum, Chakwal and Rawalpindi. Of these, nearly 40 were working in different government departments like education and even some sensitive institutions. Anyone put on the watch list under section IV of the Anti-Terrorism Act 1997 has to inform the respective police before leaving his hometown and upon return. Such individuals after their release from jail are also supposed to provide a surety bond to the police for good behaviour and peaceful conduct. The intelligence report sent to the Punjab government contained the names of individuals, their home addresses and the police registration numbers along with the name of the police stations where they had to report. Their latest job status along with the department names were also mentioned in the report. Of the 40 persons who were associated with government departments and who were placed on the watch list between 2004 and 2010, 19 belonged to the Rawalpindi district. Of the 19 persons, four were working in government schools and the remaining in factories and sensitive institutions. The report, however, clarified that none of them was given the government jobs after being placed under the watch list. A senior intelligence officer told Dawn on the condition of anonymity that all the 40 individuals were low-level employees in government departments. He added that they can be a security risk because low-level employees in any organisation knew each and everything on the premises compared to their senior officers. The report added that in the Attock district, 17 suspects put on the watch list were doing government jobs – five of them in the education department. The number of such persons in Chakwal was four who were placed on the watch-list in 2010. When Naseemuz Zaman, the additional inspector general of police, was contacted and asked if any individual placed on the schedule 4th of ATA could get a government job, he replied: “No person placed on the schedule 4 can get a job in any government department.” He said according to the police department, there were 425 individuals who had been placed on the schedule 4 in the Rawalpindi division. Of the 425 persons, 381 have submitted surety bonds to the police. He added that 22 individuals had left their home addresses while four were declared proclaimed offenders. The AIG was of the view that getting a surety bond from such individuals was not enough to bound them not to get involved in any an illegal activity. “In stead of the police, such individuals should be handled by the courts of law because the police have no powers to confiscate the property of the guarantor or punish the offender,” the AIG suggested. He added: “Sometimes people are wrongly placed on schedule 4 of the ATA that causes problems for them.” The AIG said as the police record showed that 80 to 85 per cent people placed on the schedule 4 obeyed the law but there were very few who did not care about. He also cited the terrorist attack on Justice Maqbool Baqar in Karachi and said the ‘prime suspect’ arrested by the police in connection with the attack allegedly belonged to a banned outfit and had been placed on the schedule 4 of ATA. Talking to Dawn, Raja Saimul Haq Satti Advocate said no individual on the terror watch list can get a government job unless he obtains clearance from the court. Waheedur Rehman Khattak, the superintendent of police Saddar division, was of the view that serious efforts were not being made by the police to monitor the activities of such persons. “If such an individual violates the law, a case should be registered against them under section 11 of the ATA,” said SP Khattak. Critics say if the government seriously wanted to get rid of the menace of terrorism, it should depoliticise the police department and ensure all postings and transfers of officers on merit. - See more at: http://lubpak.com/archives/276337#sthash.BOShIwd9.dpuf
http://www.timesca.com/The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, which will end in 2014, will lead to inevitable changes in the situation in the region and will force almost all major international players to reconsider their priorities and to adapt to the new reality, writes Alexander Shahnazarov in his analytical article in Knews. He says that despite the withdrawal of a large part of the military contingent of the joint anti-terrorist coalition, the backbone of which forms the U.S. military and accounts more than 130,000 people, at least 30,000 well-trained military professionals will remain on IRA territory, which will be placed in set eight bases. It means that the “withdrawal” of U.S. military contingent is some sort of conformity that doesn’t signify no foreign troop remaining in Afghanistan. Regardless the fact that Americans have transferred all rights to control the territory to Afghan government, the last two weeks shows inability of Afghanistsni force to assure security not in Afghanistan as a whole but even in its center. Three major terror attacks happened in Afghanistan for the past two weeks. The responsibility for these acts took Taliban. It is necessary to note that Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Khazarians live in Afghanistan. This complicates interethnic situation in IRA as nowadays, the president, government and parliament is fully represented by one ethnic group – Pashtuns. This all does not contribute to the stabilization of the internal situation in the country. Shakhnazarov brings as an example event took place in Talukan, Takhan province that is on the north of Afghanistan where clashes between Uzbeks and Tajiks happened recently. He refers to Afghan news agency Vice that informed on ethnic Uzbeks living in the area, holding meetings, complaining their poor representation in the government of Afghanistan and their province. Takhar is a home for many Tajiks too, so mass demonstrations of Uzbeks ended by the death of three and 52 wounded. According to the witnesses of the event, Afghan police preferred not to interfere and did not prevent the collision. According to Shakhnazarov, this situation illustrates quite well what will happen in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of the major part of ISAF military contingent. He believes that the country will once again plunged into chaos of ethnic violence which Afghan security won’t be able to stop. Taliban taking the power is inevitable in these circumstances. It will happen with the support of western players. Shakhnazarov assumes that this is the particular scenario United States plan to follow having started negotiations with Taliban representatives in Qatar. Afghan President’s objections remain unheard. At the end, Shakhnazarov says, Karzai would need to agree sharing power with Taliban or simply would need to leave the office. Internal situation in Afghanistan will influence neighboring countries – Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. They can expect a deterioration of situation in the border areas with Afghanistan. Shakhnazarov writes that for the part years, large number of national units, opposing the existing regime found asylum in Afghanistan. They are the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), and intransigent Tajik Opposition and Turkmen Islamists. Important to note that members of these groups have gone through serious military and terrorist trainings in Pakistan and Afghanistan camps. Of course, leaders of these organizations will certainly take advantage of the confusion that would arise in the IRA, to penetrate into the territory of neighboring countries, Shakhnazarov says. Today, the Central Asia countries are experiencing very difficult time. They do not have enough capacity to grade the security threat and the only guarantor of their stability has been and remains for long period of time membership in CSTO. As Nikolai Borduja, Secretary General of CSTO stated that leaders of CSTO member-states want to minimize the inevitable consequences of the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, and inevitable deterioration of the situation in the region. Shakhnazarov says that when it comes to minimizing losses, it is understood that they are inevitable. And the leadership of the region will have to choose between "bad" or "very bad." He believes that CSTO is practically the only force able to solve serious challenges to regional security.
The attack on Sayyeda Zainab’s (A.S.) mausoleum, in the Syrian capital, Damascus, is an instance of the Takfiri Deobandis from Pakistan partnering with Wahhabis and Salafis to form the Global Al- Qaeda that is unwittingly backed by NATO and the Western alliance. Hopefully, this is an error based on misunderstanding by the Western Alliance of just who exactly who these animals are, as there is no doubt, that the American people have not forgotten the terror committed by these same Al Qaeda on 9/11. This is a disaster for the global community! The significance of Sayyeda Zainab (AS) cannot be overstated. She was the co-leader of Karbala with Imam Hussain against an unjust and oppressive Caliphate. Taliban has now set up camp in Syria. It was Al Qaeda, who has paired with Pakistani Taliban, to perpetrate a religious profanity by attacking a Shrine so important to the Muslim community. This attack on the shrine of Sayyeda Zainab (AS) is a disaster not just for Muslims, but for religious communities everywhere. Those of us with a love of history understand that great religious events shape history, and recognize that the desecration of this kind should not be relegated to the back pages of press reports. Why are Pakistani Muslims and world leaders so silent? Perhaps it should be explained, and understood, who Sayyeda Zainab (AS) is. It is well known that on the 5th day of the 5th month of the 5th Hijri, after the completion of the Panjatan, the daughter Seyyada Zainab (AS) was born to Ali (The rightly guided Caliph) and Batool (the daughter of the founder of Islam). Sayyeda is a revered personage for Muslims everywhere. Sayyeda Zainab (AS) had two great missions to reveal the truth. One was to show the true face of Yazid and his followers, and the other was to uncover who the Ahlulbayt really were and what their importance was. At every step of her long journey she fulfilled these two missions. The whole world is indebted to her sacrifices and her courage, as Sayyeda became a verification of the words of Allah; “Those who believed and migrated and strive hard in Allah’s way with their possessions and their lives are far higher in rank in Allah’s view. They are those who achieved salvation.” As you can see, Sayyeda Zainab (AS) can be seen as the Christian saint might be viewed, or, the Rosa Parks, Anne Frank, or, even as wounded Malala and martyred Benazir Bhutto combined into one. Universal belief that Assad is the villain is not proof of the validity of the rebels. The rebels are Islamist. Meanwhile the United States is forgetting lessons of 1980 Afghanistan, and that attempting to put out a fire by pouring oil on it. General Martin Dempsey, the U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, incredibly has briefed President Obama on options for military intervention in Syria. The Rebel leader, Jarba is a veteran secular dissident and seen as close to Saudi Arabia which has repeatedly urged the European Union to arm Syrian rebels. This is in spite of some Western and South Asian skepticism of supplying arms to the opposition that could fall into the hands of Islamist radicals. It should not be forgotten that the rebels in Syria are Saudi-funded Wahhabi terrorists fighting against the Assad Government, and are as much our enemies as Assad. The objective of these Salafists is the same as the past destruction of Sufi shrines in Mali, Libya and Syria by Al Qaeda/Taliban affiliated Takfiri Salafi/ Deobandi/ Wahabis. The Muslims leaders have said in their condemnation messages that it is Saudi Arabia that is attempting to attack the sacred places of Muslims, the Baitullah and the Holy Shrine of Our Last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, which is situated in the Masjid e Nabawi Premises. The first step of Al Saud have already demolished the Holy Shrines of all the Family Members of the Holy Prophet in the “Baqee Cemetery” commonly known as “ Janaat ul Baqee.” These Salafists have proven only one thing: In maligning Islam, by creating and sponsoring the Groups Like Taliban, al Qaeda , and allied groups they are simply the descendants of the Munafiqeen, that is, Munafiqeen e Dunya, i.e., hypocrites of the world, who consider themselves Muslims, but in fact, a disputable claim. Whether Jundullah, Boko Haram, Free Syrian Army, or any other group, operating in any part of the world under the banner of Al Saud, they are Takfiri Salafists that kill Muslims, and are nothing but political opportunists, bent on a Caliphate fantasy. Sayyeda Zainab (AS) as the co-leader at Karbala with Imam Hussain (AS), renders the Sayyeda Zainab(AS) Mauseleum as a symbol of courage to all humanity. Humanity needs to stand up for the reverence for historical monuments of humanitarian importance.http://lubpak.com/archives/276475
Daily Times
The Express TribuneDespite the government’s claims of running a successful measles vaccination drive in the province, a recently submitted Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) report has declared Lahore ‘high risk’ and the Health Department has recommended monitoring and surveillance of measles in the district, The Express Tribune has learnt. The report has been drawn up by EPI Senior Medical Officers Ashfaq Ahmad Joyia and Dr Waqar Hammid, appointed observers by the Directorate General of Health Services for the measles vaccination ‘catch-up’ campaign in Lahore. The report says Ravi, Wagha and Iqbal Town are among the worst affected towns in the district. The observers have identified major weaknesses in the campaign. The report lists the names of children and areas not covered in the vaccination. “Lahore is now a high risk district because the measles virus has been here for some time. District health authorities must ensure more than 95 per cent EPI coverage among children in nomadic settlements,” the report reads. It suggests that nomadic settlements should be included in the EPI’s tour plan. It warns that the routine EPI coverage in these settlements is alarmingly poor, especially in Ravi Town’s Khokhar village. It says 94.74 per cent children have not been vaccinated and 5.26 have been only partially vaccinated in a nomadic settlement on Khokhar Road, which has been there for eight years. “The routine EPI coverage among the nomadic population in UC 12 (Iqbal Town), which lies in the vicinity of Family Health Hospital, is extremely poor. As many as 85.7 per cent children have not been vaccinated and 14.3 per cent have been partially vaccinated.” The statistics have been shared with the Deputy District Officer Health (DDOH), who has decided that those responsible for the poor coverage must be tried under the PEEDA Act [Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability]. A list of names of unvaccinated children and their parents is attached to both reports. “EPI, is the single most effective tool to reduce infant mortality. It can lead to the eradication of diseases like measles. A delay in the implementation of EPI programmes at any level can expose the target population to the measles virus. This will ultimately increase morbidity and mortality due to preventable diseases, like measles,” the report adds. The observers have recommended that the district health authorities be more vigilant and vibrant. The district health management should make a distribution plan for the cold chain equipment provided by the EPI directorates, so that incidents of vaccine waste can be avoided. The DDOH and area in-charges must be held accountable if they don’t achieve more than 95 per cent EPI coverage in their areas. Union council medical officers should also be part of the campaign in their catchment areas, the report suggests. The observers have suggested stern action against the DDOHs and vaccinators responsible for vaccination in Ravi, Wagha and Iqbal Town. Copies of the report have been provided to the health secretary, director general, the EPI Director, the district coordination officer and the health district officer. EPI Director Munir Ahmad told The Express Tribune that the department had taken action against those responsible for low EPI coverage in the three towns. “When the campaign was completed, the health secretary chaired a meeting to evaluate progress on the vaccination in Lahore. The areas left out earlier, have now been covered,” he said. The anti-measles vaccination drive in Lahore took place between April 29 and May 5. As many as 190 children in the Punjab have died of measles since January including 86 of the children from Lahore. In Punjab, 22,250 measles patients have been reported, of which 5,800 have been from Lahore.
THE FRONTIER POSTSeventeen districts of Balochistan, including Quetta, are still without electricity, local tv reports on Saturday. Furthermore, no security clearance hindering restoration of electricity to the 17 districts of the province. Failure to achieve security clearance is hindering the restoration, repairs of recently destroyed electricity tower in Bolan, creating a 1380 MW shortfall in 17 districts of Balochistan. Unknown persons had blown four towers of 132 Kv, 220 Kv electricity tower at Bibi Nani, located between Sibi and Machh on Wednesday-Thursday midnight, plunging 17 districts of Balochistan, including Quetta, Mastung, Qalat, Qila Abdullah, Naushki, Chagi , Ziarat and others into utter darkness. The remaining districts are being supplied periodical electricity, at every alternate hour through district, agro and rural regions. The people of the affected parts of the province have demanded for rectification of the situation, besides taking stringent security measures.