M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
The HinduThere is simply no excuse for what happened to Sarabjit Singh in Lahore’s Kot Lakhpat jail. The death row prisoner was in judicial custody, and Pakistani jail officials were duty bound to ensure his safety, as of every other prisoner in their charge. In Sarabjit’s case, they were also aware of specific threats to his life. Jihadi outfits had pledged to avenge the hanging of Ajmal Kasab, and later of Afzal Guru, and Sarabjit’s lawyer had petitioned the jail and the Punjab government for more security to his client. Condemned prisoners are locked up in individual cells. Going by reports, he was assaulted by two other inmates with bricks, rods, and sharp-edged utensils during his daily walk in the jail compound. The intention was to kill him. Even if not directly involved, the jail’s officials must be held responsible for dereliction. Just three months ago, another Indian prisoner, Chamel Singh, was brutally murdered in Kot Lakhpat. It is not known if any prisoner was charged for that killing, or if any officials were taken to task. But clearly, no one in authority was shaken enough to bring in measures to prevent such attacks from happening again. That would have emboldened Sarabjit’s attackers. If this murderous attack does not awaken both Pakistan and India to the shabby treatment they mete out to each other’s nationals in their jails, nothing can. Sarabjit was convicted for carrying out four bomb attacks in Lahore and Faisalabad in 1990 that killed 14 people and left 80 wounded, over his protestations that he was a victim of mistaken identity. Despite the opposition in Pakistan to the release of a terror convict, there was a time in 2008 when the newly elected Pakistan People’s Party government seriously considered this — it indefinitely put off his hanging — as a goodwill gesture towards India. This though is the real problem. Whether it is Sarabjit, or the other Indians and Pakistanis locked up in each other’s jails for far less — overstaying, fishing in each other’s waters — their fate gets enmeshed in the larger bilateral relationship. Prisoners, most of them poor and marginal in their own countries, are treated like bargaining chips, to be released only if goodwill needs to be shown to the other side, long after sentence completion. Not surprisingly, the recommendations of a commission comprising judges from both countries for quick release and repatriation of prisoners charged with minor offences have been implemented only in fits and starts. In turn, sometimes a single prisoner’s case, such as Sarabjit’s or Khalil Chishti’s, haunts relations. The first step out of this is for both countries to start treating each other’s nationals lodged in their jails as human beings instead of pawns.
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Indian death row prisoner Sarabjit Singh died of cardiac arrest in a Lahore hospital on Thursday after being comatose for nearly a week following a brutal assault by other inmates of a high-security jail, officials said. "I received a call from the doctor on duty (at Jinnah Hospital) at 1 am (1:30 IST) informing me that Sarabjit is no more," Mahmood Shaukat, the head of a medical board that was supervising Sarabjit's treatment, said. Another doctor, who was part of the team treating Sarabjit said he died of cardiac arrest, adding that doctors made several unsuccessful attempts to resuscitate him. Officials of the Indian high commission in Islamabad said they had been informed by officials of Jinnah Hospital about Sarabjit's death. Shaukat said authorities were yet to decide on conducting an autopsy on Sarabjit's body. Asked whether the autopsy would be done after getting permission from the government, he said: "At the moment I have no idea." No decision had been made about handing over the body to Sarabjit's kin or to Indian authorities, he said. "These matters will be worked out according to the directions from the government," he said. Earlier in the day, official sources in Lahore had said Sarabjit had slipped into a "non-reversible" coma and this could lead to "brain death". His measurements on the Glasgow Coma Scale, which indicates the levels of consciousness and damage to a person's central nervous system, had dropped to a "critical level", the sources said. Sarabjit's heart was beating "but without brain function" because of the extensive head injuries he sustained when he was assaulted on Friday. He was completely unresponsive and unable to breathe without ventilator support. Sarabjit, 49, sustained severe injuries, including a fractured skull, when at least six prisoners attacked him in a barrack at Kot Lakhpat Jail on Friday afternoon. He was hit on the head with bricks and had been comatose in hospital since then. Police have booked two death row prisoners — Amer Aftab and Mudassar — for the attack. They reportedly told investigators that they had attacked Sarabjit because he had allegedly carried out bomb attacks in Lahore. No action has been taken so far against officials of the jail for failing to provide adequate security to Sarabjit. Sarabjit's wife Sukhpreet Kaur, daughters Poonam and Swapandeep Kaur and sister Dalbir Kaur, who went to Lahore on Tuesday to see him, have returned to India. Sarabjit was convicted of alleged involvement in a string of bomb attacks in Punjab province that killed 14 people in 1990 and spent about 22 years in Pakistani prisons. His mercy petitions were rejected by the courts and former President Pervez Musharraf. The previous Pakistan People's Party-led government put off Sarabjit's execution for an indefinite period in 2008. Sarabjit's family says he was the victim of mistaken identity and had inadvertently strayed across the border in an inebriated state. Following the rapid deterioration in Sarabjit's condition, New Delhi had requested that he be immediately released so that he could be treated in India or a third country. Pakistan had said it was "positively considering" the request to repatriate Sarabjit.
د پاکستان د کیڼ اړخو ګوندونو عوامي نیشنل ګوند،متحده قامي مومنټ او پیپلز پارټي د چارواکو وینا ده چې په پاکستان کې ترهګرو او د هغو پلویانو ته د واک سپارلو سازش روان دی او هڅې کېږي چې طالب پلوه وزیراعظم راوستل شي . د یادو درې واړو ګوندونو مشرانو دا خبره بېګا شپه په کراچۍ کې د ایم کیو ایم ګوند په مرکز ناین زیرو کې د ګډې غونډې وروسته خبري کنفرانس ته وکړه. په دغه خبري غونډه کې د عوامي نیشنل ګوند د سند څانګې مشر سنیټر شاهي سید، د پیپلز ګوند رهنما او د کورنیوچارو پخواني مرکزي وزیر رحمان ملک او د ایم کیو ایم ګوند مرستیال کنوینر فاروق ستار ګډون لرلو. خبري ناستې ته په وینا کې د ایم کیو ایم ګوند مشر چارواکي ډاکټر فاروق ستار وویل چې په پاکستان کې د ۲۰۱۳ په ټاکنو کې درغلیو ته لار هواریږي نوموړي په دې کار کې د پاکستان او نړیوال اسټبلشمنټ ککړ وباله. (( موږ درې واړه ګوندونه دا غوښتنه کوو چې خپلواکې او په انصاف ولاړې ټاکنې دې ترسره شي په دې لړ کې دې د ټاکنو کمیشن، نګران حکومت او قانون نافذونکې ادارې خپل خپلې ذمه وارۍ پوره کړي )) خبري غونډې ته د عوامي نیشنل ګوند د سند صوبې مشر سنیټر شاهي سید په خپله وینا کې وویل چې دوی د ترهګرو د بمي حملو څخه نه ویریږي. هغه وویل د بمي حملو مقصد د لیبرل او روښنفکره قوتونو لپاره د پارلیمان مخه نیول او د ترهګرو پلوي ګوندونه پارلیمان ته رسول دي . د نوموړي په وینا که داسې وشول نو د پاکستان راتلونکی د غیر یقني صورتحال سره مخ کیدلی شي . سنیټر شاهي سید په دې اړه مشال ریډیو ته وویل: ((که دغه انتها پسند په پارلیمنټ کې هم کیني نو د پاکستان په حقله بیا ستاسو څه خیال دی؟ زه یقین لرم چې بیا به د پاکستان پوزیشن داسې وي لکه د یولسم ستمبر د پېښې روسته چې د افغانستان و. دنیا موږ ته دهشتګرد ریاست ویلی شي او په موږ بندیزونه لګولای شي. په داسې حال کې بیا له دوی سره وسایل څه دي ؟ له دوی سره مالومات څه دي؟ ددوی په دنیا کې د اوسیدو طور طریقه څه ده ؟ چې کله دا صورتحال دی چې ته د بل په پښو ولاړ یې نو بیا دړکې [ګواښونه] ولې کوې )) خبري غونډې ته د کورنیو چارو پخواني مرکزي وزیر او د پیپلز ګوند رهنما رحمان ملک هم وینا وکړه او وې ویل که د پنجاب حکومت د وسله والې ډلې لشکر جنګوي په ضد عملیات کړی وې نو نن به د کراچۍ په ګډون د پاکستان په نورو برخو کې د ټاکنیز کمپین په مهال بدامني نه وې: ((دې وایي دوي غواړي یو طالب پلوه وزیراعظم راوستل شي ، دا د پاکستان د ماتولو په ضد دا یو سازش دي)) په یاده غونډه کې د درې واړو ګوندونو مشران په دې سره سلا شوي دي چې د ترهګرو په وړاندې به خپلې سیاسي مبارزې ته دوام وربخښي .
The Express Tribune
Russia & India Report
By: Elena Revinskaya
The May Day demonstration was a very enjoyable event for Soviet children, who would start getting ready for it a few weeks in advance. We had to make paper flowers and stick it to the twigs so they would look like apple tree blossoms.The May holidays in Russia, which have always been celebrated with a lot of pride and passion, start with May 1, International Labour Day. The country first celebrated Labour Day way back in 1890, decades before the formation of the Soviet Union. Initially it was called ‘Day of International Solidarity of the Labour Class.’ In 1997, the name was changed to ‘Labour and Spring Day.’ It has always being a symbol of revolution and the never-ending fight between rich and poor classes. From 1917, May 1 demonstrations were always influenced by the Communist Party. Millions of workers would attend demonstrations all over the country. They would carry various slogans, such as “All power to the Soviets” and “All power to the labour class.” Ironically, the mostly political gatherings slowly lost their political colour. For us, Soviet children, the run up to May 1 was always a very happy time for several reasons. There was a great anticipation of the time off from school. Usually we had 2 days off and after a weak another holiday would come - May 9th - World War 2 Victory Day.The May Day demonstration was a very enjoyable event to attend and we would start getting ready few weeks in advance. We had to make paper flowers and stick it to the twigs so they would look like apple tree blossoms. We had to take out balloons from cupboards. We had to make red paper flags to bring to the demonstration. Everybody was happy and the children danced, waved flags and balloons. The festivities were full of positive energy. Now those days are gone and are a part of history like the Soviet Union itself. The celebratory aspects are gone for today’s children, though they are still excited about the holidays and spring. Nowadays, Labour Day is also celebrated in India but I don’t think anybody gives enough importance to this holiday. Someone I know here cracked a joke that on Labour Day people should work the hardest and not have the day off. One of my Russian friends commented that in Russia before people have a day off, they work hard contributing to society by cleaning the streets. That was called ‘Subbotnik’ meaning something that is done on Saturday. This tradition came from Soviet Collectivism. Everybody would receive a notice about what time to come for Subbotnik. There would be organisers who would allocate areas to people. We would come prepared: wearing old cloths, gloves, bringing brooms and shovels. It was collective effort to contribute to society; everybody contributed and the experience was satisfying. I think India could definitely benefit from this practice. Maybe then more Indians would value International Labour Day.
REUTERSTrains and ferries were canceled and hospital staff walked off the job in Greece on Wednesday as workers marked May Day with a strike against harsh austerity required by the country's foreign lenders. Elsewhere, Turkish riot police fired water cannon and tear gas to disperse crowds gathering in central Istanbul for a rally on what has become a traditional labor holiday. Greece's 24-hour walkout was called by its two major public and private sector unions. It is the latest in a long line of strikes and protests in the debt-laden country ravaged by its sixth year of recession and popular fury over wage and spending cuts. "Our message today is very clear: Enough with these policies which hurt people and make the poor poorer," Ilias Iliopoulos, general secretary of public sector union ADEDY, told Reuters. "The government must take back the austerity measures, people can't take it anymore." About 1,000 policemen were deployed in central Athens to handle any violence during the rallies, though participation is expected to be well below the levels of major protests last year when as many as 100,000 Greeks marched to the central Syntagma square chanting slogans. Demonstrators began to slowly gather in central squares in Athens to rally before marching to parliament, the site of frequent clashes between police and protesters in recent years. Unions expected turnout to be low with the traditional May 1 holiday falling just a few days before Greek Orthodox Easter, which meant public schools were shut and many workers had already left for vacation. Public transport in Athens was disrupted with buses and subways halted, while ships and ferries stayed docked at ports after seamen also walked off the job. Bank and hospital workers also joined the one-day strike. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has sought to maintain a hard line against striking workers in a bid to show European Union and International Monetary Fund lenders - as well as the public - that he is determined to push through unpopular reforms. The lenders' decision to disburse long-delayed aid last year has eased fears that Greece could go bankrupt and be forced to leave the euro zone, but the country still faces deep challenges from a volatile social climate and domestic opposition to a reform program that includes firing civil servants. In Istanbul, thousands of police were stationed across the city center to block access to the main Taksim square as crowds of protesters converged in different parts of the city early in the morning attempting to storm police barricades.
The Express TribuneKa da zilmo na pora nash wa Garana watana jenakai ba da gatina (If the youth fails, Dear motherland, the girls will guard you)
This old Pashtho Tapa (form of poetry) pays tribute both to the Pakhtuns’ love for their homeland, and also to their indomitable spirit. In essence it means that defeat is unacceptable to the Pakhtuns. The Awami National Party, it seems, has taken this maxim to heart, remaining adamant not only in the face of competition from other parties but also in the face of constant militant attacks and threats.
http://www.washingtontimes.com/Religious freedom is under attack in Pakistan and the situation next door in Afghanistan is not that much better, despite an improvement since the country was ruled by the Taliban, a U.S. government advisory commission said in a report released Tuesday. “Pakistan represents the worst situation in the world for religious freedom for countries not currently designated as ‘countries of particular concern’ by the U.S. government,” the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said in its annual report. “The government of Pakistan continues to engage in and tolerate systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of freedom of religion or belief.” The report found that violations reached unprecedented levels because of growing incidents of sectarian violence against Shiite Muslims. The government also failed to protect Christians, Ahmadis and Hindus, it said. Knox Thames, the commission’s director of policy and research, said the situation in Pakistan is “reaching crisis proportions.” The commission repeated a recommendation it has made since 2002 that Pakistan be designated a “country of particular concern.” “The U.S. naming Pakistan as a country of particular concern would bring these challenges to the forefront of the U.S.-Pakistani bilateral relationship and hopefully move Pakistan to make concrete improvements,” Mr. Thames said. Because the commission’s role is advisory, the State Department is under no obligation to enforce its recommendations. The report says Pakistan’s anti-blasphemy law is often used to intimidate religious minorities. Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S., Sherry Rehman, is the subject of an anti-blasphemy lawsuit. The law, which came into effect during the dictatorship of Gen. Zia ul Haq in the 1980s, prescribes the death penalty for those perceived to have insulted Islam or Prophet Muhammad. While the government has not carried out any death sentences, extremists often take it upon themselves to execute those accused in blasphemy cases. In 2011, two prominent Pakistanis — Shahbaz Bhatti, a Catholic and Cabinet minister for minorities, and Salmaan Taseer, governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province — were assassinated for their criticism of the blasphemy law. A Pakistani Embassy spokesman in Washington did not comment on the report. On Afghanistan, the commission noted that compared with the brutal rule of the Taliban from 1996 to 2001, conditions for religious freedom have improved markedly. “However, comparisons to the abusive actions of the Taliban provide an incomplete and misleading picture,” the report says. “Dissenting members of the majority faith and minority religious communities continue to face significant restrictions on the free practice of religion. Governmental and non-state actors have taken action against individuals for activity deemed to be ‘un-Islamic.’” “In addition, the Afghan government remains unable to protect citizens against violence and intimidation by the Taliban and other armed groups,” it adds. Moreover, the report says, Afghan President Hamid Karzai undercut the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission when he dismissed three of its nine commissioners in December 2011. Janan Mosazai, a Foreign Ministry spokesman in Kabul, said the Afghan government is “fully committed to ensuring religious freedom for followers of all religions in Afghanistan, something our constitution is very clear about.” “We also need to compare conditions in Afghanistan today with the suffering and brutality that people of all faiths were subjected throughout the 1990s — first during the civil war and then under the Taliban regime,” Mr. Mosazai said in an email. In light of the withdrawal of most coalition combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014, the commission recommended that the U.S. government increase and strengthen diplomatic, development and military engagement to promote human rights, especially religious freedom in the country. Afghanistan is at a critical junction, Mr. Thames said. “President Karzai’s recent call to crack down on ‘un-Islamic’ television programming demonstrates the tenuous nature of freedom of thought, conscience and religion,” he said. “To ensure the government does not adopt a Talibanesque system repressing independent thought, the United States should increase its promotion of human rights, especially religious freedom.” The report recommends that the secretary of State redesignate Myanmar, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Uzbekistan as countries of particular concern. In addition to Pakistan, six other countries — Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Vietnam — should be designated as countries of particular concern, it says.
EDITORIAL : Daily TimesSaying that the national and international establishment are keeping the moderate and liberal parties away from the elections purposefully sounds more like an attempt to shift the burden. Terrorism, as it has come to invade every part of our lives, and now the elections, was left to grow and fester in the absence of any concerted, integrated and responsive counter-terrorism strategy by the government. Had there been serious effort to control this menace, the elections, being the most important event of Pakistan’s history, would not have become an issue of life and death. Rehman Malik, the former interior minister of Pakistan, in spite of knowing that the elections would open a floodgate of terrorism could not do anything to prevent the development. Whether it was lack of political will or sheer negligence of the government, we are now reaping the results. Obviously the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) tactically is attacking the liberal and moderate parties. That sounds very much like the militants’ programme. It was the responsibility of the parties, now the target of the TTP, the PPP, the MQM and the ANP, who were part of the government both in the provinces and in the centre for five years, to build deterrent policies against the impending crisis. The emerging solidarity among the parties under attack now would do little except perhaps encourage their voters to frustrate the dirty game of the militants by going to the polls on election day. On the other hand the right-wing parties, having a free hand to campaign, should know that they too can be exposed to hard times. The TTP has its own agenda to follow. Their challenge to the state would not go away once the party they are going soft on is in power. In fact those they are now implicitly ‘helping’ to campaign in the elections fearlessly, would be under pressure to toe their line. For now the division between liberal/secular versus conservative reflects an ideological schism that could eventually tear Pakistan apart. Punjab, for the terrorists’ tactical reasons, since nearly 70 candidates of banned religious organisations are contesting from here, is left untouched. The rest of Pakistan has become a pool of blood. Two independent candidates have so far been killed. An election in Mirpurkhas has been postponed. PPP has done not a single large rally fearing a TTP backlash. MQM and ANP have already lost several party workers in a matter of one week. This will eventually deepen the resentment of other provinces that they always had for Punjab. Exclusivity somehow has always been Punjab’s prerogative. Now with militancy too favouring Punjab, division of hearts and minds between Punjab and other provinces could be easily imagined, especially in the post-election period. Now that the attacks by the TTP on only three parties in three provinces is already being seen as pre-poll rigging, the results of elections will also be considered skewed in favour of the centre-right parties. How will this affect the atmosphere of the post-election period is again disturbing. The new government will already enter office with lots of baggage. The TTP is a monster newly energised during the elections. Neither the PTI nor the PML-N has uttered a single word against the atrocity that is killing people like flies. Their silence is intolerable for many. It is not a free lunch that they believe they will savour forever. Eventually they might be slaughtered as well.