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Wednesday, August 21, 2013
PM stance of terrorism is vague: Aitzaz
PPP Senator Aitzaz Ahsan Wednesday said Prime Minister’s address to nation the previous day was unnecessary and untimely.
“There was no emergency in the country that called for this address,” he said. Aitzaz said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had no clear-cut outlook and vision on the issue of terrorism.
Referring to Nandipur Power Project he said the cost of the project has been raised in order to benefit some persons, adding government would have explain the increase in the cost of the project.
Aitzaz said the bullet train project announced by PM Nawaz Sharif was only a dream and Pakistan’s economy cannot afford such a project.
He said Shahbaz Sharif had in his election speech promised to end loadshedding in six months but PM Nawaz in his address to nation had clearly said that crisis of loadshedding would be overcome in five years.
“Shahbaz Sharif should start looking for a new name for him as per his claim,” Aitzaz said.
He rejected the holding of Local Government elections in Punjab on non-party basis and termed it as a violation of Charted of Democracy.
Malala Yousafzai: Violence will never triumph over human rights, vows brave Malala as she gets the Tipperary International Peace Award
THE Pakistani teenager who survived a Taliban assassination bid has accepted Ireland's most prestigious peace award -- and vowed that violence will never triumph over human rights.Malala Yousafzai (16), who was shot in the head by the Taliban last October, accepted the Tipperary International Peace Award at a sell-out ceremony attended by almost 400 guests. Malala, who was visibly moved as she accepted the award, is the youngest ever recipient of the 28-year-old prize. "It is a great honour for me to be here in Tipperary . . . thank you for giving me such a prestigious award," she said. But she said she does not want to be known for the rest of her life for defying a Taliban assassination attempt. "I want to be known as the girl who fought for the right to education for every boy and girl." Malala, who is now based in the UK, celebrated her 16th birthday last month. She said she misses her Swat Valley home in Pakistan but is determined to continue her fight for human rights. She said that education was ultimately the key to defusing conflict in the world's war zones. "Peace is not only the absence of war, it is the absence of fear. They (the Taliban) took us out of a paradise in the beautiful Swat Valley and put us in a hell. But ... education can bring change." Tipperary Peace Convention official Martin Quinn said Malala's courage has been an inspiration for all those fighting for human rights such as education. "You, Malala, are a light in the darkness. Your voice was not silenced by the Taliban. It was amplified," he said. The teen was also thrilled to hear a special ballad written in her honour by the Holy Rosary College choir from Mount Bellew in Galway. Entitled 'The Flower of Pakistan', the song was written by teacher Eamon Quinn. She also received a specially commissioned crystal dove of peace by Wexford glass smith Fred Curtis. Trade Minister Joe Costello said Malala was an inspiration. "I applaud her singular bravery and I am delighted her efforts to champion human rights in the face of intimidation and adversity have been honoured," he said.
Egypt: Mubarak to be released Wednesday night

بلاول ہاؤس کے ترجمان اعجاز درانی نے مسلم لیگ ن کے حکمرانوں کی جانب سے بجلی کی قیمتوں میں ہفتہ وار اور ماہانہ اضافے کو ملک و قوم کے لیے زہر قاتل قرار دیا ہے
بلاول ہاؤس کے ترجمان اعجاز درانی نے مسلم لیگ ن کے حکمرانوں کی جانب سے بجلی کی قیمتوں میں ہفتہ وار اور ماہانہ اضافے کو ملک و قوم کے لیے زہر قاتل قرار دیا ہے۔ ن لیگ کے قائدین اپنے کاروباری مفادات کے لیے پاکستان کو “نیلام گھر” بنانے کی سازشوں میں مصروف عمل ہیں۔ جس کی خاطر انہوں نے پاکستان کو منی بجٹوں کا جمعہ بازار بنادیا ہے۔ شریف برادران نے پہلے اپنے کاروباری مقاصد کے حصول کے لیے بدنام زمانہ سیف الرحمان کو فرنٹ مین بنایا اور اب وہ ایک اور بدنام زمانہ “ٹرپل ایم” (Triple M) کے ذریعے “پاکستان برائے فروخت” کے راستے پر گامزن ہیں۔ اعجاز درانی نے کہا کہ ن لیگ کی حکومت عوام کی توجہ اصل مسائل سے ہٹانے کے لیے بجلی کا بحران پیدا کر کے ملک کو اندھیروں میں غرق کرنے کی سازشوں میں مصروف ہے۔ جس کی حقیقت وزیر اعظم نواز شریف نے خود قوم سے اپنے پہلے خطاب میں واضح کردی جس میں انہوں نے سرکاری ٹی وی پر قوم سے نہیں بلکہ ہیلی کاپٹر میں بیٹھ کر سیلاب زدگان سے خطاب کر کے خود اپنی حقیقت عوام کے سامنے عیاں کردی۔ ترجمان نے کہا کہ تین ماہ کے دوران شریف برادران نے کبھی ڈیرہ غازی خان میں سینکڑوں قیدیوں کو بھگوا کر مگر مچھ کے آنسو بہائے اور کبھی شاہراہ دستور پر کبھی سکندر کو مقدر اور کبھی مقدر کو سکندر بنا کر پاکستان کے حساس اداروں کی تذلیل کی۔ اعجاز درانی نے واضح کیا کہ موجودہ حکومت کے قیام کے بعد در حقیقت تین مرتبہ بجلی نرخوں میں کمر توڑ اضافہ کیا گیا۔ پیپلز پارٹی کی جمہوری حکوت میں گھریلو صارفین کو بجلی کی مد میں 6 روپے فی یونٹ جبکہ نواز حکومت کے فیصلوں کے مطابق اب گھریلو صارفین کو 12 روپے فی یونٹ ادا کرہے ہیں۔ جمہوری حکومت میں تجارتی صارفین 11 روپے فی یونٹ ادا کررہے تھے لیکن اب وہ 20 روپے فی یونٹ ادا کررہے ہیں۔ دوسری جانب صنعتی صارفین پہلے 6 روپے فی یونٹ ادا کررہے تھے لیکن اب وہ 11 روپے فی یونٹ ادا کررہے ہیں۔ اعجاز درانی نے قوم اور بالخصوص تاجر برادری کو پیشگی آگاہ کیا کہ موجودہ حکومت کے عوام دشمن ایجنڈے کی روشنی میں اکتوبر کے مہینےسے گھریلو صارفین کو 14 روپے فی یونٹ، تجارتی صارفین کو 23 روپے فی یونٹ جبکہ صنعتی صارفین کو 14 روپے فی یونٹ ادا کرے پڑیں گے
What people think vital to China's future

By Fu ShuangqiHigh-level publicity officials from across China gathered at an important conference earlier this week in Beijing about publicity and ideological work. President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech about priorities in this line of work. The CPC cares about what people think. In its revolutionary days, the belief in Communism united its members and forged the party into an effective and courageous force, which won wars and pulled through hard times. It is a very different time now. China is the world's second largest economy and open in almost every aspect of its society. Hollywood blockbusters show in Chinese cinemas and foreign bestsellers line bookshelves Chinese people think differently. Even a commercial film targeting teenage audience, such as "Tiny Times," roused greatly divided feedback. New situations pose challenges for the CPC to consolidate the ideology and affect public opinion. Although the promotion of Marxism and socialism with Chinese characteristics remain the top priority in the publicity work, Xi stressed innovation and new approaches that can truly resonate with the public. In his speech, Xi highlighted one significant task as introducing "a comprehensive and objective view of contemporary China as well as the exterior world." He stressed the importance of explaining the uniqueness of China to the outside world, including its "unique tradition, history and reality," while being open to new ideas and knowledge from across the world. He urged new ways of expression that may connect the country with the rest of the world to ensure "the stories of China are well told and voices of China well spread." The CPC and Chinese government are showing greater flexibility in communication with the public, at home and abroad. In 2011, China for the first time put a 60-second video, with red as its theme color, on the screens at Times Square in New York, featuring Chinese celebrities like basketball star Yao Ming, astronaut Yang Liwei and producer John Woo. In response to the fast growth of social networks, governments and Party organs have opened accounts on popular microblogging websites. According to a report from the Chinese Academy of Governance, more than 170,000 accounts at four leading microblogging sites were opened by governments and officials by the end of last year. According to Prof. Xue Lan, dean of the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, notable progress has been made in government-people communication since the outbreak of SARS in 2003. Spokespersons have been appointed and trained and the Party and government departments started to regularly brief media. However, more needs to be done to meet public expectation of transparency and openness. As President Xi said in his speech, publicity work is not only the work of publicity departments but of all Party and government departments and is an important part of governance. In fast changing Chinese society, public communication is essential in handling emergencies and managing crises. It requires finer skills than the CPC's traditional methods in political campaigns. Performance in this line of work will greatly affect the image of the CPC.
India's democracy threatened from within
Afghanistan: Villagers Tell of Slaughter by a Soldier in Kandahar

Afghan Victims Testify At U.S. Soldier's Sentencing Trial
Afghanistan: Unemployment, Domestic Violence Fueling Emigration: MoLSAMD
http://www.tolonews.com/The Afghan Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD) said on Tuesday that a lack of employment opportunities and increasing rates of domestic violence are both compelling growing numbers of Afghans to leave the country in search of a better life abroad. And many of the emigrants are resettling in countries illegally. "Domestic violence, social and economic problems have forced many Afghans to emigrate. They have to live in harsh conditions as illegal immigrants, and many of them turn into drug addicts," said Wasel Noor Mohmand, Deputy Minister of MoLSAMD. Mr. Mohmand cited high unemployment amongst young Afghans as one of the key issues driving many to seek opportunities abroad, even without proper documentation or set plans for their future in destination countries. Afghanistan has one of the largest youngest demographics in the world, with 60% of its overall population under the age of 20. According to MoLSAMD officials, the other major cause of the flight of Afghans abroad is the rise in violence against women. Fleeing abuse at home, many Afghan women seek safety and a new life abroad. Last month the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) reported a rise in violence against women in 2013, saying that it registered over 2,500 cases in the first four months of the year alone. Yet because many of the young Afghan men and women who are migrating to other countries in search of a better life are doing so illegally, they are unable to live well when they reach their destinations. MoLSAMD officials said that many of the Afghan emigrants have to live in harsh conditions, often resulting in homelessness, panhandling and drug addiction. Officials from the Ministry of Emigration and Repatriation (MoER) also expressed their concerns over the sudden increase in emigration, saying that currently one out of four Afghans chooses to emigrate. "Three million Afghan women and children have migrated to 75 countries, and 70 percent of Afghans who live in Pakistan are below 18 years of age," said Abdul Samad Hami, Deputy Minister of MoER. In an effort to reduce the number of emigrants, several non-profit organizations dealing with emigration and the dangers of illegal immigration have started conducting awareness programmes in several provinces across the country. During the 1980s and 1990s, roughly six million Afghans fled the country for Pakistan and Iran. However, estimates put around five million returning to Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban government.
LoC firing: Pakistan Army captain killed

'Friendship' or grudge match? Rare soccer clash unites Afghanistan, Pakistan
Saudi Arabia Sponsoring Terrorists Who Kill Muslims
By Finian Cunningham
August 19, 2013 "Information Clearing House - As the Muslim holy month of Ramadan came to an end this year, Saudi King Abdullah marked the occasion of Eid al-Fitr with a “generous” donation.
The Saudi monarch revealed that the oil-rich kingdom was donating $100 million to the United Nations’ Center for Counter-Terrorism, based in New York.
With typical sycophancy, the Saudi state-backed Arab News said that the gift from the “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques of Islam … underlined the prominent role that he and the kingdom have long played in the challenging campaign, not just against the hidden killers of Al-Qaeda, but also against the distortion of Islam that lure young and impressionable people into the ranks of terror groups”.
Among those congratulating the Saudi king was US Secretary of State John Kerry, who said: “His majesty's generous donation, on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, demonstrates once again the kingdom's commitment to supporting multilateral institutions and strengthening international cooperation on counterterrorism.”
It was quite a feat in doublethink and duplicity. Even a mainstream publication like the Business Standard had to admit that there was more than a hint of incongruity. “In announcing the donation, the Saudi ruler has further reaffirmed his nation's position worldwide, belying some of the misperceptions about Saudi Arabia being a backer and funder of terrorism,” it wrote.
While King Abdullah was spilling Saudi coffers to ostensibly help fight terrorism, Ramadan was ending with thousands of Muslims having their blood spilled by terrorists funded by Saudi Arabia - terrorists of the state and non-state variety alike.
That would explain the generosity of Al Saud. A public relations exercise of enormous magnitude had to be wheeled out to cover up the appalling reality of Saudi-sponsored mayhem and bloodshed, and more, especially because that bloodshed was flowing from Muslims at the behest of the so-called Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.
In Iraq, more than 1,000 people lost their lives in car bombs and gun attacks that targeted mainly Shia districts of the capital, Baghdad. It was the highest monthly death toll since 2007, according to UN figures. It is well-known that the House of Saud has been financing extremist Wahhabi groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda in Iraq over many years - even when these terrorists were killing thousands of soldiers belonging to its American sponsor.
This Saudi role was confirmed recently with the release of classified US cables in which former American ambassador, Christopher Hill, acknowledged that Saudi Arabia was a major backer of Al-Qaeda in Iraq.
But the Saudi sponsorship of terrorism is, of course, not confined to Iraq. During this Ramadan, there was a noticeable gear change in increased killings in Syria. Car bombs ripped through the capital, Damascus, and several neighboring districts. One of the deadliest bombings was in Jaramana, in which 18 people were killed on 7 August. It was the second such attack in two weeks on the same district. Then
there was the sickening slaughter of more than 120, including women and children, in the village of Khan al-Assal on 27 July. Also, on what should have been the joyous occasion of Eid al-Fitr on 8 August, the holy Shia shrine of Sayyideh Zainab, near Damascus, was attacked with mortars injuring more than 20 pilgrims.
While Muslims were fasting and praying for Ramadan, the House of Saud and its associates were all the time gorging on the deaths of thousands. During the holy Muslim month, it was revealed that Saudi Arabia bought $50 million worth of weapons from Israel to send to its mercenaries - to kill Muslims in Syria. The historic assassination of Imam Ali by treacherous "Muslims" as he knelt saying his Ramadan prayers resonates disturbingly.
All these attacks in Syria were carried out by Takfiri groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda and supported by Saudi Arabia. The escalation in terrorism came after Saudi Arabia took over the lead role in the Western-backed regime-change operation in Syria, after Qatar was sidelined in this duty two months ago. It was reported that Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan had earlier used his strong connections with American counterparts in order to oust the smaller Persian Gulf rival from the driving seat.
It was also reported that the Saudi spy chief set about his new task as terror paymaster with zeal, holding meetings with both US and Israeli military to plan the stepping up of attacks across Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The method was to intensify sectarian strife through mass killings. The objective was to sow chaos in order to undermine the central governments of those states. That would not only further the
regime change agenda in all three countries, it would, very desirably, serve to isolate the main Shia power, Iran.
On 5 August, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army, General
Martin Dempsey, met with Israeli minister for military affairs Moshe Ya’alon in Tel Aviv. Top of the agenda were discussions on Iran and how to undermine
the so-called “Axis of Evil,” a defamatory accusation leveled by Ya’alon against Iran, Syria and Lebanon. It is very plausible that Saudi Prince Bandar would have been privy to those discussions given his new US-appointed role as the region’s terror paymaster.
This is the context for the deadly bombing in Beirut this week. More than 20 people, including women and children, were killed when a massive car bomb hit the Zahiyeh district on Wednesday during evening rush hour. Hundreds more were injured in the mainly Shia area, which is strongly supportive of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Two little-known groups reportedly claimed responsibility: The Ayesha Brigade released a video statement gloating that more such violence was to follow soon; e another outfit calling itself the Special Forces 313 Brigade also claimed responsibility. They are probably just a front to hide the identity of the real authors of the terrorist act.
The day before the bombing - the second such attack in that area in four weeks - Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah made a defiant televised speech on the seventh anniversary marking the defeat of the US-backed Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006. Nasrallah also revealed for the first time that Hezbollah carried out the explosion on August 7 that injured four Israeli soldiers after they had illegally entered south Lebanese territory.
Following the Beirut blast, Lebanese President Michel Sleiman voiced the conclusion of many observers when he said that it bore “the fingerprints of Israel.”
The precise identity of who carried out the atrocity in Beirut this week may never be known. But we can be sure that this latest terrorist act is just one part of a continuum of chaos and suffering across the entire region. It is integral with state and non-state terrorism, attempting to unleash sectarian bloodletting between Sunni and Shia and between Muslims and Christians.
The state terrorism that we see in Egypt where hundreds have been killed this week bears the hallmarks of the state terrorism in Bahrain. This is, in turn, is consistent with the terrorism running amok in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. We know this because the same protagonists are involved in all cases. The US, Israeli and Saudi-backed murderous regimes in Egypt and Bahrain are but the official incarnations of the
US, Israeli and Saudi-backed terrorist mercenaries who are killing innocent people in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. To this Axis of Evil, we can also add the old colonial states, Britain and France.
Each of these terrorist sponsors has its own particular interests, some of which overlap, some of which may at times seem contradictory. But the bottom line that unites all of them is this: the defeat of democracy.
If democracy - that is, genuine people power and justice over the huge economic resources of the Middle East -were to prevail, then all the members of the nefarious imperialist, Zionist, Wahhabist Axis of Evil would be finished. That is why all of them are aligned to kill democracy using all means necessary, including mass murder of civilians.
And if we were to assign seniority in this axis of evil, it has to be the United States because its capitalist ruling elite has most to lose from democratic freedom, which is something of an irony, given that the phrase “Axis of Evil” was coined by one of its presidents, George W Bush, back in 2003.
Finian Cunningham, originally from Belfast, Ireland, was born in 1963. He is a prominent expert in international affairs. The author and media commentator was expelled from Bahrain in June 2011 for his critical journalism in which he highlighted human rights violations by the Western-backed regime. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in journalism. He co-hosts a weekly current affairs programme, Sunday at 3pm GMT on Bandung Radio.
Senate:Rabbani tables adjournment motion on Islamabad drama
Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Raza Rabbani on Tuesday presented adjournment motion in the Senate, seeking answers to 17 questions regarding Jinnah Avenue episode.
Rabbani asked; How did the gunman entered high security zone of the federal capital, who was the incharge of the operation, why didn’t Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar return to Islamabad after the incident occurred and what made the Interior Minister believe the gunman was not a terrorist.
He asked as to what instruction Chaudhry Nisar gave to the officers who were present at the Jinnah Avenue.
Kayani doubted Taliban killed Benazir, recounts UN investigator
Heraldo Munoz, the lead United Nations (UN) investigator in a probe into former prime minister Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, doubts the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) independently carried out the attack, but does not discount suspicions about involvement of intelligence operatives in her murder and later covering up of evidence.
An adaptation from Mr Munoz’s upcoming book, ‘Getting away with the murder — Behind the Investigation of Benazir Bhutto’s Assassination’, published on Foreign Affairs magazine’s website, expresses fears that the murder would remain unsolved because of absence of both capacity and willingness of the government and courts to solve the case.
Mr Munoz, currently UN Assistant Secretary General, had headed the UN Commission of Inquiry into the assassination appointed by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the government’s request in July 2009. The commission submitted its report to the secretary general in March 2010.
The publishing of the article coincided with the indictment of former military ruler retired Gen Pervez Musharraf by an anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi in the Benazir assassination case.
Mr Munoz believes Gen Musharraf may have facilitated the killing by ignoring Ms Bhutto’s security needs after their political deal went sour and does not absolve him of moral and political responsibility.
“Suspicions of the ISI’s — or at least of some retired officers or rogue members of the agency — involvement in the assassination were not unfounded,” he observed in the article after narrating his meetings with army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and then ISI director general Lt Gen Shuja Pasha.
The UN investigator has recounted that army chief Kayani had doubts about Pakistani Taliban’s involvement in the murder of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto.
Kayani suspected whether the slain chief of TTP, Baitullah Mehsud had organised the assassination, as was claimed by an interior ministry spokesman at a news conference a day after Bhutto’s death on December 27, 2007.
Musharraf’s government based its claim on Mehsud’s telephonic conversation intercepted by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
Kayani had called the press conference “premature” and that “It should not have been done,” Heraldo Munoz wrote in his book.
“One cannot conclude culpability solely on a phone intercept,” the army chief was quoted as saying by Munoz, who headed a UN panel that investigated Benazir Bhutto’s assassination.
Referring to hosing down of the crime scene within 24 hours, General Kayani also criticised local policemen in Rawalpindi, calling them “amateur”.
“If in 24 hours you don’t completely secure the scene, then you lose the threads to solve a case,” he said.
Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in a gun-and-bomb attack outside Rawalpindi’s Liaquat Bagh on December 27, 2007 while Musharraf was president. She was killed after addressing an election campaign rally in the city.
“In Bhutto’s case, it would seem that the village assassinated her: Al-Qaeda gave the order; the Pakistani Taliban executed the attack, possibly backed or at least encouraged by elements of the establishment; the Musharraf government facilitated the crime through its negligence; local senior policemen attempted a cover-up; Bhutto’s lead security team failed to properly safeguard her; and most Pakistani political actors would rather turn the page than continue investigating who was behind her assassination,” the UN investigator observed in the concluding paragraphs.
Ban on Pashto films sparks controversy

US names Peshawar madrassa as 'terror training center'

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