M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Monday, July 15, 2013
RT source: Israeli strike on Syria was carried out from Turkish base

Quetta carnage: Rights activists demand action against banned outfits
Published:The Express Tribune,July 2nd

Bangladesh: Hartal demanding Ghulam Azam’s death Tuesday

Bangladesh: Ghulam Azam awarded 90-year imprisonment

'Trayvon Martin Will Happen Again and Again'
The acquittal in Florida's Trayvon Martin murder case has drawn criticism around the world. In the German media, the focus is as much on misguided vigilante justice laws as it is on race.
News media around the world covered Saturday night's ruling in the Trayvon Martin murder case as top news. In Germany, it featured as a leading story on one of the top news programs, where the host's first question to the station's Washington correspondent was why there hadn't been a single African American on the jury.
Another leading news broadcast noted the case had drawn considerable international attention because it "appeared to be so systematic and also divided the country." The correspondent added that, for many, Martin's death had "become a symbol for racism that is still present in America."
Many had feared that if an all-white jury issued a not-guilty verdict for George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a black teenager who had been unarmed, it could trigger race riots across the country. Zimmerman claimed he had shot the 17-year-old in self-defense after a nighttime confrontation in his gated community, despite police advice not to pursue the young man. Zimmerman claimed that Martin had punched him and slammed his head into the ground during a fight before he fired at him in self-defense. Prosecutors had portrayed Zimmerman as a wannabe cop who profiled and pursued Martin.
Mostly peaceful protests were held across the country following the verdict. US President Barack Obama had cautioned against allowing passions to boil over. "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," President Barack Obama said Sunday in a statement. "I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken."
Just as in the United States, one of the primary focuses of editorials and coverage in Germany is of Florida's controversial "Stand Your Ground" law, which critics have dubbed a "shoot first" law. Implemented in 2005, and adopted by 20 other US states, it says that anyone who fears harm or death is not required to retreat from a potential perpetrator, even if they have the possibility of safely doing so. It also places the burden on prosecutors to prove without any doubt that the shooter feared harm or death.
'Wild West Times'
Although senior German politicians aren't commenting on the case, that hasn't stopped at least one on the fringe from doing so.
Speaking on Deutschlandradio, the German equivalent to NPR or BBC Radio, Dietmar Bartsch, the deputy head of the far-left Left Party's parliamentary group, said US laws urgently need reform. "These are laws in the spirit of the Wild West times," he said. "It is incomprehensible and I am angered, but there is still hope that the federal court will open the case again."
A handful of German newspapers also published editorials on Monday that are critical of the Florida law, which they argue promotes vigilante justice in ways that are dangerous for society.
A commentary in the leftist Die Tageszeitung takes aim at Florida's "absurd" "Stand Your Ground" law, describing the ruling as "predictable," but still "scandalous."
"With this combination of racist prejudices, lax weapons controls and vigilantism anchored in law, incidents like the death of Trayvon Martin will happen again and again. … It may be that a black president's charisma and the statements from a number of African-American opinion leaders calling for calm will prevent massive riots like those seen after the Rodney King verdict in 1992. But things cannot be good in the long term. If societal peace means anything to the USA, then laws like 'Stand Your Ground' belong in the trash can of history, and coexistence must have a different basis than through some overarmed deterrent."
The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung is also critical of vigilante justice in America:
"In this case, the Americans argued so much over the influence of the color of a person's skin that another idea was mostly overlooked -- that of the dangers and excesses of vigilante justice. Many Americans only feel secure if they are allowed to carry a loaded weapon, and the Zimmerman case shows what this can lead to. Amateurs with crudely developed suspicions who overestimate their abilities run roughshod on neighborhoods, ultimately spreading the insecurity they are supposed to be curbing."
The regional Stuttgarter Zeitung writes:
"A black teenager wearing a sweatshirt in a middle-class housing development can only mean trouble. But that puts what the Americans call 'racial profiling' in the spotlight -- blanket suspicion based entirely on a person's skin color, clothing or taste in music. The fact that there are police officers who tend to target young African American men more often that young white men is indisputable. That drug dealers with dark skin tend to be prosecuted more severely is a statistical fact. And the fact that African Americans in southern US states are given the death penalty more often than whites also hasn't changed since Obama became president."
Trayvon Martin’s Legacy
It may not be possible to consider the case of George Zimmerman, who was acquitted Saturday of all charges in the killing of Trayvon Martin, as anything but a sad commentary on the state of race relations and the battle over gun rights in America today.
Certainly it is about race — ask any black man, up to and including President Obama, and he will tell you at least a few stories that sound eerily like what happened that rainy winter night in Sanford, Fla.
While Mr. Zimmerman’s conviction might have provided an emotional catharsis, we would still be a country plagued by racism, which persists in ever more insidious forms despite the Supreme Court’s sanguine assessment that “things have changed dramatically,” as it said in last month’s ruling striking down the heart of the Voting Rights Act. (The Justice Department is right to continue its investigation into whether Mr. Zimmerman may still be prosecuted under federal civil rights laws.)
The jury reached its verdict after having been asked to consider Mr. Zimmerman’s actions in light of Florida’s now-notorious Stand Your Ground statute. Under that law, versions of which are on the books in two dozen states, a person may use deadly force if he or she “reasonably believes” it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm — a low bar that the prosecutors in this case fought in vain to overcome.
These laws sound intuitive: who would argue that you may not protect yourself against great harm? But of course, the concept of “reasonable belief” is transformed into something deadly dangerous when firearms are involved. And when the Stand Your Ground laws intersect with lax concealed-carry laws, it works essentially to self-deputize anyone with a Kel-Tec 9 millimeter and a grudge.
It has been a bad year so far for gun control. But if anything, cases like this should be as troubling as the mass killings that always prompt a national outcry and promises of legislative remedy. We were heartened that President Obama, in his statement after the verdict was issued, took the opportunity to denounce once again “the tide of gun violence” sweeping the country.
In the end, what is most frightening is that there are so many people with guns who are like George Zimmerman. Fear and racism may never be fully eliminated by legislative or judicial order, but neither should our laws allow and even facilitate their most deadly expression. Trayvon Martin was an unarmed boy walking home from the convenience store. If only Florida could give him back his life as easily as it is giving back George Zimmerman’s gun.
Veena Malik shying away from donning bikini?
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Pakistani actress Veena Malik is popularly known as bikini babe, as she is often seen in bikini-clad pictures on social networking sites. Of late, to great surprise to her fans, Veena has reportedly not posting any of her bikini pictures on internet. The reason? The actress is observing fast in the wake of holy month of Ramadan. Addressing her fans, Veena tweeted that she has been fasting and observing "self-restraint". The actress added that she has been reading holy book Quran every day. Home-sick Veena admitted that she missed her home in Pakistan and parents, especially during Ramadan. Meanwhile, Veena has returned from the shoots of her debut Kannada movie Silk Sakkath Hot Maga. The movie is the remake of critically-acclaimed Bollywood film Dirty Picture, staring Vidya Balan. The film is based on the troubled life of Silk Smitha, a South Indian actress noted for her erotic roles. In order to get into the skin of Silk's role on screen, Veena has donned skimpy clothes and enacted several bold scenes with her co-stars in the film.
Turkey:111 photographers detained or targeted by violence during Gezi protests: NGO
111 photographers were detained, targeted by violence or had their photos erased by the police during the demos in Istanbul and Ankara between May 31 and July 8, the Association of Photographers has said in a report.
The report, which collects the testimonies of many press and documentary photographers, said that the largest part of the injuries were due to gas canisters and rubber bullets fired by the police during the repeated violent crackdowns. Many photographers also complained that their cameras had been broken or pictures erased.
The report also stressed that the yellow press cards did not prevent, in most cases, the detention of photojournalists. Contrary to many European countries, press cards are delivered by a Prime Ministerial Office in Turkey.
Hürriyet Daily News photojournalist Emrah Güler and daily Hürriyet photoreporter Selçuk Şamiloğlu were among those injured while trying to cover the protests that were sparked by the attempts to demolish Istanbul’s Gezi Park.
The report also relates the experience of Mehmet Kaçmaz of the Nar photo agency, who underwent surgery after he was hit in the eyes by an object that couldn’t be identified. “As I saw a [police] panzer passing in front of us, I turned my back and the barrel was then directed at us. Just as I turned to [the panzer] I heard a noise. Like a ball hitting wood. I held my eye. When I saw blood spilling, I understood I was wounded,” he said.
The injury did not cause permanent damage to Kaçmaz’s health, but around a dozen protesters have lost their sight in at least one eye due to projectiles fired by the police that hit their eyes.
Zimmerman's murder trial : After the acquittal: Protests
Just how much George Zimmerman's murder trial polarized America was on full display once the verdict was read.
Across the country Sunday and early Monday, outraged protesters poured on to streets while supporters kept largely quiet. Protesters denounced the six-woman jury's decision Saturday to find Zimmerman not guilty in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
While the vast majority of protests were peaceful, parts of Los Angeles grew tense.
Some protesters hurled flashlight batteries, rocks and chunks of concrete toward police, Los Angeles police spokesman Andrew Smith said. Police responded by shooting bean bags at protesters."LAPD is hoping for the best and preparing for the worst," Smith said Sunday night. "We hope everyone can exercise their First Amendment right to free speech, then get tired and go home."
Some demonstrators continued their efforts into Monday morning. At least nine people were arrested, Smith said.
Across the country
Thousands also rallied in San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, Baltimore, Detroit, New York and other cities.
In New York, demonstrators marched across Manhattan and filled Times Square.
"This is what democracy looks like," they chanted.
In Florida, just steps away from the courthouse where a jury acquitted Zimmerman, demonstrators vowed that their fight wasn't over.
"Nationwide protest to demand justice," protesters chanted in Sanford, Florida.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson called for protests to continue, but to remain peaceful.
"There will be protests, but they must be carried out with dignity and discipline," he told CNN's "New Day."
"What will happen if there, in fact, are riots, it gives sympathy to Zimmerman, and discredits Trayvon. Trayvon deserves sympathy. Zimmerman and his school of thought does not."
Racial undertones
Many of the protests, including those in New York and Los Angeles, drew demonstrators from a wide variety of races. But many expressed the same belief -- that Martin's death was spurred by racial profiling, and that Zimmerman's acquittal was unjust.
"Only white life is protected in America," one protester in Washington shouted Sunday.
Others chanted "No justice, no peace" and "Trayvon was murdered" as they marched, freelance photographer Michael Kandel told CNN's iReport.
Protesters demanded that the government investigate further, Kandel said.
"They believe that this is a civil rights issue that must become the topic of a national conversation in the coming days," he said. "They did not believe justice had been served."
Some demonstrators in Denver, Baltimore and Detroit wore hooded sweatshirts like the one Martin wore when he was killed.
The other side
Zimmerman, his family and their supporters have denied allegations of racism and argued that civil rights groups are being incendiary without facts to back up their claims.
Reactions to the verdict were not necessarily split along racial lines.
Tony Johnson, who is black, said he was disturbed by the "outbursts from people who didn't know the facts of the case, yet (were) still screaming about an injustice."
"I'm actually glad the verdict was not guilty," Johnson told CNN's iReport. "Only based on the evidence that was presented in court, it screams self-defense.
"This wasn't about race," Johnson continued. "It was about a man's rights to defend himself. It's not a crime to follow anybody; therefore, the fact that they got into an altercation and George Zimmerman was forced to use deadly force, it's not a crime. Our Constitution states that."
Pushing for peace
President Barack Obama called for peace Sunday and acknowledged the Zimmerman case has stirred strong emotions.
"I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities," he said.
"We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis," Obama said.
Some applauded the jury for siding with the neighborhood watch volunteer's claims that he shot the teen in self-defense. Others said prosecutors failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Critics of the verdict like Terri Weems said the trial was a referendum on race that confirmed what they knew all along.
"That's our society," Weems said as she headed into church in Washington on Sunday. "We expected not to be given justice. We haven't been dealt justice all this time. ... It's very disheartening."
NAACP President Benjamin Jealous told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday that the largely peaceful protests were a positive sign.
"I think we should, frankly, right now be celebrating the fact that we've seen a generation of young people respond by using our system, raising their voices, but not using their fists," he said.
How to exit Afghanistan?

Pakistan Activist For Girls' Education Killed
http://www.rferl.org/A college professor who promoted education for girls in Pakistan has been shot dead by unknown gunmen in the southwestern Balochistan Province. Provincial police said on July 12 that two armed militants opened fire at Abdul Razzaq's motorcycle on Chakar Khan Road in the Khuzdar district, killing him and wounding another college professor on July 11. Razzaq taught at Khuzdar Degree College and was well-known for his activities supporting education for girls. Police say the incident appeared to be a targeted killing. Nobody immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. Balochistan has experienced a spike in sectarian killings recently as radical Sunni Muslims have targeted Shi'a. The province is also the scene of a decades-long insurgency by Baluch nationalists, who demand greater autonomy and a larger share of profits from the region's mineral resources.
Pakistan: Picking them young: Militants enlist six teenage boys from Sheikhan
The Express Tribune
PESHAWAR: Militants have enlisted at least six children from Sheikhan village. To add to the worry of residents, the armed men have been actively preaching jihad to the villagers for the past few days without inviting any attention from law enforcement agencies, residents told The Express Tribune on Sunday. Dozens of armed militants belonging to the banned outfit Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) visit Sheikhan after Iftar, and urge people to join hands with them. “They come to the village in groups and check mobile phones and memory cards for songs and other such things,” said an elder. The armed men have snatched dozens of mobile sets with cameras since the start of Ramazan. The elder added militants were becoming a permanent nuisance, undetected by the police. He blamed local law enforcement officials for not paying any attention to the situation and claimed that after nightfall militants virtually rule the area. According to another local, at least six teenagers have joined the LI in the past two months. What militants preached was attractive, and easy-to-buy to quite an extent for the teenage boys, he added. The six boys, whose ages range between 14 and 17 years, have now been moved to an undisclosed location for militant training. In the past, militants have enlisted young men after showing them glimpses of a ‘better’ lifestyle in terms of finance and owning commodities. “Nearly all the people from Akka Khel and Khyber Agency have migrated from their ancestral villages which means there is no recruiting ground left for Lashkar-e-Islam. But they solved their problem by focusing on a settled district instead,” he added. A month ago, militants distributed pamphlets in Mashogagar village asking people not to shave their beards as it was un-Islamic. “Those barbers who violate this would be responsible for their own fate,” read the pamphlets hand-written in Pashto. Residents say they live in an atmosphere of constant fear as police restricts themselves to check posts after dusk, leaving militants free to roam and do as they please.
Pakistan: 71% households in Sindh food insecure
Blackouts in Ramazan: K-P government says enough is enough
The Express TribuneIncensed by rampant blackouts, the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government, led by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, has given the federally-controlled Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) until tomorrow (Monday) to end power outages or else face a protests campaign. “If the unjust load-shedding is not stopped by tomorrow, the chief minister along with his cabinet members and provincial legislators will stage a protest,” Chief Minister’s Special Assistant for Mineral and Mining Ziaullah Afridi told a news conference at Peshawar Press Club on Sunday. The federal government had promised there would be no load-shedding during Sehri, Iftar and Taraweeh timings in Ramazan. Contrary to the promise, the entire province – including Peshawar – was subjected to ‘unjust’ outages during the holy month. Afridi described it as a “conspiracy against the PTI-led provincial government”. “The K-P produces more electricity than its demand. Still the federal government is not supplying us with our quota of electricity which results in prolonged outages in the province,” he lamented. He was referring to Tarbela Dam, the largest hydropower generation plant with a capacity of producing 3,478 megawatts of electricity. Afridi demanded the removal of the Peshawar Electric Supply Company’s chief executive who “has failed to control power outages during Sehr, Iftar and Taraweeh timings.” Chief Minister Pervez Khattak also asked the water and power ministry to supply K-P with its full share of electricity. While addressing PTI workers and office-bearers in his hometown of Nowshera, Khattak demanded immediate steps to address the shortage of grid stations in the province or else he would lead ‘protest demonstrations’ against Wapda. The frequency and duration of power outages has not decreased in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa where some areas are made to go without electricity for up to 12 hours daily. On Sunday, protest demonstrations were staged in different towns and cities of the province, including Dera Ismail Khan, Mardan, Swat and Peshawar. No respite in Rawalpindi The situation in other cities is no better. In some neighbourhoods of Rawalpindi and its suburbs, frequent power outages have led to shortage of water in the month of Ramazan. In some areas, residents complained that they had no water supply for the past two days due to unannounced load-shedding. Tube-wells and pumping stations do not function due to load-shedding. An official of the Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO), who wished not be named, said that they had to carry out power outages due to shortfall. “Power consumption during these hours increase manifold which result in tripping of feeders,” the official said. Cognisant of the situation, Federal Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Muhammad Asif said that the government would initiate many new power projects to get rid of load-shedding once and for all. He added that new transmission lines would be installed and the existing distribution system upgraded in the country. Speaking to Associated Press of Pakistan in Gujrat, the minister appealed to the people to cooperate with the government and show patience and extend their support to improve the electricity supply across the country. “We already have managed to reduce the duration of load-shedding and people are seeing the change.” The minister requested consumers in urban areas to reduce their consumption of electricity. He added that the government was increasing the power supply, but the consumers must also try to curtail their consumption.
Pakistan's Load Shedding: The worsening crisis
EDITORIAL: Daily TimesThere seems to be no respite from the frequent power outages that have made life miserable for citizens. The state of affairs today is a far cry from the lofty claims made by the PML-N when it was on the election trail just a couple of months ago. The then election hopefuls promised to end load shedding immediately and to do away with the ‘bad’ policies of previous regimes. Nawaz Sharif’s party promised a drastic cut in the hours of load shedding and immediate relief measures that would be taken up without any dithering about but all that seems to have changed. Even before the moment the PML-N stepped into the ruling shoes, Nawaz Sharif was quick to caution the public over its expectations by telling them not to expect an end to load shedding overnight. One would have liked to tell the premier then and there that no one expected a be all and end all cure for the energy woes plaguing the country but the masses did expect plans to tackle the crisis on a war footing the moment the PML-N took over. A high profile meeting was indeed held in the initial days of the PML-N government’s ascent to power, chalking out a new ‘national energy policy’, which was promised to be made public but never was. After that first spasm of effort on the electricity crisis one is still waiting for the government to handle the most pressing issue being faced by the country and its people. The power outages have gained momentum yet again and are long and unscheduled. Citizens are unable to sleep, study, work and fast properly during the hottest month of the year. They were promised no load shedding before the holy month was due to commence but now Federal Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Asif has told the masses that there are “technical” reasons for the sehri-iftaar outages. When will this placating the public end? Whilst the government has released some Rs 300 billion to help retire circular debt, it fails to realise that until the root cause of this debt is addressed, the problem will just keep on being reproduced. The fault lies wit the priorities set by governments over a period of time: the main culprit of this circular debt is the government itself, followed by the military. These two institutions and their affiliated branches have failed to pay their electricity bills for many years leaving private consumers to bear the brunt of increasing tariffs. Of late, the office of the Federal Adjustor (FA) has been considered to be brought into action to deduct at source any money owed by the provinces at the time of funds transfer to the provinces under the NFC Award. This may prove one way to make sure the provincial governments that do not pay their bills no longer get away it. The PML-N is no longer an opposition party and can no longer flout claims that Punjab is being targeted by the Centre when it comes to massive outages; it is now in the federal government and must make sure that all pay their electricity bills. Secondly, subsidies must be minimised. So far, the subsidy is around five rupees per unit and this is costing the government in terms of efficient electricity generation. The lifeline slab, which is specifically the amount of electricity only barely afforded by the poor, should not be touched but the other slabs can face an incremental increase in tariffs as their consumers can afford to pay for it. Last but not least comes less dependency on thermal power and more on hydel and other, alternative forms of fuel. Renewable energy must be brought to places where the national grid just cannot be extended to isolated areas that are still without electricity. The Thar coal reserves are reported to be made of a lignite form of coal, which is too combustible to transport; the government must make plans to plant powerhouses in the mining area instead of transporting the coal. As can be seen, there is one big problem that has many solutions. However, they can only be implemented if the governing body has the determination and grit to move past rhetoric and actually do something about the matter.
Pakistan: Power outages hit country hard
DAILY TIMESUnannounced load shedding continued across the country on Sunday despite the government’s claim that power generation has been increased. Unscheduled power outages were reported in various cities, including Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Hyderabad and Multan, although the government had said there would be no power cuts during sehr, iftar and taraveeh timings. In Lahore, people in Karim Park, Kasurpura, Ravi Road, Misri Shah, Bhaati Gate and Lohari Gate faced inconvenience during sehri time due to the intermittent power supply. A similar situation was reported in Karachi’s several areas, including Ahsanabad, Gulshan-e-Maymar, Surjani Town, Buffer Zone, North Karachi, New Karachi, Gulshan-e- Iqbal and Malir. People in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Swat, Kohat and other cities also had to brave incessant power cuts throughout the day. Responding to the situation, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) announced it would hold protest demonstrations across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) from today (Monday). KP Chief Minister Pervez Khattak would lead the protests from July 15, PTI MPAs, led by Ziaullah Afridi, told a press conference. They said that although KP was the “largest power producing province in the country”, it was being discriminated against with regard to supply of electricity. Qaumi Watan Party leader Sikandar Sherpao also expressed his concerns over unscheduled load shedding in KP and said people would be compelled to take to the streets if the situation was not improved. “We will also be compelled to lead protests against power outages,” he remarked in a statement. Meanwhile, Water and Power Minister Khawaja Asif said that shortfall of electricity had been reduced to 3,600 megawatts. “Technical reasons are to be blamed for load shedding during sehar and iftar timings,” the state-run radio reported him as saying. He said that duration of load shedding was more in those areas where people did not pay electricity bills. Asif said the government was increasing the power supply but there must also be some efforts on part of consumers to conserve power. He added Rs 360 billion circular debt had also been cleared. agencies
Pakistan: Addressing the core issue

Pakistan: Paul Bhatti is no Shahbaz Bhatti | Challenging Pakistan’s blasphemy laws takes courage
By Nasir SaeedShahbaz Bhatti knew death was a risk that came with the role of being the minorities' minister but he never shirked from criticising the blasphemy laws and calling injustice what it was. It is very unfortunate that during his recent visit to the UK Paul Bhatti said Pakistan’s blasphemy laws were not a problem. Bhatti is the brother of the late Shahbaz Bhatti, the heroic Pakistani minorities’ minister who was tragically murdered by extremists because he dared to criticise Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. In an address at the House of Commons last week, Bhatti played down the link between the blasphemy laws and the intense persecution of Christians in Pakistan. For anyone aware of the situation facing minorities in Pakistan, such a position is astonishing. This is because the blasphemy laws have been instrumental in some of the most upsetting examples of injustice against Christians. Take for example Aasia Bibi, a Christian mother of five who is being dragged through a gruelling appeals process to overturn her death sentence for blasphemy, a process which has already gone on over three years and could take many more before any final decision is handed down from the Pakistani courts. Most recently there was the case of Rimsha Masih, a 14-year-old with a lower mental age who was falsely accused of blasphemy by an imam. Only a few weeks after the case against her made international headlines, it came to light that the imam, her principal accuser, had in fact concocted the evidence himself. The life of a young girl could have been ended because of his lies. Yet cases like these are not rare. These are simply the most notorious and the ones that gained international attention. There are many more cases of blasphemy against Christians that never get heard of outside Pakistan. Rimsha was extremely lucky because her case went global and drew worldwide condemnation at the political level. Having been given sanctuary in Canada, she and her family are safe for the time being from Pakistan’s unjust laws. But other Christians are not so lucky. Those who remain in Pakistan get up each day and go about their business knowing that at any time they could be subjected to false accusations of blasphemy by disgruntled Muslim neighbours or colleagues who see an easy way of getting one over them. With the law and the authorities on their side, what have they got to lose? Every Christian in Pakistan is at the risk of a false blasphemy charge and all that it entails: mob justice, hostile courts, indefinite detention without trial, lengthy prison sentences, or a death sentence. Although no one has been executed so far for blasphemy in Pakistan, the appeals process to have the sentence overturned takes years, in which time the accused languishes behind bars, as much at risk of being killed there as they are outside prison. Many Christians accused of blasphemy have been forced to spend years behind bars before their case has even gone to trial. Savan Masih, of Badami Bagh, Lahore, is currently in jail awaiting trial for blasphemy. Another accused, Martha Bibi, has fled to Sri Lanka where she is applying for asylum. Zaffar Bhatti, also accused of blasphemy, has been denied the right of representation in the courts after the Rawalpindi Bar passed a resolution stating that no lawyer would defend him. Then there are Christian villages and colonies that have been rampaged through and torched by extremists, where innocent bystanders have been brutally murdered and homes and businesses callously destroyed. All because of spurious blasphemy allegations. And despite the wanton destruction, the Muslim perpetrators are let off the hook time and time again and in some cases, it is the Christians who are arrested by the authorities for agitation. Paul Bhatti is either seriously ill-informed or taking a ‘gently, gently’ approach to speaking out on behalf of Pakistan’s beleaguered religious minorities. I’m afraid Pakistan is not the kind of country where that approach works. Nor will it be very effective in raising awareness of the situation outside Pakistan where there are many lobby groups and human rights campaigners all clamouring for the attention and intervention of western governments. A strong and unequivocal voice is needed both within Pakistan, where arrogant Islamists think they have the right to trample all over minorities, and outside Pakistan where the world is so often busy and self-engaged. In his talk at Parliament last week, Bhatti blamed the persecution against Christians on religious education in schools and the anti-minorities language in textbooks. This is, of course, a factor, but to try and suggest that this is the primary cause of persecution in Pakistan is a serious misinterpretation of the facts. Human rights campaigners at last week’s talk were left scratching their heads and wondering if Bhatti, the current chair of the Pakistani minorities’ alliance, is the man for the job of defending the country’s minorities. Shahbaz Bhatti knew death was a risk that came with the role of being the minorities’ minister but he never shirked from criticising the blasphemy laws and calling injustice what it was. That same determination is not yet apparent in his brother but Paul Bhatti should have on his mind the lives that were lost already for the cause: Shahbaz Bhatti, Salmaan Taseer, Bishop John Joseph, Naimt Ahmer, Tahir Iqbal and many more. There are mothers who have lost sons, children who were orphaned, wives who are now widows, and homes that have been forever destroyed. Being a Christian in Pakistan is not easy. Therefore, it goes without saying that speaking up for Christians in Pakistan is also not going to be easy. But if no one musters the courage to do it, things are never going to change. Even the Lord himself had to pay a heavy price to tell the truth to a fallen world but eventually enough people listened and things changed; the Rome Empire fell. Paul Bhatti is in the position to speak to those who cannot only listen but also effect real change. But the question is: will he use it?
A wrong turn: Is Indonesia on the path to radicalisation?
Once known for its verdant beaches, Indonesia of late has acquired a radical hue. This shift came into stark focus recently when the organisers of Miss World pageant bowed down to pressure from Islamic hardliners and scrapped the bikini round from this year's competition to be held in September
in Jakarta.
The episode, coming after Lady Gaga's cancelled tour last year and the disrupted book tour of Muslim-Canadian writer Irshad Manji in Jakarta and Yogyakarta, was again marked by a complete lack of dissent.
The Miss World decision came in the wake of the Indonesian Council of Ulema or MUI writing to the country's president about how the competition was "against Islamic teachings." "That contest is just an excuse to show women's body parts that should remain covered," said Mukri Aji, a prominent cleric from West Java province's MUI branch.
This underlines a trend of growing intolerance in Indonesia in the last decade, with such protests against popular culture indicating a much deeper problem. "Protests against Miss World pageant are nothing new. However, the difference lies in how these opinions are expressed. While earlier public criticism was the norm, now coercion and threats are used," said Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-Faith Dialogue and Peace at the University of Indonesia.
"This is because the police and law enforcement agencies want to avoid violence by the hardliners and let minorities become the victim in the process," he added.
The New York Times reported over 150 regulations restricting minority rights in Indonesia, including a building regulation used to demolish churches. Over 400 churches have been closed since 2004 when President Yudhoyono took office. The Jakata-based Setara Institute reported 264 incidents of religious violence in 2012 alone.
Not all the victims are Christians though. In February 2011, three members of the minority Islamic Ahmadiyya sect were bludgeoned to death by a mob of over 1000, reported BBC. Videos of the killing were posted online but the maximum sentence handed out was to an Ahmadiyya man for defending himself.
In 2008, President Yudhoyono himself issued an anti-Ahmadiyya decree, threatening five years jail term for anyone who "propagates" the group's teachings, said Andreas Harsono, an independent journalist and researcher working in Jakarta.
Rizal Kuddah of the State University of Surabaya, however, disagreed. "The Ahmadiyya sect contradicts Islam. That's why the government had to take such a stance as there was a social outpouring and protests," he said.
"Yudhoyono signed a law that allowed the listing of only six religions on Indonesian ID cards, basically discriminating against more than 350 smaller religions," Harsono said. However, international reaction has been one of appeasement, with Hillary Clinton and David Cameron speaking highly of the regime in 2012.
"Islam is the biggest religion in Indonesia and it is also our guiding light. Indonesia is not a secular state," said Kuddah, "If the pageant is happening in Indonesia, the contestants should represent the culture and ethos of the country and wearing bikini is not in keeping with our mores," he says.
However, the excuse of "against our culture" is gradually threatening any kind of free thinking and is being used to intimidate minorities. "More and more artists, writers and intellectuals are facing problems when they try to take up issues considered controversial by hardliners," said Harsono.
The Islamists, however, claim that they are as 'secular' as the West. "In France, women are banned from wearing hijab (veil). In the US, an azaan (prayer call) cannot be sounded. Here in Indonesia, we celebrate festivals of all major religions, whether it is Islam, Hinduism, Christianity or Buddhism. Can you imagine a European country declaring Eid as a national holiday?' questioned Kuddah.
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