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Tuesday, December 5, 2017
PPP fought dictatorships for democracy: Zardari
Former president Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday said the Pakistan People’s Party fought successive dictatorships in the past for democracy . In a message on the eve of November 30 to mark the golden jubilee of the founding of the PPP , he said the party was proud of its record in the service of the people.
“Its slogan ‘power belongs to the people’ has shaped the political landscape of the country during the past half a century. Indeed it is ingrained in the consciousness of the people that will never be erased,” Zardari said.
The PPP leader said apart from fighting successive dictatorships the PPP gave the country its unanimous constitution, strengthened defence by giving the missile and nuclear programme, created Council of Common Interest to give say to the provinces, gave collective voice to Muslim countries, won back the territory lost in 1971 and emancipated women, workers, farmers and the oppressed classes.
“It is the PPP that stopped India and Pakistan from going to war through Simla agreement. It is the PPP that protected the human rights of every citizen by introducing the habeas corpus for the first time in the history of Pakistan,” he added.
In the pursuit of its principles and ideals two successive chairpersons of the party and countless workers have laid down their lives, Zardari said. He said it was a record and a distinction in democratic struggle that has “not been equalled- much less surpassed - by any political party in the country. We believe that political change must come only through fair and free ballot.”
“The party has always rejected and will continue to reject manipulated power transfer. We reject re-engineering of political landscape under any pretext and we will fight against any attempt to impose religious apartheid in the country. We pledge to frustrate any attempt by un-elected individuals and institutions to usurp people’s power,” Zardari said.
The PPP co-chairman paid homage to the leaders and workers of the party and all democratic political workers who had made enormous sacrifices in the course of the party’s historic democratic struggle.
“When democratic workers were fighting dictatorship there were also those in the state institutions ready to submit before the dictators, taking oath of allegiance and providing dictatorship legitimacy. This makes our workers stand tall and their sacrifices even more glorious. The party salutes all these valiant workers for their commitment and sacrifices made for the cause. The party would not have been standing tall today without their sacrifices,” he said.
Zardari felicitated all the party workers throughout the country and overseas.
“It is an occasion of festivities as well as of stock taking, reorganisation and soul searching for all democratic political workers in the country,” he maintained.
#PPPGoldenjubilee #UmeedSayYaqeenTak #50YearsofPPP - Bilawal Bhutto vows to revive PPP's socialist ideology
Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) on Tuesday pledged to revert to socialist ideology and strive for egalitarian democracy – the goals set by its founding fathers 50 years ago.
The party’s young chairman, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, delineated the broader contours of the future politics of the party in an apolitical speech at a successful show of power at a golden jubilee event in the federal capital.
A crowd of more than 20,000 people filled Islamabad’s Parade Ground, also known as Democracy Park. Political analysts believe that the PPP’s show of power, which came after a long time, was thanks to its younger lot which has taken up the challenge of reviving the party in Punjab. Instead of taking on his political opponents in an articulated speech, Bilawal, who became the party head after the assignation of his mother Benazir Bhutto in 2007, focused on the successes his party had achieved and the sacrifices it rendered during the past 50 years.
“We will make Pakistan [a] socialist country and continue with reforms initiated by Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and later by Benazir Bhutto,” Bilawal vowed, delineating his policy for the future.
He said his reforms meant for the empowerment of women, provision of education and health facilities and giving jobs to the youngsters. The party will strive to consolidate the reforms it introduced during its last term in office under the leadership of his father, Asif Zardari.
He specifically mentioned the autonomy granted to provinces in the 18th Constitutional Amendment, the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) reforms and its prosed merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Agaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) reforms packages. Instead of taking on his political opponents in an articulated speech, Bilawal, who became the party head after the assignation of his mother Benazir Bhutto in 2007, focused on the successes his party had achieved and the sacrifices it rendered during the past 50 years.
“We will make Pakistan [a] socialist country and continue with reforms initiated by Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and later by Benazir Bhutto,” Bilawal vowed, delineating his policy for the future.
He said his reforms meant for the empowerment of women, provision of education and health facilities and giving jobs to the youngsters. The party will strive to consolidate the reforms it introduced during its last term in office under the leadership of his father, Asif Zardari.
He specifically mentioned the autonomy granted to provinces in the 18th Constitutional Amendment, the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) reforms and its prosed merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Agaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) reforms packages.
#50YearsofPPP #UmeedSayYaqeenTak #WeMakeHistoryAseefa B Zardari - Pakistan cannot survive without democracy: Bilawal Bhutto
Pakistan Peoples Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said on Tuesday that the country could not survive without democracy.
Addressing a large PPP rally in Islamabad, the Bhutto scion lashed out at the government and paid tribute to his mother, Benazir Bhutto and grandfather Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
"Whenever rights were usurped, PPP raised the flag of rebellion," he said.
Bilawal said that Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had provided the country with a unified constitutions which was still functioning in the country. He said that Bhutto had refused to bow his head before a dictator while Benazir had spoken out against Musharraf's hypocritical policies.
"The entire resources of the country were in the hands of 22 families before Zulfikar Ali Bhutto recovered them," he said. "Bhutto also brought back 90,000 prisoners of war from India."
Bilawal lashed out at Nawaz Sharif, accusing him of amending the constitution to become Amir-ul-Momineen.
He accused General Zia-ul-Haq of usurping the rights of women in the name of Islam and stated that he had promoted terrorism in the country as well.
Paying tribute to the founding members of PPP, Bilawal said that people and went but the caravan never changed its discourse.
Video - The best Part of Today's Jalsa was #Zardari sahab's Bhangra. #PPPGoldenJubilee
Zardari shows off his moves at PPP Islamabad rally https://t.co/6QBDpj1FMY pic.twitter.com/i2Sk189HHB
— The Express Tribune (@etribune) December 5, 2017
جب ملک میں آمریت مسلط ہوئی، ہم نے علمِ بغاوت بلند کیا، بلاول

پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری کہتے ہیں کہ جب جب ملک میں آمریت مسلط کی گئی، تب تب پیپلز پارٹی نے علمِ بغاوت بلند کیا،71 کے بعد جب بچا کچھا پاکستان نہ سنبھالا گیا تو ملک کو ذوالفقار بھٹو کے حوالے کردیا گیا۔
اسلام آباد میں پیپلز پارٹی کے تحت ہونے والے جلسے سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ بھٹو شہید نے پاکستانی ریاست کو جمہوری، آئینی بنیادوں پر قائم کیا، انہوں نے اقتدار سنبھالتے ہی 90 ہزار جنگی قیدی رہا کرائے، پاکستان کو استحکام دیا تو غیر جمہوری قوتوں نے حملہ کردیا۔
بلاول نے مزید کہا کہ بھٹو کو پھانسی دے کر آمر ضیاء اور ان کے حواری سمجھے کہ پیپلز پارٹی ختم ہوگئی، مگر ایسا نہ ہوا، بینظیر شہید نے آمر ضیاء کے خلاف مثالی جدوجہد کی، شہید بی بی نے نہ صرف جمہوریت کے لیے جدوجہد کی بلکہ اسلام کا پرامن چہرہ دنیا کے سامنے پیش کیا۔
انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ بینظیر بھٹو شہید نے پاکستان میں دہشت گردوں کو للکارا تھا، پیپلز پارٹی ہر اس شخص کی میراث ہے جو سرجھکانے کی بجائے سر کٹانے پر یقین رکھتا ہے، جمہوریت ہی اس ملک کو متحد رکھ سکتی ہے، پیپلز پارٹی نے ہمیشہ غیر یقینی حالات میں ملک کو سنبھالا اور اسے استحکام دیا۔
چیئرمین پیپلز پارٹی کا یہ بھی کہنا ہے کہ اسلام امن، محبت اور انسانیت کا مذہب ہے، اسلام وہ مذہب ہے جو انتہاپسندی اور دہشت گردی کو رد کرتا ہے، شہید بھٹو اور بینظیر شہید نے جن اصلاحات کا آغاز کیا تھا اسے جاری رکھیں گے، حال ہی میں جس طرح ریاستی رٹ کو جس طرح ختم کیا گیا اس پر تشویش ہے، پیپلز پارٹی ملک میں ریاست کی رٹ کو بحال کرے گی۔
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