Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Obama relishes opportunity to wear green tie

President Obama welcomed his fellow Irishman, Prime Minister Enda Kenny, to the White House on Tuesday, for a two-days-late celebration of St. Patrick's Day. "Obviously we cherish this opportunity ... to reaffirm the incredible bond between the United States and Ireland," Obama said in the Oval Office. "This year it also gave us an excuse to spread out St. Patrick's Day for a couple extra days, which is always good." The president and Kenny were both wearing green ties with a shamrock jutting out of their suit pockets, and Obama said he appreciates any opportunity to make that sartorial choice. "It gives me an excuse to break out my green tie." Kenny invited Obama to again visit Ireland and the president is expected to travel there in June for the G-8 summit. After his meeting with Kenny, Obama was to meet with First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness of Northern Ireland to "discuss their progress toward meeting their shared commitment to a peaceful and prosperous future for the people of Northern Ireland." Once that meeting's over, Obama will head to the Capitol for a St. Patrick's Day luncheon hosted by House Speaker John Boehner.

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