According to media reports, Louisa Greve, a director of the National Endowment for Democracy of the US (NED), was already meeting with the key people from "Occupy Central" several months ago, to talk about the movement. Louisa Greve is the vice president of NED who is responsible for its Asia, Middle East and North Africa programs. For many years, her name has frequently appeared on reports about "Tibetan independence", "eastern Turkistan", "democracy movement" and other forces destabilizing Chinese affairs and interfering with the Chinese government. She also hosted or participated in conferences about the "Arab spring" and the "Color Revolutions" of other regions.
It is hardly likely that the US will admit to manipulating the "Occupy Central" movement, just as it will not admit to manipulating other anti-China forces. It sees such activities as justified by "democracy", "freedom", "human rights" and other values.
The mainstream media of the US have showed exceptional interest in "Occupy Central". Their reports and comments are full of approval and praise. "Occupy Central" is depicted as a pro-democracy movement, and the Hong Kong version of the "Color Revolution". They have branded the movement "The Umbrella Revolution". Associated Press published an article titled ‘Umbrella Revolution’ Protests Spread in Hong Kong, "Umbrella Revolution" appeared on the cover of The Times Asia, and the Wall Street Journal's report Hong Kong's Democratic Awakening reads: "For years the people of Hong Kong avoided direct conflict with Beijing in the hope that Chinese authorities might be persuaded to grant them self-government. Now they realize that their only chance for democracy is to demand it."
Three former U.S. consuls-general in Hong Kong recently united to publish an open letter criticizing the nomination committee system for the Hong Kong chief executive. This simply made the political situation in Hong Kong even worse.
It is inevitable that these new moves on the part of the US government, non-governmental organizations and media will be associated with the US involvement in the "Color Revolutions" in the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere. The US purports to be promoting the "universal values" of "democracy", "freedom" and "human rights", but in reality the US is simply defending its own strategic interests and undermining governments it considers to be "insubordinate". In US logic, a "democratic" country is one that conductss its affairs in line with American interests.
The results of Amreica's "Color Revolutions" have hardly been a success. The "Arab spring" turned to be an "Arab winter" and Ukraine's "street politics" have resulted in secession and conflict. There is little evidence of any real democracy in these countries, but the US turns a blind eye.
The US may enjoy the sweet taste of interfering in other countries' internal affairs, but on the issue of Hong Kong it stands little chance of overcoming the determination of the Chinese government to maintain stability and prosperity.
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