Sunday, January 5, 2020

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Video - Remembering the FORCE known as Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Video - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's U.N. Speech

Music Video - Har Ghar se Bhutto Nikle Ga - ھر گھر سے بھٹو نکلے گا

Music Video - #PPP - Dila Teer Bijan - #QuaideAwam

Music Video - Mai Bhutto Hon - ميں بھٹو ھوں

#Pakistan #PPP - 91st birth anniversary of ZA #Bhutto being observed today

The 91st birth anniversary of the former prime minister and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) founder Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is being observed today.

A wreath will be laid at Bhutto’s grave and special prayers will be held. Various programs have been planned by PPP Larkana for the day.
PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari while paying tribute to his grandfather said the PPP leadership and party workers will take forward the struggle, philosophy, vision, and mission of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto forward.
Bilawal added that his aim is not only to make people firmly adhere to his ideology but also apprise the people about commitment to his mission, political vision, wisdom, and bravery. He added that Bhutto had a rich mind, an unprecedented democracy in his blood, unmatched political vision with which he created a unanimous constitution.
Further, Bilawal said that Bhutto not only laid the foundation of the country’s nuclear program, but he also established mega projects like Pakistan Steel Mills, Port Qasim, universities and health facilities.

بھٹو:مری دنیا کے غریبوں کو جگا دو

بیرسٹر عامر حسن
قوموں کی تاریخ میں حکمران آتے جاتے رہتے ہیں لیکن کرشماتی قیادت ہمیشہ نایاب ہوتی ہے، 5جنوری ایسے کرشماتی رہنما کا یوم پیدائش ہے جس نے پاکستان کے جمہور کو رعایا سے عوام بنایا اور محکوموں کو حق حاکمیت دیا اور عوام الناس نے اپنے محسن کو قائدِ عوام کا رتبہ عطا کیا۔پاکستان کو علامہ اقبال کی فکر اور محمد علی جناح کے وژن کی مشترکہ کاوش سمجھا جاتا ہے اور تحریک پاکستان میں محمد علی جناح کی جدوجہد علامہ اقبال کی فکر ہی کی مرہون منت تھی۔ قیام پاکستان سے قبل ہی اقبال انتقال کر گئے اور پاکستان کے قیام کے اگلے سال قائداعظم کی رحلت نے ملک کو فکری اور عملی قیادت سے محروم کر دیا لہٰذا تقریباً 25سال تک پاکستان کے لوگوں کو محکوم ہی سمجھا گیا اور انہیں ریاست کے معاملات سے لاتعلق رکھا گیا۔ معاشی اور سماجی انصاف ناپید ہوتا گیا۔ بے چینی بڑھنے لگی اور تقسیم کا عمل تیز تر ہو گیا لہٰذا فلاحی ریاست کا تصور دھندلانے لگا۔ خالق کو اپنی مخلوق پر رحم آیا اور پاکستان کے لوگوں کو بھٹو شہید جیسا قائد میسر آیا جس نے اقبال کی فکر اور جناح کے وژن کو آگے بڑھانے کا عزم کیا۔ بھٹو شہید نے پاکستان کی تاریخ کا سب سے کرشماتی نعرہ دیا کہ ’’طاقت کا سرچشمہ عوام‘‘ یعنی پاکستان کے عوام اور صرف عوام ہی اس انقلاب کو عملی جامہ پہنا سکتے ہیں۔ اس طرح پہلی دفعہ پاکستان کے لوگوں کو رعایا سے عوام بنانے کی جدوجہد کا آغاز ہوا جس سے غریب جاگنے لگے اور کاخِ امراء کے درو دیوار ہلنے لگے۔ مزدور، کسان، طالبعلم، خواتین، وکلا، دانشور نیز پسے اور کچلے ہوئے تمام طبقات اپنی جماعت یعنی پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی میں شامل ہونے لگے اور تقسیم کی ایک واضح لکیر نظر آنے لگی۔ ایک طرف بااختیار حاکم طبقہ تھا اور دوسری طرف بے اختیار محکوم طبقہ۔ ان بے اختیاروں نے بااختیاروں سے ٹکرانے کا فیصلہ کیا۔ مزدور سرمایہ دار کے مقابل کھڑا تھا، کسان جاگیردار کا ظلم مزید سہنے سے انکاری تھا، طالبعلم جہل کو جاننے سے انکار کر رہا تھا، خواتین تنگ نظری سے نبرد آزما تھیں، دانشور، تاریک و بہیمانہ روایات کا قلع قمع کرنے کو تیار تھے، پسے اور کچلے ہوئے طبقات نے استحصالی طبقات سے بغاوت کا اعلان کر دیا تھا۔
قائد عوام نے اس بغاوت کو نظام کی حد تک رکھا اور ریاست کے مقتدر حلقوں کو مجبور کیا کہ جمہور کی اس تحریک کو طاقت کے بجائے جمہوریت کے ذریعہ راستہ دیا جائے یوں پاکستان میں پہلی دفعہ عوام کو ’ایک شخص ایک ووٹ‘ کا حق ملا۔ بُلٹ کے بجائے بیلٹ کا راستہ چنا گیا۔ نقش کہن، سلطانی جمہور کے سامنے ٹھہر نہ سکے اور بھٹو کی قیادت میں عوام نے دو آمروں کو رخصت کرکے ملک کو پہلا جمہوری نظام دیا۔ ریاست کو پہلا متفقہ آئین دیا اور آئینی طور پر عوام کو اس کا حق حکمرانی عطا کیا جس کی بدولت عوام ہی طاقت کا سرچشمہ قرار پائے اور پاکستان میں حقیقی معنوں میں عوامی راج قائم ہوا۔ملک میں جمہوریت کے قیام کے بعد سب سے ضروری اور نازک معاملہ معاشی مساوات کے قیام کا تھا کیونکہ شہید بھٹو نے بلھے شاہ کے لوکائی کے لئے پیغام ’’گلی، جلی ، کلی کو اپنا نعرہ بنایا تھا کہ مانگ رہا ہے ہر انسان، روٹی، کپڑا اور مکان۔ لہٰذا شہید بھٹو کے مطابق مل اور فیکٹری میں کام کرنے والا مزدور کیسے منافع میں حصہ دار نہ تھا۔ کسان کیوں کھیت کی پیداوار کا حق دار نہ تھا یعنی محنت کش کو کیسے اس کی محنت کے صلے سے محروم رکھا جا سکتا تھا۔ اسی نظام کے خلاف علامہ اقبال بھی بغاوت کا اعلان کرتے ہوئے کہتے تھے کہ
جس کھیت سے دہقاں کو میسر نہیں روزی
اس کھیت کے ہر خوشۂ گندم کو جلا دو
شہید بھٹو نے فرسودہ نظام کے ساتھ ساتھ تعفن زدہ روایات کا بھی خاتمہ کیا، شہید بھٹو درخشاں مستقبل کی بات کر رہے تھے تاکہ عوام کو پستیوں سے نکال کر عظیم لوگوں کے شایانِ شان زندگی گزارنے کا راستہ سجھایا جائے۔ شہید بھٹو کے نزدیک قوم کو درپیش حقیقی مسائل سیاسی اور معاشی تھے مذہبی نہیں کیونکہ استحصال کرنے والے اور استحصال زدہ دونوں ایک ہی مذہب کے پیروکار تھے، لہٰذا شہید بھٹو نے ان رجعت پسند قوتوں جو اپنے آپ کو مذہب کا ٹھیکیدار سمجھتی تھیں، کی اجارہ داری ختم کی۔ ردِ انقلاب کی یہ تمام قوتیں یکجا ہو گئیں اور 40سال سے زائد عرصہ گزر جانے کے بعد آج بھی بھٹو ازم کو ختم کے منصوبے پر عمل پیرا ہیں۔ کبھی بھٹو کو کافر قرار دیا جاتا ہے، کبھی غدار اور آخرکار اس کو قاتل ٹھہرایا جاتا ہے لیکن تاریخ ثابت کرتی ہے کہ کافر کے بجائے شہید بھٹو کو عالم اسلام کی قیادت کا اعزاز حاصل ہوتا ہے۔ غدار کے بجائے تاریخ شہید بھٹو کو آئین کا خالق اور ایٹم بم دینے پر بیرونی خطرات سے ملک بچانے پر وطن پرست قرار دیتی ہے۔ قتل کا مجرم قرار دیے جانے کے باوجود تاریخ اس فیصلے کو عدالتی قتل قرار دیتی ہے۔ تاریخ کی عدالت میں بھٹو سرخرو قرار پاتا ہے۔ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو اور محترمہ بے نظیر بھٹو جیسے قائدین کو شہید کرکے عوام کو سیاسی بصیرت سے محروم کیا جاتا ہے لیکن بھٹو ازم کی موجودگی ان کو بے چین کئے رکھتی ہے کیونکہ آپ کسی فرد کو قتل کر سکتے ہیں مگر اس کے نظریے کو نہیں۔

#PPP - #Bhutto-an outstanding leader

By Wajid Shamsul Hasan
Often when people-especially the students- come to know of my humble association with Pakistan’s most outstanding political leader, I am asked the question as to what made me admire him.
As a student of history, I do not hesitate to tell them that he was one of the few leaders who left an indelible footprint on the sands of time that remained a permanent landmark for the posterity.
Great leaders are known for such feats, and Bhutto Sahib had no parallel. Martyred Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was, indeed, the most prominent leader of Pakistan to have made a permanent niche in the hall of fame as second to none among the leaders in the world.It required no rocket science to tell that his defiance of the superpowers in his pursuit of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb was not a secret to anyone. What he said regarding the “cost of eating grass” and, ultimately, laying his life for it screamed to all and sundry that he was afraid of no one.
It was his sublime dare to take on the Americans who conveyed it to him through Secretary of State Dr Henry Kissinger, during his visit to Lahore that he would be made a horrible example if he continued to develop the Pakistani nuclear bomb and crashland Pakistan into the exclusive nuclear club.
If his defiance and ultimate sacrifice were not enough to justify his claim for his greatest achievement for the defence of the country, it could be the Simla agreement for ensuring lasting peace in 1972 that enabled him to snatch the victory out of the Indian jaws after Pakistani generals had shamefully laid down their arms.It was, indeed, his masterly stroke of statesmanship that, despite being the leader of a vanquished nation, he skilfully negotiated with victorious Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on an agreement that gave peace to the two countries for 48 years.The 1973 Constitution has proved to be the strongest binding force; keeping provinces united-more powerful than the religion itself.
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts by the leaders on the two sides of the divide, the situation continued to escalate and all hopes of a peaceful co-existence between the two countries remained engulfed by the dark clouds.
In view of the ongoing jingoistic relationship between India and Pakistan, one would like to emphasise upon the leadership of the two countries to emulate the wisdom shown by the two leaders in Simla. Let the Indian leadership climb down from the tiger and move onto a course that could give a chance to peace and tranquillity in the region.
It is the dying need of the hour to save the poverty struck millions from living under the poverty line. Just imagine both India and Pakistan spending billions of rupees monthly to keep their troops merely a few hundred of them, perked upon Siachin Glacier-the highest battlefield with the most useless confrontation going on since 1984. General Zia’s only wise words were when he dismissed war to claim the frozen mountain heights as most useless since “no grass fit for human consumption grows there” nor is the snow fit for making ice-cream.
When the hardliner Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumed his high office, Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed the hope that it would be possible for him to do business with Modi. However, non-state actors on the two sides could not sustain the positive of mutual overtures.The very hopeful composite dialogue could not get out of the limbo due to a continuing lack of trust. Immediately afterwards, the Pathankot incident once again forced the situation back to square one. Ever since then the notorious non-state actors have succeeded in subverting moves for normalisation.One is reminded of the earlier thaw when Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Premier Benazir Bhutto agreed to demilitarise Siachen Glacier. It was a major achievement after Simla but it was subverted by hawks.Whether it was Bhutto Sahib’s success at Simla or his defiance of the west in pursuit of nuclear deterrence-each one was his unparalleled achievements- difficult to gauge each other’s merit.
However, as a student of history and politics, I believe the 1973 Constitution was his most astounding achievement. It resolved the divisive issue of the quantum of autonomy for the provinces in the light of Quaid-e-Azam’s assertion that in Pakistan federating units would have more autonomy than the states in the United States of America. The 1973 Constitution has proved to be the strongest binding force; keeping provinces united-more powerful than the religion itself.
It is regretful to say that some misguided elements or those representing the vested interest that flourishes under the strong centre with Praetorian diktat in the country want to do away the Constitution, especially the 18th Amendment. When the Army Chief described the 18th Amendment as lethal as Six points of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, provinces reacted very strongly to it and one saw them unified in defence of 18th amendment. Their stand was categorical that they would not have anything short of genuine autonomy and would be opposed to being treated as colonies of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Smaller provinces have valid reservations and their fears of colonisation are genuine. Voices have been raised describing it as an invasion of Sindh by the federal government. Independent constitutional experts, however, have a different view. For them, it is perhaps a calculated attempt by the Establishment to undo the 18th Amendment as it stands contrary to centralised authority being the sole arbiter of power. This fact legitimately emphasises the most prominent feather in Bhutto Sahib’s cap as the saviour of Pakistan after the 1971 break up. Notwithstanding the ignominious role of General Yahya and his junta in not handing over power to the elected representatives of the people as the immediate cause, fear of the possibility of history being repeated makes it imperative to discuss here those irreversible factors that would have led to the break up in any case. And after East Pakistan, other provinces too could have followed suit. Some experts are very concerned about the future of Balochistan now, which according to them, is looking at the Bangladesh example to follow.
Bhutto Sahib had identified the main cause that forced East Pakistan to go independent. It was much similar to the break-up of India in 1947. Religion had nothing to do for the establishment of Pakistan; the partition was due to economic disparities and conflict of interests between Muslims and Hindus pertaining to employment in services, equal opportunities in business, equitable share in power and resources.
East Pakistan became Bangladesh for the same reasons mainly its economic exploitation by the Centre, step-motherly treatment in power and inequitable resource sharing despite it being the majority province. A similar situation existed in the three smaller provinces of West Pakistan that had been merged into One-Unit to reduce them to the status of colonial fiefs of Lahore.
After the fall of Dhaka in 1971, the prospects of creation of three more states became imminent, especially when the Soviet leadership in early 1972 had made it clear that it stood for the right of self-determination of the smaller nationalities. Much before Bangladesh in the smaller provinces, fissiparous forces had been demanding independence.
The writing on the wall was clear. Something substantive had to be done to resolve the question of the quantum of autonomy. It was a challenge for Bhutto Sahib and to save Pakistan from yet another breakup, he vigorously lobbied with the elected representatives of the smaller provinces to remain an inseparable component of the federation in which they were to have more powers and greater autonomy than enjoyed by the states in the US. Bhutto Sahib convinced them that their salvation lay in a federal Pakistan with maximum autonomy to the provinces. Elected leaders of all the provinces joined hands to be the framers of the 1973 Constitution incorporating the inalienable concept of autonomy. It is a fact that the 1973 Constitution is the product of the collective wisdom of the elected representatives of the four provinces–among them being many constitutional experts.
Playing foul with the Constitution by General Ziaul Haq and General Musharraf distorted the Constitution with arbitrary amendments. It almost amounted to do away the letter and spirit of the 1973 Constitution.
Martyred Benazir Bhutto had learnt the lesson from history. She made it clear to her party leaders and others who were with her in the long struggle for the restoration of democracy-that Pakistan could only be saved by maximum autonomy to the provinces and collective wisdom of national leadership as the country had become extremely problematic.
Bhutto Sahib considered politics, not an end in itself but a means to usher an egalitarian order for the alleviation of the sufferings of the masses, unshackling them, giving them a voice to speak and stand up for their rights. An authority on politics of Pakistan Professor Ian Talbot believes that Bhutto “is occupying public space as a charismatic leader arising from coalescing social, political, cultural and economic factors. To put it simply, Bhutto’s charisma was rooted in his embodiment of popular aspirations for social justice.” Despite his perpetual adversaries out there to undermine him, Bhutto Sahib continues to rule from his grave the hearts and minds of poor people of Pakistan.

#HappyBirthdaySZAB - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto!!!! - (January 5, 1928-April 4, 1979)

By Mwaqar

January 5, we celebrate birthday of Z A Bhutto, a leader, politician, revolutionary, who after his execution in Pakistan on April 4, 1979, still lives on in the hearts and minds of millions of Pakistanis.

The possibility of the secular, democratic Pakistan that he had in mind, like Pakistan 's founder, Jinnah has earned ZAB the title of Quaid-i-Awam . Z. A. Bhutto has still more charisma than any politician in Pakistan. Mr Bhutto was inducted into office as the President of Pakistan in 1971 and was removed in 1977, both events took place around midnight; one in the wake of war and the other in the shadow of a civil war. In between he gave the country what even his sympathizers and admirers would concede was a 'strong' government, he mobilized his country's first mass-based political party around a socialist ideology and highly independent foreign policy. Pakistan's modernizer Zulfikar Ali Bhutto left deep footprints in the sands of history.
To his lasting credit remains the 1973 Constitution of the country, the Shimla Accord of 1972 which brought the longest peace between India and Pakistan, the social reforms to build an egalitarian society, the non-aligned foreign policy, the nuclear program and the building of the social, economic and military infrastructure of the country. He was a thinker, author, and orator. He was deliberate, discreet, and competent; honest, upright and keeper of his covenants. He was a friend of the poor, downtrodden and oppressed. Fearless in his beliefs he refused to bow before any man or power other than the Almighty. His courage was such that he preferred to face death for his beliefs and embraced martyrdom. He had profound faith in freedom and the liberation of humanity. Under his government, Pakistan gave overt and covert support to the African nations than under apartheid and minority rule. He rejected fanaticism. He gave pride to the poor.

He gave voice to the voiceless and power to the powerless of the country. He helped them shape their own destiny and the destiny of their country. He was a man of honor who gave honor and raised the honor of his country and his people. He was able to do this because the people of the country from Khyber to the shores of the Arabian sea in Karachi loved him and supported him. Bhutto brought back 90,000 prisoners of war, prevented their war crime trials and also restored the territory lost on the battlefield. As a leader of the Third World, he spoke boldly against racism, colonialism and imperialism. He fearlessly defended the right of nations to independence. When the 1973 Ramazan war broke out, he sent Pakistan's military to defend the borders of the Muslim countries, including the Golan Heights of Syria. ZAB's short life of 50 years was spent in the service of many international, regional and national causes. The most important and the most enduring legacy of the Quaid-i-Awam was raising the consciousness of the people for democracy. He awakened the masses, making them realize they were the legitimate fountainhead of political power. He enlightened the farmer, the industrial worker, the student, the woman and the rest of the common people of their importance and of their right of franchise, which is the definite means of bringing changes for the betterment of the lives of the common people. Z. A. Bhutto's rule brought a transformation of Pakistan's rules of the game, a new populist style of governance, new governmentality, he favored a much more active role of the state in relation to society, he reshaped the economic and political landscape of Pakistan. He reached out to masses, aroused their feelings and disciplined their minds. The role of the Bhutto family in the uplifting of the poor is unforgettable.
ZA Bhutto is the first person in Pakistan who has given voice to the common people. Z. A. Bhutto remains alive in the hearts of millions of Pakistanis. It was a miracle that in less than half a decade a defeated nation had become a significant entity in the comity of nations. Pakistan had friends all around the globe from Africa to the far corner of Asia and from Europe to South America. We were regarded as a nation which had proved itself. Pakistani manpower was exported in the Middle East and the statesmanship of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had started bearing fruit. Under Z A Bhutto's rule, a new vision of Pakistan was born. Within a few years of the defeat in 1971, Pakistan began to see itself not as some beleaguered non-entity in South Asia, as the Indian establishment was prone to see it, but as a strategically located middle-sized power straddling the two worlds of South and West Asia, uniquely poised to take advantage of a host of geopolitical possibilities and enjoying widespread support among the Islamic states. He is one of the few Pakistani leaders that energized the nation and gave it a sense of optimism. Z A Bhutto saw the future of Pakistan.
Like Jinnah, he outwitted Indira Gandhi at Shimla and formed alliances with various world leaders, from Sadaat to Boumediene to Qaddafi to Faisal. Pakistan survives today because of those alliances that enabled him to build the Nuclear bomb. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto understood the geo-political realities of the region. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto has earned a place in the pantheon of leaders from the Third World who earned everlasting fame in the struggle against colonialism and imperialism. He had the privilege of interacting with many of those leaders who played a great role in the epic struggle for national independence in the 20th century, including Mao Tse Tung, Ahmed Soekarno, Chou-en Lai, Gamal Abdel Nasser, and Salvador Allende. During the period between the end of the Second World War and the end of the Cold War, the world was divided into two blocs: The Capitalist West and the Socialist East. All these leaders aspired to aspects of a socialist pattern of the economy. Bhutto shared their faith in a leading role for the public sector as an instrument of self-reliance. Bhutto's foundation of the PPP was a setback for the reactionary forces in a country long dominated by the Right. The slogan of "Food, Shelter, and Clothing" shifted the focus of Pakistan politics from theological to economic issues. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had the courage of his conviction to decide to lay down his life rather than compromise or seek appeasement.

The last chapter of his life is a glorious example of martyrdom for the cause of the resurrection of democracy. At the time of his overthrow, Bhutto was emerging as a spokesman of the World of Islam and the leader of the Third World. The age of Bhutto was an Age of Revolution, he was the architect of the China Policy, Pakistan Steel Mill, Agriculture Reforms. Although his life and career were cruelly terminated, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto will forever shine in history as one of the Great leaders who took part in the liberation of the Third World from the yoke of Imperialism and Neo-Colonialism during the Twentieth Century. He could have easily entered into a deal, as others did, at the cost of principles, to save his life and move out. How cruel it strikes to bring down such a sincere leader like Bhutto with rare caliber, competence, and integrity, Bhutto never colluded with generals, he confronted them. Mr. Bhutto remains a memorable figure. He commanded the allegiance of millions of people inside Pakistan, across the Muslim world and in the Third World as a hero of the people. His leadership gave pride to his followers, to his Nation and to oppressed people everywhere. He conquered the hearts of a Nation through supreme qualities of leadership, vision, intellectual breadth, charisma, dauntlessness, bravery, boldness and a program for political redemption of an exploited people, he built the foundations of education and industrialization in the country. He liberated the small farmers and peasants from the repression and cruelty of big landlords and banished the jagirdari and sardari system declaring that all citizens are born equal and must live with equal rights. The Taliban, the terrorist groups and the new war against terror are the direct results of the overthrow of the modernizing government of Z. A. Bhutto and its replacement by a clique of military officers that cynically used the name of religion to promote their own illegal stay in power. Quaid e Awam was murdered but his memory lives on in the monuments he built. It lives on in his ideas. And it lives on in the hearts of all men and women who believe that humanity can only progress when there is tolerance, freedom, dignity and equal opportunity for all. Pakistan survived due to the leadership of a bold and courageous leader, a people's leader, who had the vision to break the shackles of poverty to emancipate his people and lead them into a new decade of glory, strength, and achievement. Quaid e Awam built the most modern schools, colleges, universities, professional colleges, vocational training institutes, including Quaid-e-Azam University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Chandka Medical College and many others. He built hospitals to take care of the sick and poor. He opened the way for the middle classes to develop and prosper in the fields of medicine, engineering, law, and other specialist studies. He introduced peaceful nuclear energy to help treat cancer from setting up the first cancer-treating institutes in the four provinces of Pakistan. He built roads in the tribal areas and the Northern areas knowing how poor and oppressed people in the distant areas of Pakistan were. Internationally, using his experience as Foreign Minister, he hosted the Islamic Summit Conference in Lahore. It was at this conference that the Palestinian Liberation Organization was recognized as the authentic voice of the Muslims. He advocated closer relations with the Muslim countries arguing for a common economic bloc with banking and other financial institutions long before regional blocs became identified as the economic way forward. Bhutto pushed politics out of the posh drawing rooms into real Pakistan - into the muddy lanes and villages of the poor. Bhutto's inspiring leadership filled Pakistanis with hope, energy, and strength.
There was a sense of purpose and direction in the country in pursuit of peace and prosperity. The economic growth rate increased and money poured in from expatriates who got the universal right to a passport. The Muslim countries donated roughly $500 million annually to Pakistan, freeing it from international financial institutions. People got jobs and opportunities. Women of the country were emancipated entering the police force, Foreign, Civil Service, and subordinate judiciary for the first time in the country's history. There is a story that the American President John F. Kennedy was much impressed with the then Foreign Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. When they met, Kennedy walked with him in the Rose Garden and said, "Bhutto, if you were an American, you would be in my Cabinet". To which Zulfikar Ali Bhutto smilingly replied, "No, Mr. President. If I were an American, you would be in my cabinet". ZA Bhutto, was a highly skilled negotiator and an international statesman, he secured the agreement between USSR and Pakistan, he signed an agreement with China on the demarcation of the Sino-Pak boundary. When he became President, Pakistan had innumerable problems, but he was not a man to be cowed down by knotty problems, he was in fact, a dynamo of inexhaustible and boundless creative energy, he was born to solve problems, he had to tackle the problems of shattered country by a methodical system of fixing priorities. Bhutto the adroit politician and statesman tackled the difficult problems of his country one by one with devotion, determination, and patriotic zeal and solved them successfully. Since his assumption of power this great man of vision and destiny, equipped with resolute will, extraordinary intelligence and seething patriotic zeal fought successfully against the landlords, capitalists, industrialists, religious fanatics, corrupt bureaucrats, saboteurs, foreign intrigues and spies, he stood like a rock against all odds and achieved national unity, he worked hard for the emancipation of the exploited working class and illiterate masses. His cruel and barbaric murder by military despots caused revulsion across the globe, Z A Bhutto dedicated his life to remove the sorrows from the hearts of the poor and the oppressed, to remove the tears from the children of his poor nation. He lived consciously to make history and to leave a legacy in the form of the development of his nation, his fight was a fight against the policies of IMF, which serve to perpetuate the backwardness of the developing nations.

Bhutto is rightfully credited with saving Pakistan at this dark moment in its history, as French President Giscard d'Estaing said, "he was the man who incarnated Pakistan at a dramatic hour of its history. Tolstoy in the last volume of his War and Peace expressed that history is a movement of ideas in which political leaders play a minor role. Sometimes the movement of ideas is indeed rapid. Yet, at times, the movement of ideas is slower than the melting of the glaciers. The movement of ideas is facilitated in a vibrant political and democratic culture, which gives room for dissent and disagreement. In dictatorial societies, history remains static in a cold freeze. And so it was in Pakistan before Quaid-i-Awam. He was the one who converted that static and decayed dictatorial polity into a vibrant and dynamic democratic society; the cost of which he paid with his own life. He who gave his blood, and the blood of his sons and daughter,

Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto knew that there can be no sacrifice greater than the sacrifice for the people whose respect, honor and dignity is the respect and dignity of the Nation. Quaid e Awam made the people proud of themselves and of their Nation. The 20th century has seen many great leaders, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is one of them. Due to his glorious achievements, Mr. Bhutto rules the hearts of the Pakistani people from his grave. He was not only the leader of Pakistan, but he was also the leader of an Islamic world, the leader of the Third World. He will forever be remembered by his countrymen as Quaid-e-Awam. As his followers say, "Zinda Hai Bhutto, Zinda Hai"--Bhutto lives, he lives. Indeed he does, in the hearts of all those who dream of a better tomorrow.

Long Live Bhuttoism….

#PPP - Bilawal pays tribute to ZAB on 92nd birth anniversary

Paying rich tribute to Pakistan’s first elected prime minister Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on his 92nd birth anniversary, Pakistan People’s Party’s Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the legacy of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was not his name or personality but rather the leftist ideology that saw the largest gains for the people of Pakistan. 
Bilawal said that Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had led a movement to devolve power to the people the forces of tyranny and regression had unsuccessfully spent the next 40 years trying to malign and sully his legacy.
The PPP chairman said that history had vindicated Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, and the love that the people of Pakistan still show for him proved that he was the only leader after the founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah who had struggled for the empowerment of the masses.“Soon after Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto took oath as Pakistan’s first elected prime minister, he managed to bring back 93,000 Pakistani prisoners of war and retrieved more than 5,000 kilometers of Indian occupied area of Pakistan. In addition, he gave the country its first unanimously approved Constitution of 1973 and laid the foundations for a equitable federation that promoted unity and harmony,” he added.
Bilawal added that Quaid-e Awam Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had healed the wounds of Pakistan’s second partition by recognizing the state of Bangladesh and extending a hand of friendship to Mujeebur Rehman by inviting him to the first OIC summit in Lahore.
He said that Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto expanded Pakistan’s, till then myopic, America centric diplomatic horizons by looking Eastwards towards China and building a relationship that is now the bedrock of our international relations. By giving Pakistan a nuclear program he had also ensured the security and safety of the country from any foreign adventurism.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that it was Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who had legalised unions and outlawed anti-labour policies and gave workers a voice by making them stakeholders in the management of industrial entities. The PPP chairman said that the political legacy of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto has been cemented in his sacrifice and is the written in the constitution which guarantees rights to 220 million Pakistanis irrespective of cast, creed, and ideology. He ensured that the PPP would always act as the guardian for their rights and freedoms.