Wednesday, February 10, 2021

#Balochistan: The lesser children of God

 By: Munaj Gul Muhammad

 Visiting Quetta city (The capital of Balochistan) in the end of December_2020 and on the Eve of new year_2021 left a cloud of confusions in my mind as after coming across to a child almost aged 13 to 14 appealing to every passer-by to give him a small amount of money to have a living. His eyes were shedding tears, but no one could deep feel pity on him. Although, everyone was busy in his own life. He seemed very hapless. There was no-one to lead him a happy life filled with pleasures and happiness. The sheer bliss of God no more remained an option for him. He was dwelling with troubles and sufferings in the richest province of Pakistan_ Balochistan. 

In confronting the small boy near Saleem Complex Quetta, was the day that left a myriad of questions which remained unanswered until today. Being the sons of the most blessed soil; they (poor children) are yet living a hard-time in the twenty first century. He is not the only boy who I confronted in Quetta, but there are also a lot of such ignored children who everyone confronts in many places in the province; and they witness that the innocent children, in the province, are always left in the lurch in diverse circumstances.

Almost, the 13-year-old boy, was wearing torn clothes and shoes. Having a good jacket in the month of January (the coldest month in Quetta city) was out of his access owing to poverty leaving out other needed facilities.

There are a handful number of such children who are having nothing to wear_ in covering their bodies in the winter season.He (the innocent and small boy) is still in the same condition. For the government-in-run would never pay the attention to the issues faced by the paupers. It pinpoints the fact that the province is blessed with most of the natural resources like gas, gold, silver, coil and etc, but the residents of the province are deprived of a single living.

Gwadar: CPEC is another project towards the development of Balochistan, but in reality, CPEC has not given a single benefit to the locals of the city-port. There are legion children in the city who are working as labour and their dreams of future in reaching good positions are squashed. CPEC has never been a beneficial project for Baloch. Baloch are ignored in the project.

Tracing back to the year_2018, I had a visit to Gwadar and seeing the worst living conditions of locals left me tearful.

Analogously, I confronted a star-crossed boy whose bright dreams were buried alive. Other than being ignored from the government, the poor children are abused, beaten and neglected in every place wherever they visit in begging money to save their lives as there are no other option for them to opt.

Karim Baloch, 32, a resident of Turbat says, ” There are many children who are busy in complaining to God. For the loved creatures human of Lord are brutally killing one another, ignoring  every single pauper and most importantly, are abusing others one way to other. “I no more wish to remain alive in such a society where right of every downtrodden child is snatched.” He said in having tears in his beautiful eyes.

Albeit, the Article 11 of Pakistan Constitution 1973 says,” Slavery is non-existent and forbidden and no law shall permit or facilitate its introduction into Pakistan in any form. All forms of forced labour and traffic in human beings are prohibited and no child below the age of fourteen years shall be engaged in any factory, mine or any other hazardous employment. ” Besides the said statement in shape of the constitutional article, there is seen no law implemented to provide the basic rights to the citizens.

The federal and provincial government had better implement the laws of the country to protect the residents to face no violation in the country. The children are the amiable person who can help the country out in any form of development.

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