Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Scandal of dirty money & disqualify the recipients

Almost all the important actors involved in the Mehran Bank scandal had confirmed and testified before the Supreme Court of Pakistan distributing money to commit electoral fraud and tamper with the mandate of the people of Pakistan using dirty tricks and official powers of the State. It is a serious allegation against the politicians and man like General Durrani, a former Director-General ISI and former Army Chief General Baig also confirmed distribution of money among the politicians who later rose to the status of the Prime Minister of Pakistan as a result of the tampering with the mandate of the people. There is a technical denial from certain quarters as it is known to all political activists that hidden hands were involved in forming the IJI, the Islami Jamhoori Ittehad of right wing parties against the PPP and its sitting Government. There were massive advertisements in the newspapers from undisclosed sources projecting the image of IJI and its leaders. It is an established fact that the political leaders and parties with modest means could not bear the cost of newspaper campaign which runs into hundreds of millions during the 1990 elections. Interestingly, the same religious party spent no money in subsequent elections it fought individually or collectively or in form of another religious parties’ alliance. Why so much money was spent on newspaper advertisement during the IJI campaign against the PPP? Naturally, it was the dirty money from dubious sources and not belonged to the party. The party kept quiet and said no words to disown the campaign in its political interests. The advertisements carried huge photographs of Qazi Hussain Ahmed during the IJI advertising campaign and still he is not aware that who financed the campaign? What the leaders of the religious party will say about the media campaign involving hundreds of millions of rupees during the election campaign of IJI. They must claim that some ‘sympathizers’ of the party or some God fearing persons must have financed it?
It is a fit case to be probed as it amounted to cheating the mandate of the people of Pakistan in general in which the former President, former COAS and ISI Chief was involved in distributing dirty money among the politicians. There is one Bizenjo, a recipient of Rs half a million from the ISI. Mir Ghous Bakhsh Bizenjo died a year earlier of IJI elections. He died on August 11, 1989 and elections were held in 1990. There must be a clarification that who was Mr. Bizenjo, a recipient of dirty money? One of the Star TV anchor persons known for distorting and manipulating facts had blamed the dead Bizenjo of receiving the dirty ISI money in his grave one year after his death. Similarly, there was one Kakar who too received money. One could guess that he was Malik Sarwar Khan Kakar, a late MPA who played a crucial role in denying the post of Chief Minister of Balochistan to late Nawab Akbar Bugti at the behest of ISI. There was no other prominent Kakar playing any significant political role in Balochistan or who qualified to receive recognition from the ISI and its top boss in 1990 elections.
It is a very fit case for the Supreme Court of Pakistan to give a verdict in the case involving dirty money to change and tamper with the verdict of the people in general elections. All the established politicians should be taken to task and they should be disqualified for their whole life for joining and abetting undemocratic and anti-people forces to change or tamper with the genuine verdict of the people of Pakistan. It is the biggest crime against the society and a serious violation of the Constitution of Pakistan. It is in the interest of constitutional rule that such people should be given exemplary punishment and deprived of the right to contest any election in future. They deserve no mercy as they tried to insult the mandate of the people of Pakistan by using objectionable means to tamper with the election results in the name of Islam and Islamic character of Pakistan as if the then ruling PPP people were not Muslims.

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