Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mehrangate: Dirty money for dirty politicians

BY:Siddiq Baluch

Political workers believing in unadulterated democracy and rule of law remained under deep shock and dismay when they learned about the unending list of recipients of dirty money from the ISI generated by a dubious character banker who served the corrupt and dishonest rulers in his entire life.
Yunus Habib claimed that he had generated the funds from unknown sources to oblige the dishonest President of Pakistan, Ghulam Ishaq Khan, a sworn enemy of the will of the people of Pakistan.
There was a gang of criminal conspirators that headed by Ghulam Ishaq Khan and other members were Roedad Khan, Ijlal Haider Zaidi, General Aslam Beg and former ISI DG Asad Durrani.
The purpose was to reverse the will of the people of Pakistan by manipulating the general elections backing the right wing elements and parties in the shape of IJI. The PPP, whether someone like it or not, was the most populist party while the Muslim Leaguers were hand picked of the former military ruler General Ziaul Haq who promoted the dubious characters in politics for his dishonest and criminal intention to suit his politics and policies that brought disaster for Pakistan to this date.
Jamaat-i-Islami leader denied that he had received any money from ISI. In any case, it was part and parcel rather strategic ally and member of the IJI that was backed by the ISI and Ghulam Ishaq Khan for their hatred against the PPP and its populist policies.
Mian Nawaz Sharif was leading the IJI as he was the Chief Minister of the Punjab and he was supposed to be the next prime minister of Pakistan after dislodging the PPP and Benazir Bhutto from power in 1990 elections.
There is a report that caretaker Chief Minister of Balochistan; Mir Humayun Khan Marri also received Rs 1.5 million which he had denied immediately. Nawab Bugti’s JWP was part and parcel of the IJI understanding and he was supposed to form the Government in Balochistan as Nawab concluded an agreement with Mian Nawaz Sharif and his nominee Chaudhary Shujaat Hussain and Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan. When the JWP emerged as the single largest party in the Balochistan elections and Benazir stood defeated convincingly at the national level, there was a change of mind from the Punjabi rulers and they backed out from their commitment and installed late Taj Mohammad Jamali who had only two votes in the Balochistan Assembly.
PNP of Mir Bizan Bizenjo was the main party backing Mir Taj Mohammad Jamali at the behest of the rulers in Islamabad , Ghulam Ishaq Khan and his co-conspirators, thus Taj Jamali was made the Chief Minister against the commitments made to late Nawab Bugti by the PML leaders.
In this background one Bizenjo is stated to be a recipient of Rs half a million from the ISI. However, some associates of late Mir Ghous Bakhsh Bizenjo claimed that the recipient of Rs half a million was Mir Majeed Bizenjo, a least known man at that time and having no political importance at the village level.
In any case, ISI played a political role in the 1990 elections and it manipulated elections at the behest of Ghulam Ishaq Khan and General Aslam Beg. It was confirmed by General Asad Durrani and Yunus Habib, two star witnesses in the IJI scandal.
There should be a clear verdict in this case disqualifying all the politicians who received money from the ISI to manipulate the elections and reverse the verdict of the people of Pakistan which is the biggest crime against the State and the society. At the same time, all those former employees of the State should be punished for subverting the constitution of Pakistan so that no one in future dare to subvert the Constitution of Pakistan or tamper the results of elections misusing the official powers and authority.
To this date, the Supreme Court was found of targeting the Government leaders and politicians in a variety of cases and spared the others giving an impression that it was not fair and impartial in hearing cases lesser importance and ignoring the serious crime against the humanity, target killing, enforced disappearances, bullet riddled bodies and mutilated bodies for the past many years. The Supreme Court got a fair chance to announce a verdict to disqualify all the recipients of ISI funds from participating in the future elections.
The cases of missing persons should be given top priority against the doubtful cases concocted by the Governments of the day against its opponents in the past or decades ago.
The Supreme Court should also ensure that no public money or dirty money from dubious characters should not be used in influencing the future elections and all the security agencies be barred from undertaking such operations. They should confine their role in preserving the security of Pakistan leaving politics for the genuine political parties.

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