Saturday, August 3, 2013

Turkey police fire teargas, rubber bullets to break up protest

Turkish riot police on Saturday fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse hundreds of anti-government protesters in Istanbul, leaving many injured. At least 10 people were injured and dozens arrested, according to AFP journalists, in fresh protests which broke out near Taksim square, the epicentre of violent demonstrations which rocked the country in June. At least three journalists, including an AFP photographer, were injured by rubber bullets during the clashes. Some 300 protesters had gathered early Saturday evening in support of the Gezi protest movement which rocked Turkey two months ago, and cat-and-mouse games with police continued into the night. "Together against fascism" cried the protesters gathered amid heavy security. Protest flashpoints Taksim square and Gezi park were closed to the public on Saturday. The demonstration follows another violent protest on Wednesday night in a resurgence of the anti-government rallies which swept Turkey in June. The unrest was sparked by plans to redevelop Gezi Park, which is adjacent to Taksim square, but soon evolved into a broader movement against the government, seen as increasingly authoritarian. According to police estimates, some 2.5 million people took to the streets in nearly 80 cities for three weeks to demand Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's resignation. Five people were killed and more than 8,000 injured in the civil unrest. The authorities had closed the park to the public after police evicted protesters on June 15. It was reopened earlier this month but demonstrators remain banned.

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