Saturday, August 3, 2013

Syria's U.N. Ambassador blasts Saudi Arabia, radical Islamists at Dearborn event
Speaking Friday night in Dearborn to more than 400 Arab-Americans, Syria's Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Jaafari blasted the opposition in his country, saying they're terrorists and religious extremists trying to ruin their peaceful land. "The same people who attacked you (Americans) on Sept. 11 are attacking us today," Jaafari said in Arabic. In his talk, Jaafari repeatedly attacked Saudi Arabia, which he said was funding and arming radical Islamists that want to take over Syria. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey are supporting "jihadists all through Syria," he said. Jaafari, who is Sunni Muslim, spoke alongside Syrian Orthodox Christian Bishop Louka El-Khouri of Syria at an iftar - a dinner held by Muslims to break fast during Ramadan. Called "Iftar for Peace and Unity in Syria," the event was designed to promote the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and unity among Syria's different groups. The crowd at the Greenfield Manor in Dearborn was largely Syrian Christian, Alawite, or Lebanese Shia, groups that generally are sympathetic to Assad. Syrian-Americans in metro Detroit who oppose Assad slammed the Dearborn event, saying that it was wrong to invite pro-Assad leaders for a religious dinner. "It's very sad to see people using the month of Ramadan to have a speaker who defends a murderous, criminal tyrant," Dr. Yahya Basha of West Bloomfield, a native of Syria who opposes Assad, told the Free Press. "I can't imagine having a guy who represents and defends tyranny speak at an iftar in the holy month of Ramadan, when people are focusing on being truthful and sensitive." The audience clapped often during the Ambassador's and Bishop's remarks at the dinner, which was sponsored by the Syrian-American Forum, based in New Jersey. Several Shia imams and Christian priests attended the event to show their support. El-Khouri said that Syrians are united despite their religious differences. He also spoke the kidnappings of two Christian leaders that he said were done by Syrian opposition groups. More than 100,000 have died in Syria's civil war, which started in 2011. Michigan has about 10,000 Syrian-Americans, which are greatly divided over the conflict. Addressing a question about Hizballah, a Lebanese group that is on the U.S. government's list of terrorist organizations, the Ambassador claimed that Hizballah is not fighting in Syria. Many have said that Hizballah fighters have fought inside Syria to support Assad. Basha said the Ambassador's remarks about Hizballah are a complete lie. "This man has no integrity," Basha said. "He's part of the killing machine." A big sign at the event had pictures of Syria's flag and read: "No Violence, Yes Unity, No Foreign Intervention, No Sectarianism." Waad Thabet, 14, a Southgate resident of Syrian descent, spoke at the end of the event, asking President Barack Obama not to support the Syrian opposition. The U.S. government wants Assad out and has pledged support for the opposition. "Please stop sending weapons, money to the terrorists," she said. Jaafari and El-Khouri did not grant interviews at the dinner to the Free Press.

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