Sunday, July 7, 2013

The controversial Afghan film “Madrasa” screened in Kabul city

The Afghan film “Madrasa” was finally screened in Lycee Esteqlal high school in capital Kabul following months of controversies. The movie directed by Afghan filmmaker and actor Asad Sikandar, is considered to be one the most controversial movies in Afghanistan which sparked criticisms by neighboring Iran. The movie was displayed in Lycee Esteqlal high school in Kabul city in the presence of film artists, filmmakers and representatives fo various cultural organizations. The Madrasa film was banned by the government of Afghanistan after the government of Iran criticized the scenario of the movie, which reflects forced difficulties the Afghan refugees face outside the country. The director of the movie Asad Sikandar said that certain parts of the movie was censored and the film was allowed to be screened following efforts by filmmakers, media agencies and a number of the Afghan parliament members. The story of the film is based on an Afghan family migrated in Iran, and the issues the family was facing while admiting their children to school. The film was due to be screened in a French cultural center in Lycee Esteqlal around two years ago, however the embassy of Iran in coordination with the French embassy prevented the film to be displayed. Asad Sikandar the director of the film said that the main scenario of the film remains unchanged and only certain parts of the movie has been censored or deleted. He insisted that the story is based on Afghan refugees who are facing educational issues outside the country, and the children must have the right to have access to education despite illegal migration by their parents.

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