Sunday, July 7, 2013

PTI becomes largest Political Party that hates minorities especially Christians
Christian news (Yeshwa Younis) Neither the ideology of Muhammad Ali Jinnah nor the ideals of the Pakistan’s constitution disrespects the non-Muslims as the Latest act of KPK Assembly has done. The teachings of Holy Prophet of Islam never were against the Christians but as the tsunami of PTI (Pakistan Tharak e Insaf ) as hit the KPK Gov’t there has passed the act that sanitary workers can only be non- Muslims (e.g Christians and Hindus). It is not only a disgrace to the Christians but to the teachings of the founder of the Pakistan as well as the teachings of Koran which clearly states that Christian religion is closest to that of Islam. Christians in Pakistan have expressed extreme distress at this action and foresee it as an attack on their religion & religious sentiments. We Strongly condemn the most controversial remarks of Chief Minister of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa Pervez Khattak of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) that Muslims cannot be hired as the sweepers and cleaners in the province in the frequent absence of the current sweepers and if provincial government hires the replacements, only minorities will be given the chance to fill up the vacancies. “Chief Minister KPK’s comments about minorities strongly condemned: Albert David Chairman PUCM has strongly condemned the in house statement given by CM KPK. Whilst speaking in the assembly. The Chief Minister said that “cleaners/sweepers will only be from minority community and Muslims are not eligible to clean streets and roads” He said, these are highly insensitive, discriminatory and biased remarks. We demand a public apology and resignation from Mr Khattak. PTI will face a strong protest by Non Muslim Pakistanis if the leadership of PTI does not take an immediate action. Is it this “change” that PTI had been rallying for, he questioned the PTI leadership.” “Pakistan Christian Congress President Dr. Nazir S Bhatti has strongly condemned the state of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) nominated Chief Minister in KPK province that only sanitary workers’ jobs may be given to religious minorities in KPK province. Nazir Bhatti urged Christians to stay away from PTI because on next step it’s going to announce separate dress for non-Muslims in KPK where Jamat Islami (JI) an ally party of PTI in government of KPK have demanded separate assembly for women and minorities.”

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