Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Pakistan's Selected Prime Minister - Pakistan not invited by Russia for Eastern Economic Forum

Amid reports in Pakistani media that Prime Minister Imran Khan has been invited for the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) to be held in Vladivostok, Russia from September 4 to 6, Moscow has put out a statement to clarify that he is not on the guest list
A statement issued by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, We drew attention to the publications in a number of South Asian media that the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan was invited to the events of the Eastern Economic Forum (WEF-5) in Vladivostok (September 4-6, this year) as the guest of honour. We would like to give some explanations in this regard...
The statement comes at a time when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited as the guest of honour’ to EEF 2019.
This year, a representative delegation of India will take part in the Forum’s events led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to the Russian Federation Venkatesh Varma.
Listing out those world leaders who have been invited, the statement released on Monday said, We expect that the President of Mongolia H Battulga, the Prime Minister of India N.Modi, the Prime Minister of Malaysia M. Mohammad and the Prime Minister of Japan S Abe will arrive in the capital of Primorye.
Sources tell India Today TV the same has been conveyed by Moscow to New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited
Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Anton Kobyakov and Indian ambassador to Russia Venkatesh Varma met in Moscow where the two sides discussed preparations for the participation of the Indian delegation.
The meeting noted that Russian-Indian strategic cooperation is a unique example of trust relations between the two powers, read a statement from Moscow.
I am confident that the participation of prime minister is to bring the level of trade and investment cooperation between our countries in the Far Eastern region to a whole new level. India’s extensive and representative participation in the work of the forum will contribute to closer cooperation between our countries, not only in the economic but also in the humanitarian area, said Anton Kobyakov after the meeting with the Indian envoy.
To prepare for the participation in the EEF 2019 and to enhance Russian-Indian cooperation, Narendra Modi commissioned several business missions to the Far East consisting of Indian business and regional representatives. Up to five Indian state governors are to participate in the missions, a statement from the organiser of the forum, said. Roscongress Foundation,
Further, the parties discussed the preparation of the 20th annual RussiaIndia summit.

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