Sunday, March 11, 2012

Swiss letter should have been written during Musharraf term

Federal Railway Minister Ghulam Ahmed Bilour said most of the political parties are the products of martial laws adding that the letter to Swiss courts should have been written during Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif terms.
Bilour thanked the Almighty over absence of ANP’s name among the list of beneficiaries in Asghar Khan Case.
Interacting with reporters in Peshawar, Bilour said Prime Minister Gilani accepted 6-year imprisonment, but refused allegiance to Pervez Musharraf.
Bilour said that the Prime Minister could not dig up a political grave for himself by writing the letter against his leadership.
The railway minister said that his party had demanded the Senate’s deputy chairmanship for representation of Balochistan. “We adopted a democratic method. There is no point of fighting.”

1 comment:

  1. We have a miserable railway system in Pakistan. It is one of the most bankrupt organizations of the Pakistani government other than PIA and steel mills. This corruption lead the cancellation of many railway services hence leaving deprived Pakistanis at the mercy of local filthy buses for the long distance travel.
