Saturday, March 3, 2012

Nationalists keep away from meeting of religious parties

The religious and Jiahdi parties enjoying support of turn coats and some individuals held their public meeting in Quetta in which the nationalist political parties did not participate for political reasons. The nationalist and secular parties are opposed to the ideologies of the jihadis and sectarian parties who waged jihad against Afghanistan and interfered in the internal affairs of Afghanistan on the pretext of holy war. Those parties were created and promoted by former military dictator General Zia-ul-Haq only to destroy the political and social fabric of Pakistan. They were armed and giving military training to overthrow the Government in Kabul and install a Government desired by the imperialist forces and their agents in Pakistan. During the holy war of 1980s, the Baloch people kept away from the Jihad and did not join the holy war as it was no waged by the State of Pakistan. The holy war was waged by individuals, mainly public functionaries and their paid agent to the satisfaction of the United States of America. These elements were responsible for the civil war in Afghanistan in 1980s and finally we are felling and experiencing the spill over of afghan civil war on the Pakistani soil.
This time again, those elements are trying to start another covert war in our neighborhood only to undermine the security interest of Pakistan. Such a covert war in Afghanistan or Iran will have serious implications on the security and solidarity of Pakistan as an independent State. Knowing this, the Baloch and Pakhtoon nationalists are keeping themselves away from such a dirty game or another dirty war in our neighborhood and advising fellow Pakistanis not to support the so called non-State actors in this dirty war. Pakistan is already under severe pressure from the US and its allies in Afghanistan leveling serious charges against Pakistan for the trouble in Afghanistan. Pakistan Government had been denying these allegations for the past many years. Now the Afghan conflict is taking a serious turn and the world community is interested in a quick end to the conflict in the interest of regional peace and security. We Pakistanis should play a more safer role in this conflict discouraging all the non state actors from interfering in the Afghan affairs. Any misunderstanding with the international community on afghan conflict can be disastrous for Pakistan and Balochistan will suffer the most for being the front line State for the past three decades.

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