Monday, March 19, 2012

Michelle Obama to Letterman: ‘This isn’t ‘Oprah’! Where are the laughs?’

Michelle Obama made her first appearance on the "Late Show With David Letterman" on Monday. And during a discussion about the importance of family, the first lady told Letterman about her father.

"My father had multiple sclerosis," she said. "I never knew him to be able to walk, but my dad worked so hard and he loved us so much, and I think from him I learned just absolute, complete unconditional love, the notion that kids really don't need anything but to know that their parents adore them."

She continued: "We had rules, we had boundaries, but there wasn't anything my dad wouldn't do for us, and, uh--don't make me cry. This isn't 'Oprah'! It's supposed to be 'Letterman.' What's up? Where are the laughs?"

"Did somebody tell you this was 'Oprah'?" Letterman joked. "Is that why you're here? Oh my, someone misled the first lady."

Earlier in the show, Letterman tried to wrangle some presidential gossip out of her, but the first lady did not take the bait.

"Hypothetically speaking, at the end of the day, has your husband ever come home and said to you, 'Oh, that John Boehner, what an idiot'?" Letterman asked.

"It has never happened, never, never," she replied. "He is always upbeat, particularly about Congress."

While it was her first "Late Show" appearance, the first lady is no stranger to late-night talk shows. In January, Michelle appeared on "The Tonight Show," telling Jay Leno that the president likes to sing to her at home in the White House.

"He does have a beautiful voice, and he sings to me all the time," Mrs. Obama told Leno. "He doesn't hesitate to show off his lungs to his wife."

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