Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Best Time For a Single Baloch Party

The Baloch leaders have demonstrated extraordinary courage, unity and consistency to deal with the over-reaction Islamabad has shown in the aftermath of the historic congressional hearing. While Balochs were a victim of an earlier war waged by the federal government, the episode was further joined by the country’s chauvinist media. Every effort was made to discredit the Baloch leaders and activists to undermine the significance of the hearing.

The lesson one had to learn was that the whole of Pakistan would take only a few minutes to unite against any move that seeks Baloch rights. Resolutions were passed against the hearing not only by the ruling party but also from the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz which is, ironically, also engaged in a double game on Balochistan. After moving a resolution in the Punjab Assembly against a hearing that demanded an end to atrocities against the Baloch, the PML-N is left with no respect among the Baloch. To the Balochs, Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan is to PML-N what Rehman Malik is to the PPP.

A recent meetings between Nawabzada Bramdagh Bugti and Hairbayar Marri is a highly positive and commendable move. These leaders should devise a strategy how they can end violence in Balochistan and rescue the rest of the young political activists. During their meeting, the two leaders debated an obscure Freedom Charter. Since we have not reached the point of declaring independence, a more important and urgent step is to stress upon the debate about Baloch unity among all key stakeholders.

During his life time Nawab Akbar Bugti had called for a single political party of the Baloch. His dream did not come true because of his tragic killing. If the whole of Pakistan can unite against the Baloch, why can’t the true leaders of Balochistan also unite on issues over which there is consensus? There has never been a time so good and so important for a single Baloch party than today. More time must not be wasted by the leaders to benefit from the rapidly changing situation in favor of the Baloch.

Seeing the madness and overreaction showed by the Pakistani leaders and journalists, Balochs have to take a deep breath and ask themselves, “Were we not overestimating Islamabad?”. The Pakistan establishment is indeed too weak, too reactive and miraculously apolitical in front of a genuine Baloch demand which is gaining widespread acceptance before the international democratic institutions.

We would urge the Baloch leaders to have mercy over the young men who are getting killed by the Pakistani agencies and security forces on regular basis. Therefore, they should forget most, if not all, personal differences. For the sake of a young generation of Balochs that has offered more sacrifices than what their leaders could ever expect, the older generation of the leaders should respet the wishes of the young generatiton of the Balochs. They should know nations rise only when they stand together.

Two key Baloch leaders, Hairbayar Marri and the Khan of Kalat still do not have political parties of their own. As they seek international support for the Baloch case, they must become more political in their organizational orientation. Mir. Suleman Dawood should stop calling himself His Highness or the King of Balochistan. A full generation of young Balochs did not sacrifice their lives to bring a king of an Islamic regime in Balochistan. There is no king in Balochistan nor does anyone want one. Therefore, the Khan of Kalat has to become more political and participatory with the rest of the leaders.Solo flights rash. Collective flights safely reach their destinations.

At this point, people say they are noticing a significant change in Sardar Akhtar Mengal’s stance who has gotten harsher by the time.

There are two ways forward: Firstly, it is unclear to what extent Hairbayar Marri and Bramdagh Bugti think the BNP has become committed enough to become an equal partner in their journey. If they think, they have reached at a point where they share the same demands and vision, they should go forward and form a single Baloch party. Secondly, if they think they would still wish to retain their individual status, the other option is to revive the Four Party Baloch National Alliance. While we can no longer describe the Jamori Watan Partya nationalist party, the Baloch Republican Party (BRP) can totally fill that vacuum. On his part, Hairbayar Marri can revive the Haq-e-Tawar Party which was the platform used by his late brother Balaach Marri until his death.The National Party still has to take a position whether it wants to join the group comprising of pro-self-determination school of thought or it just wishes to look like the BNP-Awami.

This is the right time and the opportunity to become one to face the tough challenges the current situation offers. We hope Hairbayar Marri, Akhtar Mengal and Bramdagh Bugti will not waste more time and decide what they have got to do about the future of Balochistan.

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