Friday, March 2, 2012

“1000 tons of gold reservoirs found in Swat”

Renowned Pakistani columnist and political commentator Haroon Rashid has claimed that 1000 million tons of

gold reservoirs have been found in country’s northwestern area of Swat in Khyber Pakthunkhwa.

He revealed this during a talk-show hosted by female anchor Mehr Bukhari on a local television channel Dunia News on Thursday night.

While discussing countries economic grievances Rashid said, the 1000 million tons gold reservoirs were found in Swat and news would soon be heard in this regard.

Mr Rashid is believed to have close links with country’s powerful military establishment and his revelation might be linked to his sources in the Pakistan’s military that has been battling an insurgency waged by home-grown terrorists in Swat since 2008.

If the news proved to be truth and the reservoirs are explored it would be considered a great respite for Pakthoons who have in large numbers migrated to major cities of the country, seeking opportunities of employment.

Swat valley is rich of God gifted mineral resources. Most of the minerals in swat belong to family 10 in periodic table. Therefore these minerals are valuable and internationally recognized. They include Sulphides, oxides and Hydroxides, Nitrats, Carbonates and Borates, Silicates and other unclassified

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