Tuesday, August 30, 2022

It was beyond my expectations Imran would sink so low, says Bilawal on leaked audio

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Monday took a jibe at PTI chairperson Imran Khan for passing instructions to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab's finance ministers to withdraw from the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) deal. The revelations came to the fore in an audio leak Monday where the ex-finance minister Shaukat Tarin could be heard directing Punjab Finance Minister Mohsin Leghari and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Minister Taimur Khan Jhagra to cite recent floods as a core reason for withdrawing from the deal.

Taking to Twitter, Bilawal said that it was "beyond his expectations" that Imran Khan would sink so low.

The foreign minister said that Khan chose this moment — when Pakistan is facing a catastrophic flood situation — to exploit the KP and Punjab governments to sabotage the national interest. 

"First he [Khan] entered into a deal with the IMF, then he almost pushed the country to default to save his premiership. Now he tries to sabotage IMF economic bailout of the mess he created!" he wrote. 

Referring to the leaked conversation between former finance minister Shaukat Tarin with Punjab and KP's ministers, Bilawal said that KP's finance minister called it "blackmailing" while the other said that this would "damage the state". 

"Imran’s been caught corruptly abusing charity donations for his personal and political purposes. exposed in a foreign funding case. To avoid getting caught, he’s been on a relentless campaign against every institution. That he would sink so low now, was beyond even my expectations," wrote the minister. 

Earlier today, Finance Minister Miftah Ismail also castigated the PTI leadership during a press conference. 

"Shaukat Tarin is the architect behind PTI's move. Is Imran Khan so power-hungry that he will do anything to get back? Is Imran Khan bigger than Pakistan?" he questioned. 

"You have crossed all lines this time," he told the PTI.


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