Sunday, May 23, 2021

The only viable option for Pakistan is for the Prime Minister to resign – says Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.

The Chairman Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari declared the puppet Prime Minister, Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, an imposter that has been imposed on the country. The criminal ineptitude on display over the past three years have destroyed the economic, social, and political fabric of Pakistan, he added. “The only thing driving Imran Khan is his unbridled lust for power. He doesn’t care about the will of the people as was evidenced by the widespread rigging that brought him here. The sheer shamelessness and criminality with which Imran Khan came to power shows that he will stop at nothing to sate his ego.”The COVID-19 pandemic has effected the entire world, and Pakistan is no an exception, however the way the PTI led federal government have used the pandemic as an excuse to gut social protections, ruin the economy, deflect responsibility, and persecute the opposition, shows the lengths that they will go to to hold onto power.
In a statement issued from the Media Cell Bilawal House, the Chairman PPP said that Imran Khan seriously lacks any sense as to how the country should be governed. The fact that Pakistans poverty levels have skyrocketed, with numbers inching towards 50 percent, it would seem like Imran Khan is trying his level best to reincarnate the years of his political mentor, the dictator Pervez Musharraf. Those policies took us down a path of absolute ruin, and Imran Khan and his government have once again set us down that path, he said. The only viable option for Pakistan is for the Prime Minister to resign, he added.
It is candidly clear that the selected Prime Minister, Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, will soon join his predecessors Musharraf and the rented PM Shaukat Aziz in living lavish a lifestyle abroad, after bringing about a complete fiscal default to the country.If the puppet PM, Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, has even an iota of care for the well being of the masses he has no option but tendering an unconditional apology to all Pakistanis for bringing the country to ruin.The corrupt Prime Ministers corrupt federal cabinet is busy enjoying their ill gotten gains at the cost of the national exchequer, while the masses are crushed under the burden of inflation and unemployment.
“The selected PM is not only guilty of mismanaging the economy and causing sky-rocketing inflation, but also giving carte blanche to the multitude of mafias he calls his political party.”The Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that Imran Khan should take a look at the wreckage of the country around him, and take stock of how long he thinks he can get away with all his crimes by blaming the opposition, when his fingerprints are all over the scene of his horrendous crimes.

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