Monday, March 29, 2021

#Pakistan - #PPP condemns state violence against Jani Khel protestors

The Pakistan People’s Party has condemned the crack down on the peaceful protestors of Jani Khel in Bannu, the arrest of political workers and the foiling by using force of their bid to travel to Islamabad to register their protest against the kidnap and kill of four youth over a week ago.
In a statement the Secretary General of PPP Nayyer Bukhari demanded the release of MNA Mohsin Dawar and PTM leader Manzoor Pashteen and other activists who were merely exercising the right to protest against a monstrous incident that remains unaddressed by the authorities for over a week.
The Party deplores that instead of listening to the aggrieved citizens and holding inquiries in the gruesome incident those responsible for the security of citizens have resorted to use of force against them, he said.
Nayyer Bukhari asked the authorities to stop using violence against the marchers, release those arrested and bring to justice the culprits of the kidnap and kill of the four youths.
The fascist acts of the selected regime are most condemnable, he said.

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