Saturday, March 6, 2021

#Pakistan - Chairman PPP says grumpy old man is frustrated over Gillani’s win


Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that attacking parliamentarians especially women parliamentarians is the tradition of Imran Khan and his goons and it is not the culture and attitude of Pakistan people to raise hand on women. He, on behalf of the entire PDM, condemned the attack on PML-N parliamentarians in strongest possible words.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari was addressing the PDM parliamentarians who had gathered at Sindh House Islamabad to celebrate the win of Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani on Saturday. He said that the win of our candidate on one seat in Islamabad has proved that not only politics is the art of possibilities but it is also an art of making impossible, possible.
He said that the puppet is not been able to run Pakistan for the last three years. Media is in chains and there is pressure on the judiciary for the last three years. During the last three years political leaders, members assembly and their families are being pressurised and victimized. The puppet has been given an impression that they are on one page and he is here to stay not only for 5 years or ten years but forever. Due to the Charter of Democracy signed by Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, the peaceful transfer was made possible.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that now an authoritarian government is in place but we played a political card and exposed this fascist and puppet. Today, on one hand, the entire Pakistan is witnessing this victory event and on the other a grumpy old man who can clearly see his end in sight. His frustration is apparent for all to see. This one win exposed this fascist and puppet. The members have proved that Imran Khan has lost majority in the National Assembly. Now, the President of Pakistan has also said that Imran Khan has lost his majority. Imran Khan cannot prove his majority by inviting a procession of his party goons to the parliament. Now Imran Khan does not have the support in the Parliament neither in the public.
Chairman PPP once again said that now we, the PDM will decide where and when the no-confidence will be tabled against Imran Khan, against his Speaker or against puppet chief minister.  This puppet cannot compete against the plan of Maulana Fazlur Rehman, President Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. He said that the PDM in a short time took big decisions. Imran Khan has degraded the National Assembly. There was a very small space for PDM but it was enough for us to expose this puppet. Every province in Pakistan is with the PDM and the PDM won bye-elections in all four provinces.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that this government is a threat for the system. It is unfortunate that Imran Khan did not condemn the attack on PML-N parliamentarians. This attitude tells that Khan is neither a democrat nor political. Using foul language and leveling accusations is the practice of Imran Khan. He said Imran Khan should have learned how to be a prime minister from Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani.
Chairman PPP said that President Zardari has spent 13 years in jail on trumped up charges and 99 per cent cases have been proved false and the courts have exonerated him but whatever Imran Khan has done to the nation in three years cannot be exonerated by the people of Pakistan. President Zardari restored the constitution in its original form and given the provinces their rights. He said that his maternal and paternal sides of families are in politics for generations. His grandfather was among the founder and the president Sindh chapter of Awami National Party. We take pride that we have never come to power from any backdoor and will never do so.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that for the last three years our laborers, growers and traders are being economically murdered by Imran Khan. They all celebrated our win in Islamabad. If we in PDM continue our struggle with the same hard work then the success will continue to be ours. This success will not be of any one party rather the entire people of Pakistan.

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