Broken promises and lavish feasts: Imran Khan disappoints people of Pakistan

Not just Line of Actual Control, there are tensions at Line of Control (LoC) too. There have been a number of ceasefire violations by Pakistan in the last few days, not only in the Jammu division but also in the Kashmir valley.
Since June 7, Pakistan has targeted Indian villages and military positions multiple times. There has been unprovoked firing in the sectors of Rampur, Keran and Tangdhar.
There seems to be a pattern behind Pakistan's ceasefire violations. The Pakistani Prime Minister seems to be on the same page as the Chinese president in provoking India.
Imran Khan promised a 'naya Pakistan'. He vowed to end corruption. The PM positioned himself as a champion of austerity. Most importantly, he swore to serve the people, not the army.
Imran khan became the Prime Minister of Pakistan riding on all these promises. Then, he began complaining about how low his salary was.
He started replacing civilians in his government with army generals. He began adjusting corruption by his ministers, and used relief money to pay his bills.
In short, he broke all his promises and his sham of austerity was busted.
His country is on the brink of economic collapse. Pakistan doesn't have enough health supplies to keep up during this pandemic, and the food sector has been crippled.
How has the Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed his remorse at not being able to live up to expectations? By enjoying opulent feasts!
These are not our words, but Pakistani media itself.
According to Pakistan media reports, Imran Khan was served 135 traditional dishes during his visit to Larkana in north-western Sindh.
Pakistan is starving as Imran Khan is feasting.
The most shocking and ironic thing is that his visit was supposed to be a review visit of the functioning of hospitals filled with coronavirus patients, as Sindh is the hardest-hit region in all of Pakistan. However, for Imran Khan, good food is more important.
Reports further claim that atleast 37 protocol vehicles accompanied him on his visit to the city.
All of this amid slashes in Pakistan's budget, and at a time when Imran Khan's allies are deserting him and his government is in troubled waters.
A threat to coalition
Sardar Akhtar Mengal, the chief of the Balochistan National Party has announced to part ways with PTI-led coalition government.
He says the PTI has failed to implement accords with allies, and that agreements and promises made to the people of Balochistan have not been kept.
Imran Khan's coalition had 184 seats in the national assembly. After this announcement, it will be down to 180, which threatens the future of this coalition.
A minimum of 172 seats are required to form a government in Pakistan's national assembly. So, if any other coalition partner pulls out, Imran Khan can face a vote of no confidence in the Pakistan assembly.

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari telephoned national leaders and discussed APC, political situation, Covid-19, locust, 18th amendment and anti-people budget

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, on Friday contacted several leaders via telephone and discussed the current political situation of the country, 18th constitutional amendment, Covid-19, locust and federal budget.
Discussing these issues, the leaders also deliberated upon calling All Parties’ Conference as soon as possible. Chairman PPP contacted opposition leader in the National Assembly Mian Shehbaz Sharif, the head of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Ameer Jamat-e-Islami Siraj ul Haq, head of Qaumi Watan Party Aftab Sherpao, Aimal Wali Khan of ANP, Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bazenjo and member National Assembly Mohsin Dawar.
Chairman PPP enquired about the health of Shehbaz Sharif and his brother Mian Nawaz Sharif. Both the leaders rejected the federal budget and agreed to all APC next week. Talking to Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Chairman PPP said that any attack on constitution will not be tolerated. During the conversation both the leaders declared the budget as anti-poor and rejected it. They also discussed the spread of Covid-19 in the country and agreed that the pandemic did spread in the country due to incapability of the government. Both the leaders also agreed to call APC next week.
Chairman Bilawal telephoned JI Chief and condoled with him over the death of former Ameer Jamat-e-Islami Syed Munawar Hasan. Siraj ul Haq enquired about the health of former President Asif Ali Zardari. Both the leaders discussed the prevailing political situation in the country. Talking to JI Ameer, Chairman Bilawal said that the economy was destroyed with the slogan of change. The entire country is in chaos due to Covid-19 spread but the government is unmoved. The agriculture of the country has been attacked by locust but Imran Khan is doing nothing except big talk. In this situation, the government presented an anti-people budget. JI Chief also discussed APC next week.
Chairman PPP telephoned ANP’s provincial president Aimal Wali Khan and enquired about the health of his father Asfandyar Wali. Talking to Aimal Wali Khan, Chairman Peoples Party said that the federal government has presented an anti-poor and anti-labour budget which the PPP out rightly rejects. Talking to President QWP, Aftab Khan Sherpao, Chairman Bilawal said that the Covid-19 did spread all over the country due to the confused attitude of Imran Khan and now he is targeting the constitution in the garb of 18th amendment. Chairman Bilawal said that no one would be allowed to attack the constitution. The government has destroyed the economy of the country and this anti-people budget will not be tolerated. Both the leaders also discussed the proposed APC.
Chairman Bilawal telephoned Senator Hasil Bazenjo and discussed the situation of Covid-19 pandemic and locust. Both the leaders agreed on calling APC. Chairman Bilawal also telephoned Mohsin Dawar MNA. Talking to Mohsin Dawar Chairman Bilawal said that the current government of PTI has failed from the day one on every front especially the economy. PTI government cannot hide behind the Covid-19. He said that we do not accept the budget which has not given any relief to the people. Imran Khan should work to save people from this pandemic instead of targeting the constitution.
Meanwhile, in a twitter message Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said “It’s easy to condemn police brutality around the world without looking inward. Criminalizing torture is the first step towards ending this culture of impunity and bringing the perpetrators, whoever they may be, to account. Torture is criminal, make it a crime.”
In another twitter message Chairman PPP said “PM IK calling OBL a martyr in NA is consistent with his history of appeasement to violent extremism. It is during his government that those involved in APS attack ‘escaped’ and those involved in Daniel Pearl’s murder get relief. Running with the hare and hunting with the hound.”

پیٹرولیم قیمتوں میں اضافہ قابل مذمت اور غریب دشمنی ہے، بلاول بھٹو

پیپلز پارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹوزرداری نے پیٹرولیم مصنوعات کی قیمتوں
میں اضافے کی مذمت کی ہے۔
ایک بیان میں بلاول بھٹو نے کہا کہ جب عوام کو مزید ریلیف کی ضرورت تھی، پیٹرول مہنگا کرناغریب دشمنی ہے۔  پیٹرول کی قیمتوں میں اضافہ کرنے والے ماضی میں معمولی اضافوں پر تنقید کرتے رہے ہیں۔
بلاول بھٹو نے کہا کہ عوام کی جیبوں پر ڈاکا ڈال کر عمران خان اپنی نااہلی کی وجہ سےڈوبتی معیشت کو سہارانہیں دے سکتے۔ پیٹرول سستا کروا کر ذخیرہ کروایا اور پھر مہنگا کر کے عمران خان نے مافیا کو فائدہ پہنچایا۔
 انکا کہنا تھا کہ سلیکٹڈ وزیراعظم کو عام آدمی کی کوئی فکر نہیں۔ جب پیٹرول سستا کیا تو قلت پیدا کی گئی اور کم قیمت کے ثمرات عوام تک نہ پہنچ سکے۔
بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے کہا کہ پیٹرول سستا ہونے سے کچھ سستا نہیں ہوا تھا مگر مہنگا ہونے سے مزید مہنگائی ضرور ہوگی، یہی نیا پاکستان ہے۔

#Pakistan - Taliban khan - Imran Khan criticised after calling Osama Bin Laden a 'martyr'

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has come under fire from opposition MPs after telling parliament that the US "martyred" Osama Bin Laden.
Bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, was killed in 2011 when US special forces raided his hideout in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.
Pakistan was not informed in advance.
"I will never forget how we Pakistanis were embarrassed when the Americans came into Abbottabad and killed Osama Bin Laden, martyred him," Khan said. Khan used the word "shaheed" - a reverential Arabic term for a martyr of Islam.
Opposition leader and former Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif criticised Mr Khan, calling Bin Laden an "ultimate terrorist".
"He destroyed my nation, and [Khan] is calling him a martyr," Mr Asif said in parliament. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, whose Pakistan Peoples Party was in power when Bin Laden was killed, accused the prime minister of appeasing violent extremism.
Meena Gabeena, a high-profile Pakistani activist, wrote on Twitter: "Muslims all over the world are struggling because of the discrimination they face due to recent terrorism and our PM makes it worse by calling [Osama Bin Laden] a martyr of Islam!"
Mr Khan's speech came as Pakistan's foreign office rejected a US state department report accusing Pakistan of continuing to be a safe haven for regionally focused terrorist groups.
"While the report recognizes that al-Qaeda has been seriously degraded in the region, it neglects to mention Pakistan's crucial role in decimating al-Qaeda, thereby diminishing the threat that the terrorist group once posed to the world," the foreign office said.
Khan, a former cricketer, has previously been criticised as sympathetic towards the Taliban, and branded "Taliban Khan" by opponents.
Following his controversial Bin Laden remark on Thursday, Afrasiab Khatak, a nationalist former senator and former head of the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), said in a tweet that the prime minister had been brought to power to implement "Project Taliban".
In a TV interview four years ago, Mr Khan refused to call Bin Laden a terrorist when pressed by the interviewer.
Imran Khan called Osama Bin Laden a martyr not because of any ideological commitment to the 9/11 mastermind but because it was politically convenient.
The world has come a long way from the politics of 9/11, but Islamist militancy is still seen by analysts as the main weapon of Pakistan's powerful military establishment to push for its perceived aims in India and Afghanistan.
Bin Laden and other senior al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders of that time are still revered by the militants, and they function as useful tools in recruiting people to the cause. Any move to officially downgrade Bin Laden's status therefore could be counter-productive.
Mr Khan is seen by his critics as close to the military establishment - a proxy who has been catapulted to power in a 2018 election allegedly rigged by the military.
His word choice on Thursday was not an accident. Many noted that during his speech he initially used the word "killed" for Bin Laden, then stopped himself and corrected to "martyred".