Thursday, November 7, 2019

All conspiracies against PPP hatched in Rawalpindi, Bilawal Bhutto

Pakistan Peoples Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said the PTI government is not elected but selected. It has destroyed economy, leaving all segments of the society including traders in the state of anxiety.
Addressing lawyers at the Multan High Court Bar Association on Wednesday, he said the selected government has no worry about reducing people’s miseries.
The rulers do not have people’s mandate. He told the lawyers community that the country needs their role to save constitution, democracy and federation. The PPP and lawyers can jointly save the country through collective struggle. He said the PPP and lawyers have remained part and parcel in struggle against dictators for the supremacy of rule of law and parliament.
He said lawyers played a key role for the protection of people’s rights. The country is passing through 2019 and political workers are thinking about justice and empowerment of judiciary. The story of justice cannot be detached from the history of the Bhutto family. The PPP believes in respect to honorable judges. The brave judges always rejected compromise on principles despite facing life threats.
He said all conspiracies against the PPP took place in Rawalpindi. The PPP has always been victimized, targeted and hanged in Rawalpindi. He said how he could respond to workers when Rawalpindi has become centre of victimization and conspiracies against the PPP? The judiciary hanged PPP founder Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Rawalpindi. PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari had sent a reference to the Supreme Court of Pakistan ten years ago for the retrial of Bhutto’s judicial murder. The whole Bhutto family has been waiting since long when the case is fixed for hearing. Bhutto’s judicial murder was a serious blunder and the judiciary must accept that Bhutto was innocent. The Bhutto family has been deprived of justice even after 70 years.
He said Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had given a complete code of life to the country in term of the 1973 Constitution but he was hanged. Even the judiciary could not give justice to Benazir Bhutto after her assassination in a suicide blast again in Rawalpindi, he added. Benazir launched countrywide agitation for the independence of judiciary and sacrificed her life for people’s rights.
He said the National Accountability Bureau is targeting democratic leadership instead conducting unbiased accountability in Naya Pakistan. NAB laws introduced by a dictator are ridiculing justice. The media is facing censorship. Political victimization should not have a role in Naya Pakistan, he said. The PPP chairman said Asif Ali Zardari is in jail without any charge and conviction. He said new laws are enacted to sentence the PPP leadership. He said all cases against Zardari belong to Sindh or Karachi but he is facing trial in Rawalpindi. He said Zardari has faced imprisonment for eleven years without any charge and now he is again in jail without any conviction.
He said conspiracies are being hatched to bring honorable judges under pressure for desired verdicts like in the Musharraf rule when he sacked Supreme Court of Pakistan judges. He said the country could only be saved through struggle against undemocratic forces. He said lawyers should launch struggle for the independence of judiciary.

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