Maxine Waters: If Martin Luther King Jr. were alive, he'd be marching for Trump's impeachment

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., speculated Monday that if Martin Luther King Jr. were alive in 2018, he would take to the streets to march for President Trump's impeachment, much like he did to advocate for civil rights in the 1950s and '60s.
"If MLK was alive today, he'd be marching not only for civil rights & protecting voting rights, but to urge Members of Congress to accept their responsibility to save the U.S. from a dangerous man who has no respect for our Constitution & no concern for strengthening our democracy," Waters wrote on Twitter.
If MLK was alive today, he'd be marching not only for civil rights & protecting voting rights, but to urge Members of Congress to accept their responsibility to save the U.S. from a dangerous man who has no respect for our Constitution & no concern for strengthening our democracy

"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have encouraged every responsible human being to march for justice, to march for peace, and most of all, to march for the impeachment of Donald Trump. #ThankYouMLK50," she added, with a hashtag marking 50 years since the civil rights icon was assassinated in Memphis, Tenn.
The California Democrat's high-profile criticism of Trump and her continued calls for his impeachment have prompted death threats from some of the president's self-identified supporters, as well as resulted in her being targeted by Russian bots online.
But her opposition to Trump has not diminished, despite the perceived personal and political risk.
On Friday, she called Trump "a racist and indecent man with no good values" in the wake of reports he had made disparaging remarks about Haiti and African nations in a White House meeting with senators to discuss immigration.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day‬ marked by pledges to fight racism, Trump criticism

Martin Luther King Jr.'s children and the pastor of an Atlanta church where he preached decried disparaging remarks    President Trump is said to have made about African countries, while protests between Haitian immigrants and Trump supporters broke out near the president's Florida resort Monday, the official federal holiday honoring King.
At gatherings across the nation, activists, residents and teachers honored the late civil rights leader on what would have been his 89th birthday and ahead of the 50th anniversary of his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee. In Oklahoma, the Cherokee Nation marked Martin Luther King Jr. Day with events aimed at coming to terms with its own history of slavery and by welcoming descendants of former slaves into the tribe.
Mr. Trump marked his first King holiday as president buffeted by claims that during a meeting with senators on immigration last week, he used a vulgarity to describe African countries and questioned the need to allow more Haitians into the U.S. He also is said to have asked why the country couldn't have more immigrants from nations like Norway.
In Washington, King's eldest son, Martin Luther King III, criticized Mr. Trump, saying, "When a president insists that our nation needs more citizens from white states like Norway, I don't even think we need to spend any time even talking about what it says and what it is."
He added, "We got to find a way to work on this man's heart."

Martin Luther King III, Ryan Zinke Attend Wreath Laying At MLK Memorial In DC
Martin Luther King III speaks in front of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on Jan. 15, 2018, in Washington D.C.

In Atlanta, King's daughter, the Rev. Bernice King, told hundreds of people who packed the pews of the Ebenezer Baptist Church that they "cannot allow the nations of the world to embrace the words that come from our president as a reflection of the true spirit of America." 
"We are one people, one nation, one blood, one destiny. ... All of civilization and humanity originated from the soils of Africa," Bernice King said. "Our collective voice in this hour must always be louder than the one who sometimes does not reflect the legacy of my father." 
Church pastor the Rev. Raphael Warnock also took issue with Mr. Trump's campaign slogan to "Make America Great Again." 
Warnock said he thinks America "is already great ... in large measure because of Africa and African people."
King's daughter, the Rev. Bernice King, keynote speaker at the Atlanta service, also criticized Mr. Trump, remarking, "We cannot allow the nations of the world to embrace the words that come from our president as a reflection of the true spirit of America."
"We are one people, one nation, one blood, one destiny. ... All of civilization and humanity originated from the soils of Africa," Bernice King said. "Our collective voice in this hour must always be louder than the one who sometimes does not reflect the legacy of my father."
  • Down the street from Mr. Trump's Mar-a-Lago retreat in Palm Beach, Florida, on Monday, Haitian protesters and Trump supporters yelled at each other from opposing corners. Trump was staying at the resort for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend. Video posted by WPEC-TV showed several hundred pro-Haiti demonstrators yelling from one side of the street Monday while waving Haitian flags. The Haitians and their supporters shouted "Our country is not a sh*thole," referring to comments the president reportedly made. Mr. Trump has said that is not the language he used. 
The smaller pro-Trump contingent waved American flags and campaign posters and yelled "Trump is making America great again." One man could be seen telling the Haitians to leave the country. Police kept the sides apart.
The day took on renewed meaning for descendants of black slaves owned by the Cherokee Nation but whose tribal citizenship was in flux until recently, despite a treaty guaranteeing rights equal to native Cherokees.
The tribe -- one of the country's largest -- is recognizing the King holiday for the first time this year with calls to service and speeches in which the tribe plans to confront its past. A federal court ruled last year that the descendants of former slaves, known as Freedmen, had the same rights to tribal citizenship, voting, health care and housing as blood-line Cherokees. 
"The time is now to deal with it and talk about it," said Cherokee Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. "It's been a positive thing for our country to reconcile that during Dr. King's era, and it's going to be a positive thing for Cherokees to talk about that history as part of reconciling our history with slavery." 
One descendant of Freedmen, Rodslen Brown-King, said her mother was able to vote as a Cherokee for the first and only time recently. Other relatives died before getting the benefits that come with tribal citizenship, including a 34-year-old nephew with stomach cancer, she said. 
"He was waiting on this decision," said Brown-King, of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. "It's just a lot of struggle, a lot of up and down trauma in our lives. It's exciting to know we are coming together and moving forward in this."

US And Pakistan Adversity: A Gateway To Russia – OpEd

By Baber Ali Bhatti

US President Donald Trump severally criticized Pakistan for allegedly supporting and harboring militants. In contrast to Trump’s tirade against Pakistan, several significant states in the region have lauded Pakistan’s efforts in the war against terror. The fact that Pakistan’s all-weather friend China, as well as Russia, came forward in defense of Pakistan reflects the credibility and respect Pakistan enjoys within the international community. Regionally Pakistan was already enjoying significant diplomatic and military support from Russia.
Russia echoed sentiments in favor of Pakistan. Russian Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov censured Trump’s Pakistan strategy and insisted that Islamabad is “a key regional player to negotiate with. Putting pressure [on Pakistan] may seriously destabilize the region-wide security situation and result in negative consequences for Afghanistan”.
One of the reasons behind Trump’s statement is considered as the means to counter growing Russia-Pakistan relations and Russia’s influence in the region. The two former Cold War-era rivals, who have the bitter past, have already managed to put their differences aside and step up their diplomatic, military and economic cooperation in recent years. Trump’s strategy provided an impetus to growing ties between Russia and Pakistan. Undoubtedly, Trump’s Pakistan strategy has eclipsed US-Pakistan relations.
Now, Islamabad would rigorously seek deeper ties with Moscow and recent developments imply that Russia has gravitated towards Islamabad.
Russia is likely to have greater influence in South Asia. Since the Indo-Russia relations have been eclipsed with the larger US weapon export to India, Russia may need to look for prospective markets for the sale of its military hardware and its gas. Thus, in the wake of Trump’s strategy, Pakistan is the best option for Russia to enhance its influence in South Asia. Now, Pakistan is likely to extend its relationship with Russia for military and economic cooperation, especially in the energy sector. Apart from economic opportunities, Russia views Pakistan as an important country in its backyard and very crucial in the Afghan settlement process. Trump administration has paved the way for these developments.
Some other factors can also be not over looked that are closing the distance between Russia and Pakistan. Renewed sanctions on Russia after the invasion of Ukraine, undoubtedly, have made Russia more pro-active in engaging with Pakistan. Ukraine episode has pushed Russia to explore new defense and energy markets. In such case, Pakistan might be lucrative market for Russia in these sectors.
A greater shift in international relations can also be predicted owing to the undesirable recent events between the US and Pakistan. India’s close defense ties with the US may further push Russia towards Pakistan.
Besides improving relations on the diplomatic front, Russia and Pakistan have already started to strengthen economic relations and trade because there has always been immense room for improvement in these sectors. In this regard, during the visit of the then President of Pakistan (Asif Ali Zardari) in 2011, it was decided that the capacity of the Pakistan Steel Mills would be expanded and an MOU on expansion and modernization of the Pakistan Steel Mills was signed by the two sides in February, 2013.
It is quite clear that Pakistan and Russia both find it mutually beneficial to develop economic and military ties at greater level. Axiomatically, there is great potential in fields of trade, energy and infrastructure development. It is to Pakistan’s utmost advantage to have good relations with all major powers in the region including Russia, especially after the changing dynamics of relations with the US and limited policy options with new administration in Washington which is acting idiosyncratically towards Pakistan.
Moreover, Pakistani and Russian security interests are increasingly intertwined, so Moscow is not likely to afford ignoring the emergence of threats from different terrorist groups in Afghanistan. Trump’s Afghan strategy has revealed the failures of US military in Afghanistan. In this regard, Pakistan may play a significant role in Afghanistan which can also be helpful for Russia to counter the emerging threats. Therefore, Pakistan must pursue its new relationship with Russia vigorously and should keep it independent of its relationships with other countries.

Why is Britain keeping quiet about Pakistan’s assault on free speech?

Jon Boone
The Foreign Office should be protesting about the kidnap and torture of social media activists, not pandering to the generals.
In recent times Pakistani social media activists of a liberal, secular persuasion have been abducted by agents of the state, tortured then released after a few weeks. Invariably they then give up the blogging business: they stop criticising the country’s military establishment, or the militant religious groups long backed by the army as proxy warriors.

Last month saw another abduction of a peace activist in Lahore. A Marxist professor was found dead in Karachi yesterday.
And last week, Taha Siddiqui, an outspoken journalist, narrowly escaped the most brazen kidnap attempt yet. He was roughed up, in broad daylight, by several armed men who had stopped the taxi he was travelling in on a busy Islamabad road. It is beyond any reasonable doubt that his attackers were military personnel. The army had already made clear its annoyance with his outspoken journalism.
Britain has had nothing to say about this growing assault on free speech, even when it involved a journalist who contributes to British media outlets, including this one. But there were no public condemnations. Not even the meekest expression of concern.
Readers of the official Twitter feed of the British High Commission, or the personal feed of Thomas Drew, Britain’s top diplomat in the country, will struggle to find mention of Siddiqui, the bloggers or anything else of substance. They will only see a stream of inane babblings about various public relations initiatives promoting Britain and soft news stories about Pakistan.
Unfortunately for liberal bloggers, despised religious minorities and other disfavoured groups, the Foreign Office has deliberately positioned itself as Pakistan’s cheerleader in chief.
Pakistan, it is thought, is too important to upset. Britain’s spooks particularly prize the intelligence-sharing relationship. All Boris Johnson appeared to want to talk about during his recent visit to Pakistan was a future, post-Brexit trade deal. The British reflex to pander to Pakistan will likely be reinforced by the tough new approach of Donald Trump. The US president has started talking very frankly to Pakistan, demanding it end its decades-long support for the Taliban. For more than 10 years the UK has remained silent about the immense damage Pakistan has done to British efforts in Afghanistan. The UK has preferred to believe the endless promises of successive army chiefs that, this time, things really are going to change. They never do.
At times the UK seems keener to challenge negative international perceptions of Pakistan than the Pakistani government itself. Foreign journalists are presented with a “narrative” of a country on the up. It is not Britain’s job to shill for Pakistan. And it is a highly contestable claim. While terrorist violence is sharply down, it has been achieved in a way that is unlikely to be sustainable: a campaign of illegal abductions and killings rather than root and branch reform of an incapable police and broken judicial system. The business environment remains unreformed, and the country never far from its next economic crisis.
Even if Pakistan had turned a corner Britain should not be blind to the problems that remain, or afraid to raise its concerns publicly. The UK is deeply involved in the guts of Pakistan’s internal affairs. The Department for International Development, for instance, spends more money in Pakistan than anywhere else, and is a key player in reforming the country’s school system.
The concern for education is laudable. But Britain should be equally concerned about a campaign to silence the military’s few critics. It appears to be part of a broader plan to manipulate and undermine democracy that saw prime minister Nawaz Sharif thrown from office on a technicality last year. It is not at all clear whether Pakistan will have elections as scheduled this year. British diplomats actually make the problem worse by conducting diplomacy with army generals in their headquarters in the city of Rawalpindi, further undermining the authority of elected civilians.
The lavish aid programme and the sheer size of the British-Pakistani community means the UK has serious clout in Islamabad. Public disapproval from the UK would impose some cost at least on a deep state running amok. As it is, the Pakistan army has correctly concluded that it can abduct off-message journalists with impunity. A pliant local media did not even need to be told to avoid covering Siddiqui’s abduction. The generals can live with a few bleats of admonishment from international rights organisations.
Pakistan is one of the few country’s where the public displeasure of the British high commissioner might have a useful effect.

#justiceforZainab #Pakistan - OP-ED Who is guilty? The individual or society?

By Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed
We can’t continue to be the proverbial pigeons who can close our eyes and imagine that the predatory cat is not out there. It is, and it is real and ready to pounce on us any time.

The horrific rape and murder of tiny Zainab in Kasur, the outburst of public anger and protest and the usual brutality of the police once again put into sharp relief the rotten nature of our society and our polity.
As a social scientist I would like to draw attention to an inherent bias in our way of perceiving crime and guilt. Quite naturally the person (in social science called actor) who committed that heinous crime should be punished as severely without mercy as our laws provide. There can be no two opinions about it.
Nevertheless, in social science there is vast literature which draws attention to structures — the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of social systems: in simpler language the whole gambit of socio-economic, cultural-ideological and political power relations obtaining in society and circumscribing human relations constitute structures which circumscribe our behaviour.
Understandably structures are far more complex, abstract and impersonal to be identified, tried in a court of law and punished for a crime. Therefore, the legal system and our focuses only on actors because they are real, tangible human entities while structures are not.
Structural change along with therapeutic treatment of odd and unacceptable behaviour of individuals can to a large extent help us bring violent crime such as rape and murder down to a very significant level
Structural analysis suggests that human behaviour is largely though not entirely determined by the circumstances in which people are born, socialized, and raised. This includes the family, the locality, the schools and the larger society. Therefore, if human behaviour is increasingly malevolent and dangerous then changes in structures are needed to curtail or reduce such behaviour, though no societal intervention will ever eliminate completely flawed and dangerous attitudes and behaviour. Some individuals are congenitally crime-prone and violence-prone. They have to be isolated from the rest of society because they are dangerous.
However, the general assumption of social science is that human beings by and large are amenable to change for the better. For that to happen changes must be wrought in the structures in which they are placed. Therefore, while crime will continue to be associated with actors or individuals and groups of individuals, it is the structures which need to be changed for people to behave in a normal and acceptable manner.
Let me say that in neighbouring India some cases of rape and murder have been exceedingly chocking. Instead of one person a whole group has committed such crimes and that two in Delhi, the metropolis of modern India. Therefore, rape and murder in the present form has something to do with deep structures which need to be identified and replaced by better ones.

I remember meeting an old friend who was a rich farmer on one of the occasions when I was visiting Pakistan. He told me frankly with a glee that he employs only those women on his farm who are willing to render him free sexual services. On another occasion I learnt to my very great shock from my younger brother who was posted in southern Punjab that when he was posted in a small town there he caught in the very first morning when he got up three young men trying to rape a goat which was groaning in pain. He had chhittars (old shoe bottoms) inflicted on their bare bottoms as punishment for such obscene behaviour, but those fellows pleaded that in their social milieu bestiality was considered a rite of passage to demonstrate that a boy has come of age and become a man.
Another fellow I met in Stockholm who now goes around claiming that he is a judge of the Stockholm High Court (whereas he is merely a member of jury nominated by a Swedish political party who under praxis of legal procedure sits along with the judge and other members of the jury on the same bench) that in his village and those around it was a value to prove your manhood by committing some theft: mainly cattle-lifting and things like that.
For us town dwellers these are odd customs and practices but most young men and women of lower middle class and middle-middle class in the urban areas experience severe sexual repression too and privately resort to all sorts of outlets to relieve themselves.
And if we remember that since independence the towns and cities have been swarmed by the huge influx of young men from the rural areas one can imagine the anomie and alienation they feel in the urban areas. Sodomy which is not the same as homosexuality is one outlet which people resort to it and it also results in frequent and recurring rapes.
Now here is the problem: nature renders us biologically active from very early age, while society inculcates in us norms and rules about responsible behaviour so that the social being takes over the biological being.
In the past people were married off when they were in their teens. My father’s first marriage took place when he was in the 8th class. We are native Lahoris since as long as my elders can remember. That sort of arrangement is over and passé in the towns and cities. Even in the villages such a practice is decreasing quickly because agriculture does not provide enough means to establish a family.
All this leads to violent sexual behaviour. A lot of rapes take place, very, very few are reported; most take place within the four walls of a house and the culprits are overwhelmingly close relatives.
We can’t continue to be the proverbial pigeons who can close our eyes and imagine that the predatory cat is not out there. It is, and it is real and ready to pounce on us any time. It is time to openly debate the need for a more relaxed relationship between males and females. Even sexual relations considered odd need to be studied and understood in the light of scientific theories and knowledge.The roots cause is segregation and we tend to blame actors but condone structures. Culture is another serious problem. So-called honour killing deriving from biradarism, false and hypocritical piety and so on destroy lives.
The old structures are worn out, obsolete and redundant. We must create a healthier, more honest and humane social order if we are ever to be honest to ourselves and to our younger generations. Structural change along with therapeutic treatment of odd and unacceptable behaviour of individuals can to a large extent help us bring violent crime such as rape and murder down to a very significant level. Understandably we would need to consult experts on ethics and morality to find solutions which can be advanced in an overwhelmingly Muslim society.

Pakistan celebrities break taboo to reveal child sexual abuse

By Memphis Barker

Three prominent women link up with #MeToo movement amid furore over rape and murder of seven-year-old girl.
Three Pakistani celebrities have become the first women in the conservative nation’s history to publicly reveal that they were sexually abused as children, amid a national furore over the rape and murder of a seven-year-old girl.
The actor Nadia Jamil, designer Maheen Khan, and PR guru Frieha Altaf shared their stories on social media.
Jamil told her 100,000 Twitter followers on Saturday that “I was 4 the first time I was abused sexually”.
“People tell me not to talk to respect my family’s honour,” she added. “But is my family’s honour packed in my body? I am a proud strong, loving, survivor. No shame on me or my kids.”
Khan, who embroidered the costumes in Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), said that the mullah who came to teach her the Qur’an “abused me sexually. I froze in fear day after day.”
On Sunday, Altaf posted: “I was sexually abused by our cook at age six … the only shame is keeping SILENT.”
The revelations come as police in the city of Kasur hunt for the killer of seven-year-old Zainab Ansari. DNA analysis suggests the suspect may be responsible for the murder up to 11 other children within the same two-mile radius in the past year, a spate of killings that has prompted large protests and allegations of police neglect.
On Twitter, the celebrities used the hashtag #justiceforZainab. They also appended #MeToo, linking their stories with the international fightback against abusers sparked by the Harvey Weinstein scandal.
“It’s a first and a wonderful point that has been made,” said Manizeh Bano, the executive director of Sahil, an anti-child abuse charity. She hoped other survivors would be encouraged to come forward by powerful women breaking the national taboo against open discussion of sexual matters.
Pakistan ranks as the world’s fourth least hospitable country for women and has a legal age of consent of 12.
All the women have received supportive messages on social media.
“Since yesterday I have had 20 people call me and talk to me about their own instances,” Altaf told the Guardian.
“This topic has been festering for a long time,” added Khan, saying that she hopes the state will bring in capital punishment for abusers, since “if the child has not died, she is still not alive anymore for the rest of her life”.
Sexual education is absent from Pakistan’s national curriculum, and even broaching the subject is liable to provoke the country’s religious right wing.
Responding to the Zainab case, Hafiz Hamdullah, a senator for the Islamist party Jamiat Ulema-e Islam, said if “the western version of sex education [is] allowed in schools … it will aggravate the situation even more”.
Verses in the Qur’an that detail the process of conception are typically ignored by mullahs and left out of translations from Arabic, notes Sahil’s Bano.
Yet activists and government officials believe that the soul-searching over the Zainab case could at least pave the way for classes informing children on how to protect themselves from abusers. The information minister, Marriyum Aurangzeb, spoke in favour of such lessons in parliament.
Nevertheless, the options available to those who have been abused leave much to be desired. Pakistan lacks child-friendly or women-friendly courts, meaning few dare to come forward. Meanwhile a law that requires the state to pay for abused children’s legal aid has still not been implemented.

#JusticeForZainab - زینب واقعے سے جگ ہنسائی ہوئی، بچوں کا تحفظ قومی مسئلہ ہے: بلاول بھٹو

بلاول بھٹو نے کہا ہے کہ زینب واقعے سے پاکستان کی جگ ہنسائی ہوئی،

بچوں کا تحفظ ایک قومی مسئلہ ہے، یہ ذاتی یا صوبائی معاملہ نہیں۔
ان خیالات کا اظہار چیئرمین پیپلزپارٹی نے معروف گلوکار اور سماجی کارکن شہزاد رائے کے ساتھ پریس کانفرنس کرتے ہوئے کیا۔
ان کا کہنا تھا کہ آج اس واقعے پر بات کرنا ضروری ہے، سندھ حکومت بچوں کے تحفظ کے لیے اقدامات کررہی ہے، اسی ضمن میں چائلڈ پروٹیکشن ایکٹ پاس کیا، قصورجیسے واقعات کی مستقل بنیادوں پرروک تھام ضروری ہے۔اس معاملے میں تمام سیاسی جماعتیں کے ایک صفحے پر ہونی چاہییں۔
انھوں نے اعلان کیا کہ اگلے تعلیمی سال سے سندھ میں تیسری جماعت سے تمام کلاسوں میں بچوں کو اپنے بچاﺅ اور نشوونماسے متعلق معلومات کو نصاب کا حصہ بنایا جائے گا۔
اس موقع شہزاد رائے کا کہنا تھا کہ قصور کے افسوس ناک واقعے کی جتنی مذمت کی جائے کم ہے، سوسائٹی اس وقت تبدیل ہوتی ہے، جب قانون پر عمل ہو،بچوں میں اپنے بچاﺅ کی تعلیم ہر صوبے کے نصاب میں شامل ہونی چاہیے۔
انھوں نے کہا کہ سندھ حکومت نے کئی سال پہلے زندگی ٹرسٹ کے ساتھ پروگرام شروع کیا تھا،پروگرام کی کامیابی کے لیے ہرممکن تعاون فراہم کیا، جس کے لیے ہم سندھ حکومت کے شکر گزار ہیں۔

Our police system is obsolete, needs reforms: Bilawal Bhutto

Chairperson Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto said that the police system in our country has gone obsolete and it needs to be reformed.

He was addressing a press conference here on Monday.
Bilawal Bhutto said that awareness and education are very important to fight the menace of child abuse.
“We cannot fight child abuse if our children don't know how to protect themselves," he said. "All political parties should gather at one platform for protect the child rights."
He said that the Sindh government is taking all out efforts to introduce an education curriculum based on skills for the children in the province.
Bilawal said that the life skills-based education curriculum has been adopted at Fatima Jinnah Government School and it showed positive results.
He said the Sindh government would implement similar curriculum in 200 schools across the province.
The PPP chairperson said that children should know how to protect themselves, their health and their body.
He also said that he was not satisfied with the police system and proper changes should be made for an accountable police.

#ZainabZindaHai - Bilawal stresses awareness to combat child abuse

Laying emphasis on creating awareness about preventive measures to combat child abuse, Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Monday urged all political parties to be on the same page for protection of the vulnerable segments of society.

Addressing a press conference alongside famed social activist and singer Shehzad Roy, Bilawal attached importance to awareness to fight the menace of child abuse.
“Punishment to culprits is imperative but it could not ensure protection to the minors,” he said while comparing the higher number of child abuse cases in far developed countries with specific laws and punishment pertaining to the crime.
Adding weight to his assertion, he said the child abuse cases are reported in Saudi Arabia and Iran too, despite a fact the criminals in both countries are hanged publicly.
“We cannot fight child abuse if our children don’t know how to protect themselves,” he underlined.
The PPP chairperson said the children must know themselves how to take preventive measure for their protection.
Coming on curriculum, Bilawal said Sindh government is making all-out efforts to enhance life skills-based education in the province.
Deploring Kasur incident, he reiterated the awareness among children is necessary to defend themselves.
He said the horrific incident made people to speak about child abuse.

Bilawal Bhutto - Sindh Govt is taking all necessary steps to adopt life skills-based education in curriculum across province.