Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Syrian Minister Calls for Creation of Clergy Free of Terrorist Ideas

There is a necessity to create a new clergy in Syria, which will not be affected by terrorist ideas, to "rebuild" the country morally, Syrian Minister of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) Mohammad Abdul-Sattar Sayyed said Wednesday.

The minister added that Syrian President Bashar Assad ordered the ministry to re-educate people, who had been "zombified" by terrorists and to reach a "moral and spiritual" reconstruction of Syria.
"It is necessary to create a new group of people in Syria. They will be young imams, preachers, religious activists, who would be cleared from terrorist terms," Sayyed said.
According to the minister, terrorists used to teach children on the occupied territories within the framework of Wahhabi education programs.
Within the framework of the Syrian civil war, terrorist groups, such as Daesh terrorist group, which is outlawed in many countries, including the United States and Russia, have occupied vast territories of the crisis-torn state. The radicals have attempted to create their own institutions in the controlled areas, including in the sphere of education.

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